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-   -   Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48963)

Sigil Runestone September 8th, 2012 07:58 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
PM'd host requesting 12 hours added to limit.

Tiavals September 8th, 2012 08:44 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Yeah, I put it forward already.

Sigil Runestone September 8th, 2012 12:49 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Um, yeah..... noticed that after I posted. Heh ...heh.

Ragnarok-X September 11th, 2012 08:26 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
TIR has one province left and is stalling since 2 turns.
Please process the turn now. Its getting annoying to wait more than one day more just because one single prick is not submitting his turn.

And just for the record, when i call the player playing Tir a prick, i mean it.

Tiavals September 11th, 2012 10:01 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
I've noticed that you have some severe emotional outburst problems Ragnarok-X. :)

The gamespeed was defined as Slow, and slow it is. Besides, this is a newbie game, meant for fun. No need to get so riled about everything. :)

But your point stands, I force hosted it.

Austen September 12th, 2012 10:00 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
As I outlined in a couple other games, my RL has gotten pretty upside down lately and I don't have time for all the Dom I have been playing. Can I get a 48 hour postponement? I think I am going to need to find a sub for this game. Sorry for the hold up, but I think it will be for the best.

Sigil Runestone September 13th, 2012 12:03 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Ulm is stuck in the hospital on call, pm'ing host for 24 hour delay.

Edit: that's what I get for not refreshing my browser before posting!

Tiavals September 13th, 2012 03:43 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Sorry Ragnarok, the delays continue. :)

jimbojones1971 September 13th, 2012 08:12 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Ragnarok-X, you useless plonker - why is it, after an enforced absence from this game that i inherited by accident, I am still alive? More to the point, why is it that you have 400+ units camped on my capital, and I haven't lost ANY of the fortification value? All the while, my guys are also well fed with a negative supply value. Sigh.

Your incompetence and stupidity make me sad. For love of god, man up and find a way to finish it you turkey.

Anaconda September 13th, 2012 11:48 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Pics or it didnt happen!

Ragnarok-X September 13th, 2012 12:25 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Truth be told, he is right.b
I dont know exactly why or how but his cap is well despite being under siege for quite some time and with a massive army on top of it.
Fortunally, my sieging army is well, too so i dont really care.

Ill find out how he is holding the walls sooner or later and im already really anxious how he is doing it.

I dont see a specific summon or item that has a the defender bonus.

dark7element September 13th, 2012 12:27 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 811107)
Ragnarok-X, you useless plonker - why is it, after an enforced absence from this game that i inherited by accident, I am still alive? More to the point, why is it that you have 400+ units camped on my capital, and I haven't lost ANY of the fortification value? All the while, my guys are also well fed with a negative supply value. Sigh.

Your incompetence and stupidity make me sad. For love of god, man up and find a way to finish it you turkey.


jimbojones1971 September 14th, 2012 12:11 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
It's quite a solvable problem IMO, but I'm not going to throw any hints out there - where is the fun in that? More fun just to sit back and relax, watch the show and revel in your impotence and stupidity.

I am kind surprised that no-one else has taken the chance to kick seven shades of s**t out you while so many of your guys are off staring at a wall and feeling inadequate, but hey that's their choice. Maybe your winning personality is acting in your favour, Rag-X?

Austen September 14th, 2012 12:40 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Hey guys, Maerlande is going to take over Abysia for me in this game. I've PMed Tivalis so he can get the email address changed. It's worth noting that Maerlande is one of the many, many users banned from this site, and as such you will need to PM him on the dom3mods forum if you need to contact him.

Sorry for the disruption, I've enjoyed the game, but I just don't have the time to be putting into all these games right now. Best of luck to you all. :)

Ragnarok-X September 14th, 2012 03:36 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
More like i still have plenty of stuff around and there are bigger fish than me. Plus i have decent relations with my imminent neighbours.

But you rage like you are actually angry. Are you ?

jimbojones1971 September 14th, 2012 07:51 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 811161)
But you rage like you are actually angry. Are you ?

I'm a bit too apathetic to be angry. Or even cranky. Mostly I just want these TNN hobos to die in horrible horrible pain so that I don't need to worry about them anymore as time is a bit tight at the moment. And I blame you for not putting me out of my agony faster.

Will being nice convince you to hurry up? I'm not actually sure if I am capable of being nice to you RagX, but I guess this is the internet so maybe I could fake it if that helps? "Please, please, please, for love of all that is good and holy in the world, hop over that wall and murderinate me, that's a good lad." <Pats Raggy on the head and offers him a stale cracker>

Is it working yet?

Sigil Runestone September 14th, 2012 11:46 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
He certainly sounds angry. :viking:

In any case, Lanka is back online barring the unforseen.

Ragnarok-X September 15th, 2012 05:25 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Riddle solved. It was all Sea Dogs. If i remember right, that is 7 Dogs for 1 gem. I thought Animals are no good at defending walls just like mindless units, but that is obviously wrong.

jimbojones1971 September 15th, 2012 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 811175)
Riddle solved. It was all Sea Dogs. If i remember right, that is 7 Dogs for 1 gem. I thought Animals are no good at defending walls just like mindless units, but that is obviously wrong.

Yeah, you've pretty much nailed it. I have no idea how that plays out (dogs carrying bricks in their mouths to shore up the walls?), but apparently it works. Woof! :-)

EDIT: It is probably worth mentioning that my pretender seems to excrete water gems when she goes to the bathroom to do number twos (sounds painful), which the faithful then wash off and .... turn into more sea dogs. Between that and having no supply issues, this is basically the dog capital of the known world.

jimbojones1971 September 17th, 2012 05:30 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
If I am reading the signs right, it looks like Raggy-X Baby has decided upon a new strategy to eliminate me. If so, i think it will work well.

Although it is not quite as much fun as the Ragster's earlier strategy of "lets not pay attention to Dom3 turn resolution order and cloud trapeze my mages to die a sad lonely death before I move my land troops in to bury their mutilated corpses", but I guess it is unreasonable to expect such comedy genius twice in one game. Sigh. Such good times!

Ragnarok-X September 17th, 2012 12:59 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Firstly, your mocking is not funny.
Secondly, i lost a single mage due to the teleport, not cloud trapeze.
Lastly, shall i post the story about the heroic act of sacrificing your Pretender way back in the game ?

jimbojones1971 September 18th, 2012 07:15 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 811256)
Firstly, your mocking is not funny.
Secondly, i lost a single mage due to the teleport, not cloud trapeze.
Lastly, shall i post the story about the heroic act of sacrificing your Pretender way back in the game ?

I can't remember the bit about the pretender (it might have been the previous guy - I took this nation over remember), but you could always post the story about totally exterminating my horde of fully kitted Niefel Jarls in that other game (ATCU?) when I tried to storm your castle and totally exploded. Now that I am over the rage and humiliation, it is actually pretty funny (not to mention educational, since you clearly outplayed me).

EDIT: I think there might even be a link to the live action event in the ATCU thread, if anyone needs a good laugh at my expense.

jimbojones1971 September 19th, 2012 03:42 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Yo, Raggy - you've made some serious progress on those walls this turn. High fives all round, girl!

With a bit of luck, my horrible demise is just around the corner.

Ragnarok-X September 19th, 2012 11:28 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
So im actually tearing down the walls, for real ?
I didnt think i could outstrength your 7 dogs+ each turn.

Ragnarok-X September 19th, 2012 03:45 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Maverni is looking for Nature Gems. I can trade pretty much everything else at 1 to 1.
Write me a PM if interested.
In addition, im looking for the Skull of Fire booster Item and will pay 13 gems of your choice for it (it costs 5D 5F).


jimbojones1971 September 19th, 2012 08:07 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 811341)
So im actually tearing down the walls, for real ?
I didnt think i could outstrength your 7 dogs+ each turn.

You did like 200 points of damage this turn (I went from full to 46 left in one turn - so however many points that is), so yeah - serious progress :-)

I have cast Iron Walls though (+200 points of wall strength while it is up), and summoned another 49 sea dogs and a bunch of vine men too, so I might have delayed my horrible death a bit longer. Truth be told, I'll be glad when it is over, but I feel compelled to do my best to make a decent fight of it!

jimbojones1971 September 20th, 2012 11:48 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
So my wall strength went from 46 to 56 this turn, but I also cast Iron Walls.

I'm not sure if Iron Walls is included in the wall strength shown. If it is, the Raggster has made some awesome progress (190 points) towards busting down my gate and pillaging me (mmm, sexy). If no, he's going backwards (by 10 points) - in which case I am most sad.

For reference, there are over 500 of Marverni's dudes sitting on my capital, including ~20 cave drakes etc etc. So if you are anywhere near the north of Marverni, and fancy some bargain based territorial acquisition, now is a good time to buy :-)

Ragnarok-X September 21st, 2012 02:08 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Jimbo, i will explain it to you. You fail. You did cast Iron Walls midsiege where it has no effect. It raises the maximum amount, not the current amount. Basicly, you set your castle from 46/250 to 46/450 and then you gained 10 strength because im replacing militia with more beef. I could have told you earlier but i thought i will let you know once you actually casted it.

jimbojones1971 September 21st, 2012 08:04 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Yeah, Calahan has kindly explained it to me. For those who are interested:

*** Begin Explanation ***
I''d let you know that Iron Walls only works if it is cast before a siege is in progress. It is literally worthless if you cast it during a siege.

The wall strength from Iron Walls gets directly added to the wall strength in the fort info screen. So if the fort had 250 defence then the display would say 450 while Iron Walls was in effect. If the wall strength this turn went from 46 to 56, then that means you repaired the walls, and you should have got a message saying (or words to these effect)

"Fort X is under siege, but they can not harm our walls"

and the other guy should have got a message saying

"Fort X is under siege, but the defenders are repairing the walls faster than we can knock them down."
*** End Explanation ***

Also, I see you've been using that Tardis to go back and forwards in time again, dude. Funky. I only mentioned Iron Walls AFTER I cast it, but you (being the clever dude you are) knew about it BEFORE I cast it - and cunningly didn't tell me! You are so cool - here is a trophy for your efforts, as you are clearly one of nature's born WINNERS! :up:

Sigil Runestone September 21st, 2012 10:49 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Ragnarok-X September 22nd, 2012 04:45 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
So much anger. Lets see if your dogs do you any good in that.

Soyweiser September 23rd, 2012 09:59 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Added iron walls to the list of spells that need to have their description tweaked.

Play nice now children.

jimbojones1971 September 24th, 2012 05:49 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 811514)
Play nice now children.

Make me :p

Try not to f*** this up, Ragnarok, you perverted monkey toucher.

I'm seriously over this game and just want it to end. :hurt::sick:

Although I will of course miss your pleasant company. Maybe we should become pen pals or something? That way, everytime I get depressed about life I could just send you a message and laugh at whatever batsh*t crazy stuff you write in return. :D

Sigil Runestone September 24th, 2012 10:25 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 811530)

Try not to f*** this up, Ragnarok, you perverted monkey toucher.

Lanka's PD does not approve of this message.

jimbojones1971 September 24th, 2012 08:03 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Sigil Runestone (Post 811539)

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 811530)

Try not to f*** this up, Ragnarok, you perverted monkey toucher.

Lanka's PD does not approve of this message.

My apologies to Lanka's PD - I can assure you that touching you is in no way perverted, and I have the photos to prove it. Fancy a movie and a trip back to my place to see my etchings? :)

jimbojones1971 September 25th, 2012 07:19 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Last turn is in - bring on the sweet, sweet death :D

jimbojones1971 September 25th, 2012 10:02 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Regrettably, I still live - although likely not for much longer.

Also - darn that is a lot of dogs!

Soyweiser September 26th, 2012 08:22 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 811530)

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 811514)
Play nice now children.

Make me :p

I would! IF you played your turns:
http://www.llamaserver.net/doAdminAc...ion=showstales BAD AMBAD!


Sigil Runestone September 26th, 2012 07:55 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 811633)

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 811530)

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 811514)
Play nice now children.

Make me :p

I would! IF you played your turns:
http://www.llamaserver.net/doAdminAc...ion=showstales BAD AMBAD!


Now that's some Dom3 dirty laundry! Ouch.

Soyweiser September 27th, 2012 06:58 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Well, he did pick the best name to play a staling nation :D. AMBAD! AMBAD! (Sounds like something strongbad would say).

Jimbo is simply in too many games imho. (And I understand, at a certain point in games you sometimes stop caring and start staling).

jimbojones1971 September 27th, 2012 07:36 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 811661)
Well, he did pick the best name to play a staling nation :D. AMBAD! AMBAD! (Sounds like something strongbad would say).

Jimbo is simply in too many games imho. (And I understand, at a certain point in games you sometimes stop caring and start staling).

Yeah, that game is the bane of my existence. Oh well. At least i can still mind hunt Zmey to pass the time ...

Soyweiser September 27th, 2012 04:09 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
That was you! You bastard!

Did take a lot of tries didn't it? Stupid zmey, going in the HoF getting the +mr ability, and then getting feebleminded...

jimbojones1971 September 27th, 2012 09:08 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 811672)
That was you! You bastard!

Did take a lot of tries didn't it? Stupid zmey, going in the HoF getting the +mr ability, and then getting feebleminded...

Yeah, took four tries to nail him. Suspect I got lucky - in another game I have been MHing a particularly annoying Zmey using penetration augmented flunkies, and still bouncing off.

Soyweiser September 28th, 2012 07:15 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Yeah, it sucked, because I was moving him away to get healed.

jimbojones1971 September 28th, 2012 07:33 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
If it helps, I did it with love Soy - I did it with love. And not some sort of sick pretending-to-be-a-gasmask-wearing-latex-nazi-nurse love either. Although there was a rubber glove involved. Sigh. Why must is always sound so sordid the day after?

Soyweiser September 29th, 2012 09:25 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Ow, I still have the happy memories. You want that glove back? You'd never guess where I found that one. *nudge nudge* *wink wink*. It is a bit sticky now. Hope you do not mind.

mattyburn7 September 29th, 2012 11:22 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Can we delay 36 hours?

Tiavals September 29th, 2012 12:22 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Edi September 29th, 2012 12:40 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 811530)

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 811514)
Play nice now children.

Make me :p

Try not to f*** this up, Ragnarok, you perverted monkey toucher.

I'm seriously over this game and just want it to end. :hurt::sick:

Although I will of course miss your pleasant company. Maybe we should become pen pals or something? That way, everytime I get depressed about life I could just send you a message and laugh at whatever batsh*t crazy stuff you write in return. :D

Having this kind of crap be the first thing that pops up for me in reports after my return from vacation does not amuse me at all.

Don't post things in this manner again, because then it would become a question of choosing only how big a stick to use, instead of a question of whether to use a stick.

jimbojones1971 September 29th, 2012 07:48 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Edi (Post 811761)

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 811530)

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 811514)
Play nice now children.

Make me :p

Try not to f*** this up, Ragnarok, you perverted monkey toucher.

I'm seriously over this game and just want it to end. :hurt::sick:

Although I will of course miss your pleasant company. Maybe we should become pen pals or something? That way, everytime I get depressed about life I could just send you a message and laugh at whatever batsh*t crazy stuff you write in return. :D

Having this kind of crap be the first thing that pops up for me in reports after my return from vacation does not amuse me at all.

Don't post things in this manner again, because then it would become a question of choosing only how big a stick to use, instead of a question of whether to use a stick.


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