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Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Hey guys, did anyone else stale? I didn't actually stale because I submitted a preliminary turn -- I tend to have second thoughts and resubmit turns -- but upon trying to submit a turn that actually had *battle orders* for a change :doh: I got hit by this:
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...&postcount=165 If nobody seriously objects I would like to roll back the game to the previous turn and resubmit. If people object, then I'm frankly even more screwed -- to be honest, I don't need artificial handicaps at this point. :( |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I'm not entirely opposed to the idea, but I have heard a lot of more experienced players ay that roll backs can potentially screw up the game with random bugs.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Go ahead on my account... although I'll rather miss the permanent +50 gold I got this turn *sniffle*
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I second samoht. I'm not opposed. I know that is frustrating and I don't want any advantages from things like that. However I have heard the same things on boards with experienced players that rollback doesn't appear all that safe and reliable. Feeling from others seems to be never rollback but if we do I'm not going to complain or fault anyone.
Cheers. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Actually I would feel rather unconfortable with a rollback. Especially, since we are currently engaged in military actions and you now have already seen my planed moves, giving you a serious advantage which could turn to a very serious handicap for me.
On the other hand, I understand that it sucks for you that you could not submit your optimized orders which might have made a difference or not. Nevertheless I would object to a rollback. However, if all others agree to a rollback, I will live with it... |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I'm more or less neutral on the rollback- personally I'm in favor of it but that's only because of bad luck, not a particularly good justification. However I can certainly understand Aderion's concerns and believe if he objects we shouldn't do the rollback- I suspect his birdmen seriously benefit from the element of surprise.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
In another game. Someone referred to them as flying rats :)...However seeing as I'm playing Caelum in another EA game, I'm going to be most respectful to the Eagle Kings!
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Mega widget- I presume you would simply submit the rejected orders? Aderion has very valid concerns that you would benefit from the rollback from seeing his military actions. If the orders you submit were from before the turn processed that might alleviate his concerns.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
However, upon consideration I have decided not to roll back, as that screws everyone but me over given that they'll know other people's moves. Yeah, it means I'm really really really ****ed. I had a start worse than Arcoscephale (we talked, and he had a pretty bad one, but he was also less cautious expanding than me and paid for it) so Dominions 3 hates me, and I guess Llamaserver hates me as well. I'll live. Well, more likely not. :hurt: But I shouldn't penalize everyone else for this. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
The good news is there is always another game and more fun right around the corner!
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Here is the Tragic Tale: I had three provinces adjacent to my start. One was weakly defended, but rather worthless. The other two were more stiffly defended, but more valuable. Of those two, one had heavy cavalry. The other had infantry and light cavalry. So I took a stab at the latter, only to find that they had heavy cavalry also. It was actually a close fight, down to my last infantry squad advancing on their horse archers. But they didn't get there.
So my 2nd turn expansion failed. It was a very close call, within the margin of error of the RNG. I rolled the dice and failed, but I don't necessarily regret it. I regrouped a turn, then tried again. Actually, that was my REAL mistake. Since I had routed all but 6 horse archers, I should have attacked again immediately. I thought the AI forces were like province defense, and I expected them to regenerate. Total n00b error. Anyone ever play Jagged Alliance 2? Think of me now as Elliot. I am a simpering little turd, motivated only by fear. Slap me and threaten me and I'll do whatever you want. Just please stop slapping me! |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I literally had no choice but to snake path my way into trouble. Funny that I lead in forts and provinces, though the latter is from the bottom of the list.... |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Hmm, three provinces and one of them dark vines is probably the worst so far. Seems like three province starts were pretty common though. I had one, too, and at least one other player.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Can someone just siege my capital already so that the agony will end? Please? :hurt:
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
After all, you went with a high bless Niefel Jarl strategy. Oh wait! :doh: You didn't. :p Jokes aside, souped up Niefel Jarls with the rings of lightning resistance would completely slaughter Caelum. I wish *I* were playing Niefelheim... |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Sorry I would like to request a 12hr extension as I am having a few net problems on my dom pc and might not get my turn in on time
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Hey all, I've gone AI. Adam J is the new admin, so bug him if anything!
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
From the 6th-9th I will most likely not be able to play any of my turns. I'm going to Puerto Rico for a wedding. What is the best way to handle this?
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
In another game we checked to see if the person could get a temp sub for a couple of days, otherwise we could put the game on hold for that time. We ended up putting it on hold. I'm ok with that too as The Easter weekend will be really busy with me, but if you can find a temp sub that is fine too.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I think it makes sense to put the game on hold during the easter break... I'll set the timer to ensure that no turn hosts from the 6th to the 9th. I'll leave on autohosting in case everyone finds a way to get their turn on. Hopefully I won't mess it up... this is my first multiplayer game so I'm not familiar with the admin controls- they look simple enough though.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Thanks! I really appreciate it.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Would it be possible to delay this turn by just a couple of hours? I'm posting this from work. I think I'll probably be able to make it back in time, but it will be close. If it isn't possible, thats fine.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I delayed it 6 hours. If you need anymore time, just let me know.
Cheers! |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
So I've been eliminated. Do I need to do something to "go AI" or does the game know to just ignore me and not wait for my turn?
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
There's always a 1 turn lag like that..I forget why. But no need to do anything. Sorry for the bad luck you encountered!
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Looks like Atlantis stalled last turn... anyone speak with Ulius lately?
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
You know what. I forgot Ulius is playing Atlantis. I believe he was having internet issues.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Any idea how significant the internet issue is? Do you know if we need to delay hosting? Does he need a sub?
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I would say let's keep an eye on it and delay if he doesn't post turn. He had some posts on March Madness game. Basically he's travelling and having internet problems on the road. Not sure how long he is travelling. Hopefully he can post so we know status.
I know in that game he is last person to post turn. But I would say if he hasn't sent in turn by tomorrow morning we should give extension. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Sounds good- we'll extend in the morning if he hasn't submitted. I'm delegating that task to you if you don't mind.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Will do. I'll send myself an email so I don't forget.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
He staled in march madness again. They are questioning whether they need a sub. I delayed this turn 24 h. But I am going to start looking for a sub.
Ulius: if you can please let us know what is up. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Looks like Ulius is officially MIA. His last turn stalled despite having nearly a week. I propose giving him 48 hours to reappear, during which time we start to look for a permanent sub, a process that Mattyburn has graciously begun. If he doesn't reappear during this time we give his spot to a sub. If we don't find a sub, we will set him AI. Hopefully that won't unbalance the game too much, almost all of his territories are underwater now that Caelum apparently knocked him back in his pond. I'm open to alternative suggestions if anyone has any...
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Your plan sounds fair. Life happens sometimes. I hope everything is well with him.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Far as I could tell from another game. He had a trip (not sure if it was work or pleasure) and had internet issues.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I've gotten interest from a possible sub: Balaskar. I am going to send him the turn as soon as I get his email. I"m also going to delay hosting another 24 hours.
Apologies everyone and thanks for your patience. Hopefully in just a bit this game will be off and running again. Cheers! |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
A pity though that Megawidget wasnt around to witness the fireworks outside his capital when Tien Chi kicked out the sieging Eaglemen.
Though I dont suppose that wasnt entirely out of the goodness of his heart :p By the way; whats `The Huntress`? Is that a new CBM summon for Niefel? |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I wish it were a summon. I'd be summoning the crap out of her. Every. Turn.
Unfortunately its just a random event hero. Got lucky! First time in a MP game that my luck scales have actually paid off. |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Sounds like someone has their scouts out and about...
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Latest reports from the Frontlines brought to You by the
!!!Agarthan News Network!!! *Reports have filtered in of the Atlantis leadership being deposed, though little is known about the new dude and his/her pretensions for pretenderhood. **After what seemed to be a lull in the fighting, battle has yet erupted again between the Eagle kings and the Wizards of Tien Chi, and an interesting contrast of doctrines. Will Lightning Blitzkrieg win over Decisive Battle? Stay tuned to find out! ***Army observers witnessing the attempted storming of Yomi's castle report that Helheim's troops had routed after a brilliant defensive show by the garrison defenders - yet the castle still ended up lost to the attackers.(I saw it and I don't really believe it - perhaps either of those involved care to shed some light on the matter??) ****And in other news, the Lord of Niefelhelm had this to say about his fine looking Huntress: I wish it were a summon. I'd be summoning the crap out of her. Every. Turn. Brought to you by ANN *** ANN - Always underfoot *** |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
First off I must say that Agartha has much better news than Helheim's state run 24 hour per day only station running - "Our dear great leader and pretender god Bulldog".
It looks like someone flopped the score charts between Tien and Caelum...at least on provinces. Regarding the battle. It was a remarkable thing. Here is the official report. The General in charge after surveying the field remarked. "We are in Deep ****". This fort is a far cry harded to capture than the last one. At that point remembering the movie Braveheart he ordered the nobles to take the cavalary and pretend they were retreating (hence the retreat message). He met the enemy in the field and at the crucial moment the cavalry came storming back to take the field. In reality I have no clue what happened. The best I can come up with is that a lonely huskarl got separated and was hiding behind a rock. After the battle while the Enchantress, archers, remaining bears and fire drakes got drunk on wine in the celebration he slipped into camp and slaughtered them all. In any event a win is a win :). |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Well, I think its pretty clear... lightning Blitzkrieg is kicking decisive battle's butt. This is what France must have felt like in WWII.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
As long a you do not field/invent something to reliably stop my raiding eagle kings all is fine for me... I am already curious how this will end. While I can attack you everywhere, I also cannot hold the conquered provinces and I also cannot really fight your armies.
In fact, I did not want to fight you (yet), but since you started attacking me again by taking mictlans capital, I thought I should try out raiding with my eagle kings a bit. Actually, it was more out of desparation and I thought this way I can at least annoy you some... But as you experienced first hand, it turned out really well for me (at least until now). |
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Yeah, I suspected taking Mictlan's capital would be stirring the hornets nest... and the timing couldn't have been worse with my Atlantis' management issues freeing you up to deal with me a bit more unilaterally. But Mictlan was sitting right there ripe for the pickings! Impulse control is unfortunately a weak spot for me. Sadly, I think my human troops aren't particularly well equipped for dealing with your eagle kings- still I've got a bit of research in the pipeline, so we'll see how this goes.
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Yomi is MIA... probably because he's down to one fort. While I can't blame him for wanting to stop at this point we all are waiting on him for our turns to post. Does anyone know someone who can turn him AI for us?
Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
If everyone is ok I can send it to my alternate email account? I can take control and switch to AI. I don't think its going to give me any information that will be worth anything since I"m already neighboring it.
I'll wait for green light before I switch. |
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