![]() |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Good decision Ground and welcome back to the land of the living Whollaborg...until someone kills you thats is.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Thanks to you both :)
Pretender seems to be uploaded. Waiting for llamaserver to host the first turn :) |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Bring it on!
I'm sure we're all rearing to go! |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
I wonder a bit why llamaserver is still waiting for pretenders even if there is 13/13 pretenders already in?
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
The problem that i see is that Schoelle is now playing Chelms not Arcosephalae, and there should only be 12 players.
Mike |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Admin has to manually start the game i think
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
No the # of players has gone to 13 and 13 are in. Whollaborg is Arcoscephale.
See Groundworms memo above. I think he has set the admin options for the game NOT to auto start, possibly because of what happened the first time. This means he has to manually start the game. I have sent Ground a PM saying as much. |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
OMG. Just got notified that I have to be away between Friday and Sunday. This means I would need a sub so early in the games. So, I don't mind if you kick me out before it starts. Sorry for the noise :-(
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Everyone has been such a good sport, that I support Groundworm's decision either way. In-character: I am so disappointed. Your absence means dinner is now a few steps farther away. I had so looked forward to savoring your marrow cracked from your large bones, now that you've been properly fattened. I had so looked forward to the vinyard of your blood, hot and salty. And what repast would be complete without music - the lamentations of your women and children - and the sweet smell of razed buildings and farms. And there is, indeed, a sense of progress and fulfilment to see your dead bodies work my fields to my greater glory. Perhaps another time, then? To my greater glory - Death my delight - Bogarus my chosen instrument... Gozar Prince of Death Enemy of Children etc. etc. |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Finding a sub for a few very early turns should be easy. Everyone knows how to expand...
Ask around a bit. Lets get this game out of the garage and on the road already. No more car-troubles please or we'll end up on cinder blocks in the front yard with weeds growing all around. |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
yeah sorry guys, the miticlan player was me. For my defence this is my first attempt at playing online... which means anyways i wouldn't have made the cut. I tried searching forum for Smiting befor applying though, but have not found any threads which is why I applied.
Looking back I realized I searched in section "locked thread "list of games searching players" and didnt notice last post dated 2008. Anyways sorry to all, wish you a nice game. Gormy |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Gentlemen, Trolls, Princes of Death, etc.,
After many delays, the game is on! schoelle- I agree with Immaculate. We should be able to find someone who can take care of your empire in the expansion phase for a couple of turns, so don't worry too much about your brief absence. |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Gormy- no worries, and thanks for letting us know. There are newbie games starting up pretty frequently these days, so if you keep an eye on the forum I'm sure you'll be able to get in one soon. Good luck, and welcome to Dominions! It's always great to see new people joining the community!
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
i'll sub for you.
I want you all to know that i hate you very much; the first start had me in the dead center of the island with 4 bridges.... the new one does not waaa! I've been asked the reason for dwelling in blue-green mountains. I laugh without answering, heart at ease. In the mountains, peach blossoms on flowing waters- mysteriously vanish. There is another reality- not of the human realm. |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Gory are you interested in subbing for a few days for schoelle?
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Hmmmmm... Snacktime- that was very brave. Looks like your pretender lived and even gained some experience.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Heh yeah. I playtested it like 20 times at independents level 7 and found the odds to be quite good for me, so I decided to go for it.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Allium will be subbing for schoelle while he's out of town this weekend. schoelle, when you get back, PM me your email address and I'll get you back in.
Thanks, Allium! |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Snacktime: dom10 dragon?
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Nice to see that Rexor charged forward and got himself killed in fine barbarian tradition. |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Immaculate: no, a really really mean crone.
seriously, yeah something like that. :) |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Yea, i may be the worlds biggest newb but i can't do the SC thing. Just have to sacrifice to much for an early game advantage. But if someone is Dom 10 i am going to be building a lot of temples!
Mike |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
A hero arrived
the heavens have smiled down the sakura weep ------------------- with apologies to Jomon Li Bo |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
One quick question: is diplomacy limited to in-game messaging, or are private messages on here allowed? I'm indifferent, just want to know.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
PMs are fine... I find it's just a more efficient method of communication than in-game messaging, which has a 1 turn lag time.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Please if anyone needs to speak to me, msg me on here, hate in game messages...
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
If you are last posting your turn - you can finish the next turn first easily as we really do not have much to do at this point. Just to remind the player of Gath :rolleyes: With no offence. As you see I am eager to see this going forward fast :angel
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Anyone almost wiped out yet? Other than me?
Mike |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
who wiped you out decourcy?
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
May I get an 18 hour extension?
Hotmail is down and I can't get my turn. |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Came upon a list of banned exploits and realized our game forgot the standard banned antics list. Stolen from Calahan's game:
Banned Exploits 1. Copying the script orders from Bogus and his friends to others commanders (ie. The 'Fire Commanders' orders). 2. Overloading other players labs by sending them lots of items they did not request. Be they worthless or valuable. 3. Recruiting free Wild Ettin's 4. Exploiting obvious mod bugs. If you find something which is obviously wrong or looks wrong then you have a duty to report it, and not exploit the bug until the admin makes a decision on it. 5. If you notice a player is staling, expecially if it's your current opponent, then you have duty to report it to the admin. 6. Silently beating up a known staling player is being a serious douche bag (see 8). 7. No move-blocking by probing enemy armies with lone commanders. If you want to probe an enemy army then hide a Scout in that province and use the "Attack Current Province" command, as that runs no risk of blocking enemy movement. Any player that uses move-blocking is in immediate violation of the next rule. 8. Being a general douche bag is not allowed in this game. This is probably the most important rule of the game, and if you break it then you can expect to be kicked out. Looks fine to me, shall we agree to abide by this? |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
What is 'staling'?
Mike |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
skipped turns, which for our game can be checked here:
http://www.llamaserver.net/doAdminAc...ion=showstales |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
That would be spelled 'stalling' not 'staling'.
two different words. Mike |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
No it isn't stalling, it's staling, as in the player went stale for the turn (by not making a move). But it's just dom3 lingo anyhow I guess.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
18 hour extension in place.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Need 10N, paying 14W. PM me if interested.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!
Having smashed their first wave, the forces of Gath continue to rush headlong into our spears, uncaring of their defenses at home.
Neighbours of Gath, we beseech to you - this is your chance, less it become too late and you become next in line to their F4N9B4 Gibbors!! PS - Also sorry for the late turns, things have been a bit hectic in real life |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
Any chance I can get a 6 hour delay on hosting? I am traveling all day today and not sure I will have a chance to submit my turn. I appreciate it. I will try to submit sooner if I can.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
Scratch that, I found time and submitted.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
Did Jomon get his turn in? I was not sure if he made it.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
Smiting_Season: Staling data
Nation Turn 6 Turn 7 Turn 8 Turn 9 Turn 10 Total stales Marignon Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Chelms Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Patala Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 T'ien Ch'i Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Gath Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Pythium Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Utgard Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Bogarus Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Jomon Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Atlantis Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Agartha Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Arcoscephale Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 Ulm Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0 |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
1 Attachment(s)
I did but for some reason the turn took a while to process.
And what a turn it was! A great victory for the honourable samurai, though only the (neighbouring?) Gods know for how long we can maintain our tale... |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
Bolstered by Jomon's win over the giants and greedy:envy: of Gaths lands, the Pythium war machine has decided to give notice to Gath that our 3NAP is over. The concern of blessed late game Gibbors is also of a concern and should be to other pretenders. Once the 3NAP has expired Pythium shall invade Gath's lands.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
Decourcy of Ti'en Ch'i,
We would like to discuss matters of security with you. And yet we cannot because you cannot receive. And so send us an electronic mail message to philgob(at)hotmail(dot)com. |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
A gibbon howls this night
A portent of deaths to come We gaze down from the mountain Beside our Daoist lord Our bows howl with the gibbon Li Bo |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
We invite the most learned Master Li Bo to enable private messaging so that we can send haikus to each other.
Sent from my IPhone |
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
Can use 5E gems, paying 7W gems.
Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) smiting has begun!
I have activated private messaging.
I didn't realize ANYONE was still using vbulletin! Dude that is so 1999. It's like being on the Matrix forums and realizing you cannot attach a 7zip file because they don't know what it is. Mike |
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