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Laddwr June 2nd, 2011 09:46 PM

That Sucks

Originally Posted by AfroSquirrel (Post 778214)
Niefelheim has now become the third nation on the distinguished list of "Nations who introduce themselves via invasion". Furthermore, they accompanied this attack with a warning to 'withdraw or be attacked'...

Also, I'm having the same Air gem shortage as Sauro. I can trade pretty much any other type that isn't Astral, though.

You're steppin' in my turf, yo. By that I mean you're rapidly expanding into my territory. I don't like that.

AfroSquirrel June 3rd, 2011 01:22 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
My intended sub forgot to mention his email address. Well, my downtime has been shortened, so all it would take to keep me on track is one day's extension of the next turn. If this would be a problem, I can take the stale without being crippled.

Ghill June 5th, 2011 04:04 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Now things will get interesting.

AfroSquirrel, I really hope you are taking your own turn 19. There are some "important" events happening then.

AfroSquirrel June 5th, 2011 08:45 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I will be; I just missed 17. What values of "important" are we thinking of?

Ghill June 6th, 2011 01:53 PM

Turn 19: It is coming.
@AfroSquirrel The game-changing kind of 'important'. :D

Next turn you will all understand.

AfroSquirrel June 7th, 2011 01:55 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
And there's our little line-in-the-sand. Place your bets now, and maybe take a shot at influencing the outcome!

Laddwr June 7th, 2011 06:13 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Could we get a list of who's on each side? Sorry I hade to be late to the party, my power went out... because of the heat or something, they never really explained why.

AfroSquirrel June 7th, 2011 06:29 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]

Originally Posted by Laddwr (Post 778462)
Could we get a list of who's on each side? Sorry I hade to be late to the party, my power went out... because of the heat or something, they never really explained why.



Atlantis; Mr. T

Other nations are free to publish their diplomatic positions as they wish, but I won't make public any agreements without formal consent from all nations involved.

Ghill June 7th, 2011 06:49 PM

Turn 20: Oh no, you are much more screwed than that.
Ah, I see there was some ambiguity in my message.

The Great and Unsecret Alliance (no, I didn't run the name by the others first) consists of:

Attacking Atlantis or Niefelheim is the same as attacking Sauromatia, though I will be less-immediate in my retaliation due to logistical constraints (I can't reach very far).

Hinnom probably doesn't have any allies yet, as I have no enemies that border me and thus no one who can profit properly from a war with me (unless they have Call of the Winds, or Call of the Wild).

Also, trading with Hinnom will not be considered an action against us. It's just business. :D Incidentally, price gouging is in style this time of year.

Ghill June 8th, 2011 02:53 AM

Turn 21: A good start (that is a weird reference)
The first clash went better than I feared, and far better than I expected. Unfortunately I am inexplicably out of money now. :p

I would claim that it was strategic genius, but it appears Hinnom was already otherwise engaged. I fought fresh, inexperienced troops with my some-what veteran expansionary army. Wish I had better scouting, but I spent all of my money on ------ instead...

To everyone, a friendly reminder to invest a little in PD for key provinces. Someone who was after Air Gems managed to get enough for a few "air strikes".

Laddwr June 8th, 2011 05:02 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
New MotD.

Ghill June 9th, 2011 02:52 AM

Turn 22: Now I just need to gather my reinforcements...
This thread is really quiet. Guess everyone but me is keeping information secretively.

A little PD goes a long way, especially in securing an attack route.

Also, I recommend building a temple and lab after a fort is in place. Otherwise that is 400 gold down the drain, 900 if your enemy decides to burn the lab rather than risk letting you retake it. Hypothetically, of course.

EDIT: Laddwr, what is a MotD?

Laddwr June 10th, 2011 04:51 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Message of the Day. It's the little blurb above the "who's gone" thing on llamaserver.

Ghill June 11th, 2011 02:39 AM

Turn 24: Playing psychology, mostly alone.
I can't help but notice that the vast majority of this thread consists of my turn-reaction posts. Apparently most people aren't into high banter games.

At this point in the game my reconnaissance is pretty bad, but I can't help but notice that there is a ton of unconquered Independent territory still. I guess explains why I was the first to declare war.

Also, if anyone wants blood slaves I will trade them for cheap. At this point I have over 30, and I am seriously considering using as melee fighters in my army. They are that useless to me right now.

P.S. Last turn didn't inspire me to post. *gasp*

EDIT: I just noticed the numerical score tables on Llamaserver. How the hell are there still 82 independent provinces?

AfroSquirrel June 11th, 2011 11:38 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Yeah, I was still expecting to be conquering indies for at least another 10 turns or so when you declared.

Also, my Champions are retarded. i recruited you for your nets why dont you use them

LongBrodie June 11th, 2011 07:05 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I've been locked in a rather fun and exciting war with Mictlan since about turn 10 or so. Haven't had much time for posting thanks to working 12 hour shifts... I'm just glad I've managed to avoid staling so far.

AfroSquirrel June 12th, 2011 01:01 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Finally, a battle that goes according to plan! Now just to resolve the crisis in the north...

Laddwr June 12th, 2011 02:02 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I've had little time to cap indie provinces, due to the ongoing war effort, lack of gold and barbarians kicking giant ***. Still managed to grab a few provinces, but not nearly enough. I hope my conquests from Hinnom can help compensate. Also, who the hell puts a single water province in the center of the map? It's like it was divided just to taunt me.

Reminds me of a singleplayer game I started a while back as Ocenia. My starting province was at the top of the map and surrounded by land on all edges besides a single water province a few provinces down. What made it worse was that the only way to get to the sea wa through an enemy capitol. I don't know if U gave up on that one or not.

Ghill June 12th, 2011 03:10 PM

Turn 25: Blood Trade and Warfare
I just figured out my end game magic strategy, I just need to focus on the war with Hinnom now. :D

I unloaded those Blood Slaves to a certain someone, and my new armies are heading out to the front lines. If anyone wants to sell gems, I'm interested in buying.

Also, if anyone happens to discovers one of my, uh, "ambassadors", no hard feelings?

AfroSquirrel June 12th, 2011 10:43 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I finally bothered to read the MotD. Why am I the 'bloodthirsty giant war machine'? I'm just minding my own business, and then suddenly everyone decides that HinnomLand is their most desirable vacation spot!

I still don't understand your reasons for supporting Sauromatia, Laddwr. If I lose, Sauro will just turn its armies northward, whereas if I win, I'll be expanding westward and would have been fine with leaving you alone for the time.

Ghill June 13th, 2011 12:25 AM

Turn 26: Pause before the siege
Building armies and getting into position, waiting for the inevitable counter attacks. So, let's look at how we got into this particular conflict.

I should probably let Laddwr explain his own actions, so I will. My reasons for invading you should be fairly clear though. At the time I ran out of room to expand, and you were one of the three most powerful (and dangerous) nations in the world. You were also the only powerful nation neighboring me. Expansion is survival, stagnation is destruction, so I had to go to invade someone. Why let my rival get stronger, when I could get stronger by making them weaker? So, I decided to invade Hinnom. I had 2 other neighbors, why bother starting a multiple front war? So I sought alliances. They were both (at the time) weak, so they accepted my generous terms.

The best part of this, is that I don't have to fight them right after I beat you. If I take your mainland Sauromatia can still expand while allowing both Atlantis and Niefelheim to expand as well. The Great and Unsecret Alliance could last quite a while without hampering any of us.

VITAL EVENT: The fall of Agartha.

Good Game Thanatus del Dragos. You probably fought valiantly and stuff. I...don't think I interacted with Agartha at all during this game.

The first to be wiped out. Death by military conquest. I guess others have been at war longer, and far more quietly than me.

LongBrodie June 13th, 2011 01:09 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Awfully strange weather here in Fomoria. It's been raining toads for months!

Laddwr June 13th, 2011 01:54 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Not a lot of word from the world outside my borders. What's going on outside of the nations not in the war with Hinnom?

Talrivian June 13th, 2011 03:23 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Information is power. I shan't speak a word. ;)

Thanatus del Dragos June 13th, 2011 07:47 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I made a lot of mistakes in the start and couldn't recover. I noobed myself to death.

LongBrodie June 13th, 2011 10:09 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Is Soviet Storm still playing? Abysia has 3 stales in a row and seems to be working on another for this turn...

Ghill June 14th, 2011 01:31 PM

So, my first magic stratagem is ready to mobilize. I am kind of happy about this. :D The sky will rain burning poison death (I hope).

To clarify, I am hoping to buy all kinds of gems. For my big scary magic push.

This is not a terribly eventful turn. Though, I think I will stop using hydras now.

MagicDinosaur765 June 15th, 2011 04:42 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Talrivian, you should enable the private messages.

I can't send you a message, so I will say it here.

Do you know Fomoria started attacking us?
We offered peace to them, and then they started attacking us without a word.
They captured us 2 provinces and built a castle so close of our reign.

We recruited more troops (Fomoria killed a lot of our troops)and start attacking.
Now it seems Fomoria's idea of to attack us was a bad idea.

They are lost their main army in an attack they did last month, without any important los for us.

Fomoria is in danger, so they call a far far far away nation to do an alliance.
I don't believe you defend the non-sense attacking Fomoria, who started our battle, the "Goat wars".

We are not a barbarian invader, only an angry defender.

Please, enable PM, because game messages are too slow, and posting here the messages is not a good idea.

Talrivian June 15th, 2011 02:04 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I enabled private messages. Sorry, I didn't know they were off.

Anyway, I'm sending you a private message now.

Ghill June 15th, 2011 04:58 PM

Turn 28: learning...
So, now I know why you don't give a high powered caster a bunch of extra gems. Because they will go off script and waste every single last one of them in the first battle they fight.

Also, am I the only one who had to turn "neighbors" on in the map filter to figure out which provinces are connected? Apparently there are some teleporters set up along the coastal provinces.

Now I know more about the state of international politics. :D

LongBrodie June 16th, 2011 07:05 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I had my first stale turn... Hoped I could avoid them completely, but I was so tired after work that I forgot to send in my turn after I finished. :doh:

...And am I going crazy here, or did the next turn get delayed by a day...? I swear working rotating shift messes with my head sometimes.

Ghill June 16th, 2011 10:54 AM

Turn 28: STILL!
You picked a fine time to miss a turn. The server is down, and you have time to send in turn 28! Or maybe you missed 27?

Either way, the server will probably resolve and send out turn 29 immediately after it is back up. So I suggest checking again tonight...

Talrivian June 16th, 2011 01:18 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
LongBrodie staled on turn 27. LlamaBeast has said that his server will be back up on Saturday, so send in your turn if you haven't already!

AfroSquirrel June 16th, 2011 06:55 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
While we wait, random banter time~

I'm really bad at arranging armies for pitched battles. I seem to have thug strategy down pretty well (see: TNN), but I thought Hinnom would be better for major engagements. Ah well, hopefully I've learned my lessons soon enough.

Also, I'm buying research boosters.

Laddwr June 16th, 2011 07:01 PM

A Dire Potent
So yeah, it turns out that starting this tuesday I'll be gone for about a month and a half, away from any sort of computer. It's good news for me, since it could end with me getting payed. It's bad news for you guys because you'll be down one host.

Any ideas how we should handle this? I don't want to stop this just while it gets interesting.

My idea is to call a winner right now through llamaserver and then in a month once I return get us all together again and do a "part 2" of this game. I'd reserve all of your slots for you and we'd be playing in the middle ages with the MA counterpart of our nation. Just a thought.

Ghill June 16th, 2011 08:29 PM

Ending the game now?
I hate to be a jerk, but it would make more sense for you to find a sub (or a replacement) for those months. At this point, TheNooblies is only just reaching solid mid-game. The host of the game doesn't have to do too much, so you should be able to hand over host responsibilities to someone else in the game.

This game will probably end of natural causes by the time you get back (the winner should be obvious by turn 50, even if they haven't won yet). I would definitely be in for "TheNooblies 2: Newbs rise again!", (like the Middle Era idea). But I really think the showbiz rule applies here.

Sorry man, the game must go on. :(

Talrivian June 16th, 2011 11:24 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I like the idea of Nooblies 2 with reserved slots. But I also believe that you should find a sub and hand over hosting to someone else.

I would be more than happy to handle hosting. My schedule is almost always free and flexible, as I live in Brazil and I only teach English for 4 hours a day, always at the same time.

I check this forum post constantly, and I am on my computer at least twice a day, constantly checking the game status.

The show must go on!

Laddwr June 17th, 2011 09:30 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I'll hand you the password in a PM Tal. And who played that-one-nation-who-died? They can have my nation if they want, any idea how to change the Email it send the turns to?

Talrivian June 17th, 2011 12:19 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Thanatus del Dragos was playing Agartha. I could send him a PM to let him know that your slot is open. I think that I will.

Thanatus del Dragos June 18th, 2011 12:47 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
No Thanks. I appreciate the offer, but not interested.

Ghill June 18th, 2011 01:43 AM

I don't have a clever title for this...
TheNooblies page on llamaserver
>Admin Options
>Change a player's e-mail
>Select nation
>Enter new e-mail
>Enter Admin Password
>Click button

Also, I will ironically be cutting it close in submitting my next turn as I have a busy day this Saturday.

Ghill June 18th, 2011 01:05 PM

Oh dear, double post.
I hate to double post like this, but I felt it relevant.

I am pretty sure that Soviet_Storm is gone. We should find a sub for him, and if he comes back we can let him take over again.

Should I post it on the substitution thread?

Talrivian June 18th, 2011 06:35 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]

I think that is a good idea, since he has staled for so many turns.

On a secondary note, have you found a sub yet for yourself?

Ghill June 19th, 2011 02:16 AM

I think this has been the worst I have had a turn go for me...ever.

So, apparently our armies were crossing paths, and half of Hinnom's army passed mine and beat my PD to take the province I was coming from then the other half beat my army so I ended up losing my entire army because of a blown route check in a battle that I was about to win. I used my pretender to jump a low-PD province, and with two enemy units left I hit round 6, he goes of script, and he frags himself with orb lightening in melee. If I start losing this war, this turn is why. My only consolation is that none of the 50+ gems of equipment fell into enemy hands because my SC's and leaders died retreating...:mad:

If I weren't about to bust out my new mage-based army I would be screwed.

AfroSquirrel June 19th, 2011 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ghill (Post 779102)
If I weren't about to bust out my new mage-based army or one of four nations in an unholy alliance against a single nation I would be screwed.

Fixed that for you. Also, sending an immortal pretender into enemy dominion for solo raids is never a good idea. Pretty sure they have to die in your own dominion to revive.

Ghill June 19th, 2011 05:46 PM

Well, if you want to get technical...
Yeah, I know immortal only works in dominion. :( I figured that he would win, I hadn't counted on my powerful make one-shotting himself...

Though, I guess the massive alliance might be tipping things in our favor. Atlantis, Niefelheim, Sauromatia...who are you counting as number four?

Talrivian June 19th, 2011 08:30 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Wow... sorry my last post was so retarded... I must have been tired. I thought Ghill was the one quitting because of work instead of Laddwr, and addressed him.

I meant to ask if Laddwr had found a sub for *himself* yet.


Talrivian June 19th, 2011 08:41 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Bad news guys... I found a friend who is willing to sub for Abysia, but he can't access the turn file because Soviet Storm put a password on the file. So, I'll message him and ask him to send the password to my friend (BillyBrims).

My friend is an extreme noob though, because he has never played a game except for the single player a little bit. If someone else has a better player to act as a sub candidate, let me know.

AfroSquirrel June 19th, 2011 11:37 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Number Four is Yomi. He's decided to gnaw on my southern borders.

EA Abysia's a pretty newbie-friendly nation, in my opinion. You have one primary strategy for all problems: MOAR BURNING ONES!

Ghill June 20th, 2011 12:27 PM

Turn 30: Owch, again?
Two turns of complete botches; though these were less luck and more forgetting to change unit orders.

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