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-   -   MP: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48613)

mattyburn7 April 19th, 2012 06:32 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Thanks Angry,

To be honest. I was trying to avoid your main army. I thought the numbers would get to me...I was lucky there!

Angry_Hominid April 19th, 2012 12:03 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 802062)
Thanks Angry,

To be honest. I was trying to avoid your main army. I thought the numbers would get to me...I was lucky there!

Oh that wasnt my main army.... More like an expeditionary force... Hopefully my main will stand up a little better :)

mattyburn7 April 19th, 2012 01:00 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I should rephrase: I wanted to avoid your army. period. LOL.

Nope. Looking at the scores graph I know you have a lot more out there.

Cheers Mate!

Russian_Comrade April 19th, 2012 01:02 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
What a sad day for our world.
The evil beast known as "war" came and now is grinning in anticipation.
What a terrible grin!
Noble people of sky clashed with the wise lizards. Savage demons with their monkey slaves (Damn you, capitalist oppressors of the working class! I can only hope that some day monkeys will rebel against their masters!) attacked my noble army.
And now my people fighting not against the nation of Lanka - but against that beast. This is not just a noble goal - this is the one true goal for any human being. To be able to hold the line against the nightmare itself. To overcame it - or die fighting it.
But I know that this all will pass. The land will unite. There will be but one nation under great heaven. There will be peace - eternal peace. There will be one nation. One will. One purpose.

The Great Chairman of Tien Chi.

Russian_Comrade April 19th, 2012 01:06 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
[/RP mode off]

And here I wanted to avoid early wars.

Knai April 21st, 2012 03:55 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

Originally Posted by Russian_Comrade (Post 802085)
[/RP mode off]

And here I wanted to avoid early wars.

In a map this small? I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen more violence than there's been in my corner of the world. There are some expansive peaceful borders right now, along with what is quickly devolving into "Everyone take chunks out of C'tis".

Russian_Comrade April 21st, 2012 08:05 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Well, Lanka's got pretty strong blessed troops. So it is quite possible that I'm going to be annihilated too.

Angry_Hominid April 21st, 2012 08:35 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Haha yeah and here I am really enjoying being the meat in the sandwich which everyone is enjoying munching on :). Someone should open a third front with me to make it an all in gang fking !

Russian_Comrade April 21st, 2012 01:52 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I request 24 hour delay. Some stuff to do at my weekend.

mattyburn7 April 21st, 2012 01:58 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I second that!

bobskizzle April 21st, 2012 03:41 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Yeah actually, could this last turn get rolled back, I staled but i have the turn saved in my email. And i third the delay request (wedding 1000 miles from home).

HoleyDooley April 21st, 2012 08:19 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Roll backs are dangerous.

I went away and forgot about this game and didn't notify the admin and I staled.

Tough titties! Suck it up bro.

bobskizzle April 21st, 2012 10:34 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
N a it's just that I thought the turns were 24h; I didn't do anything cross-border so it shouldn't change anything for anybody else.

Regardless, I won't be back to a computer until Monday noonish central time so w/e.

HoleyDooley April 22nd, 2012 02:01 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
On the forums, I have read rollbacks can cause corruption in the game.

I have no personal experience with this.

if the majority feel the risk is worth it, so be it.

Procyon Lotor April 22nd, 2012 09:27 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I say okay to the delay, but "nay" to the rollback.

And I sympathize. I missed a turn last weekend thanks to a misunderstanding as to when the turn was due. Just enjoy the extra unspent $$$, and don't think about lost time.

Russian_Comrade April 22nd, 2012 11:37 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
OK. I managed to send something in, but I have doubts about my capability to make last-minute save once again - I have some trouble at home.

I'm asking for 24h delay for turn 19.

bobskizzle April 22nd, 2012 11:58 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Again, what happened to the delay we were asking for? The server just hosted again.

Angry_Hominid April 22nd, 2012 01:31 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Ok, turn 19 delayed by 24 hours...

Sorry missed I missed the last one, I dont live on these boards :)

Knai April 22nd, 2012 02:45 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
It happens. That just means a few more stales (and I am included in this).

Peacekeeper April 22nd, 2012 08:28 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
with the first 20 turns almost over, why dont we start moving to a slower hosting with all these stales. maybe just an extra day, 48 hours?

mattyburn7 April 22nd, 2012 11:38 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Moving to 48 hours would be good.

Angry_Hominid April 23rd, 2012 04:07 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
48 hours .. done!

Angry_Hominid April 23rd, 2012 04:10 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Hey can I ask if people want to change game settings or request time extensions rollbacks ect that you PM me? I log into this forum every day but I am involved in a number of games (as I know alot of you are also) and I simply dont have the time and often just forget to check individual threads for each game.

A PM will ensure quick and timely action should it be required. Thanks for your co-operation..

Russian_Comrade April 23rd, 2012 03:07 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Diplomatic proclamation from Tien Chi.

The Great Chairman of Tien Chi hereby declares that in the really unlikely event of his demise and destruction of People's Army from the devil-beasts of Lanka his comrades and neighbors from nations of Hinnom, Abysia and Helheim may intervene and save the people of the Tien Chi from capitalistic demonic monkeys by occupying undefended provinces. Also all of Tien Chi's treasury will be divided by the saviors of its people. This outcome may be truly unthinkable but The Great Chairman is doing everything possible to protect his beloved nation and must prepare to the most unimaginable things.

[/RP mode]
So here it is - if I'm going to be beaten by Lanka (which would be really easy to notice thanks to the graphs, 80-90% drop in army size), I'll ask you guys to invade my territory and I'll divide my money and gems between my neighbors. Of course, only between the neighbors who are having NAP with me. I'm doing this because of two reasons:
1. One nation sent me an NAP dissolution because this nation fears that the Lanka is going to become too powerful after capturing all of my territory - and this is my solution to that problem.
2. Because Lanka will gain lesser by defeating me and I'm feeling somewhat spiteful here.

Also, I'm interested in any alliance propositions against Lanka. Seriously, guys, anyone else here want to hunt some demons?

mattyburn7 April 23rd, 2012 06:17 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Unfortunately it appears as if I'm far far away from you in this game. I'll have to stay uninvolved in the demonic monkey wars.

Angry_Hominid April 24th, 2012 10:31 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Ok just letting everyone know that we may have an upcoming "pause" if no sub can be found for Lanka... its from the 26-01 May...

Reverend Zombie April 24th, 2012 04:02 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I believe I have found a sub...

bobskizzle April 25th, 2012 05:28 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Holy crap Lanka, what happened to your army? (Monkey army?)

Reverend Zombie April 25th, 2012 10:43 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I guess I shouldn't have used the paper monkeys.

Russian_Comrade April 25th, 2012 11:46 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
A terrible and useless battle happened. All battle are terrible and useless (expect those which are fought for peace, and I had such a battle last turn - it was terrible but necessary) but this one in particular. Attacking a peace-loving nation, trying to rush over it's army, all in trying to enslave it - such a disgusting thing to do! All of bad karma accumulated in doing such things will make you a fly in the next life or even something worse!

Russian_Comrade April 29th, 2012 11:26 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
What happened to Ermor?

bobskizzle April 29th, 2012 01:13 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Last weekend I was at my fiance's sister's wedding (1000mi away); I thought I posted but the turns happened anyway.

Reverend Zombie May 3rd, 2012 10:29 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
My sub hasn't done the current turn for Lanka, and I have not received the current turn either. I've requested Angry_Hominid via PM to please pause the upcoming turn host, switch the e-mail address for Lanka back to me, and re-send the turn file to me so I can do the current turn.

Angry_Hominid May 3rd, 2012 07:42 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Ive done that - let me know if you have any more problems...

On another note - The Lizards mock the 3 race triumvirate that seems intent on our destruction ... and we are not surprised to see the hated Abyssians join in the fray against our noble race as we suspect them as responsible for the total invasion in the first place.

Its a good day to die :)

HoleyDooley May 3rd, 2012 09:08 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

Originally Posted by Angry_Hominid (Post 803448)
Ive done that - let me know if you have any more problems...

On another note - The Lizards mock the 3 race triumvirate that seems intent on our destruction ... and we are not surprised to see the hated Abyssians join in the fray against our noble race as we suspect them as responsible for the total invasion in the first place.

Its a good day to die :)

You reap what you sow.

Knai May 3rd, 2012 09:34 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

Originally Posted by HoleyDooley (Post 803453)

Originally Posted by Angry_Hominid (Post 803448)
Ive done that - let me know if you have any more problems...

On another note - The Lizards mock the 3 race triumvirate that seems intent on our destruction ... and we are not surprised to see the hated Abyssians join in the fray against our noble race as we suspect them as responsible for the total invasion in the first place.

Its a good day to die :)

You reap what you sow.

And here I was worried that army was coming my way.
Incidentally, Abyssia didn't pick this fight, and aren't the ones initially responsible.

Russian_Comrade May 4th, 2012 12:01 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I now understand what soldiers did on the Maginot line - they went to the library to research spells.

Also, no Belgium in sight for now.

Knai May 6th, 2012 02:21 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
So, things have suddenly been hectic on my end. I'll be needing a sub for quite some time, so if anyone is interested in Sauromatia, now is the time. Note that I was trying something...experimental with pretender design, so it's a little bit low on the power angle. On the other hand, it's Sauromatia.

mattyburn7 May 6th, 2012 02:38 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Sorry to hear that. Hope all is well.

Jolly Roger May 6th, 2012 04:43 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

just checked this thread and it looks like you need a replacement player. I would like to take over Sauromatia.

As your link to the map is broken, please send the map in case you accept me as replacement.

Regards, Klaus:D

Lunaje May 7th, 2012 09:40 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
This turn wasn't delayed besides Sauromatia giving notice of his need for a sub. So this nation (and Ulm too) staled.
Pointing this because I'm in a pretty awkward position. My planned attack on Sauro doesn't feel fair conducted on a unresponsive enemy and this is many turns of planning going limbo.
We should stop until this situation is solved.

HoleyDooley May 7th, 2012 09:57 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

We have a volunteer for sub on the previous thread page.

mattyburn7 May 7th, 2012 10:03 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Yep. Agreed also.

KeithZ May 7th, 2012 10:26 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Uh... Ulm also staled, when the war just getting started...

Angry_Hominid May 8th, 2012 08:17 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Ok, ive postponed hosting for 24 hours and sent an email to jolly roger for his email address so he can sub in for Knai.

Once again, its alot easier to keep track of this game if people would just send me a PM if they need a sub or whatever. Its fine to post in this thread however the response will not be as quick.

Jolly Roger May 8th, 2012 06:08 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Sir !

PM including email address sent.

Cheers, Klaus

mattyburn7 May 8th, 2012 08:34 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Thanks for joining Mate!

Angry_Hominid May 9th, 2012 06:04 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Ok should be good to go :)

Ive resent you the turn JR can you let me know if you get it? Im online for a bit...

Thanks again for subbing mate we appreciate it.

Jolly Roger May 9th, 2012 06:41 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Thanks mate,

received it. Send a PM.

Thanks, Klaus

Jolly Roger May 9th, 2012 06:56 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

seems like my Sauromatians are at war with C´tis and Formoria :hurt:We use the NAP 3 rule ?

Please let me know if there are any other aggrements Sauromatia has to take into consideration before starting the turn ?:cool:

I´m aware of all the information sent to me by PM already.

Thanks, Klaus

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