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-   -   Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - tratorix/Agartha & Valerius/Vanheim win (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47744)

Ossa January 24th, 2012 02:07 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I'm back;) Sorry for the delay

Valerius January 24th, 2012 06:11 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Welcome back! I've added some time to the clock in case that helps as you get caught up on your games.

tratorix February 9th, 2012 07:36 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Seems like its time to either find a sub for ryleh or set him ai.

Valerius February 14th, 2012 03:13 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Sorry for the delay, I haven't been paying much attention to Dominions.

As regards R'lyeh, I was kind of hoping we could just ignore the water provinces and turn it into a land province only game. :p I can certainly PM PriestyMan and ask him to set them AI but then the AI will just be annoying and launch random attacks as well as doing something stupid like leaving its capitol undefended for an easy VP. It's also not a very appealing position for a sub to take on.

Speaking of VPs, I realize I set the victory conditions for this game but I'm finding I really don't like VP games. What does everyone think about changing the game to normal victory conditions? I'm not saying this to benefit myself (the longer a game goes on and the more micro is involved, the less I'm motivated to play so I wouldn't mind getting killed off - but I won't just give up). If I'm going to get dogpiled that's fine but then finish the job instead of me getting down to 1 cap, some other nation gets 3, and then everyone shifts to attacking them. It's tedious. It would also solve the problem of R'lyeh since everyone could just grab some water provinces without any worry of an easy VP being at stake.

Of course changing the victory conditions would require all four remaining active players to agree but I thought I'd throw the idea out there.

Ossa February 14th, 2012 03:42 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
We have victory conditions? I never bothered... I'm happy with fighting it out till the end or everyone else concedes.

Valerius February 14th, 2012 07:37 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Well, that was a lively turn!

Sadly, vanjarl defense doesn't fare so well against grendelkin offense when utterdark is up. And I don't know what I was thinking sending a vanadrott after a lychantropos' amulet-bearing shishi. You'd think I'd lost enough cap only mages to those damn things to remember not to do that.

tratorix February 18th, 2012 03:29 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Just popping in to say that it's complete bullcrap that an attack called "lighting swarm" isn't actually lightning.

Valerius February 26th, 2012 04:24 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Huh, that seems strange. I ran a test with some air elementals and they didn't do anything to a lightning immune unit. But once lightning immunity was removed the target unit was damaged and mistform popped. Note that in my test I made sure the target was large enough that it couldn't be trampled since air elementals will default to trampling rather than lightning swarm if the target is smaller than them.

Valerius February 28th, 2012 07:34 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Agartha has staled the last two turns. I PM'd tratorix but haven't heard back. I postponed hosting by another day but if we don't hear from him we'll have to decide how to proceed. It's kind of easy to just ignore the water provinces and let R'lyeh stale but harder to do with Agartha, especially since he's got two major globals up and, despite his setbacks, is not out of contention.

tratorix February 29th, 2012 06:45 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Staled once due to being busy and once due to being stupid, but I'm still around.

Valerius March 12th, 2012 02:50 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Btw, I'm sorry to see utterdark go. That was working out well for me. Sure, I couldn't recruit any mages, but everyone else was in the same boat. Unlike everyone else, my supply of blood slaves continued unabated. A net gain, imo.

In any case, open the seal is good stuff. I like when CBM adds nation-specific spells and summons.

Larz March 12th, 2012 04:54 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 798345)
Btw, I'm sorry to see utterdark go. That was working out well for me. Sure, I couldn't recruit any mages, but everyone else was in the same boat. Unlike everyone else, my supply of blood slaves continued unabated. A net gain, imo.

In any case, open the seal is good stuff. I like when CBM adds nation-specific spells and summons.

Yeah, really cut back on the micro. Didn't have to worry about what to recruit, whether to build a temple or not, etc. Took me a little bit to figure out what was going on, had never seen Open the Seal. Pretty cool spell.

tratorix March 12th, 2012 05:26 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Yeah, Open the Seal is pretty neat, the three SC's you get with it are pretty cool as well. It only spawns 30 umbrals though, which I was kind of disappointed with.

Ossa March 12th, 2012 05:31 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Those SCs are evil. Plain evil.

tratorix March 12th, 2012 05:34 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I <3 Soul Drain. :p

Valerius March 15th, 2012 01:45 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I know Looming Hell isn't exactly the best global around but that's what I was ready to cast and at the very least it kept that slot out of everyone else's hands. ;)

Just so we're on the same page, my understanding is that we've decided to ignore R'lyeh and remove his VP from contention. We're also keeping VPs as the victory condition so in order to win you need to control 4 of 6 land caps.

Also, once I see all turns are in I'll start force hosting so we don't have to wait the full interval each turn.

Valerius March 15th, 2012 02:13 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Btw, I really think BrodieSWR did a nice job with the map. I like the way it plays. And I was quite happy with my start location on the island. Obviously it was a nice defensible location but I also liked it from a thematic perspective - the norsemen setting sail to raid the mainland. :)

Valerius April 7th, 2012 05:05 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I'm frustrated with myself that I staled last turn. :mad: While I lucked out and didn't suffer any major losses, at this stage of the game just wasting a turn not getting anything done is a setback. Guess the lesson there is to get my turns in earlier.

Valerius April 28th, 2012 11:31 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Larz and Ossa, how would you two feel about tratorix and I sharing the win? This has really been quite a game with a lot of comebacks but I think probably at this point it would be very unlikely for TNN or Ulm to be able to get back in a winning position.

So I PM'd tratorix asking how he would feel about a shared win since I think it will take a long time for us to fight it out. He was open to the idea - as he put it, he has the caps but I've got the mobility. Of course this completely depends on you two being ok with this - if not, then we fight on.

Ossa April 29th, 2012 03:23 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I'm ok with this. Never stood a chance myself with all those high class SCs

Larz April 29th, 2012 09:22 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I'm OK with calling this game. I had fun with this game, but I don't see any way I can come back now (especially with no diplo).

Valerius April 30th, 2012 05:17 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Ok, then we have agreement and the game is over. This game had a lot of back and forth and a lot of comebacks and I'd be very interested in hearing everyone's AAR and will write one up myself.

I also want to thank the three of you for sticking it out. :) Just a good fighting spirit all around and combined with the victory conditions led to a lot of swings in fortune. Larz, thanks again for stepping in as a sub.

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