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Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Finally I bothered to spend quite a bit of time programming. I stumbled like at least a half of it with a retardedly simple bug though.
http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/u...en_14_7_12.zip Exact changelist is pretty much impossible to write, but: - I rewrote a the basic structure, which changed some things slightly - I've tweaked probabilities in some areas slightly. At least magic weapons should be a bit more common. - I added dual fists for sacreds! I have no idea if they work but they'll also have a tag that should give guaranteed magic weapon on them. - I rewrote the whole troop generation system and how tags affect it. This should result in fairly funky nations sometimes (I've seen some with like 1 foot soldier and rest cav/chariots!) - I added ability for units to become elites. Generally elites are pretty boring, but sometimes - rarely - they can get superb stats, shapeshift and magic weapon. I bet some combos or maybe more than some are ridiculously good. Some races might get pretty bland looking elites if they don't have enough cool stuff for commanders right now. - I added ability to get special monsters. That's basically hydra and elephant for humans (it has humans on top of it after all), but the system supports or should at least support custom sprites. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Special items (magic stuff, half of the atlantean armor) weren't actually generating to units. Thanks to Happyfungi for the bug report.
http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/unitgen...gen_15_7_12.zip |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
As per kianduatha's bug report:
- Commands from magic weapons weren't transfering and thus those 2x damage to demons and reanimating weren't working, but secondary effects were. - Berserking and stealthy were hillariously common - Mage naming for nations with mages with high levels of random paths (hopefully) improved a bit. - The fists spawn properly dual wielded and both with some improvement over the base crappy fist (they're still not necessarily or even probably good, but you could get lucky). This required turning off a functionality that didn't really make sense anyway and as far as I know it shouldn't cause extra bugs since it was a pretty obscure thing that just made using unitgen less intuitive for people who don't know how it works (and hell, I had no idea that was causing it either) And in addition: - Hoburgs can't obviously use the same arbalests and crossbows as REAL MEN use. Their versions get -2 damage (10 and 14 to 8 and 12) and -1 resource cost (3 and 4 to 2 and 3). - I added a couple of ruthlesly ripped off helmet graphics for humans and probably lizards and caelians too. That'll probably result in some funky looking lizards sometimes. http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/u...15_7_12-v2.zip |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
I bothered to wrote some sort of UnitGen modding tutorial. The first chapter with the IRC channel is the most useful one by far though: http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/u...ke_content.txt
I also woke up ludicrously early for once an spent some time coding UnitGen since I had nothing better to do: - Fixed mounted topless black men causing errors. - Renamed the basicnet-files to bascinets so the game actually finds and draws them - Lizard chariots get #mounted tag - Metal staff is sacred only weapon. It was mistakenly a normal one. - Wooden staff is a rare infantry weapon. It was mistakenly an infantry weapon, but oh well. - Frost Fiend / Devil secondshapes are a lot more expensive - Magic weapon cost increases on units fixed - Getting two or three primary mage nations is somewhat more common - Racial magic affinities work differently now: All paths have basechance 1 by default, and the affinity number is added to them. I also tweaked existing numbers to make some paths sufficiently more common (but still by far not guaranteed) for certain races. - I rewrote mage naming. It uses filters now in the same style as sacred naming (both use exact same system actually, though mage naming code is a bit more intricate to get a bit more presentative names). I also added some extra chanceinc commands for it so mage name part generation chances can be defined more precisely. Be warned though: I coded a short program to convert the files from the old to the new format, and it might've had some bugs. I did a quick lookup and edited some definitions to work better with the new format, but it might not be perfect. - There are probably some undocumented changes too. http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/u...en_18_7_12.zip |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Advanced descriptions were less work than I thought to finish. Here's an example http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/unitgen/example.txt
They should show all the stuff UnitGen generates, but some filters may be bugged, it may be unclear sometimes with filter stacking and it requires updating to advdescriptions.txt at /nations/ when new filters are added. http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/u...18_7_12-v2.zip This should be a good feature for picking nations. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Water and Air were switched up on the non-random part of advanced descriptions. Fixed to the same build linked above. Won't break seeds.
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Mage filters were applied two times. All of them. That's the reason for double filters on adv descriptions on mages. Also some bugs with custom items becoming magic items were hopefully fixed. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
- Fixed a really major bug concerning secondshapes, their gold costs and wether they should or should not revert back. - Spritegen works. Same bugs as before, but at least it starts again. - Added bear cavalry! |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Several years ago DrP was working on a price list for designing your own nation. So, just like you spend points on your pretender you could do the same for your nation. I don't remember how far he got in that project, and in any case I don't think there was a program that would generate the nation in the way your programs do.
So it occurred to me that randomly generated nations are fun but I can also see designing your own nation, in the same way you design your pretender or a character in an RPG, could be quite fun. I mention it because it seems like you've got a lot of pieces in place for such a program. You have a routine to generate sprites (that's a big one), to create the mod nation, and even a weighting system to assign values to different aspects of the nation. Could you use that core and have a different front end that would let you build the nation to your specifications? For instance, you could choose Caelians as the race, F and N as the magic (cost would vary depending on path, highest level possible and if it was a cap only mage), and specials such as magic weapons or a boar riding wingless sacred unit. Of course players would try to game the system but they'd be working from the same set of rules and you could always adjust point values if, for instance, everyone ends up with flying astral nations. I'm sure I'm making it sound simpler than it is and it would probably require a lot of work but I know you work on things when you get bored so if you get bored and want try something new I think this could be interesting. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
I mean, it'd be all about a) tons of user interface code and b) tons of code that tries to keep the nations balanced Even if I bothered making the user interface, the balance code itself would be hell of a lot of work. UnitGen has very few balancing code lines and even Randomocalypse only took very little into account to prevent too powerful synergies. Those synergies would be all over the place with design-your-own-nation system. Of course if anyone wants UnitGen source code to work with - I do warn though, many parts are totally uncommented and the code varies from terrible to decent - I'm happy to share it. What it will do without a hitch is draw anything current UnitGen is equipped to draw and write units with given commands. Nations themselves are doable, but would need some tweaking. EDIT: It's in Java, but I'm pretty sure any potential person knows it already. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
I made a thread on the other forum regarding pricing, but the pricing would probably need to be so complex that I'd just get frustrated trying to invent algorithms.
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
- Fixed custom weapon generation failures - Added some #onebattlespell mage filters - Made unit descriptions primarily triggering of filters (filterdescriptions.txt) and from commands only if no filter explained that command. This is primarily awesome for stuff that gives multiple commands that are describe-worthy. Like glamour always gave stealth and got descriptions for both stealth and glamour. Now it'll just see there's glamour filter applied and tells the filter description and skips the command descriptions. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Work in progress! I still want to do some code changes so I can make their primary mages / sacreds bigger agarthans and their mage gear selection is too small at the moment too. Oh yeah, and those javelineers there have 12 ammunition javelins and no proper melee weapon. I wanted some other ranged choice to go alongside boulders. That particular sacred (bronze armored one) wasn't even too bad with 11 base precision and magical poison javelins. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
[NEW] Agarthan race (thanks to kianduatha for name files) [NEW] Ability to specify different poses for different tiers of mages and priests (see Agartha's poses.txt) [FIXED] The mage pose was used to generate priests sometimes [NEW] Ability to specify different poses for elite generation (see Agartha's poses.txt) |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
- Fixed some fairly stupid bugs that caused crashes (I found a few extras on top of the reported ones while generating a few thousand nations to find a hangup bug I accidentally coded in) - Tweaked parameters so getting a nation where all infantry have exact same weapons but different armor should be less likely. It's still possible though. - Tweaked cavalry generation so that stupid duplicates shouldn't happen. - Updated naming code to understand names being generated after applied filters. Like a mage that can turn to a (were)wolf now has a fair chance to be something like "Wolf Seer" or a sacred with some elemental resists of all types might be something like "Templar of Elements" - Agarthan sacred pose for rangeds wasn't listed as such which caused big agarthan non-sacred rangeds and small agarthan sacred rangeds to happen. I'm extremely interested if someone finds a seed that generates 100% duplicate troops of any role. It's probably still very much possible. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
- Fixed a crash bug - Tweaked racial generation chances slightly |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Done so far (release probably tomorrow)
#troopchance for races. Currently makes hoburg cavalry a bit more common and abysian cavalry a little less common. This (happens with #description "blabla" on items): ** Temple Cavalier (Human), 65g, 13r, Icy Spear, Kite Shield, Leather Hood, Jaguar mount. --- Waste survival and Storm power --- The jaguar will persist even if the rider dies. kianduatha's tweaks to Abysian cavalry (other forum has exact changelog, but basically fossil and scorpion cavalry have worse versions of their weapons now, cost 5 resources more and fossil cavalry has 5 enc instead of 2) Mounts of sacred units will be sacred only if both conditions are fulfilled: 1) Only sacred units have such mount 2) x% chance where x is by default 100%, but can be specified with #epicness <0 to 1> on the mount item. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Oil (slime in Dom3 terms) spitting mechanical spiders and corrosively biting mechanical ants. Let's see how broken these will be. High def, good abilities, but fairly low hp and fairly expensive. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Fairly long list of changes, nothing hugely revolutionary per se though Features: - Added a pile of commands to affect sacred quality, mage paths, filter probabilities, troop type distribution and special monster (hydras etc) chances on nations based on the primary race. See races.txt. - Items may use #description "stuff" that will be shown in advanced descriptions. This is currently used mostly for the mounts that make the unit leave a mount behind after death. - Special monsters actually show up on both advanced descriptions and summaries. Balance and content: - Added salamander and mammoth special monsters (abysian and caelian exclusives) - Added mechanized ant, mosquito and spider mounts for hoburgs. Thanks to kianduatha for comments on balance and ideas on their funky weapons. - Weakened Abysian fossil and scorpion cavalry. All weapons have lower attack bonuses, fossilized sword does less damage and the fossil cavalry has higher encumberance. - Cheapened human cavalries slightly. - Made agarthan sacreds somewhat more expensive. - Used the new race based nation generation commands to make some unit types less common for some races, made hoburgs gain more fabulous things and made abysians and atlanteans usually have slightly less magic spread. - Hoburgs also have a hugely increased chance to get shapeshifts, especially metal men (still not massive or anything) - Abysians and Atlanteans get shapeshifts slightly more rarely. I'll try to add this to patch notes from now on since sometimes seeds won't break or will only break partially. These will always just be guesstimates though. How about old seeds? Totally broken. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
- Mounted sacred pricing was bugged. Expect considerable increase especially on the heavily armored ones. - Magic resistance bonuses on sacreds were bugged. Abysians and Hoburgs (12 and 14 base MR) were getting MR boosts FAR too easily. Expect quite a drop on sacred MRs on those races. - Various minor pricing tweaks for elites and sacreds. - There was a bug confusing nature and death randoms on descriptions sometimes. How about old seeds? The nations have changed, but may well still be very close to the seeds from the last version. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Looks like the brand spanking new JRE7 on my laptop was the reason UnitGen suddently stopped working for some people. I compiled 26_8_12-v2 again with JRE6 and now it should work if 24_8_12-v2 and earlier versions did (if not, do post screenshot of error!)
http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/u...en-27_8_12.zip Owait, apparently I didn't post any of those 26_8_12 versions here. Oh well, seeds are broken, stuff is improved, see other forums for exact changelogs. It is definitely a better place to follow development anyway since I mostly only post here to answer questions and post new versions. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
- Fixed D/N randoms in descriptions again - Fixed mage MR boost - Made sacred fists rarer - Fixed second shape inheritance on things that do not use #copystats - Added ability to control how often #magic tag is added to custom magic weapons - Metal men had a debug chance on them and were ridiculously common - Probably undocumented stuff again Seeds? Mage filters are probably different. Sacred weapon #magicness too. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
Oh crap, the newest version contains old .exe file and I failed to notice it until RagnarokX accidentally noticed it.
http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/u...27_8_12-v3.zip Version name: There were reindeer on the road |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
- Special monsters (hydras and stuff) were totally crashing the game. - Updated unit ordering! Atlantian rosters will not have shamblers randomly sticking out anymore, they will be grouped per race! - Agarthan mages sometimes had very skimpy outfits (though they still usually are just naked) Seeds? I have no idea. Probably broken. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
I forgot in a debug message and accidentally added a crash bug. Looks like the quality of my coding drops drastically on a worse keyboard and a smaller display. This version should just fix those two things so hopefully there are no new bugs. |
Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
- Vanir as a race
- Filter placement system tweaked: I got a hoburg nation with 7 shapeshifters and 4 total different shapes (3 wolf mages, 1 metal man mage, 1 horned serpent sacred and 1 air elemental sacred) as the pinnacle of new potential awesomeness. - Sacred commanders are more often recruit everywhere. - Good pile of other tweaks - I've generated like 3000 nations without crashes! http://koti.kapsi.fi/~elmokki/dom3/u...27_8_12-v6.zip |
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