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-   -   MP: Morla LA noob game (ended, winner:shatner) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47803)

Ossa October 20th, 2011 02:34 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Ahrrr... I beg to differ.

Jomonese cavalry has serious problems with banefire spam or dragons (real dragons, that is).

Ossa October 20th, 2011 02:35 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
I just didnt know what to answer to your proposual, and then the turn happened, and you attacked me;) So the dicision was taken out of my hand...

Morla October 20th, 2011 03:06 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
i´ll stop hostilities against your nation, i don´t want to start another war. I think that you will atack me because i attacked Utgard, and you dindn´t answer my proposal.I am open for peace negotiations.

This is just a misunderstanding.

Terran October 21st, 2011 04:07 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
I think that looking Jomon stats, there is little hope if C'tis make peace with them....

If Jomon overrun Utgard, then I will be killed too, and then, they will win.

And Atlantis what are they doing?

shatner October 21st, 2011 11:25 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by Terran (Post 786488)
And Atlantis what are they doing?

Tearing down Bogarus' walls and preparing to commit premeditated deicide when we get our moist hands on their god.

Why, what do you think we should be doing?

P.S.: Also, let us know if you want to trade gems for either other gems or for gold.

P.S.S.: If you log in and go to http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/profi...do=editoptions you can enable private messaging which will make diplomacy and the like so much easier.

Terran October 21st, 2011 06:30 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Done (the private messaging).

For now, I need all my gems to make troops to repelish Utgard.

krpeters October 21st, 2011 07:12 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Don't know if you noticed, but Utgaard is slightly dead at the moment.

Terran October 22nd, 2011 04:09 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by krpeters (Post 786533)
Don't know if you noticed, but Utgaard is slightly dead at the moment.

Where is your ally, C'tis?

krpeters October 22nd, 2011 04:27 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Well, considering what I was up against, I didn't do too badly there. Anyway, I'm out.

Ossa October 22nd, 2011 05:21 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Argh... dont give in so easily. Help is on the way!

krpeters October 22nd, 2011 05:54 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
"don't give in so easily", lol, I have no castles, no troops, and half a dozen provinces. What am I going to do, defeat him with woodsmen archers?

TigerBlood October 22nd, 2011 11:39 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Atlantis may be imposing when launching surprise attacks without warning or declaration.

However, Eostr is giving them an education in Shock and Awe. A thank you would be nice...

shatner October 23rd, 2011 12:44 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Ha! I see what you did there... because your god casts lightning! And has awe! Ohhh man... All snarkiness aside, you've handled your defense well. Kudos. But this war ain't over yet, punk.

TigerBlood October 23rd, 2011 01:03 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
I'm seeing that Atlantis has spent at least 2000 gold and 80 gems on a war they are not even close to winning. By all means, send more flying froggies to their deaths. Bogarus is already ankle deep in their thin blood.

On another note, the Sea Creatures Belong In The Sea Fund (S.C.B.I.T.S.F) has just been opened by Bogarus. We call upon all land nations to please send Gold, Gems and Items to help put Atlantis back in their place. Think of the childen!

shatner October 23rd, 2011 01:37 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Don't get so cocky. You were lucky when my troops routed inches from your last surviving mages and you were lucky when your god woke up the turn before I left a greasy stain where your capital used to be. You've handled yourself well and I've certainly made my fair share of mistakes and then some, but this ain't over.


Originally Posted by TigerBlood (Post 786655)
I'm seeing that Atlantis has spent at least 2000 gold and 80 gems on a war they are not even close to winning.

Sooo... I've spent less than one turn's income on forces you have not so much killed as scared repeatedly off the battlefield and you're hanging up the mission accomplished banner? You're down to 1 unsieged fort and fully 4/5s of your forces are dead. Your line on the research chart has been flat for half a dozen turns. You aren't winning... you just aren't losing as fast as you could be.


TigerBlood October 23rd, 2011 04:05 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Scripting is not luck. Your troops routed because of a battlefield enchantment and because they ran though some clouds and into some AoE's like good little froggies. Your thug investment was entirely predictable and a waste of gems.

You've been telling me my demise is imminant for the last 3 turns, so make it happen...If you can.

Meanwhile, other nations have not bitten off more than they can chew. How many more turns will you waste on this fruitless endeavor before you realise attacking Bogarus was a Bad Move?

Morla October 23rd, 2011 10:50 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
XD, Bane fire...Bane fire. Solar Brilliance, isn´t too effective. Ahh c´tis, bad call attacking you, but this war is really fun. And don´t recruit wild ettins :D

Terran October 23rd, 2011 02:39 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Really nice dragon C'Tis.

You dont have anything better to do with it? :doh:

Ossa October 23rd, 2011 02:48 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Ah... it went astray. Our handlers believe it wants to mate with one of your hydras, it seems to suffer from a personality disorder.

Terran October 24th, 2011 02:02 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
By the way... how did you get it? Did you summon it? its a national spell? Its the first time I see it.

Its really unfair by the way, first part of the game I dealt with the undying Wyvern, now with a unstoppable 3-head dragon. Cool. :(

Morla October 24th, 2011 02:46 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
The Zmey it´s part of CBM 1.92, includes Endgame Diversity Mod( http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45056 )

Terran October 24th, 2011 03:37 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Well, thats Dominion :p

I will die in flames :angel

TigerBlood October 25th, 2011 10:40 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
I staled. Oh well. Set my nation to AI please.

Morla October 25th, 2011 10:54 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
OK, you have to do it, in game set your nation to AI and send your turn file, thx for telling us.

Terran October 26th, 2011 03:34 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Pfff, please if you are not going to play, put your nation in AI, so we dont need to wait until end of turn!!! :mad:

shatner October 26th, 2011 03:39 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
If Bogarus' player forgot or is indisposed, I believe the admin can force the turn to host.

Morla October 26th, 2011 04:11 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
He said he will go AI, i am going to force host.


TigerBlood October 26th, 2011 04:13 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
What the?

For future reference there is an admin option to set a nation to AI. Sorry for any inconvenience.

TigerBlood October 26th, 2011 04:19 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
I recreated the game folder and manually set the nation to computer controlled. Again, sorry for the delay. I assumed it would be faster for the admin to do it.

Morla October 26th, 2011 04:22 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)

Set a nation to AI

The procedure is this:

1) Ask the player playing the dying nation to set themselves to AI. Many players fail to do so simply because they don't realise they're meant to set their nations to AI when they want to stop playing. If you ask them to, there's a good chance they will.

2) If that fails, you need to either do it yourself, or ask some trusted member of the community to do it. The disadvantage of doing it yourself is that you will see the position of the dying nation and its neighbours, which is a bit dodgy. Finding someone else to do it is a hassle though. I recommend asking someone else from that game who's already been knocked out, or else someone random you've played with before. If you always ask me or Gandalf, we will go mad.

3) Having found someone to set the nation to AI, you need to get the player's turn to them. To do that, change the nation's e-mail address to that player's address, and request a turn resend from the main game page. They then need to open the turn up in Dominions, set the player to AI and e-mail the resulting 2h file back to the LlamaServer.

It´s better that the player who want to go AI do it himself.

TigerBlood October 27th, 2011 01:48 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
The admin can send the turn to their own account. It does not create any conflicts if they send the turn in AI controlled. At least, I never had any problem with it in Dom2.

Morla October 27th, 2011 02:21 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
At last, now i feel better that i can beat c´tis banefire spam. I love that battle, MP is really fun.

Now i am planning to conquer my lost provinces, and my CASTLE.:D

shatner October 27th, 2011 11:53 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
I just submitted my turn 41 file and I noticed that we are waiting on Jomon and Bogarus. Jomon makes sense but I thought Bogarus had been set as AI...?

TigerBlood October 28th, 2011 02:42 AM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
I thought I set it to AI as well. I must have not saved the turn before sending...But then i should not have has a .2h to send. In now.

shatner November 5th, 2011 10:56 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Morla (Post 784228)
-Game settings:
-HOF 15
-rename enabeled
-rest by default(magic site frecuncy 45?)
-winning condition: 5 capitals for 3 turns

Sooo... I'm pretty sure this is victory for me. I have held five capitals (mine (Atlantis), Marignon's, Bogarus', C'tis' and Pythiums) for three entire turns (49, 50 and 51). By that I mean I have held all five capitals for the entirety of each of those turns. Those provinces haven't even been besieged or anything.

This can be verified from the attached images, though I'm sure the players still in the game will attest whether or not I hold their capital. And the players who aren't still in the game are out for a reason. ;)

So... is that sufficient? I've never won an MP game except by vote before so I'm unsure of the procedure.

Morla November 5th, 2011 11:21 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
XDD well played, mi first MP game and i didn´t get killed neither win. It was a lot of fun, i learned a lot from my war with c´tis, it´s a shame that battle at my capital never happened.

I can declare game finished if all of the remaining players accept Shatner´s victory.

Sooo... i am pretty sure this is victory for you, Shatner.

shatner November 5th, 2011 11:29 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
Capital issues not-withstanding, both you and C'tis played very well. Frankly, I'm glad I never had to face down an 80+ bone chariot charge with banefire bombardment nor the exquisitely outfitted raiding Kenzoku and Grendelkin.

Also, Bogarus fought their war very well and deserve special attention. Their only fault was fighting an enemy 4x larger, 6x wealthier and located across an otherwise impassible body of water.

Morla November 6th, 2011 06:57 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (running)
MorlaLAnoob: Declare game finished

Are you really really super sure? The game's definitely over?

Yes, shatner is the winner.

Terran November 6th, 2011 10:26 PM

Re: Morla LA noob game (ended, winner:shatner)
Congrats! :)

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