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-   -   MP: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 4, 8/12 remaining] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48330)

Ragnarok-X February 9th, 2012 05:48 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Apparently im missing the map file, i.e. the background bmp or jpg. where is it ?

3V4JKZ2 February 9th, 2012 05:54 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
First post.

Ossa, can you please confirm that you also got the man file?

Executor February 9th, 2012 05:58 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini

Link to the map file.

Ossa February 9th, 2012 05:59 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
nope, it says the game is already full:/
Before everyone has to resubmit - it might be easier if you change the email adress for man to mine and I'll just take the current pretender - whichever this is.

3V4JKZ2 February 9th, 2012 06:04 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
I'm not sure I can do that, but I'll try. PM me your e-mail?

3V4JKZ2 February 9th, 2012 06:04 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Found it. Then I'll do that, and resend the turn.

3V4JKZ2 February 9th, 2012 06:06 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Resent turn. Ossa, if you're okay with what you've gotten stuck with, then we're good to go.

Ossa February 9th, 2012 06:11 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
He's dormant, so he should be ok. Turn sent.

3V4JKZ2 February 9th, 2012 06:13 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
:P You're a champion. I look forward to the reveal on that surprise.

Ragnarok-X February 9th, 2012 06:51 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
If you want i can run a game for a year with the pretender and send you a screenshot once its awake.

edit: you have a pm

samoht February 9th, 2012 07:21 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
When are turns normally going to be due by?

3V4JKZ2 February 9th, 2012 07:23 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
It's 24 hours, so the e-mail should say. It went out ~3 hours ago, so ~21 hours from now? Quickhost means if everyone submits, it goes early (so if 17 hours in, the last person sends it in, the next turn goes out early with 24 hours)

legowarrior February 9th, 2012 10:31 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
I'm having trouble turning it in. Don't know why. Every time I turn in my turn, it tells me there is a problem. Don't know why.

kennoseishin February 9th, 2012 10:44 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Are you using the old turn file, or the resent one? And you're sending the .2h file, not the .trn file right?

legowarrior February 9th, 2012 10:45 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Send in the .2h file.

Are there 2 trn files?

legowarrior February 9th, 2012 10:49 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
I asked the server to resend me my turn. I'll see if that helps!

legowarrior February 10th, 2012 12:10 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Got it!

3V4JKZ2 February 10th, 2012 03:17 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Glad to hear it. Just need 2 more (Mictlan and Bander Log) and we should see if we've really got this one working.

Korwin February 10th, 2012 03:25 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Did we an restart? I took a turn yesterday...
*dont forget to delete the old turn before sending a new first turn*

3V4JKZ2 February 10th, 2012 04:06 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Yep, there was a restart, and yep, people should have sent the new version of their turn.

legowarrior February 10th, 2012 04:29 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
I might have trouble this weekend. I'll try to take all the files and run them on my wife's note book, but I'm a little worried.

3V4JKZ2 February 10th, 2012 05:00 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
It looks like Nightfall is about to stale (he has ~15 minutes), and I'm uncertain. Any of the vets; do you usually hold for people, or let stales go through?

Executor February 10th, 2012 05:13 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Depends on the admin really. If I notice someone is about to stale I tend to extend the turn a bit.

3V4JKZ2 February 10th, 2012 05:14 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Alright, postponed it 2 hours to give others time to weigh in. I sent Nightfall a private message, which I hope sends him an e-mail alert as well.

Korwin February 10th, 2012 05:14 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini

Originally Posted by 3V4JKZ2 (Post 795157)
It looks like Nightfall is about to stale (he has ~15 minutes), and I'm uncertain. Any of the vets; do you usually hold for people, or let stales go through?

The first turn on llamaserver is automatically doubled.
He has until Saturday time...

Next turn due: 23:17 GMT on Saturday February 11th

3V4JKZ2 February 10th, 2012 05:30 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Hahahaha, oh. That explains it.

legowarrior February 10th, 2012 06:12 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Okay, I can get Dominions to run off my flash drive, so I am okay this weekend, but if the turn is doubled, that won't be a problem anyway.

legowarrior February 11th, 2012 12:09 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Turn one has started! I believe there is a lot to learn from the information. Should I share what I know with the rest of the world, or should we all continue to ignorant?

(How do people feel about someone going through the general information and giving out observations about what is going on?)

samoht February 11th, 2012 12:29 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini

Originally Posted by legowarrior (Post 795192)
Turn one has started! I believe there is a lot to learn from the information. Should I share what I know with the rest of the world, or should we all continue to ignorant?

(How do people feel about someone going through the general information and giving out observations about what is going on?)

As a newcomer to Dom3 multiplayer, I welcome observations. I figure I'm probably going to get creamed anyways, so might as well learn what I can.

I guess it kind of depends on the info being shared? Some people might be able to use it better than others.

legowarrior February 11th, 2012 08:17 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
The what you can gleam from the scores shown at the end of the turn. I know at least one player has an awake pretender.

Executor February 11th, 2012 08:28 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini

Originally Posted by legowarrior (Post 795218)
The what you can gleam from the scores shown at the end of the turn. I know at least one player has an awake pretender.

And who might that be?

Korwin February 11th, 2012 08:28 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Anyone else get a strange status?

Executor February 11th, 2012 08:32 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Yeah, Llamaserver is stuck atm. I guess Llama will fix it when he can.

Korwin February 11th, 2012 09:23 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Didn't notice the last update time and in the other games the Nations still Show up.

legowarrior February 11th, 2012 11:10 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Even in the dark caverns of the Agartha, there are rumors that somewhere deep in the warm swamps of the Lizard folk, there is research being done and strong domain being spread, a sign of an awake pretender. The deep seas seem abuzz with rumors of a great army forming and the Pythiums seem to have gained a large lead in Gems. What all the signs lead to is unknown, but we at least know what we are going to do today!

legowarrior February 11th, 2012 11:21 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
On a totally different note, I might need some extra time in order to submit my turn. I'm away from home, and Dominions 3 won't run on my labtop, now that the graphics card is broken.

samoht February 11th, 2012 11:53 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
So we're playing with Victory Points, eh? Could somebody explain to me exactly how those work? Is it just first person to hold all of them for a turn? Or first person to hold them all for a period of time? Or do the points accumulate?

Korwin February 11th, 2012 01:08 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Submitting pretenders

Originally Posted by 3V4JKZ2 (Post 795013)
There are little crowns on the map. I suspect these are victory points. I was under the impression I did not turn victory points on. Is this a big deal?


Originally Posted by Korwin (Post 795022)
On Llamaserver Victory points show up on the map, if we play with them and if we dont play with them.

Just ignore them.

I still think those crowns are ignorable...

samoht February 11th, 2012 01:20 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Submitting pretenders

Originally Posted by Korwin (Post 795237)

Originally Posted by 3V4JKZ2 (Post 795013)
There are little crowns on the map. I suspect these are victory points. I was under the impression I did not turn victory points on. Is this a big deal?


Originally Posted by Korwin (Post 795022)
On Llamaserver Victory points show up on the map, if we play with them and if we dont play with them.

Just ignore them.

I still think those crowns are ignorable...

Thanks for the heads up. I should read posts in this thread more carefully.

kennoseishin February 11th, 2012 01:29 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini

Originally Posted by legowarrior (Post 795233)
The deep seas seem abuzz with rumors of a great army forming and the Pythiums seem to have gained a large lead in Gems.

Most MA nations start out with 5 gem income, but Pythium starts with 8. R'lyeh has cheap mindless cannonfodder troops available, so a sudden increase in army size isn't too surprising, though it could also be due to a random event; land nations can get a sudden pile of militia too. http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Main_Page is an excellent resource for beginners and veterans alike to check up on info like this, though it's temporarily down now. :(

Edit: Also, some info can be gleaned from the titles of a pretender god. I'll use my own, Zhuge Liang, as an example. "Minister of Mountains" because he has earth, "God of the Celestial Bodies" because he has astral, and "Symbol of Unchallenged Victory" because he'll be the eventual winner :D Not everything is described of course, so the titles only give you hints.

3V4JKZ2 February 11th, 2012 01:53 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Korwin, can you send Llama a PM please? I'm a little busy at the moment.

Edit: I was able to send him a PM.

Executor February 11th, 2012 03:37 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
The crowns don't act for anything other than a bit extra dom spread. Ignore them.

On a different note, I've never had a better title on my pretender;
Guardian of the Dead, Prince of Disease, Patron of Necromancers, The lurker in the Crypt, The King at the Crossroads.

Blubbernaught February 11th, 2012 03:50 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
I didn't get as lucky on my titles. And I have a feeling I've set things up to be less than optimal for multiplayer, but time will tell.

3V4JKZ2 February 12th, 2012 04:10 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Llama hasn't responded to the PM yet, so not sure what's going wrong.

Dude, my PM to Llama wasn't in my sent box? What is going on here?

kennoseishin February 12th, 2012 04:20 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Since we were only on the second turn, it might be worth just restarting the game.

3V4JKZ2 February 12th, 2012 04:21 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Let's give Llama a bit of time.

February 12th, 2012 04:23 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini

Originally Posted by kennoseishin (Post 795300)
Since we were only on the second turn, it might be worth just restarting the game.

All the games are frozen, not just ours.

Korwin February 12th, 2012 04:32 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini

Originally Posted by 3V4JKZ2 (Post 795298)
Dude, my PM to Llama wasn't in my sent box? What is going on here?

you need to check some box somewhere relativly hidden (at least I searched long) to keep your PM in your Sent box.

legowarrior February 12th, 2012 10:32 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
Anyone else getting the same message over and over again about turning in two different turns? I don't remember sending more then 1 turn, so this is wierd.

Ragnarok-X February 12th, 2012 10:50 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 1, 12/12 remaini
I got that, too.

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