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Flop March 5th, 2012 03:24 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Alright, so one of my armies decided not to move this turn. Does anyone know what could have caused this?

revenant2 March 5th, 2012 08:42 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
First it was Fomoria who was ruthlessly slaughtered by C'tis, but we did nothing. Then they came after Hinnom, who was mercilessly invaded by these cold-blooded monsters, but this time aided by their opportunistic neighbors, Sauromatia, whose weak-minded women leaders let themselves be beguiled by the sinister reptiles. And still we do nothing -- even as Hinnom barely clings to life behind the walls of his last fortress.

The Emorian High Command has had enough and has launched strikes against their unholy alliance and calls upon the noble nations to do their duty and join in the crusade to rid the land of this scaly menace.

Sauromatia, if you lay down your arms and cede your lands to my wise governance, we'll be willing to forgive your unnatural transgressions. As a gesture of our goodwill, We'll let you retain your capital, although we demand war reparations, all future gem production, and wives for my commanders -- including my Bane Lords (they aren't so bad once you get to know them).

mattyburn7 March 5th, 2012 10:23 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
And we forget Mictlan. Poor Mictlan who was triple teamed...and who was it that completedly disregarded the NAP and stabbed him in the back. ERMOR: YOU SHOWED YOUR TRUE COLORS!

The world Cannot be safe until it is rid of ERMOR and their women stealing Bane Lords! (Speaking of which I just got a Bogarus hero in another game that would be a perfect match for a Bane Lord).

ERMOR: Lay down your weapons now and I will allow you a greater honor than your capitol. I will allow you the honor of serving as restroom attendants in all the Sauromatanian cities. A greater honor has never been bestowed.

Also the current reparations bill is at 1700 Gold and 129 Gems of any denomination.


revenant2 March 5th, 2012 10:56 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 797696)
And we forget Mictlan. Poor Mictlan who was triple teamed...and who was it that completedly disregarded the NAP and stabbed him in the back. ERMOR: YOU SHOWED YOUR TRUE COLORS!

The world Cannot be safe until it is rid of ERMOR and their women stealing Bane Lords! (Speaking of which I just got a Bogarus hero in another game that would be a perfect match for a Bane Lord).

ERMOR: Lay down your weapons now and I will allow you a greater honor than your capitol. I will allow you the honor of serving as restroom attendants in all the Sauromatanian cities. A greater honor has never been bestowed.

Also the current reparations bill is at 1700 Gold and 129 Gems of any denomination.


Those bloodletters had it coming, and I did give them honorable notice about their upcoming extermination. Here's my proof :)


curtadams March 6th, 2012 01:53 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Flop (Post 797660)
Alright, so one of my armies decided not to move this turn. Does anyone know what could have caused this?

It usually happens when you have the army selected and then look at another province. Right-click will select the new province and deselect the army with its orders intact. However, left-click tries to move the army to that province, and if that's not possible, leaves them with default orders. It's very easy to make the wrong click.

Flop March 6th, 2012 04:26 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by curtadams (Post 797710)

Originally Posted by Flop (Post 797660)
Alright, so one of my armies decided not to move this turn. Does anyone know what could have caused this?

It usually happens when you have the army selected and then look at another province. Right-click will select the new province and deselect the army with its orders intact. However, left-click tries to move the army to that province, and if that's not possible, leaves them with default orders. It's very easy to make the wrong click.

I loaded up the last turn, just to check, and they did have orders to move (with arrows and everything). Oh, well, I suppose it's just a glitch.

HoleyDooley March 6th, 2012 04:29 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
In the immortal words of Meat Loaf.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, oh it must have been when you were left clicking me."

My friend has armies that never move and always says the game is bugged. I tell him as per above. He insists its bugged. Mind you we play many games together and something is always bugged, it cannot be his human error.

HoleyDooley March 6th, 2012 04:32 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Flop, perchance was there a battle in that province that turn?

revenant2 March 6th, 2012 06:10 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I hate to be the first to bring this up, but my turns are getting rather time-consuming. Admittedly, I'm fighting two wars right now, which isn't helping things, but I don't see these turns getting shorter anytime soon

Is it too early to consider a 48H auto-host?

Szumo March 6th, 2012 07:59 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I'm ok with switching to 48h.

Flop March 6th, 2012 09:35 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by HoleyDooley (Post 797718)
In the immortal words of Meat Loaf.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, oh it must have been when you were left clicking me."

My friend has armies that never move and always says the game is bugged. I tell him as per above. He insists its bugged. Mind you we play many games together and something is always bugged, it cannot be his human error.

Well, that's between you and your friend. Like I said, I checked out the turn I submitted, and the army was indeed ordered to move. And there wasn't any battle in that province, so that's not the reason why it didn't move.

I'm not suggesting a rollback, or even complaining (much), but I'd like to know if there's some known issue causing this, so that I can avoid it in the future.

I'm ok with switching to 48 hours, btw, and to be honest, I was thinking of suggesting this myself. I also think I might need an extension this coming weekend, but I'll come back to that in a few days.

mattyburn7 March 6th, 2012 09:40 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Ermor: Those are obviously forged documents from the Master's of deceit.

I'm going to go ahead and switch to 48 hours now!

Ermor. An alternative to the 48 hour switch would be for you to surrender 2/3 of your provinces now to make administration easier.


mattyburn7 March 6th, 2012 09:42 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
k. Switched to 48 hours. If for some reason it didn't seem to take affect, send me a PM.

HoleyDooley March 6th, 2012 09:52 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Flop, my comment was being typed whilst yours was posted, and I didn't get to read it before posting mine. Note yours posted at 3:26 and mine at 3:29. I wasn't having a dig at you, but yes, the left click is a common fault.

Thus I posted another query, was there a battle in the province that the troops were in?

My friend had complained that troops didn't move but there was a battle in their province which suggested to me the opposition came directly from the province in which he was trying to move.

curtadams March 6th, 2012 11:13 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I generally don't like converging armies, because not too infrequently only one moves. I'd thought it was because of interfering orders (e.g. I have two armies moving into a province, he has one counterattacking, counterattacker moves first and I have two fights, one with the army that moved and one with the one that got firsted). But I'd never carefully analyzed it and maybe it's a bug.

revenant2 March 6th, 2012 04:01 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 797741)
Ermor: Those are obviously forged documents from the Master's of deceit.

I'm going to go ahead and switch to 48 hours now!

Ermor. An alternative to the 48 hour switch would be for you to surrender 2/3 of your provinces now to make administration easier.


Our propaganda ministry didn't starting using Photoshop until the middle-age, so I assure you it's legitimate.

Thanks for the time bump

mattyburn7 March 6th, 2012 04:08 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Anytime. Please remember to pay for all food you take from my people.

Flop March 6th, 2012 06:19 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by HoleyDooley (Post 797744)
Flop, my comment was being typed whilst yours was posted, and I didn't get to read it before posting mine. Note yours posted at 3:26 and mine at 3:29. I wasn't having a dig at you, but yes, the left click is a common fault.

Thus I posted another query, was there a battle in the province that the troops were in?

My friend had complained that troops didn't move but there was a battle in their province which suggested to me the opposition came directly from the province in which he was trying to move.

Fair enough, I hadn't noticedd the time stamps. Anyway, I think it's just a glitch. I think I'll just try to avoid coordinated attacks in the future, unless it's absolutely necessary.

As Curtadams points out, there are other good reasons for doing that, too, so I should probably be avoiding them anyway. :)

revenant2 March 9th, 2012 05:49 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Sorry everyone. Turn 35 is waiting up on me, but unfortunately, I won't get a chance to take it until later this evening.

mattyburn7 March 9th, 2012 09:26 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
No problem. I know it takes awhile to plan a retreat...errrr orderly withdrawal.

revenant2 March 10th, 2012 12:12 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
We prefer to think of it as fighting in the other direction.

curtadams March 10th, 2012 11:16 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Reculer pour mieux sauter!

Szumo March 25th, 2012 02:07 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Flop, not that i'm accusing you of anything, but do you remember that recruiting 0g Wild Ettin is an exploit and forbidden, right?

Flop March 26th, 2012 02:23 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Szumo (Post 799562)
Flop, not that i'm accusing you of anything, but do you remember that recruiting 0g Wild Ettin is an exploit and forbidden, right?

Ah, damn, you're right. I had totally forgotten about that. I think I've recruited 6 or 7, but haven't really used them much. I guess I'll just park them in some backwater province, and stop recruiting them. I'm sorry guys. :(

On another note, I'd like to request a 24 hour extension, if that's ok. I've been pretty busy these last couple of days, and I'm not sure I can make the current deadline. I'll send a PM to Matty, just in case he doesn't check the thread.

mattyburn7 March 26th, 2012 02:25 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Hey Flop...Got it. Going to add extension now. Thanks!

Flop March 26th, 2012 02:42 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Thanks, Matty.

revenant2 March 26th, 2012 10:31 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Our mighty god, El Gato Grande, "The big Cat", "The mighty purrer", and "he who enjoys long, long naps" has an important message to all the faithful, who support him in his holy crusade against the foul lizard-men, C'tis, and their side-kicks, Sauromatia.

Despite what you may see in the score graphs, our war has been a great, rousing success. We have absolutely no need for assistance and want to assure everyone that you may go about your lives in peaceful ignorance to the great struggle that's being fought for your very souls by your just and loyal Emorian protectors.

The joy we feel in our hearts is payment enough for this opportunity to protect everyone from this slithering menace. Please don't be concerned if you see some of our forces moving into our fortresses. There is a holy holiday coming up and our mighty army has earned a break to spend with their loves ones, but rest assured, your safety is in good hands and we'll be returning to the field soon. Despite what some rumors have said, we are NOT retreating before an unholy horde of Sauromancers and poison spitting dragons. That's just not how we do things in Ermor.

And to poor Hinnom, who was defeated by a monstrosity so evil that our scout still can't fully recount it without sobbing uncontrollably, we tried to stand bravely by your side. However, the combined might of Lizard and Amazon slowed down our inexorable advance before we could reach your capital in time. Although I'm sure we would have given a bit more time. A few lizards and women in thongs can't stop us! We'll avenge you! -- But not until after our holiday is over.

Also, we discount the reports of your giants eating their own children in the last days of the siege as propaganda from C'tis. Our scout only reported seeing some very hungry giants and large stew-pots, but we didn't actually see any children being eaten. Come to think of it, we didn't see any children at all, but I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for that.

Szumo March 27th, 2012 08:24 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Actually, your war is indeed a success - you're doing surprisingly well so far (I can hope this is about to end).
You can always beg for mercy of course, err i mean ask for peace. Let it not be said that Szumo, God of C'tis, is a cruel one (because everyone should be afraid of saying that aloud of course).

On another note, it's turn 45 and gossip seems to have died :(
I noticed most of the "good" artifacts have been already forged before i even got to const 8. Pity :(

To me, overall situation seems that there are 2 leagues - with me, Tien Chi and Helheim in the first one, Ulm, Sauromatia and Yomi in 2nd one and Ermor dropping into it. Guys in the second league really need to get some allies or they will no longer matter. While guys in the first one should already be switching from recruit based armies to summon based ones ;)

mattyburn7 March 27th, 2012 08:35 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
You Mean to say that my amazons aren't going to cut it!!! Ah well, at least they do a good job of dying so others might live.

Ermor: Good News!! The Sauromatian Senate has voted to give all citizens of Ermor 10% citizenship as they are annexed into the greater Sauromatian kingdom. It really doesn't mean much other than you pay higher taxes and get nothing for it.

When we take Shamballac back, please make sure the place is nice and tidied. Also, I'm got to wonder what the women of Ermor are like, your soldiers keep hitting on my Gorgon!

mattyburn7 March 27th, 2012 01:32 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
K. I'm going to switch back to 48 hours. If you need me to delay any further, just let me know.

Flop March 27th, 2012 02:58 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I will. Thanks again. :)

revenant2 March 30th, 2012 04:20 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Ermor is looking to buy 2 Moonvine Bracelets in our righteous struggle against the lizard menace. Please let me know your price.

mattyburn7 March 31st, 2012 03:50 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Everyone: I postponed turn 24 hours. Won't be due until 7:30 GMT Monday.

Ermor: Are you ready to become a satellite yet of the Amazons?

curtadams March 31st, 2012 03:52 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I can't really disagree with Szumo's grouping analysis, but I certainly feel like "minimum inter pares" (least among equals) in the top group. Some of it involves things that went that I'm not going to reveal until the post-mortem, and some is in the graphs. But a hint: if I write an AAR it's going to be titled something like "Blundering Your Way into a Respectable Endgame Loss".

mattyburn7 March 31st, 2012 03:57 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I know for sure he put me in the right group. LOL! Will be anxious to hear your post-mortem Curt.

revenant2 March 31st, 2012 08:30 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 800367)
Everyone: I postponed turn 24 hours. Won't be due until 7:30 GMT Monday.

Ermor: Are you ready to become a satellite yet of the Amazons?

I can see that our master plan of luring you and the lizards into a false sense of security is working splendidly.

Szumo April 2nd, 2012 03:59 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Indeed it is. I can't wait for you to unveil your surprise :)

Flop April 7th, 2012 04:40 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Damn, I staled. I thought I'd be able to get in my turn, but unfortunately I didn't. :(

I don't suppose it would be possible to increase the turn timer to 72 hours? My turns are starting to take a while to do, and I've been having a hard time getting my turns in lately.

mattyburn7 April 7th, 2012 04:48 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I'm ok with it...Anyone else have an objection?

curtadams April 7th, 2012 09:12 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
No, I've had some close calls myself.

mattyburn7 April 7th, 2012 09:22 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I've extended to 72 hours.
Flop I really apologize for not catching it. Usually I try to watch for it, but past couple days have been hectic with the Holidays.

Not sure why Sauromatia gets his turns done quickly...Wait I know. Only about 5 provinces!! LOL

revenant2 April 7th, 2012 09:46 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 800942)
I've extended to 72 hours.
Flop I really apologize for not catching it. Usually I try to watch for it, but past couple days have been hectic with the Holidays.

Not sure why Sauromatia gets his turns done quickly...Wait I know. Only about 5 provinces!! LOL

It would have been zero if it wasn't for that meddling lizard man :)

mattyburn7 April 7th, 2012 10:04 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I was going to put the Kaibosh on that bane lord of yours until you sent that huge army my way. What gives. More suitors for the Gorgon??

Flop April 7th, 2012 10:13 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 800942)
I've extended to 72 hours.
Flop I really apologize for not catching it. Usually I try to watch for it, but past couple days have been hectic with the Holidays.

No problem, it's not your fault. :)

revenant2 April 7th, 2012 10:39 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 800947)
I was going to put the Kaibosh on that bane lord of yours until you sent that huge army my way. What gives. More suitors for the Gorgon??

That poor Bane Lord, Childfeaster, has been through quite a lot and just wants to find a nice Sauromatian wife -- preferably an amazon -- to settle down with, although he's been in the field so long he'd probably settle for your Gorgon, although you would need to put a dress on her first.

curtadams April 8th, 2012 12:04 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
One turn, two gods killed! Feel the power of Moonson!

Szumo April 10th, 2012 03:41 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I'm for 72 hours too - i'm about to need a lot of time for the turns now that almopst everyone and their dogs gave me NAP termination notices ;)

mattyburn7 April 10th, 2012 08:54 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
k. Been set to 72 hours.

Its kind of funny. Ermor and myself have 2 little enclaves inside the C'tis bubble. It looks like we are about to do battle for control of the enclave.

revenant2 April 10th, 2012 04:38 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 801162)
k. Been set to 72 hours.

Its kind of funny. Ermor and myself have 2 little enclaves inside the C'tis bubble. It looks like we are about to do battle for control of the enclave.

It's race for me to destroy you before Ctis destroys me in kind. This assumes he isn't destroyed by everyone else before he can finish the job, which might be difficult when he faces The Big Cat, who is one very tough kitty.

mattyburn7 April 10th, 2012 04:44 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Bummer. I thought my Pretender would join the battle. Instead he went inside the castle. What gives!!

You've got the inside track now to knock me out.

Good fight you brought!

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