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DarkAvenger211 February 27th, 2012 01:46 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
I kind of figured. He was being attacked by me and one other I think. I accidentally met the other army attacking him by accident :P

Flop February 28th, 2012 12:17 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Right, so I guess silentkota is not to be included in future games. Maybe we should have restarted, after all...

Torgon February 28th, 2012 03:47 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Ehhh... its not that bad. He was in a pretty hopeless situation, and wouldn't have been able to do that much to resist anyway. I just got a seige on his capital (and only fort), and he was being attacked by both Ulm and Argatha as well. And he only had two mages in the capital at the time so he wouldn't even of had the option of racing up conj for some quick defenders.

I would place a be wary sticker on him, but I wouldn't go so far as not allowing him in any other games.

Flop February 28th, 2012 08:56 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 797001)
Ehhh... its not that bad. He was in a pretty hopeless situation, and wouldn't have been able to do that much to resist anyway. I just got a seige on his capital (and only fort), and he was being attacked by both Ulm and Argatha as well. And he only had two mages in the capital at the time so he wouldn't even of had the option of racing up conj for some quick defenders.

I would place a be wary sticker on him, but I wouldn't go so far as not allowing him in any other games.

Yeah, maybe you're right, but I do think that going AI without warning is a pretty poor move, even if you're certain to lose. But the fact that he just joined a random game on llamaserver is almost as bad, in my opinion, even if he eventually made his way to this thread.

DarkAvenger211 February 28th, 2012 07:50 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Holy christ he left like 70 PD on some of his provinces. Its been taking me soo many turns to take them.

mattyburn7 February 28th, 2012 09:03 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Tell me about it, I chipped away at I think it was 53 for you. Got wiped out there. LOL!

Torgon February 29th, 2012 02:49 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Yep. I'm looking at 60 PD in one (The one you just bumped into, same thing happened to me the turn before last) and 30 in another.

I almost think that the ridiculous amounts of PD is more of a bad move than the going AI.

Especially with Ashdod's PD. I think I'm just going to wait for him to die from dom kill before I try to take the 60 PD province again.

Nightfall February 29th, 2012 04:46 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
It's possible that defence events were involved...

Guess that's one reason why Ashdod's usually banned...

DarkAvenger211 February 29th, 2012 10:50 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
I've lost 2 massive armies trying to take it out. Not to mention PD doesn't get whittled down. Damn.

DarkAvenger211 March 10th, 2012 10:59 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
After missing this last turn I think it's time to set the turn time limit to 36 hours. Turns are starting to become longer now anyways

Torgon March 15th, 2012 10:24 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
I'm up for moving to 36 hours.

Also I'd just like to say that this has been a pretty good game so far. Thanks everyone.

Torgon March 16th, 2012 10:52 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
So I hope that abysia realizes that in general, assassination attempts are generally considered against NAPs.

Technically, we still have one in effect. If you want to start fighting go ahead. But at least stay withing the bounds of your own diplomacy.

Nightfall March 17th, 2012 01:09 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 798789)
So I hope that abysia realizes that in general, assassination attempts are generally considered against NAPs.

Technically, we still have one in effect. If you want to start fighting go ahead. But at least stay withing the bounds of your own diplomacy.

So is sowing descent with bards and getting caught, consider it just a little tit for tat; although your hypocrisy is amusing.

Oh, and you may consider this notice of the dissolution of our treaty.

Torgon March 17th, 2012 12:55 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
One turn of a little dissent, that I actually broke off immediately, is hardly the same as a mass assassination attempt. But whatever, I wish you luck.

Flop March 18th, 2012 05:52 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Sorry for holding up the game, guys. I actually played my turn last night, but forgot to send it in. :(

mattyburn7 March 18th, 2012 08:46 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
No problem mate at all mate. Cheers!

Torgon March 20th, 2012 02:01 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

I've got some issues to deal with at work. Any chance we can get a 24 hours extension on the current turn?


mattyburn7 March 20th, 2012 06:17 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
That would be helpful for me also.

Flop March 20th, 2012 07:43 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
It might be a good idea to drop DarkAvenger a PM, just in case he doesn't check this thread by tomorrow.

Torgon March 20th, 2012 11:28 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
I was able to get turn 51 in, but 52 is going to be a challenge. I'll drop darkavenger a PM.

DarkAvenger211 March 25th, 2012 02:35 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
somehow I haven't been eliminated yet? I went AI, but that's because I have no territories

Torgon March 25th, 2012 02:49 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
You still have one water province.

Also could I get a 12 hour extension. I apologize. This should be the last one I need for awhile. We just had an emergency at work this week that has been pretty horrendous.


DarkAvenger211 March 25th, 2012 03:45 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Just letting you guys know I've passed admin to Torgon. I won't be looking at the thread often so I just thought it would be better if I gave it to Torgon. He should let you know if he needs to postpone hosting or anything like that.

good luck guys!

mattyburn7 March 25th, 2012 04:09 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Thanks very much. Hope to see you in a game soon!


Torgon March 26th, 2012 08:18 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
So I should be back to a normal schedule now, and shouldn't need any more extensions.

Nightfall March 27th, 2012 08:50 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
I'm too tired to put in my turn tonight, I'll do it tomorrow, shouldn't need extra time, but if you see this please add 4 hours just so I have some leeway...

Torgon March 30th, 2012 03:36 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Would you guys be up for changing the hosting interval to 48 hours? There are really only three of us left (sorry pythium), so it will probably go faster, but it would leave us all a little flexibility.

Nightfall March 30th, 2012 05:08 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 800182)
Would you guys be up for changing the hosting interval to 48 hours? There are really only three of us left (sorry pythium), so it will probably go faster, but it would leave us all a little flexibility.

Fine with me, having fun even though my forces are outclassed for the moment...

Hanging in there by being a sneaky s.o.b.

mattyburn7 March 30th, 2012 06:35 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
THat works for me.

Flop March 30th, 2012 06:59 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
When is someone going to get around to finishing me off, btw?

Nightfall March 30th, 2012 07:16 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Flop (Post 800198)
When is someone going to get around to finishing me off, btw?

That's supposed to be mattyburn7's job. ;)

Flop March 30th, 2012 10:05 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Nightfall (Post 800199)

Originally Posted by Flop (Post 800198)
When is someone going to get around to finishing me off, btw?

That's supposed to be mattyburn7's job. ;)

He's slacking off, the bum. :D

Torgon March 31st, 2012 12:48 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Nightfall (Post 800190)

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 800182)
Would you guys be up for changing the hosting interval to 48 hours? There are really only three of us left (sorry pythium), so it will probably go faster, but it would leave us all a little flexibility.

Fine with me, having fun even though my forces are outclassed for the moment...

Hanging in there by being a sneaky s.o.b.


I thought I was the one that was outclassed. It's definitely been interesting. Especially trying to fight on 4 different fronts at once.

Torgon March 31st, 2012 01:29 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 800354)

Originally Posted by Nightfall (Post 800190)

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 800182)
Would you guys be up for changing the hosting interval to 48 hours? There are really only three of us left (sorry pythium), so it will probably go faster, but it would leave us all a little flexibility.

Fine with me, having fun even though my forces are outclassed for the moment...

Hanging in there by being a sneaky s.o.b.


I thought I was the one that was outclassed. It's definitely been interesting. Especially trying to fight on 4 different fronts at once.

I also have a very real respect for Abyssia's PD after this game. I don't think I really appreciated how powerful getting an F2 mage with your PD is.

Nightfall March 31st, 2012 06:25 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 800358)
I also have a very real respect for Abyssia's PD after this game. I don't think I really appreciated how powerful getting an F2 mage with your PD is.

Yep, best PD in the age, except maybe Ashdod, the salamanders are a little bit hit and miss in effectiveness, but 20 PD only costs a little more than hiring one straight out, and you get him without the aging problems.

It's still not going to repel a serious attack, but they usually cause some attrition.

Torgon March 31st, 2012 10:47 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 800196)
THat works for me.

Okay, extended the hosting interval to 48 hours.

Torgon April 4th, 2012 06:50 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

My internet connection decided to take a break just as I was trying to submit prior to the deadline.

If you guys have a major objection we can just continue on, but I really don't want to have a stale turn at the point. I haven't looked at the new turn file yet. Would you mind if we just rolled back to 60 and resubmit quickly. I have the 2h ready to upload.

mattyburn7 April 4th, 2012 09:07 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
I feel your pain and won't complain regardless of what we do. My only concern is I've seen other posts claim that rollbacks can really screw the game up. I haven't seen it and I don't want any stales. I would just hate to see the game screwed up. I'm in a distant 3rd anyway so whatever the 2 of you decide (sorry Pythium :D )

Nightfall April 5th, 2012 12:33 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Torgon (Post 800747)

My internet connection decided to take a break just as I was trying to submit prior to the deadline.

If you guys have a major objection we can just continue on, but I really don't want to have a stale turn at the point. I haven't looked at the new turn file yet. Would you mind if we just rolled back to 60 and resubmit quickly. I have the 2h ready to upload.

I replied to your PM before seeing that you had put it in the game thread as well.

I'm happy for you to copy and paste what I said into here so the others can see, I would myself but I didn't save it...

Nightfall April 5th, 2012 08:57 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Torgon

Originally Posted by Nightfall
While I would be willing to trust you as far as the turn file is concerned, and I wont say no outright, there are 2 real problems with this.

The biggest wins I had this turn were the results of my 2 teleport ambushes, which you couldn't have done anything about with your orders anyway. I'll be _really_ pissed if the results of either of these are different after a rollback.

Secondly, rollbacks have a very high chance of causing game corruption, if you do rollback and it causes _any_ corruption issues, I expect you to suck it up and forfeit the game.

While I understand how you feel about staling at this stage, in general the vets all say that it's better to just deal with it and play on.

To address these

1. So I can't guarantee that the results of your two ambushes wont be different. Obviously there are only a limited number of places in which you could ambush me where it would make a dramatic difference. I'm obviously going to do something in those locations.

2. Honestly don't see why this would be an issue. The game will be over anyway if it corrupts. Not sure why it matters who forfeits.

So if you're willing to accept #1 then we can keep going. If you're not then they seem like fairly hollow victories anyway.

I've included the private replies, as there is no reason I addressed you privately other than that was the first message I saw.

2 is an issue because you are potentially trashing the game with what is, frankly, a pretty selfish request, that puts me in an awkward position.

I'm sorry, but I simply can't condone a rollback for any reason other than for a serious game bug; as I would never ask for or expect one. I am a little confused that you don't seem to get that it's a big deal.

As a note, the staled turn wasn't entirely good for me, the fact that several of your troops didn't move when I expected them to has caused me a few problems too.

mattyburn7 April 5th, 2012 09:28 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Fortunately I have not been in a position yet where I've been impacted like this. But everytime I have seen it, the players are genuinely sad for what happened and wish it could be undone, but the consensus, particularly because of the corruption problem, is to move forward as-is.

I try to look at it this way. In war sometimes bad luck and good luck and bizarre things happens. This falls into that category. I hope I can look at it the same way if/when it happens to me.

At the end of the day its a game. So I'm going to be fine either way, but the precedent from other games has been to just keep going.


Flop April 5th, 2012 04:42 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
I really wish someone would just knock me out of this game already. :D

But since no one has, I'm just going to chime in and say that I've also heard horror stories of roll backs ruining games. I have no idea how rare this is, and roll backs do still occur in many games. Anyway, in my opinion Torgon should be granted a roll back, if he feels it's important enough. Generally, though, I don't think a single staled turn should warrant a roll back. If you do decide to do a roll back, it's important, that Torgon does his turn in a gentlemanly fashion, not taking into account any moves the other players have made (obviously).

Also, as Nightbringer said, if the roll back does screw up the game, it should probably count as a victory for him (or Matty, I don't know who's leading).

That's just my two cents. Ultimately, it's up to you guys to decide.

Nightfall April 5th, 2012 08:36 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Flop (Post 800793)
I have no idea how rare this is, and roll backs do still occur in many games.

I've been in 2 games before that attempted rollbacks, in both cases the game was abandoned within 3 turns of the rollback. Both had issues introduced by the rollback; although in the first case the main problem was the original bug.

Nightfall April 10th, 2012 09:15 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
Since Torgon has 3 stales now, but has had no problems posting and admining another game; I'm pretty much assuming that he has spat the dummy.

What do you guys want to do?

mattyburn7 April 10th, 2012 09:35 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
I am willing to concede or play on. Either way. There is no way I will win or deserve to win. Man has kicked my butt in every battle. Pythium destroyed me in the one and only battle and I couldn't finish him off. I have no doubt Abysia would too!!

To me it was a battle between Man and Abysia. I will concede unless you want some target practice in which case I promise to fight the best that I can.

Nightfall April 10th, 2012 10:45 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 801251)
Man has kicked my butt in every battle.

I agree that his main armies were tactically the best I've ever seen, great composition, placement and scripting, and first turn fog warriors on the W9 blessed wardens makes them almost unbeatable.

Strategically though 3 or 4 main armies only hold 3 or 4 provinces, so my strategy was to attack everywhere that he is not, and let my global kill all his deployed mages in his main armies.

Also got a couple of mage teams able to first turn iron bane and rain of stones those big armies if they try to attack anywhere crucial, which was the best way I could think of to inflict massive casualties on them.

Nightfall April 11th, 2012 08:20 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 801251)
I am willing to concede or play on. Either way. There is no way I will win or deserve to win. Man has kicked my butt in every battle. Pythium destroyed me in the one and only battle and I couldn't finish him off. I have no doubt Abysia would too!!

To me it was a battle between Man and Abysia. I will concede unless you want some target practice in which case I promise to fight the best that I can.

Okay, if there are no objections I'll shut the game down tonight, since I suspect that's what Flop would prefer. ;)

Was good to play with both of you, and thanks for the game.

Sorry I went for you first Flop, but Strands of Arcane Power was always the core of my strategy this game, and I had to get rid of those archtheurges before I could put it up.

mattyburn7 April 11th, 2012 09:23 PM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Was a good learning experience. This was my 2nd full MP game and I've got to admit I feel more comfortable with this one and Noobaphobia under the belt.

Flop: I appreciate the tip about having at least 1 PD (THat was in Noobaphobia).

Nightfall. We are both in team game. Look forward to playing you there.

Flop. I probably won't survive Noobaphobia much longer. Hopefully we can get in a game elsewhere.

Torgon: Having fun in March Madness.

Cheers folks!

Flop April 12th, 2012 02:05 AM

Thanks for the game guys, even if I was knocked out quite fast. :)

I'm definitely up for another, sometime, although right now I should probably limit myself to the two I'm already in. Turns are starting to take a while to do. :)

edit: and congratulations on the win, Nightfall!

Torgon April 13th, 2012 12:38 AM

Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)
So just want to apologize to you guys. In all honesty after I stalled on that turn, I just got pretty demoralized as wasn't really up for continuing a losing game against abyssia. Since it was pretty much down to just me and him.

I still never even looked at that turn. I had spent a significant chunk of time testing out a perfect counter strat to what I was pretty sure was going to happen.

Not really an excuse for it, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

Overall, I think it was a great game. And nightfall, you played really well. Strands is a huge pain in the rear if the mage casting it is powerful enough, and I'm guessing yours was.

Just to let you know what I was going to do so you can expect it the next time you play Man, even though you didn't see it here.

I'm guessing you teleported a couple anti-SC onto my air queens or fire king. What I was planning was to simultaneously Cloud trap two crones into each province with one of my super combatants.

Crones cast flight, swarm, attack one turn, song of power. Boom, everyone turns into birds. As long as its two crones you have almost a 100% success rate against even fully decked out Chayots. Less than a Chayot and you only need one crone. You need two because the fire shield knocks out the dragon flies pretty fast so he often gets one shot and kills a crone before the song goes off. Swarm is for two reasons, one, locks down the anti sc so he cant get close to the asset your trying to protect, two keeps him off the crone so they have a chance to cast.

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