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jimbojones1971 September 15th, 2011 11:10 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by krpeters (Post 783682)
Your philosophizings shall not save you. The Water Rises. The hordes of Atlantis shall soon fill your world as water filling your lungs. Adapt or die!

Given that my entire nation is planning to move to being a giant ambulatory charnel house, with no use for lungs (water filled or otherwise), I am quite confident that we shall adapt successfully to your challenge!

Lady Esmeralda, First Consul of Ermor

BewareTheBarnacleGoose September 16th, 2011 09:48 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Pretenders phase(closed)

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 783620)
We of Ermor are simple folk. We are dedicated to the ultimate equality of all creatures, and have found that the penultimate expression of equality is found in death (or rather, undeath). After all, any two shambling zombies are much the same, irrespective off whether one was once a prince and the other a pauper.

The people of Ermor are wise. Death is an appropriate way for the scaleless ones to contribute to the spread of the swamps. To become fertilizer is to participate in the great works of the Barnacle Goose.

FAJ September 16th, 2011 10:23 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
No worries; You all gonna be corpses soon enough :D

-Big Red

momfreeek September 16th, 2011 04:59 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Dear beloved friends and subjects

There seems to be some misunderstanding amongst you all. Like fishnanny once told me when i was little: you can lead a fish to water but it can't drink. But then she also told me that poor Julian had grown legs and went to live on the land when he was really eaten by that ugly squid ... so..then ... what I'm trying to say is that there is no need for these big words and for you all to have these armies all over the place, you are all welcome to live under the rule of Lucy. All praise the wisdom of Lucy!

May the years be as kind to you as they are to me
Lucy, Goddess of the Lake

PS. if anyone likes really horrid smells perhaps spottygoose can come and live with you, I told him to go away but he's still here.

Mightypeon September 16th, 2011 06:30 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by krpeters (Post 783682)
Your philosophizings shall not save you. The Water Rises. The hordes of Atlantis shall soon fill your world as water filling your lungs. Adapt or die!

The peoples republic of Ulm always utilzes a policy that cares for enviromental concerns. We thus have to inform aquatic species in propable danger of extinction that Ulmish shores have some rather severe amounts of very heavy nasty metal(s).

krpeters September 16th, 2011 11:31 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Well, I cannot deny that Lady Esmeralda has already adapted well to watery conditions. Hmmm. I may have to come up with a new way to deal with her.

But as for Ulm, I feel I should warn you, heavy metals do not float well. Except perhaps when they contain chunks of ice instead of soldiers, but that will not help you much, will it?

jimbojones1971 September 17th, 2011 08:36 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by krpeters (Post 783782)
Well, I cannot deny that Lady Esmeralda has already adapted well to watery conditions. Hmmm. I may have to come up with a new way to deal with her.

As the old saying goes, "if you can't kill it, try mating with it". Think of the wonderful undead fishy offspring that Atlantis and Ermor could have! We could raise them on a steady diet of Ulmish proletarians :-)

Mightypeon September 17th, 2011 08:57 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
As a certain pretender can no doubt attest (after that certain pretender has been revived), attempting to digest the elite Black Guards of the Peoples Liberation Army of Ulm can lead to leg athrosis, non regenearting wound syndrome, chronic anal halberd insertion and death.

Mightypeon September 17th, 2011 02:48 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Pretenders phase(closed)

Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose (Post 783724)

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 783620)
We of Ermor are simple folk. We are dedicated to the ultimate equality of all creatures, and have found that the penultimate expression of equality is found in death (or rather, undeath). After all, any two shambling zombies are much the same, irrespective off whether one was once a prince and the other a pauper.

The people of Ermor are wise. Death is an appropriate way for the scaleless ones to contribute to the spread of the swamps. To become fertilizer is to participate in the great works of the Barnacle Goose.

After a slight diplomatic hickup, we have some pencil pushers to spare that would make a better job as Fertilizers, would you be interested?

krpeters September 18th, 2011 01:12 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
It seems that the landlubbers have fallen upon each other. It is good to see this; the Rising Water is fed by the blood of the hairy ones. All hail Shurp, Lord of the Rising Water!

Lung Drago September 18th, 2011 01:20 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I think I am joining the club of people with weird things happening. Just got obliterated in a battle, yet conquered it and ended up with quite a lot of remaining troops :confused:

momfreeek September 18th, 2011 02:16 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Fishworm you treacherous, 4-faced, snake! Go away from my Castle!

Anaconda September 18th, 2011 03:35 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
The world seems so evil and treachrous - but the giants of the world welcome all with friendship and warmth. why shouldnt we make the world together a clean, well-lighted and friendly place to men and beasts alike?

FAJ September 18th, 2011 03:48 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by Lung Drago (Post 783905)
I think I am joining the club of people with weird things happening. Just got obliterated in a battle, yet conquered it and ended up with quite a lot of remaining troops :confused:

I had a commander turn into a troops this turn, which was a problem another player had before, I believe.

Also, likely not errors just bad luck; even with zero order and 3 luck, I have only gotten 4 events the last 3 turns... all bad haha

krpeters September 18th, 2011 05:12 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by momfreeek (Post 783914)
Fishworm you treacherous, 4-faced, snake! Go away from my Castle!

I should point out that I am a 2-faced snake, exactly the right sort of creature for backstabbing landlubbers. Especially landlubbers with large armies that threaten the minions of the Rising Water.

Fear not all you lesser mortals; those who are weak and do not attract my attention will remain unmolested by my minions. I am patient and can wait for the rains to bring you to me.

momfreeek September 19th, 2011 03:32 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
That is nonsense! I GAVE you that sea to live in and unicorns can't even breath underwater. I'm not talking to you anymore.

Fishworm smells of wee.

Lucy, Goddess of the Lake

jimbojones1971 September 20th, 2011 08:16 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Is it just me, or has Atlantis misplaced the bulk of their army somewhere?

If it helps any Fishworm, when I lose something I frequently find that I've accidentally put it in my sock drawer, or occasionally am wearing it as an impromptu piece of clothing. Either that, or the darned cat has eaten it again*.

Maybe you could try looking in the Atlantean sock drawer to see if your army is hiding there? And I'll check with my cat, to see if he ate them when I wasn't looking (he is rather fond of fish).

Lady Esmeralda, First Consul of Ermor

* One of the down sides of being a Great Enchantress is an obligation under union by-laws to own a cat of supergenius level intelligence and an obsession with world domination and eating important papers

momfreeek September 20th, 2011 08:28 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Fishnanny was wrong all along! If you cut one smelly fishworm in half you just get 2 dead worms.


krpeters September 20th, 2011 09:22 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Wow, that worked spectacularly badly. Note to self: do not send good troops against elite troops.

FAJ September 20th, 2011 10:16 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Hmm, that insight doesn't bode well for me... D:

jimbojones1971 September 21st, 2011 01:58 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by FAJ (Post 784112)
Hmm, that insight doesn't bode well for me... D:

The one about not pitting good troops vs elite troops, or the bit about always remember to look in your sock drawer if you can't find where your Legions of Conquest (tm) have gone? Seriously, it works - at one point I misplaced an entire army of praetorians, and there they were right next to my work socks.

Mightypeon September 21st, 2011 09:27 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Breakings news from Tartarus!
The Celestial General of Shinuyama and the Worm of Atlantis have sued the Pretender of C`tis for constantly occupying the Tartarian elevator!
In the words of the celestial General of Shinuyama: "Now I have to use the stairs, did you ever try to use the stairs out of Tartarus? Its such a long way up! And I am limping! Thankfully, I found a Black Halberd in my behind which I now use as a crutch..."
Meanwhile, Atlantis Great Worm has a problem of other kinds, with both halves of him now claiming to be the real Pretender! Stay tuned as a civil war of worm half vs. worm half may erupt in Tartarus!

Ulm News, Fair and Heavy!

momfreeek September 21st, 2011 11:38 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
fishworm would have looked awfully silly in a pair of socks.

krpeters September 21st, 2011 06:00 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I suppose I could wear a sock on each head.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose September 22nd, 2011 01:49 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by Mightypeon (Post 784144)
Breakings news from Tartarus!
The Celestial General of Shinuyama and the Worm of Atlantis have sued the Pretender of C`tis for constantly occupying the Tartarian elevator!
In the words of the celestial General of Shinuyama: "Now I have to use the stairs, did you ever try to use the stairs out of Tartarus? Its such a long way up! And I am limping! Thankfully, I found a Black Halberd in my behind which I now use as a crutch..."
Meanwhile, Atlantis Great Worm has a problem of other kinds, with both halves of him now claiming to be the real Pretender! Stay tuned as a civil war of worm half vs. worm half may erupt in Tartarus!

Ulm News, Fair and Heavy!

Whoa, I've done nothing wrong- I have a V.I.P (very important pretender) pass for that elevator. And I haven't died in at least 3 turns. These dead pretenders complain to much- "ooh, I got a black halberd up me arse", cry me a river. This one time, I got bludgeoned to death by creepy-druid-tentacle-trees; yea, try sitting down after that! So, anyone else want to reminisce about previous deaths....oh wait, you guys cant... because your not all awesome and immortal like me!

krpeters September 22nd, 2011 08:57 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
1 Attachment(s)

Attachment 11335

CBM 1.84 has lost its mind... no wonder his knights chewed through my troops. Two broadsword attacks and two hoof attacks every turn???!!!!

jimbojones1971 September 22nd, 2011 11:38 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Protection 17 and defence 17 is quite nice also :-)

BewareTheBarnacleGoose September 23rd, 2011 12:43 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by krpeters (Post 784262)

Attachment 11335

CBM 1.84 has lost its mind... no wonder his knights chewed through my troops. Two broadsword attacks and two hoof attacks every turn???!!!!

Yea, it's a bug that affects a number of troops in CBM 1.84. I actually posted about it a few weeks ago: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47746
There is a link to the patched version of CBM in that thread, though we cant fix anything in this game, since we have already started.

momfreeek September 23rd, 2011 10:18 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I'm mostly using unicorn knights which don't seem to have the same bug. I'm happy to stop making those normal knights altogether if they are some sort of cheat.

krpeters September 23rd, 2011 06:12 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Nah, that's ok, this whole land thing wasn't working out for me anyway. I should let the water do my work for me.

krpeters September 23rd, 2011 06:26 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Now this is interesting:


"I'm taking the very unusual step of changing the mods on the LlamaServer, which means that all players also need to update their copies of the mods."

This might explain some bizarre behavior. If LLamaserver is using the corrected version of the mod, and we're all using the broken version, then our battle replays will show the knights chewing up everything in sight but on the main server the battle will run a bit more fair.

I'm going to check the zip file in that link and see what it does.


Well, I can confirm that with the replacement 1.84 mod the save file does load. I'll let you know next turn whether Man's knights behave properly (I assume they will attack my troops instead of sitting idly inside their sieged castle)

jimbojones1971 September 23rd, 2011 07:36 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
From memory, when the replay differs from the server version of the battle, the outcome from the server battle is the one that actually takes effect - is this correct?

krpeters September 23rd, 2011 08:00 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Yes, the battle replay has no game effect. What happened on the server is what is in the saved game file.

momfreeek September 24th, 2011 06:43 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
ah. a lot more of those knights were dead after the battle than seemed to die on the field. I figured that was to do with poison

you can load an earlier turn and rewatch battles kr (assuming you didn't delete the email). turn 15.

seems to work. so we should update our mods ..right?

Anaconda September 24th, 2011 07:01 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Question indeed!

Mightypeon September 24th, 2011 08:37 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I have been using the updated mod from the start (and My Black Knights only had one Morning Star per guy ;) ).

krpeters September 24th, 2011 11:39 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by momfreeek (Post 784320)
you can load an earlier turn and rewatch battles kr (assuming you didn't delete the email). turn 15.

Oh, I hadn't thought of that, you're right, I can load the turn file from my email.

Yes, that's more the result I was expecting when I read the battle report -- my troops held up well until they decided to rout, then they got chopped up in typical Dom style. I got kinda freaked when I watched the slaughter of the original battle view.

OK, so good troops can hold up to elite troops -- as long as you have enough of them. With morale support :)

Mightypeon September 25th, 2011 04:07 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
It seems that Abysia may stale this turn.

jimbojones1971 September 25th, 2011 07:48 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Quite a brutal turn, looking at the charts. Both Shinuyama and Atlantis have had their armies smashed, and Pangaea also seems to have suffered a reasonable serious setback.

In other news, I have now used Dark Knowledge to search 10 provinces, and have found only one (!) magic site - and this site only produces air and astral, no death gems. Such is life! I will just have to take solace in my boundless hordes of undead, I guess :-D

Mightypeon September 25th, 2011 11:44 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
There was much splatting/bombing/killing near Shinuyama.
A nice little sorcerous artillery duel that was cut a bit short when Shinuyamas Magical Artillery suffered from a severe case of being dead.

momfreeek September 25th, 2011 11:52 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Fishworm's foolish fishmen frequently flop up to my fabulous fortress.


FAJ September 25th, 2011 05:31 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Sorry for the Stale. I had a family issue arise (death on my girlfriend's side) and had to leave without notice. Completely forgot about this game. I won't get back to the game until later tonight. I will try to pick up the pieces of my stale from there.

Again, sorry for the missed turn. I know it unbalances the game, especially when someone being invaded stales. I hope Man and C'tis have not taken too many of my provinces!

BewareTheBarnacleGoose September 25th, 2011 09:53 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Very sorry to hear that, FAJ.

Dont worry about the provinces. I chickened out/ decided that Shinuyama was an easier target. But I'll be back ;)

jimbojones1971 September 25th, 2011 09:56 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
From memory you didn't lose any provinces etc at all this turn FAJ, so it seems that fate has favoured you :-)

Are you OK to do this turn on time, or should be petition the mighty overlord of T'ien C'hi for an extensions?

FAJ September 26th, 2011 06:55 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I will be fine getting turns in on schedule now.

Glad to see it was an uneventful stale!

momfreeek September 26th, 2011 08:08 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Dear nether horrors, wherever you may be

I don't know what you think you are playing at but please don't interrupt our battles in the future. It was gearing up to be a great fight till you came and chased both sides off the field. Such childish behaviour is not acceptable!

Lucy, Goddess of the lake

FAJ September 26th, 2011 09:40 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I haven't had a chance to look at the turn, but from the sound of it, I should have scripted less 'call horror' and more 'horror mark'!

Maybe I should just stop using soldiers all together.

momfreeek September 26th, 2011 10:10 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
utter carnage. its quite a spectacle :)

Lung Drago September 26th, 2011 11:42 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I'd like to salute the honorable, brave and fierce warriors of Shinuyama, the great nation that, alas, came to an unfortunate downfall. The people of T'ien Ch'i recognized their unique and interesting culture and shall forever remember the goblins as people that fought hard against the prejudices about their past or appearance.
Countless Followers of the Way have reportedly appeared out of nowhere in all places in our land to pay their homage to the fallen people. As my own sign of respect and as an expression of feelings of a whole nation, I, the Emperor of T'ien Ch'i, called Two-Spirited for my double-gender personality and Four-Handed for my most striking appearance feature, hereby share with you a song I personally helped to create.
Let it be that this piece of music art continues to carry the honor, strength and very soul of mighty Shinuyama for thousands upon thousands of years. Bakemono of Shinuyama, know that spirits of millions shall be with you in your final charge for your honor.

You shall never be forgotten.

Daichi Moyu, Ballad to the Shinuyama Bakemono

Mightypeon September 26th, 2011 02:50 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Using less Soldiers? Heresy!
This would totally devastate the Peoples Republic of Ulms current 5 year plan, which plans on increasing domestic Popcorn production for export to feed the growing international Scout society.

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