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Quitti December 6th, 2010 12:22 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Oops, I accidentally the whole pythian army, is this serious? Abysia at least seems to enjoy bashing pythian PD too, welcome aboard to the failboat!

NooBliss December 6th, 2010 12:33 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Oh, nevermind us. We just needed a passage to some tasty indies, and Pythium is dead anyway. Dead men don't need shoes, right?

Verjigorm December 6th, 2010 02:39 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 765148)
Oops, I accidentally the whole pythian army, is this serious? Abysia at least seems to enjoy bashing pythian PD too, welcome aboard to the failboat!

Gladiators are relatively easy to kill, but I had figured you wouldn't actually fight them instead preferring to use the standard anti-gladiator tactic which is to take them out with a tiny force set on retreat and back your army off of my capitol which is what you did. If I had instead used my resources to build a small number of durable soldiers, you probably would not have removed your army from my capitol.

Now that your army has left the capitol of Pythium, I get another attempt to demolish the fort which was the the purpose of the invasion, and if you had left your army in place to fight the gladiators, I would have most likely injured your force in some way which is also good, but, I think, probably significantly less expensive than the possibility of losing a free castle. Which means that opting to remove your army from the capitol may have, in fact, been the wrong choice depending on whether or not you can retake the capitol next turn and prevent me from destroying the castle. Since my entire force is set to attack you in your current province, there exists a probability that your force will not be able to reoccupy the capitol in which case, you lose the castle. ;)

As for my strategy, it was an obvious failure, but it was my first attempt at using Pythium in MP. My building strategy, I think, should have employed Hydras to take out early indies since they're quite good at that and for some reason intimidating to early rushers (according to other people, whom I don't necessarily believe), and used gladiator groups to capture capitol neighbors on the first few turns to produce an income lead. The strategy I used was sh!t, I admit it. It was a very poor opening.

PriestyMan December 6th, 2010 02:50 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Props to Man for denying the castles to his enemies. way to spite them!

Quitti December 6th, 2010 06:15 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 765164)
I would have most likely injured your force in some way which is also good, but, I think, probably significantly less expensive than the possibility of losing a free castle.

Except that I would've had the need to ferry more troops from over 6 provinces away, which would cost me few more turns to deal with this whole mess. And I'm kind of time-constrained. Sure, I'll miss your great city if you manage to take it out.


there exists a probability that your force will not be able to reoccupy the capitol in which case, you lose the castle. ;)
Depends on the nation order. cba to check out which one of us gets the first move.


should have employed Hydras to take out early indies
True. Your expansion was pitifully weak compared to most other nations.


Originally Posted by NooBliss
Dead men don't need shoes, right?

Exactly. Though it might be sandals in this case.

Executor December 6th, 2010 06:35 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
As far as I've seen everyone's expansion was pitifully weak in this game, doe I blame that on the map, it's hard to work around all those choke points, bridges, mountains...

Verjigorm December 6th, 2010 07:36 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
No... My lackluster expansion was due to stupidity resulting from laziness... Blaming the map will not improve my future performance.

Verjigorm December 6th, 2010 07:44 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 765195)
Depends on the nation order. cba to check out which one of us gets the first move.

Pythium is nation #29, Mictlan is #33.

I had thought it was somehow randomized... I recall reading something in the manual (that I don't want to look up right now) that said that aggressive movements occur in a random order, but if what you say is true, and it is based on the nation ordinal, then I will successfully block your move back onto the capitol and the city will be burned to ashes before you arrive.

Also, I'm not Man, as someone stated above, but rather Pythium, and once it was clear that "winning" is not an achievable goal, then in accordance with the Honorable Player rules, I must, therefore, alter the goal to seek to injure my opponent(s) as much as possible before I fade into Oblivion. Assuming that all of my property becomes the property of various enemy factions, then the best option, therefore, is to damage or destroy my enemy's future property while it is under my control unless production within said property would yield a greater net loss to my opponent than it's ruin. In this case ruin trumped production due primarily to the projected speed of conquest, and demolishing production facilities became the most profitable option.

Quitti December 6th, 2010 08:04 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 765221)
in accordance with the Honorable Player rules, I must, therefore, alter the goal to seek to injure my opponent(s)

Exactly. I commend thee on following this tenet, my dear sir. It's what I usually do.

PriestyMan December 6th, 2010 10:56 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
You are not Man, but the player who is man just demolished *2* of his own castles in order to deny them from his enemies

Executor December 6th, 2010 11:18 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
So that's Ashdod, Shinyjama, Man, and Pythium so far. Is it even turn 20 yet?

NooBliss December 7th, 2010 04:39 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
You forgot about Utgard. ^^ He is just as dead as Man, isnt he.

Quitti December 7th, 2010 09:48 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Utgard is LA nation, this is MA game afaik.

Executor December 7th, 2010 11:22 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Abysia, that would be a good place to stop your expansion, you've taken crystal sorceresses, don't get greedy.

NooBliss December 7th, 2010 11:47 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Of course.

Verjigorm December 7th, 2010 02:30 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Success! The destruction of Pythium's capitol fortification went as planned. All remaining provinces should be at or above 100 unrest.

Aaah.... Mission accomplished.

Awund December 8th, 2010 09:59 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 765250)
So that's Ashdod, Shinyjama, Man, and Pythium so far. Is it even turn 20 yet?

And jotunheim, I'm as good as dead (down to 2 provinces).

Awund December 8th, 2010 10:30 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Ok, that was before I viewed the last turn. I'm now down to 12 units without commanders in my sieged capitol. I've set myself to AI too.

Executor December 8th, 2010 11:03 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
That was one heck of a battle.

Pjoo December 8th, 2010 01:18 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Yep. It really looked like at one point you were going to lose, but then Jotunheim routed :/

Stagger Lee December 10th, 2010 02:10 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
A single thud.

Some have likened it to the sound of a prize 400lb tuna slipping out of a net and dropping 20 feet onto a concrete pier.

That is the sound of revelry in Agartha. No bells ring out, nobody dances in the street, but when the enemies of Agartha are dead or running away, at the end of the day, all agarthans raise a huge, meaty hand and in unison strike at the only thing they know they have a good chance of actually hitting - the rock outcrop above the cycloptic eye that most species call a "forehead". And for a night, they will be less morose, for Agartha is free and the pretty knights in black are dead, or gone, it matters not which. Tomorrow, the melancholy will return. Will Ulm?

Verjigorm December 12th, 2010 01:09 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
My last province is taken, and I am now officially out of the game.

Have fun!

Ossa December 13th, 2010 01:19 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Ouch. I didnt know what at17 horsemen with 2 attacks with +6ap damage can do.

Looks like i did my TC builds wrong all the time;)

Corinthian December 13th, 2010 07:55 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by Ossa (Post 765949)
Ouch. I didnt know what at17 horsemen with 2 attacks with +6ap damage can do.

Looks like i did my TC builds wrong all the time;)

Why, thank you!

When I first made my pretender i read Baalz excellent guide for T'ien Ch'i. It was a rather awkward strategy involving masses of cheap infantry and super communions. Naturally, I turned around and did the complete opposite. After all, there is no point in using the same tactic that everyone else have already used and are expecting. For example: Baalz guide specifically states that T'ien Ch'is sacreds are bad and are to be ignored.:D

I'm essentially playing T'ien Ch'i: The sacred rush nation!

I could give you some more tips on playing TC but unfortunately I am playing against you right now and it would probably be a bad idea to reveal my had this soon.

Also, Ossa. Why all the temples? According to my calculations, you are putting out twice as much dominion as me and your dominion is caustic! Seriously! I built a ring of four temples by the entrance to your lands, plus used preachers. And my dominion was still being pushed back. I had to evacuate one of my research castles in order to avoid disease.:mad:

In short; you should have expected my attack!

PriestyMan December 13th, 2010 08:04 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
just wait till you have a big fight in the winter....

Corinthian December 14th, 2010 09:45 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by PriestyMan (Post 766001)
just wait till you have a big fight in the winter....

Faithless priest! The winter will not bring me down! It is I whom will bring the winter down!

You'll see! You will all see!

NooBliss December 15th, 2010 05:22 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Shh! Dont mention this abominable season!
Heck, our old bones ache just from thinking about it...

Juffos December 17th, 2010 04:00 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
I will be gone during the weekend.

NooBliss December 21st, 2010 08:16 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
What's up with the hosting interval? One turn per week doesnt seem like much action.

Corinthian December 21st, 2010 01:27 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
It's probably to accommodate the fact that a lot of people will be unable to play regularly during the holidays. Me? I will party were the sun don't shine. I'm not kidding about this.

Corinthian December 22nd, 2010 08:22 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Um, guys? Keep in mind that just because it's a long timer doe not mean that you cant send the turn file early. If most people have already posted their turns, it will put pressure on those whom have not yet submitted and we can all play faster.

I can see several people that are online that have not submitted a turn yet.

NooBliss December 22nd, 2010 09:58 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Afaik, in order to make people submit turns earlier you have to shorten the timer. There's no other way. I, for one, dont feel like submitting my turn and waiting for 4 days - even if my turn is ready.

Thats why I asked to switch to some realistic schedule; host can always postpone the game after all.

NooBliss December 27th, 2010 02:27 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Maybe it's more humane to declare this game finished?

Quitti December 27th, 2010 06:54 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
To whose benefit? Why?

Stagger Lee December 27th, 2010 08:09 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Holiday breaks are neither unusual nor unwelcome. I assume normal scheduling will return in a week or so. As will the players. :)

Juffos December 28th, 2010 08:18 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Santa called. This game is over.


Quitti January 3rd, 2011 06:36 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by Juffos (Post 767199)


Now. Let's get this game going. Submit your turns! (Even the russians should find a moment of soberness for it!)

Executor January 4th, 2011 05:21 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Will the hosting interval be lowered again, I have no intention in playing with a turn per week schedule.

Corinthian January 11th, 2011 11:33 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Hmm. Oh yea! This game! I was playing TC right? Now what was I up to? This game move so slowly that I have forgotten.......

Quitti January 12th, 2011 01:08 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Attack a neighbor, make it interesting again!

Executor January 12th, 2011 04:50 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Ermor buying astral gems, we offer fire at exchange rate of 1.4 for 1, air at the exchange rate of 1.2 for 1 and death at 1 for 1 ratio, we also offer gold at the price of 30 gold per astral gems.

Also, anyone interested in selling blood slaves please contact us.

NooBliss January 13th, 2011 03:48 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Is it just me, or is this game postponed yet again?

Executor January 13th, 2011 03:57 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Yes, but I think this one was a Llamaserver delay. Llama seem to be fixing some bugs regarding the new patch, regarding score graphs? and I've seen other games get delayed (the ones I admin)

This of course means that someone will still wait til the deadline to drop in the turn, just before it hosts...

NooBliss January 16th, 2011 02:10 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Damnit. Server has postponed the hosting even further!

Corinthian January 20th, 2011 12:35 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Oh no! Pangaea! What happened to you?

Seriously though. I thought I would loose that battle. As such, I only sent the expendable mages that I could afford to miss. And I would probably have lost it too, were it not for one of my mages breaking script and spamming raise dead. That probably gave my army the hitpoints to resist a mass rout. It also, regrettably, killed half of my communion slaves. A fair trade though.

Anyway, what is going down in Mictlan these days? I don't have any scouts down there and i'm curious.

Executor January 20th, 2011 01:19 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Never so good to stick everything in one single army. Was a good battle doe. I thought TC would have lost due to fatigue and critical hits eventually but it seems it was TC who cast relief.

But seriously? Panic? That was a terrible spell for either one of you.
Did either one of you actually script that spell or was that yet another brilliant AI move?
I expected something more like destruction + earth meld. I think that would have easily won you the battle Pangaea.

And yes, what is happening? I've been waiting for a while to see any real battles down there. I must say, I like your armies Bandar.

Corinthian January 20th, 2011 01:39 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Yea, panic did not work out like he planned it. The problem seem to be that it always target the biggest, unbroken, unit first. For me? That would be my squad of Celestial soliders. I checked, and at one point one of them had moral -52. Unfortunately for Pangaea, he did not take any damage for a long time and did as such not need to make moral checks.

My only panic caster was a indy commander with a wall shaker. Wall shakers give you the ability to cast panic for free. And its not like he had anything better to do.

Personally, I expected him to cast: AoG and earthquake. But I did not realize that his only earth 4 caster only had 1 hitpoint. Man, Pangaea is really hurting for lack of bloodstones, aren't they?

NooBliss January 24th, 2011 06:24 AM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Could we just increase hosting interval and stop postponing? IIRC each turn is being postponed twice since before the NE. I know it's very dramatic, but more then enough is too much. :)

Quitti January 25th, 2011 08:50 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition

Originally Posted by Corinthian (Post 768949)
Anyway, what is going down in Mictlan these days? I don't have any scouts down there and i'm curious.

Oh the normal stuff, warm winters, hot summers. We're enjoying some stellar views from our castles while couple of nations are knocking at the doors. Not much to do but to drink enough wine (those endless bags are really good, they pack a punch) and this broth is really tasty. Yum. The general populace are confused though, why are the evil burning men and apes appearing all over? Are they scared of our forests or what? It's not like we haven't been peaceful (Except for those evil pythians, who were like really evil with their PD40 provinces!). We even forfeited all blood magic to keep you guys happy and this is how you repay us?

Debaser8 February 21st, 2011 07:20 PM

Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
The score tables are stuck on turn 41. I was wondering if we should ask Llamabeast to update them. On the one hand it would be useful to have more information, on the other hand being a little in the dark might add to the fun/realism (a relative term in dominions) of the game and we do have graphs (though I find them harder to read for some things). And of course it would take some time from LLama who generously hosts the server.

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