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Mightypeon November 8th, 2011 02:15 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I had some seriously tiring issues at work and granted myself a 16 hour extension.
If anybody else wants an extension, please send me a PM in addition to posting in the forum.

BrodieSWR November 9th, 2011 01:06 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Sorry, I just got back from Brazil, and I've been depending on my brother's PC for dominions games, and his PC died, so I sort of can't continue in this game... I apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused to anyone, and please find a sub to replace me. I am sorry that I wasn't able to get access to a computer sooner to inform you guys.

Mightypeon November 9th, 2011 01:59 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I am delaying the game from hosting.

Gurthang November 10th, 2011 10:49 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Is anybody looking for a sub?

Dogged57 November 10th, 2011 11:49 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Checking in: any progress?

Mightypeon November 11th, 2011 07:29 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Starting to look for a sub now.

Looking for Sub posts at both forums.

Mightypeon November 12th, 2011 03:31 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

After a riot in the Captial of Shinuyama, apperantly a new leadership has emerged in a well planned quick and largely blood less revolution! While it is almost certain that the KGB of the Peoples Republic had a hand in it, it appears that a KGB-backed coup was initially succesfull in ousting BrodieSWR, however, the KGB failed to take the highly competetive leadership of the Bakemono into account! As BrodieSWR was liquidated by a combination of a pointy Stick and a cleverly placed banana peel, instead of a Peoples revolution, the next best Bakemono General Stepped up! Wellcome Rond! Pretender of Shinuyama!

OC: We have a Sub, welcome RonD!

RonD November 13th, 2011 10:21 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
The orderly samurai never riot, and we are most certainly not revolting (the goblins, you ask? well, OK, they are revolting). A perfectly orderly transition of authority has been completed. Orders have been given and will be carried out as soon as the new month arrives. We believe that we are aware of all diplomatic obligations. I you think you have an agreement/arrangement with Shinuyama but have not heard from our ambassador, please send a private message.

tratorix November 13th, 2011 02:22 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
So does this game have quickhost turned off, or is the llamaserver just doing that thing where it decides it doesn't feel like processing the turn again?

shatner November 13th, 2011 04:26 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Llamaserver seems to be running smoothly at the moment. If you look at the admin options for this game there a link that says "Turn on quickhost" which means it is currently off. We'll have to wait for the turn to host tomorrow or for Mightypeon to do some admin stuff.

shatner November 13th, 2011 04:39 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by RonD (Post 788456)
The orderly samurai never riot, and we are most certainly not revolting (the goblins, you ask? well, OK, they are revolting). A perfectly orderly transition of authority has been completed. Orders have been given and will be carried out as soon as the new month arrives. We believe that we are aware of all diplomatic obligations. I you think you have an agreement/arrangement with Shinuyama but have not heard from our ambassador, please send a private message.

We have sent you a PM but Pythium is ran by a thorough clergy and has presented visual evidence to back out claim.

Mightypeon November 13th, 2011 05:02 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I had turned quickhost off, now turning it back on to give players time for diplostuff.

Dogged57 November 13th, 2011 11:04 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I've PM'd MP asking for a 12 hour delay. Things should be back on track for me by tomorrow evening.

Mightypeon November 14th, 2011 07:36 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Delay has been granted!

Dogged57 November 15th, 2011 10:24 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Had enough yet, Ossa? You've already lost one army and are about to lose two more. I mean, I enjoy thrashing some Jag warriors, but you're going to need to bring more than a handful. They keep ending up as bloody pin cushions...

Mightypeon November 16th, 2011 07:21 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

The Proletariat of the Peoples Republic feels greatly vinidicated in assigning the "Most Reactionary Backwards Beourgois Slaveholding Scum" title to Acrosephale, who further reinforced their backwards reactionary nature by not researching anything since the last 4 turns. The NKVD proclaims total innocence regarding accusations of burning Acrosephales only lab down, and an alternative hypothesis is that Acrosephale does not dare to send its underequipped outdated troops into battle with the Peoples Liberation army without having at least 10 or so mages for support.

Ulm News
Fair and heavy

Dogged57 November 18th, 2011 08:26 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
C'Tis has joined in the whole "stomp on the little guy" campaign started by Mictlan. I'll make it as painful as possible for both of them, but with the two encroaching on my territory and Vanheim's endless AI hordes being thrown against my other border, I'm merely postponing the inevitable. It's been interesting, though I wonder how different the game would have been if my initial expansion force hadn't run into Mightypeon's black steel brutes and gotten slaughtered.

Mightypeon November 19th, 2011 03:58 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
You have a very decent shot of holding out longer that Acrosephale at least.
I can only recommend you to fight to the finish, as this will also paint you are as a more annoying target in other games from a metagaming perespective.

Dogged57 November 19th, 2011 11:57 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

Originally Posted by Mightypeon (Post 788829)
You have a very decent shot of holding out longer that Acrosephale at least.
I can only recommend you to fight to the finish, as this will also paint you are as a more annoying target in other games from a metagaming perespective.

I always fight to the bitter end!!! You attack me and I'll make you pay! And hopefully the world will support the cause of the little guy.

Dogged57 November 19th, 2011 09:28 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
HAH!!! Fort Doom lives up to its name! Reports are in from the field: C'tissian forces were defeated in a heated battle at the Ruins of Fort Doom! Exclamation point!

Mightypeon November 22nd, 2011 06:20 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
You are watching: Ulm news! (Fair and Heavy)

Reports are in that the Peoples Liberation Army of Ulm has succesfully liberated the Acrosephalan capital! While the situation is still chaotic, Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov assures me that the situation will be in hand soon enough!
We now proceed to an interview:
Ulm News:"Greetings Field Marshall, what caused this spectacular victory under very acceptable losses?

Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov:"Mass heroism, superior doctrine and combined arms! Nearly All of our deaths were due to Acrosephalan Mind Burns (they do not dare to attack the well armoured bodies of our warriors), yet they found that the minds of revolutionary soldiers to be bastions of iron will indeed! It was also by superior strategic decisions that their Chariot armies were bottled down at their fort, these forces would have been much more suited to an open field battle! All they did was wait in one large mass behind their heart companions (that were holding the gate) and get shot at by our Mundane and Magic artillery, who caused large amounts of casulties. Additional hilarity ensued when some of these chariots routed.
When our Blessed Blacksteel joined the fight (after our first batch of 20 Black Knights was wittled down by mind burns), the heart companions died very quickly too.

Mightypeon November 22nd, 2011 06:30 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
You are watching: Ulm news! (Fair and Heavy)

Reports are in that the Peoples Liberation Army of Ulm has succesfully liberated the Acrosephalan capital! While the situation is still chaotic, Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov assures me that the situation will be in hand soon enough!
We now proceed to an interview:
Ulm News:"Greetings Field Marshall, what caused this spectacular victory under very acceptable losses?

Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov:"Mass heroism, superior doctrine and combined arms! Nearly All of our deaths were due to Acrosephalan Mind Burns (they do not dare to attack the well armoured bodies of our warriors), yet they found that the minds of revolutionary soldiers to be bastions of iron will indeed! It was also by superior strategic decisions that their Chariot armies were bottled down at their fort, these forces would have been much more suited to an open field battle! All they did was wait in one large mass behind their heart companions (that were holding the gate) and get shot at by our Mundane and Magic artillery, who caused large amounts of casulties. Additional hilarity ensued when some of these chariots routed.
When our Blessed Blacksteel joined the fight (after our first batch of 20 Black Knights was wittled down by mind burns), the heart companions died very quickly too.

ghoul31 November 22nd, 2011 07:57 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
the only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner.

Mightypeon November 22nd, 2011 12:25 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Sore winner? In what way? I fully expect, even demand (role played) gloating when I will eventually go down, with bonus points awarded for anti communist references in the gloating.
and what would you expect of Fox, I mean Ulm news anyway?
(Hopefully) funny Commie propaganda perhaps?

RonD November 22nd, 2011 11:20 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
The game seems to be stuck. I received an email claiming it could not find a valid .2h file. I resent mine and got a confirmation email, but that doesn't seem to have done anything.

Mightypeon November 23rd, 2011 06:54 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I hav received my turn normally, I am delaying by 24 hours in any case.

RonD November 23rd, 2011 08:07 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
It did eventually host that turn. I (and everyone except C'Tis and Ulm) have submitted the current turn, but it looks like Llamaserver is suffering from an overflow of confusion - several games have all the .2h files received but are not hosting.

Mightypeon November 24th, 2011 01:58 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Autohost is on, but I will make a further delay for 24 hours just in case Ctis has issues.
In any case, the onset of war between Pythium and Mictlan has no doubt created a huge increase in diplomatic activities all over the world, so more time to conduct random deals is likely in the interest of many nations.

Mightypeon November 26th, 2011 05:56 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
You are watching:

Ulm News! Fair and heavy!

The entire world is aghast at the speed and ferocity and Shinuyamas assault into Ctissian territory! In a single month of operations, the Bakemono have catapulted themselfs into the rank of a true world power! Although significant parts of Shinuyama are water, and thus of comparably more limited use than land provinces. However, few nations are likely to consider the task of taking on Shinuyamas Kappa legions in their own element as particularly enticing.
While the Bakemono conquered much land, in particular via the insertion of Bakemono-Sho commandos deep into Ctis itself, Royal Ctissian army is largely unscathed as it apperantly was out of position, even though they appeared to have pulled out of Tien Chi earlier. It remains to be seen what will happen in this war.

Dogged57 November 26th, 2011 10:27 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Dear propagandists,

Your news story has a mistake that requires a retraction. The C'Tissian Royal Army should be referred to as the other CRA or the second CRA. The first army sent against T'ien Ch'i was sent on into the afterlife.

Thank you for your continued reporting. We always enjoy your view of events.

Mightypeon November 26th, 2011 12:01 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Well, the 12 hour warning is in, only I send my turn, and I will make the reasonable assumption that a holiday induced 48 turn delay will be seen as positive by a majority.

shatner November 26th, 2011 10:17 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Kudos to Shinuyama for what looks to have been a carefully coordinated and enormous opener to your war with C'tis. The charts don't show C'tis as having lost any troops so I can only assume there is a great deal of fighting left to see who actually gets to keep those provinces. Still, it looks very impressive from the charts; I look forward to you writing up some sort of report about it once you can do so without compromising your ability to compete in this game.

Gurthang November 26th, 2011 10:37 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
In the next few days I will be abroad and I doubt I will be able to send my turn every day. Could we set the time delay at 48 hours until Friday?

Thanks in advance and apologies for the inconvenience :o

tratorix November 26th, 2011 10:57 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

Originally Posted by shatner (Post 789457)
Kudos to Shinuyama for what looks to have been a carefully coordinated and enormous opener to your war with C'tis. The charts don't show C'tis as having lost any troops so I can only assume there is a great deal of fighting left to see who actually gets to keep those provinces. Still, it looks very impressive from the charts; I look forward to you writing up some sort of report about it once you can do so without compromising your ability to compete in this game.

Indeed, we seem to have a minor infestation of goblins here. It should be dealt with shortly.

Mightypeon November 28th, 2011 08:17 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

we are setting the timer to 48 hours for now, as we are imho proceeding rapidly into the midgame.
Please note that any additional delay requests are more likely to be granted in time if send to me via PM, as I am getting those at my E-Mail. At my work, my E-Mail Adress is safe for work, but this forum is not.

Mightypeon December 2nd, 2011 12:16 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Delayed due to lamaserver shenangians.

shatner December 3rd, 2011 03:10 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Just a heads up, I got an email "PointySticks: Turn 30 received for C'tis". That's a little weird since I'm not playing C'tis, I'm playing as Pythium. Tratorix, I would recommend you re-submit your turn even if you've already submitted it just to make sure llamaserver didn't misplace or otherwise bungle your turn.

Mightypeon December 3rd, 2011 03:20 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I did delay hosting by a lot and turned autohost off, people may want to resend their turns to make sure everything is correct.

RonD December 4th, 2011 07:57 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I re-uploaded my turn after the server came back, so I am good to go whenever everyone else is.

Mightypeon December 5th, 2011 06:54 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I know for a fact that Pythium, me and Shinu should be good to go.
This leaves Tien Chi, Ctis and Caelum.

Dogged57 December 5th, 2011 10:42 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Good to go. Resubmitted a while ago.

Mightypeon December 6th, 2011 08:36 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Ill will then turn on quickhost now.

RonD December 8th, 2011 09:38 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
The wind carries rumor of war between the superpowers, Ulm and Pytium. Yet scouts and score graphs report no activity. Not yet, anyway.

Back home, the wind carries - well, really yucky stuff. We find the campaign in C'Tis to be extremely unpleasant business. The rest of the world should be showering us with gifts, because we are saving each and every other nation from having to invade the swamps themselves. Though we have met with early success, the outcome is far from certain. People are getting sick. Reports of trenchfoot grow. It will only get worse as we attempt to move deeper into the fetid wasteland. The quartermaster reports that replacement goblins are on order, should arrive soon.

Dogged57 December 8th, 2011 11:55 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
We've called out the fumagators and exterminators to clean up the lands to the south.

Mightypeon December 8th, 2011 03:13 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Lets say that tensions between the Peoples Republic of Ulm and the Empire of Pythium are continuing to grow, but that both nations are unwilling to break diplomatic agreements in a dishonourable way.
After all, the massive armies employed around Mictlan are not moving very quickly anyway.

Dogged57 December 8th, 2011 03:48 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
That's kind of a scary zone right there. I'm glad that I'm not between you two.

shatner December 8th, 2011 03:57 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
It was almost certain to happen sooner or later though, as Mightypeon pointed out to me in a PM, large-scale, civ-ending wars are happening way sooner in this game than in some of the others we're both in. I guess naming a game "Pointy Sticks" means that players are more inclined to poke one another.

Regardless, one of the stated goals of this game was to give the Black Rose of Ulm custom faction a good test drive and I aim to see it driven like a rental car during Spring Break.

Mightypeon December 8th, 2011 05:53 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
We have like half the players down after a bit mroe than 30 turns.
Things are indeed coming to a head quickly.

Mightypeon December 10th, 2011 06:20 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I think I know why Vanheim went AI, their pretender was a Freaklord with N1B2, which implies that they perhaps submitted the wrong god.

Mightypeon December 11th, 2011 08:22 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
You are watching:

Ulm News, Fair and Heavy!

The World holds its breath as the Peoples Liberation army launches Operation Uranus! Pythiums Elite 6th army is cut off in Mictlan, and has lost much of its mage support due to a most cunning commando operation. However, it is by no means certain wether the encirclement will hold, even though the fact that Pythiums second field army is currently beeing sieged too may prove crucial for the war effort.
Ulmish military analysts believe that Ulm must win the war quickly, before Pythium succesfully utilizes its superior fort numbers and gem income ratings.
The income situation is slighlty favoring Ulm, but it is unsure wether this fact is significant enough.

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