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-   -   MP: Blood Bowl - LA Marignon - Corinthian Winner ! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48465)

bbz March 11th, 2012 12:16 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Send pretenders in!)

Originally Posted by Zywack (Post 798253)

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 798249)

Originally Posted by Zywack (Post 798248)
Oh, quick question! If you are dead, are you allowed at that point to state who you were playing and issue a good bye, or is that also not allowed in an anonymous game?

Note: The nation that I'm playing is neither dead or dying at this current point in time. :)

Damn it so you didnt start with 1 dominion power imprisoned pretender and you didnt get unlucky event that drops your dominion turn 1:S

I'm not sure about the first one coz the fewer players remain the clearer it will be who is who.

Well, I have a friend who had a Vampire Lord attack on the 2nd turn on his capital so it can happen in various ways :)

Yea there is always hope:D

Corinthian March 12th, 2012 05:12 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Nice to see that we can actually get several turns a day this early in the game. A turn in the morning and a turn in the evening would be great. Well, with as many players as we have now there will always be someone who cant do a turn, I guess. But I can dream cant I?

triqui March 12th, 2012 08:58 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Send pretenders in!)

Originally Posted by Zywack (Post 798253)

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 798249)

Originally Posted by Zywack (Post 798248)
Oh, quick question! If you are dead, are you allowed at that point to state who you were playing and issue a good bye, or is that also not allowed in an anonymous game?

Note: The nation that I'm playing is neither dead or dying at this current point in time. :)

Damn it so you didnt start with 1 dominion power imprisoned pretender and you didnt get unlucky event that drops your dominion turn 1:S

I'm not sure about the first one coz the fewer players remain the clearer it will be who is who.

Well, I have a friend who had a Vampire Lord attack on the 2nd turn on his capital so it can happen in various ways :)

I have been attacked this turn by a Vampire Lord. Fortunately, I won the battle. My armies had a decent supply of garlic, crosses and wooden stakes.

bbz March 12th, 2012 09:02 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
hahahaha:D No way!!! I was attacked last turn those damned vampires:) Our armies were quite competent in dealing with them as well.

Corinthian March 13th, 2012 07:28 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Hmm, not much talk here when you cant talk about your own nation.

But anyway, Ermor is looking pretty dangerous from my limited view. Seems like he managed to get his wraith lord hero show up on turn three or four and has been using it to expand with.

Bullock March 13th, 2012 07:39 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)

Originally Posted by Corinthian (Post 798488)
Hmm, not much talk here when you cant talk about your own nation.

But anyway, Ermor is looking pretty dangerous from my limited view. Seems like he managed to get his wraith lord hero show up on turn three or four and has been using it to expand with.

Unfortunately you can't even have this kind of discussion here.
Actually you just gave the information that you were a nation near Ermor.

However i encourage everybody to have this kind of discussion in-game with the chat command "send to everyone".

Corinthian March 13th, 2012 07:58 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
No I did not. The wraith lord hero is currently number one in the hall of fame. I just remembered his name. And he has been in the hall of fame for a while.

Bullock March 13th, 2012 08:17 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Oh yeah you are right, sorry.
Anyway these kind of talks are tricky here.

triqui March 13th, 2012 08:50 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
It's hard even to make jokes about gods dying in this kind of games :/

Admiral_Aorta March 13th, 2012 11:29 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Yeah that hero makes ermor much more dangerous, he's almost like a mini pretender.

Admiral_Aorta March 15th, 2012 02:40 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
I'll be away from a computer with dom3 for a few days, so can the timer be put on hold until then?

Bullock March 15th, 2012 02:41 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Can you try to find a sub ?
some1 you know maybe since you can't really do adverts in the chat.

Admiral_Aorta March 15th, 2012 02:45 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
What, for 2 and a bit days? There doesn't really seem much point. Also I have submitted my current turn.

bbz March 15th, 2012 02:49 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Yea this turn should be done by the end of tomorrow and if we extend the game then with 24ish hours it should be allright.
The problem is that like that we would know which nation you are:D (the one that hasn't submitted a turn).

Bullock March 15th, 2012 03:42 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)

Originally Posted by Admiral_Aorta (Post 798663)
What, for 2 and a bit days? There doesn't really seem much point. Also I have submitted my current turn.

ok i ll extend next turn by 48h to be sure.

Corinthian March 16th, 2012 07:23 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
In the future it might be better if extend requests are sent directly to the admin.

Bullock March 16th, 2012 08:55 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
I had also the idea, but i thought some people would consider it would be unfair that i have the info and not the others.

bbz March 16th, 2012 09:02 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
We trust you:)

Admiral_Aorta March 18th, 2012 12:16 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
I'm back, I sent my turn in.

shard March 21st, 2012 05:02 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
My apologies, but something might be coming up for me this coming couple of weeks; is it possible to extend the turn timer to 30hrs?
Also, just in case, how do you change the email address for the turns?

bbz March 21st, 2012 07:41 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
it is 30 hours. The email address for the turns is changed by the admin.

Bullock March 21st, 2012 12:09 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Do you want a postpone of 30h on the current turn? i'm not sure to understand you.

Btw for mail switching Bbz is right u have to PM me.

bbz March 21st, 2012 12:32 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
I think he meant he will be busy in the upcomming weeks so he wanted the turn timer to be extended in general to 30h per turn. But that is what it is at the moment.

shard March 21st, 2012 07:36 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Sorry, with the pace we've been going it felt pretty fast. In that case I'd like to request a 36hr timer from turn 14.

Basically I will be unexpectedly travelling starting from next weekend and I'm not sure whether I can get consistent internet connection.

Bullock March 21st, 2012 08:03 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Ok fair enough.
I think nobody will complain for an extra 6h.

Zywack March 21st, 2012 09:43 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
No problems on my side for the delay.

Man, I got to say that diplomacy is a heck of a lot harder to do with the in-game communication thingy!

bbz March 21st, 2012 10:00 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
I agree with you:) but it makes it more realistic. You are not talking to me or to someone on this forum but rather to your neighbours in the fantasy world.:)

Bullock March 22nd, 2012 11:56 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 799256)
I agree with you:) but it makes it more realistic. You are not talking to me or to someone on this forum but rather to your neighbours in the fantasy world.:)

And your messenger need a month to do the trip :)

Bullock March 24th, 2012 07:19 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
added 12h for the 2 slow guys.

Bullock March 25th, 2012 03:15 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Alright we have already Ctis down.
Don't forget to post your nick here, there is no shame :D

Admiral_Aorta March 25th, 2012 10:56 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Posting names here would reveal a bit much wouldn't it? Especially later on when more and more people get defeated.

Bullock March 26th, 2012 12:08 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Yeah but i think the interest of anonymous play is essentially in the early stage of the game and then decrease.

Btw it's fun to discover who is who while the game is running otherwise most people won't know. (all those who have defeated a while ago before the end)

So unless many people is against the idea i'd pleased to see name of people defeated.

triqui March 26th, 2012 06:53 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
How can one tell about a NAP breaking in a game anonymous?

I was offered a NAP, I accepted, then I got Attacked anyway.

bbz March 26th, 2012 07:44 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
yea its considered non binding, unfortunately this is an anonymus game and people thing that they might be able to hide and others won't know if they broke their nap . But yea breaking it is absolutely fine. I assume because of the anonymus nature of the game people will be breaking more and more naps and will be using it as a strategic move. Just do whatever you usually do to teach them a lesson.

Also now you just revealed your personality to the attaker so shouldnt post those kind off comments in here.

Could have asked it as a random question without the second sentence:)

(although the anonymous nature of the game is up to people and I don't really mind it either way)

@ Bullock: I'd love to see whoever was defeated as well.

Corinthian March 26th, 2012 08:51 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Well the anonymous part of this game mainly exist to prevent diplo and ganging up on people from outside of the game. Weather or not we know the identity of the C'tis player now does not impact that.

Then again, I might also have hesitated to step forward if I was the first player to get eliminated. Though I notice from the pretender screen that C'tis only started with a dom strength of 4, so maybe this was an accident that was bound to happen.

bbz March 26th, 2012 09:12 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
How do you see what dom strength has someone picked through the pretender screen?

Corinthian March 26th, 2012 09:51 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
The number of epithets that a pretender get. You get one for every two points of dominion strength. Or more precise dom 1-2 = 1 epithet, dom 3-4 = 2 epithets, and so on. I doubt he only took dom 3 though. That would be suicide.

bbz March 26th, 2012 11:06 AM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Btw are you sure? I just created 3 pretenders with dom 4 and two of them had 3 epithets.
Tested it couple more times its easy to create a pretender with 3 epithets and dominion score of 4

Zywack March 26th, 2012 03:24 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)

Originally Posted by Corinthian (Post 799723)

Then again, I might also have hesitated to step forward if I was the first player to get eliminated. Though I notice from the pretender screen that C'tis only started with a dom strength of 4, so maybe this was an accident that was bound to happen.

It's still quite early and we don't have any of the big dominion-kill nations except for Marignon so I don't think C'Tis disapearance was due to that... Probably more a case of "Let's gang 3 people on the poor lizards". I'll admit I could be wrong, though!

Hylobius March 26th, 2012 03:29 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
The consensus seems to be that we reveal our names as we are eliminated, so I was C'tis. I can't say how I was defeated without revealing too much, but Dominion was not the problem.

Bullock March 26th, 2012 03:41 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Alright ! Thx Hylobius for participating.

Now concerning Shinu i ll look for a sub for him if he stales the next turn.

Corinthian March 26th, 2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by bbz (Post 799728)
Btw are you sure? I just created 3 pretenders with dom 4 and two of them had 3 epithets.
Tested it couple more times its easy to create a pretender with 3 epithets and dominion score of 4

Hmm, interesting! I just tested it myself and I also got 3 epithets on half of them. Maybe you get epithets from other things? A guy with E9 got 3 epithets, but a rainbow got two? Is there random chance in this? Got to test more.

Edit: After some further tests I have noticed that a Cyclops with dom 4 and E9 got two epithets 7 times and three epithets 4 times. Nothing else was different. Among two dom 10 pretenders one got four epithets and one got five. So it definitively have something to do with dom strength. Just not as exactly as I though.

Admiral_Aorta March 26th, 2012 05:06 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Epithets aren't just dominion related, they seem to vary based on magic, chassis and sometimes nation.

bbz March 26th, 2012 07:08 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)

Originally Posted by Corinthian (Post 799765)

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 799728)
Btw are you sure? I just created 3 pretenders with dom 4 and two of them had 3 epithets.
Tested it couple more times its easy to create a pretender with 3 epithets and dominion score of 4

Hmm, interesting! I just tested it myself and I also got 3 epithets on half of them. Maybe you get epithets from other things? A guy with E9 got 3 epithets, but a rainbow got two? Is there random chance in this? Got to test more.

Edit: After some further tests I have noticed that a Cyclops with dom 4 and E9 got two epithets 7 times and three epithets 4 times. Nothing else was different. Among two dom 10 pretenders one got four epithets and one got five. So it definitively have something to do with dom strength. Just not as exactly as I though.

yea It would be interesting to find out about how it works, but I fear It will be hard testing(also something I think might apply to them getting different names is the times you click on decreasing/increasing some scale. (or Magic paths) But Im not sure)

Zywack March 26th, 2012 08:46 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
I wonder what's wrong with Shinuyamas?

The other game I play is me subbing for a Shinuyama player that also left, and I recall seeing a mention that someone else was looking for a Shinuyama sub lately... So it seems common for Shinuyama players to disapear. I wonder why?

I mean, Shinuyama didn't amaze me so far but they are pretty decent and fun to play with quite a few viable options from what I can see. They probably won't be my pick in my next multiplayer game, but I'll most likely play them again sometime in the future.

bbz March 26th, 2012 09:09 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
probably they are not too easy to handle by new players.

triqui March 27th, 2012 02:09 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
So bassically the NAP's are completelly useless. Oh dear. Let's see what will happen :)

Bullock March 27th, 2012 02:19 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)

Originally Posted by triqui (Post 799877)
So bassically the NAP's are completelly useless. Oh dear. Let's see what will happen :)

not really you can still make a public announcement and tell the treachery.

bbz March 27th, 2012 02:59 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
Thats why I said If he posted it in the forums I would have told him to make it public. Now if he does that we would all know what nation he is playing)

@ Bullock : On a different note Shinu is back. Is a sub found or our guy came back?

Bullock March 27th, 2012 03:02 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Running)
He's back.

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