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starcryst May 13th, 2013 08:28 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Need another delay please. Turns getting very complex! Can we get an additional 24 hours?


revenant2 May 13th, 2013 08:46 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by starcryst (Post 819904)
Need another delay please. Turns getting very complex! Can we get an additional 24 hours?


No problem. I could use more time for evil plotting as well. I extended the time to 19:35 GMT on Thursday May 16th.

On top of this, I've extended the hosting interval to 72-hours, which I think is probably past time for where we are in the game.

bbz May 16th, 2013 10:34 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Mists of deception is such an unfair spell....

starcryst May 16th, 2013 12:05 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 820001)
Mists of deception is such an unfair spell....

Without it, EA Caelum would be unplayable because they'd have no way to deal with Lightning Immune Thugs / SCs. It's not that hard to counter, you just can't use your Thugs / SCs without some kind of cannon fodder support.

bbz May 16th, 2013 04:20 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
true but here comes the good strategical ability of EA Caelium since you can strike pretty much wherever you want to:)

starcryst May 18th, 2013 05:31 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 820015)
true but here comes the good strategical ability of EA Caelium since you can strike pretty much wherever you want to:)

Yes - mists + strategic flight is a VERY powerful combination.

bbz May 18th, 2013 10:36 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Hi can I have a 12 hrs extension of the current turn?

revenant2 May 19th, 2013 04:06 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 820062)
Hi can I have a 12 hrs extension of the current turn?


revenant2 May 21st, 2013 03:31 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
A head's up that I delayed hosting until 11:36 GMT on Friday May 24th due to some crazy work issues on my part and a very involved turn. Based on the number of PMs flying around, I have a feeling some of you might feel the same way.

TheHeatMiser May 23rd, 2013 11:41 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
now is the time to close the maw of Charybdis!

Hinnom ends NAP3 with Patala

revenant2 May 26th, 2013 11:23 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
One of the C'tis's staled this past turn, but I'm not sure for sure which one it was (the log on Llama's only lists "C'tis"). Anyone know?

If we get three stales in a row it might be time to look for a sub.

revenant2 May 27th, 2013 12:04 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 820286)
One of the C'tis's staled this past turn, but I'm not sure for sure which one it was (the log on Llama's only lists "C'tis"). Anyone know?

If we get three stales in a row it might be time to look for a sub.

Actually, I'm pretty sure it was MA C'tis that staled due some assassination attempts by the late age version.

revenant2 May 30th, 2013 05:17 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
MA C'tis (minko) staled again. That last turn was particularly ugly for him since his assault force on Nief's capitol (which looked doomed to begin with) got smashed to smithereens with no avenue of escape. Compounding his misery, he lost his pretender and his global, eternal Pyre, in the carnage.

If he stales again I'm going to look for a replacement player.

revenant2 June 2nd, 2013 04:55 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I'm in the market for air gems. If anyone has a need for water or earth gems, I'll trade on a 1:1 basis.

Bullock June 2nd, 2013 07:30 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I'm back in business as the ruler of MA Ctis.
I consider any previous deal void and I have prepared cookies & milk for any diplomats who want to make new one.


revenant2 June 2nd, 2013 09:55 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by Bullock (Post 820470)
I'm back in business as the ruler of MA Ctis.
I consider any previous deal void and I have prepared cookies & milk for any diplomats who want to make new one.


Thanks for taking over Bullock!

You know the admin password, so you can co-admin with me now :)

revenant2 June 2nd, 2013 10:22 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Mr. Snuggles has a large cache of shiny Skull mentors that he's looking to sell or trade away at a discount. He'll accept any gem type or certain items in return.

minko June 3rd, 2013 03:11 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Hi all, former MA C'tis player here. First of all, I'd like to apologize for stalling for the 3(?) turns. It was a really eventfull couple of weeks for me (I became an uncle and got a new job, among other things) and truth be told I'm kinda relieved that you decided to sub me out.

Thanks Bullock for taking over the torch and sorry that it's a such a mess you have to clean up :( (truth be told I thought I'd take Nief).

bbz June 4th, 2013 01:58 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
could I get a 24 hrs extension?

revenant2 June 4th, 2013 02:30 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 820518)
could I get a 24 hrs extension?


Hosting has been disabled until 02:22 GMT on Thursday June 6th.

revenant2 June 8th, 2013 03:12 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Does anyone have any spare Boots of the Messenger they can send my way this turn? I'll pay the upfront cost and a fair fee on top of it if you can. Please PM me if you're interested.

revenant2 June 8th, 2013 03:13 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
If anyone has boots of the messenger they can send my way this turn, I'll gladly pay the crafting cost and a fair fee on top of it. Please PM me if you're interested.

bbz June 8th, 2013 10:15 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Guys could we add another 24 hours on the timer for several turns. I didnt manage to get my turn in time coz things here are pretty busy:S

revenant2 June 9th, 2013 09:58 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I added 24-hours to the clock. The new hosting time for turn 62 is 01:56 GMT on Thursday June 13th.

I might have trouble remembering to add 24-hours to subsequent turns. Do you want me to increase the interval to 96-hours instead?

bbz June 10th, 2013 05:25 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Hi thx I lot I think 13th of June is perfect in terms of timing I'll have enough time to finish one of my assignments:)

Darkwind June 19th, 2013 06:30 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Bye, everyone! :) It's been a fun game. To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed by how I did in the endgame - I don't think I had a single successful battle, just a stream of successive losses. Revenant2 has indicated he feels that LA C'tis is poorly-equipped against MA Ermor, but I'm not sure I agree. Patala dealt the killing blow though, honestly, when they took out my main army with half a dozen Earthquakes I wasn't prepared for. I don't think I'd have won against revenant2 - especially not with the attitude regarding LA C'tis's viability versus them that I had then - but it would have been much closer than the mop-up that the war turned out to be.

My primary issue throughout the game was money, which I think was partly just luck and partly poor pre-game strategy. (My tactical blunders were all my own.) This impacted both my number of mages and my number of Tomb Guards, who serve as excellent chaff. This, combined with my focusing on other uses of D gems than the priest summons, and the destruction of my main army, lead to a disastrous lack of chaff - certainly not enough to deal with Ermor's hordes.

I think I was pretty much doomed when I selected my pretender, though. I decided to experiment with a gem-generating pretender who acted as a quasi-rainbow. He honestly wasn't very useful; I don't think the gems I got (1N and 1D per turn from the start of the game) was worth having to sacrifice scales (and thus money) and expansion potential (and thus both money and more gems).

revenant2 June 19th, 2013 09:55 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by Darkwind (Post 820789)
Bye, everyone! :) It's been a fun game. To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed by how I did in the endgame - I don't think I had a single successful battle, just a stream of successive losses. Revenant2 has indicated he feels that LA C'tis is poorly-equipped against MA Ermor, but I'm not sure I agree. Patala dealt the killing blow though, honestly, when they took out my main army with half a dozen Earthquakes I wasn't prepared for. I don't think I'd have won against revenant2 - especially not with the attitude regarding LA C'tis's viability versus them that I had then - but it would have been much closer than the mop-up that the war turned out to be.

My primary issue throughout the game was money, which I think was partly just luck and partly poor pre-game strategy. (My tactical blunders were all my own.) This impacted both my number of mages and my number of Tomb Guards, who serve as excellent chaff. This, combined with my focusing on other uses of D gems than the priest summons, and the destruction of my main army, lead to a disastrous lack of chaff - certainly not enough to deal with Ermor's hordes.

I think I was pretty much doomed when I selected my pretender, though. I decided to experiment with a gem-generating pretender who acted as a quasi-rainbow. He honestly wasn't very useful; I don't think the gems I got (1N and 1D per turn from the start of the game) was worth having to sacrifice scales (and thus money) and expansion potential (and thus both money and more gems).

Don't sell yourself short DW, your defenders did a considerable amount of damage to my army. It's difficult to tell from the army graphs (due to the number of undead I'm generating), but I took fairly heavy losses. Admittedly, it was mostly my chaff, although you nearly wiped out one of my armies when you first unleashed Heat from Hell, which was an unpleasant surprise.

I was so concerned about my losses that I spent great effort planning each of those fortress battles in microscopic detail to minimize my losses. That last battle, for instance, I made sure I maximized reinvigoration on my Thaums and cast regeneration so they could fight through the heat and poison that I knew was coming and used my lower tier chaff to soak up your Dust to Dust spam. I also made sure to preach before each battle to lower your morale and made lots of adjustments to the initial spell lay-out.

The reason I think C'tis is ill suited to fight MA Ermor is because Ermor excels at killing undead with banishment. This might seem counter-intuitive, but all of my mages have Holy 2 or Holy 3, which is greatly magnified with communions. For instance, In a 24-thaum reverse communion with 16 slaves and 8 masters backed by Power of the Spheres this translates into 16 3H, 6 H6, and 2 H7 casters, which will melt the faces right off most undead.

You were actually my number one target from the beginning of the game for this very reason, but I couldn't attack until much later because I had my hands full with Ulm and R'lyeh.

In terms of scales, I would have had a much rougher go of it if you had been able to mass Sauromancers. I'm a firm believer of the more scales policy. More money = More Fortresses = More Mages = More Undead = More Research.

Well, maybe not research. Except for Nief, I had terrible research for most of the game. By the time I got to construction 8 there wasn't a single epic item I could forge. The only reason I researched it was because I thought you had it (I saw a Tart with no afflictions) and I might be able to forge it after you got knocked out. Alas, it's still unavailable.

Darkwind June 19th, 2013 10:54 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I'm not sure I did considerable damage if the chaff you generate in a turn nearly outweighs the damage I do :D To any other nation the losses from, for example, taking my capital would have been catastrophic, but I never even managed to dent your army's total size.

I don't think LA C'tis is necessarily reliant on their undead chaff (as opposed to somebody like LA Agartha, where your base troops really aren't worth using). Certainly you'll often see LA C'tis relying on hordes of Tomb Chariots, but that's not a necessity, and you can get along just fine with Desert Rangers, City Guards and (in CBM) Falchioneers, though the lack of predator lizards from earlier eras does hurt. If I had had enough gold (there it goes again!) I could have gone from a majority Tomb Chariot army to a more mixed army without too much trouble if I found Banishment spam too dangerous, and you should be recruiting as many Desert Rangers as you can anyways as LA C'tis. Also, LA C'tis's undead aren't necessarily easy to banish - Tomb Chariots have base MR 11, and Tomb Wyrms base MR 16 (plus a boatload of health), and C'tis has the same national undead buff spells as Ermor does. I actually had a small group of Tomb Wyrms set to Guard Commander to attract banishment spam in the last battle (though they didn't do much of anything, sadly). They're quite good at it indeed, and had I positioned the wights a bit further back they could probably have eked out a few more turns for me to spam Wither Bones.

I honestly think Ermor comes out the worse in this matchup - every Sauromancer having access to Wither Bones is absurdly powerful, and I think my losses were due more to sheer numbers, both of thaumaturgs and of longdead horsemen, as well as my own misplays, than to a strategic advantage Ermor holds over C'tis.

fake edit: I just realized I said Tomb Guards earlier when I meant Desert Rangers. To clarify, Tomb Guards are heavier, but Desert Rangers have mapmove 2 and are thus better.

revenant2 June 20th, 2013 02:12 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by Darkwind (Post 820791)
I honestly think Ermor comes out the worse in this matchup - every Sauromancer having access to Wither Bones is absurdly powerful, and I think my losses were due more to sheer numbers, both of thaumaturgs and of longdead horsemen, as well as my own misplays, than to a strategic advantage Ermor holds over C'tis.

Sauromancers are certainly powerful, but take into account that they are nearly twice as expensive as Thaums and Ermor's undead are basically free and geneated en-masse in battle, so any match-up is going to be inherently lopsided in terms of numbers all things being equal. The success will come down to whether they can kill enough undead fast enough before they become exhausted.

bbz June 23rd, 2013 08:55 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Could I ask for a 24hr extension? Thx in a advance.

revenant2 June 23rd, 2013 04:29 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 820837)
Could I ask for a 24hr extension? Thx in a advance.

Sure. The new host date is 21:55 GMT on Tuesday June 25th.

bbz June 30th, 2013 07:13 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Hey sorry for the late call but could I get a 12 hr delay in the current turn. I'll be back home late and I wont be able to do my turn until then.

revenant2 July 1st, 2013 12:12 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 820945)
Hey sorry for the late call but could I get a 12 hr delay in the current turn. I'll be back home late and I wont be able to do my turn until then.

Done. The new hosting time is 00:11 GMT on Tuesday July 2nd.

Jolly Roger July 1st, 2013 11:22 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Hi mate.

I will be on vacation from 3rd to 10th of July.
Could continue at July 11th.
Please postpone turns until I´m back.
Sorry for delaying this thrilling game !


Klaus aka Jolly Roger

revenant2 July 1st, 2013 06:46 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I'll postpone after we receive turn 70, which shouldn't be overtly excessive since we're solidly in the late game and these turns are taking 3-4 days anyways.

Even though I didn't start this game, I like to take a fairly relaxed pace to games so I'll usually grant extensions upon request. I hope this is cool with everyone, but I figure with the amount of time some of these turns take (and will take) that we should be as accommodating of everyone's schedules as possible.

bbz July 2nd, 2013 01:45 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Completely agree with the relaxed pace late game:)

revenant2 July 4th, 2013 04:59 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
At the request of Jolly, I've extended hosting until 19:08 GMT on Thursday July 11th.

bbz July 14th, 2013 03:06 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Guys I'm really sorry but I have to stop playing computer games for a while.
I dont mind calling revenant2 the winner or finding a substitute to finish my position. Let me know what you think.

Jolly Roger July 14th, 2013 03:43 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Let´s call Revenant2 winner of the game.

Good luck to you, Antoan !

Best regards


bbz July 14th, 2013 04:01 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Thank you for the understanding Klaus:) Best of luck to you too:)

revenant2 July 14th, 2013 04:53 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 821154)
Guys I'm really sorry but I have to stop playing computer games for a while.
I dont mind calling revenant2 the winner or finding a substitute to finish my position. Let me know what you think.

I think you and I were heading for a grueling, brutal late-game war that could have lasted months of real time, so I obviously don't have any issues being declared the winner. However, let's see what the other players think before we make this official.

If we do want to continue, it might take awhile to find a substitute with D4 around the corner, so we should be prepared for quite a delay. Obviously, going AI wouldn't be an option with your commanding position.

When this game is over, I'll write up a quick AAR.

bbz July 15th, 2013 06:14 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Ye I was really afraid because our positions are similar so the brutal late game would have taken as my mentioned months maybe half a year. But at the end I think you'd have won just because you had a better way to generate unlimited ammout of undead chaff.
I dont really know, I had about 150 blood slaves income(which I was planning on turning into about 200-250 at some point) so it would have been an interesting game. Also had 20% forge reduction + the two hammers(16 S rings of sorcery) and also 20% enchantress reduction hence the many grendelkins that I had. I also had the chalice and tartarian factory(and almost all of the artifacts) and I'd gotten deep into death magic so that I could eventually use undead mastery against you. So I dont really know who would have won between us two:D but I figured that you probably would have lead a war of attiration which would eventually make you the winner(with all those 30k undead chaff). Anyways it was a really fun game and I'm sorry that I'm leaving for now maybe once I get my life sorted I'll come back.:)

revenant2 July 15th, 2013 09:38 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 821167)
Ye I was really afraid because our positions are similar so the brutal late game would have taken as my mentioned months maybe half a year. But at the end I think you'd have won just because you had a better way to generate unlimited ammout of undead chaff.
I dont really know, I had about 150 blood slaves income(which I was planning on turning into about 200-250 at some point) so it would have been an interesting game. Also had 20% forge reduction + the two hammers(16 S rings of sorcery) and also 20% enchantress reduction hence the many grendelkins that I had. I also had the chalice and tartarian factory(and almost all of the artifacts) and I'd gotten deep into death magic so that I could eventually use undead mastery against you. So I dont really know who would have won between us two:D but I figured that you probably would have lead a war of attiration which would eventually make you the winner(with all those 30k undead chaff). Anyways it was a really fun game and I'm sorry that I'm leaving for now maybe once I get my life sorted I'll come back.:)

I had been watching you closely this game and tailoring my forces to fight specifically against you. For instance, you relied on a large raiding force to blitzkrieg your opponents in the first turns of war, but I had fielded a large force of anti-raiders (Golems and Asynjas) that were specifically geared to knock out your your raiders and been frantically building fortresses to protect my territory. Next turn alone I would have had an additional 6 completed and probably had another 6-7 in various stages of construction.

I knew Undead Mastery would be coming and likely Purgatory as well, so I made sure all of my armies I was assembling could cast it in return with full penetration gear and had a large number of fire gems ready to cast Purgatory. I think Earthquake (which I know you like to use) would have been an issue (assuming you got first strike), although I did try to mitigate by having Gift of Health up and spreading my dominion around (this is to protect my mages of course -- undead are expendable).

Although you were generating more gems then me, I didn't need to spend very many gems myself and had stock-piled quite a few. Although I had been building some SCs and had my own tart factory going, I never used a single SC or thug in battle and didn't foresee needing to use them much beyond an anti-raiding role so I didn't have to deal with any attrition.

On the ritual front, my long-term plan was to wish away some of your key artifacts and then put up a 999 gem Arcane Nexus with my 20% enchantment site and then tear down your enchantments one-by-one as I flooded you with a bunch of smaller armies backed with about 2,500 undead generation a turn (more later as additional fortresses came online). It probably would have taken me only 5-6 turns to accumulate enough astral gems to pull off this strategy, although I was still coming up with the list of artifacts to hit first. It depended on whether I thought you were capable of casting wish or not.

I think one of the problems you would have faced would have been trying to crack my fortresses. With Arouse Hunger spam, I can fortify a fortress pretty easily. If you tried to send in a large army, I would have blasted it to smithereens with Flames from the Sky and Murdering winter (or tried to steal it with Master enslave). I was actually very worried about you doing the same with me, and was planning to send in a bunch of smaller armies to try to mitigate.

I had my own blood economy going, although I didn't make much use of it. I was thinking that in a grueling, long-term game, it would be handy for the three red seconds spell to secure territory gains and to help minimize spending gems.

By the way, I have about a million guys that can cast Vengeance of the Dead -- some of which have full penetration gear (my mind hunters) -- that were itching to knock out Tredel, your Grendelkin, that was using the sickle to harvest death gems from Pangaea. He was a strategic threat and every turn I agonized whether to break our NAP and knock him out (using either VotD or my anti-raiders), but I figured the long-game favored me and it was best to preserve the peace.

bbz July 15th, 2013 12:54 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Well after reading what you had ready for me. I'm sure I wouldnt have been able to beat you. And not because of my economy, but purely because you are a better player and you deserve the win:) I was thinking about all the tricks that you mentioned and about the nexus but I didnt manage to stockpile any gems due to the fact that I've been fighting since turn 20-30(cant remember now:D) but ye... Win is yours if no one else disagrees:)

mattyburn7 July 15th, 2013 04:36 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Wow...my brain just exploded reading that strategy...also taugh me some things too!

revenant2 July 15th, 2013 04:55 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I extended hosting until 19:07 GMT on Friday July 19th, which I'm hoping will give everyone enough time to comment about whether we should continue or not. If I don't hear any nays, then I'm planning to end the game at this time.

revenant2 July 15th, 2013 04:56 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 821174)
Well after reading what you had ready for me. I'm sure I wouldnt have been able to beat you. And not because of my economy, but purely because you are a better player and you deserve the win:) I was thinking about all the tricks that you mentioned and about the nexus but I didnt manage to stockpile any gems due to the fact that I've been fighting since turn 20-30(cant remember now:D) but ye... Win is yours if no one else disagrees:)

I think you are being overtly generous in your praise. I was lucky that I was able to take advantage of a couple of opportunities and managed to avoid getting dog-piled on.

starcryst July 17th, 2013 07:39 PM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I'm good with Ermor getting the win if Patala is.

revenant2 July 19th, 2013 04:35 AM

Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
It's been about a week and I haven't heard any nays, so I'm declaring the game finished on Llamaserver.

Thanks for playing everyone!

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