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-   -   Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=49530)

Trumelunki April 26th, 2013 04:42 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Pretty awesome fights this turn at 2 capitals, thanks!

Underdogs fought well!

Trumelunki April 28th, 2013 03:44 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Hey TimeLegend!
Did you note that Oceania asked for extra time? He might get a stale turn...

TimeLegend April 29th, 2013 06:29 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I hope I was on time.

Gargouille April 29th, 2013 11:27 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

I hope I was on time.
No, but don't worry, I'm back! I lost the turn 36, but it's no realy important, i lose my "land-force" in turn 35, now I can not win, only survive. I play turn 37 this night or tomorow morning.

Trumelunki May 5th, 2013 03:44 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Can we go back to 48 hours per turn please?

TimeLegend May 6th, 2013 05:11 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
ok I'll make it so next turn is on 48 hours.

TimeLegend May 6th, 2013 05:17 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Wait the hosting interval were on 48 hours. Weird.

Trumelunki May 7th, 2013 02:35 PM

Endgame starting soon
This thread needs more posts, so here I present my assessment of the situation!

It's turn 40. We are soon approaching the endgame and there are still 7 players left. All nations left still have a shot for godhood, though some are in better shape than others.

Leader - Ermor
It's pretty clear that Ermor has the best situation. Ermor is #1 in nearly all categories, and has nearly double research done compared to next best researcher!

Runner ups - Kailasa, Tir na n'Og
Both seem to have pretty solid positions, doing good in the graphs. Both seem to be improving their situation.

Kingmaker - Oceania
Despite some minor losses of late, Oceania is in a solid position. Oceania has all the tools to decide what will happen in this game. He can attack nearly anybody - starting a war where the opponent has nothing to win, only lose.

Dark Horse - Abysia
Abysia seemed to be in a tight spot, but recovered nicely. Maybe he won't be stopped.

Looking for a come back - Tien'Chi, Arcoscephale
These two are currently going downdward on the tracks. But Abysia showed that one lost battle does not lose the war.

The next few rounds might tell us more, as there are several wars raging around. I also assume that we will soon see some endgame tricks employed, as several nations have done quite a lot of research already (especially Ermor).

Trumelunki May 11th, 2013 03:37 AM

Some players staling
Hmm, seems that both Oceania and Arcoscephale staled last turn. It also seems that at least one of them staled the turn before that, as the last 2 turns have taken exactly 48 hours. Could our admin clarify the situation?

Could the players inform us whether they are still playing? Otherwise we should find subs asap, or make them go AI. Arcoscephale is especially crucial, as he is fighting Tir na n'Og.

Trumelunki May 13th, 2013 03:58 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Hello, time to wake up TimeLegend!!!

Now there was 4 staling players: Arcos, Tien Chi, Oceania and you!

Time for some admin action. Please post a message here to let us now what is the situation. Otherwise this game is going to go down the drain.

I myself am not interested in a game of 'who can beat the staling players'. If you are not interested in doing the admin duties, please give the password to someone else then.

And also, you should remove quickhosting till the situation is clear, thank you.

TimeLegend May 13th, 2013 04:23 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Trumelunki (Post 819880)
Hello, time to wake up TimeLegend!!!

Now there was 4 staling players: Arcos, Tien Chi, Oceania and you!

Time for some admin action. Please post a message here to let us now what is the situation. Otherwise this game is going to go down the drain.

I myself am not interested in a game of 'who can beat the staling players'. If you are not interested in doing the admin duties, please give the password to someone else then.

And also, you should remove quickhosting till the situation is clear, thank you.

Sigh... Yes I suppose you are right on this subject, but please understand that this is my first time being an Admin in any of these larger games. I have in fact PMed Oceania and Arco to figure out what was going on but didn't get a reply.

As for me stalling that happened for two reasons.

1. I wanted to see if I could get into hold with Arco and Oceania and solve that issue before the end of the turn. I decided to wait for them until I got the 12 hour warning e-mail.

2. That e-mail never showed up before the turn ended!:mad:

As for you wishing to take admin responsiblilty since I don't seem cut out for it. O.k. I'll PM you the Admin password.

Trumelunki May 13th, 2013 09:22 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Nasty way to get a stale turn :(

And sorry, I did not mean to criticize too hard. I have zero game administration experience myself :) I was just getting worried, as we have invested quite a lot of time on this already. Sorry again.

Now I think we should make a vote about what to do about staling players. Arcoscephale is pretty much gone already so that's not a problem, right? But Oceania and Tien Chi are still very powerful.

Options are:
1) do nothing, staling players' provinces are free for all
2) put them all to AI
3) Try to find subs for at least Oceania and Tien Chi

If any of the mentioned players notice this, could you please inform us of your intentions...

I myself am more inclined to just put them to AI to get the game moving on. Anyone else have an opinion?

TimeLegend May 13th, 2013 09:51 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Trumelunki (Post 819888)
Now I think we should make a vote about what to do about staling players. Arcoscephale is pretty much gone already so that's not a problem, right? But Oceania and Tien Chi are still very powerful.

Options are:
1) do nothing, staling players' provinces are free for all
2) put them all to AI
3) Try to find subs for at least Oceania and Tien Chi

If any of the mentioned players notice this, could you please inform us of your intentions...

I myself am more inclined to just put them to AI to get the game moving on. Anyone else have an opinion?

Turn Arco to AI and try to find Subs for Oceania and Tien Chi, Oceania is in the best position to still do something in the game and could change the tide in many ways.

mattyburn7 May 13th, 2013 10:05 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Peacekeeper (TC) has gone AWOL in another game. I believe there is a history there of that happening. In our game he is in a hopeless position however. If you really need a sub, PM me. I might be interested.

Trumelunki May 14th, 2013 02:07 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I added 24 hours to let the slackers answer. Let's find some subs if there is no answer by tomorrow.

Trumelunki May 15th, 2013 09:54 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I sent a private message to mattyburn7, so he may decide if he wants to sub for Oceania or Tien Chi. I will post a public message anyways this evening.

Trumelunki May 15th, 2013 12:35 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Mattyburn takes over Oceania, thank you!

Some notes on the situation. Ermor is currently in a big lead. He has just taken half of Tien Chi's provinces and has an incredible research machine (don't ask me how).

Your precedor made NAP:s with at least me (Kailasa) and Ermor, but you don't actually need to honor those (this is supposed to be machiavellian diplomacy anyways). Oceania and me just conquered and shared C'tis peninsula, but I did beat Oceania for the capital. Oceania attacked the capital first but got beaten back by C'tis.

mattyburn7 May 15th, 2013 03:31 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Thanks For the update and the info on NAPS. I'll be sending out diplomatic notes in the near future. I have noted Ermor's leads in research as well as gems.

Trumelunki May 16th, 2013 01:30 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
And revenant2 takes over Tien Chi!

Let's hail the brave player! I don't know in how bad Tien Chi really is, but good luck anyways!

Trumelunki May 16th, 2013 02:18 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Also for our new players:

Abysia's player GoodKnight_IL has not been able to activate an account here. He was recruited at Desura's and can be recruited there.

The thread is here:


He would like to inform you, that Abysia also had a NAP with Oceania. Seems everybody had :)

And one more thing I just learned. It is not possible to set a player to AI using llamaserver's admin tools. So something needs to be done to Arcoscephale. I will try to figure out something.

revenant2 May 16th, 2013 03:29 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
It looks like we (T'ien) are in a fairly precarious military situation . If we had any agreements with other nations, e.g., NAPs, please let me know.

revenant2 May 16th, 2013 06:18 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Can I get a 24-hour extension? I need to do a major restructuring of our celestial bureaucracy that's going to take additional time. I submitted a rushed, conservative turn as a precaution, but its far from perfect.

mattyburn7 May 16th, 2013 08:27 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Cool, At this point I'll assume I have a NAP3 with everyone except Arco. Let me know if you feel otherwise!

Trumelunki May 16th, 2013 09:11 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Added some more time. Just let me know if you need more.

And if you know a nice way of setting Arcos to AI without getting a peek at the situation let me know. If any of the eliminated players could do that please send me a private mail.

Happyfungi May 16th, 2013 05:00 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I'll play arco if you send me the turn file, some people subbed for me recently and I would like to return the favor.

Trumelunki May 16th, 2013 05:02 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
All settled - vargr was kind enough to turn Arcos to AI, so no-one needed to spy on Arcoscephale's situation.

Game can continue, seems we only need Abysia's turn file. I was in contact with him bit earlier, so he is definately playing.

mattyburn7 May 16th, 2013 05:04 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Is it possible to turn off auto-host for just a bit. i think Rev wanted an extension for TC if possible?

revenant2 May 16th, 2013 09:18 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 820021)
Is it possible to turn off auto-host for just a bit. i think Rev wanted an extension for TC if possible?

That would be great. I have a lot of tactical things I still need to sort out. It's not the end of the world if it auto-hosts, but I could use a bit more time if possible.

Trumelunki May 17th, 2013 01:11 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Quick host is off, so you have time guaranteed till saturday morning to revise your strategies. Give me a message if you need more.

Also - Happyfungi might sub for Arcos, but I think we will not wait too much anymore. I hope he can make it, sent him a message just now. Thanks for the offer Happyfungi!

revenant2 May 17th, 2013 03:48 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Trumelunki (Post 820030)
Quick host is off, so you have time guaranteed till saturday morning to revise your strategies. Give me a message if you need more.

Also - Happyfungi might sub for Arcos, but I think we will not wait too much anymore. I hope he can make it, sent him a message just now. Thanks for the offer Happyfungi!

I'm all squared away from my end.

Trumelunki May 17th, 2013 11:44 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Confirmed then. Thank you Happyfungi for rising up for the challenge.

Gargouille May 17th, 2013 04:50 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Sorry I lose lot of turn and I can't play before end june.
Good end game for all.

Happyfungi May 18th, 2013 01:09 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Diplomacy in this game is Machiavellian, that is fine but what about Trades, are they absolute and binding like in normal games or are they just as likely to be smoke and mirrors?

Basically I want to make a trade with Many gems and want something costly in return. Under the rules of this game will I be assured that the trade must be honored?

Trumelunki May 18th, 2013 03:24 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Well, it was not specified in the original post. But I think binding trades are the standard.

Let's just call trades binding and be done with it.

Happyfungi May 19th, 2013 01:23 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Thanks. I am trying to get up to speed and figure out a last stand. Are the only players left not in a war Kailasa and Oceana, or am I missing someone?

Trumelunki May 19th, 2013 06:11 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Happyfungi (Post 820063)
Thanks. I am trying to get up to speed and figure out a last stand. Are the only players left not in a war Kailasa and Oceana, or am I missing someone?

Yes, your assessment of the situation is correct. Ermor and Abysia are fighting Tien Chi. Arcoscephale and Tir na n'Og have been fighting for a long time.

Just to record some more history. Kailasa and Oceania just crushed C'tis. C'tis was also fighting against Arcoscephale. Tien Chi actually invaded Abysia first, but was driven back and then Ermor joined the party. Earlier Kailasa destroyed Mictlan with some help from C'tis. And very early in the game Tien Chi annihilated Agartha.

mattyburn7 May 19th, 2013 07:42 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Error, Kailasa, and Arco have reached out to us. We consider ourselves a nap3 with those 3 nations. We consider ourselves at a potential state of war with all other nations.

mattyburn7 May 19th, 2013 07:43 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
1 correction. Nap 3 should just be nap since they are different conditions for different nations.

Happyfungi May 19th, 2013 12:59 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
thanks for the info

Trumelunki May 20th, 2013 02:09 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Added some time, cause Tir na n'Og would have staled.

TimeLegend May 20th, 2013 11:27 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Sorry for the wait I've been stuck at more bros house for a week.

Turn will come shortly.

revenant2 May 21st, 2013 02:01 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

I laugh at your remote attacks. Hah.

Go ahead and come for my capitol. I'm going to make you bleed.

Trumelunki May 21st, 2013 02:26 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
The game is getting more interesting again! Thanks all new players!

To make it more interesting...

The glorious nation of Kailasa officially cancels the NAP-3 with Tir na n'Og. Feel the wrath of the monkeys!

(3 turns warning applies - no attacking before turn 48)

Happyfungi May 21st, 2013 11:57 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I have sent out some private messages. I have not heard back from some players that I messaged so I don't know if they have not read them, or if they just weren't interested. If you don't check your PM's you may want to.

GoodKnight May 21st, 2013 04:32 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Finally! got this to work :D
So.. Hello everyone!

Oceana so what's the deal? NAP nullified?

Tien Chi
I'm pretty sure those spells were effective :D
But I'd like to know down the line because I have never tried a spell like that!

(This is one of my first games :D )

Peace out people!

mattyburn7 May 21st, 2013 04:35 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Hey GoodKnight...I sent you an in-game message. Oceania and Abysia are at NAP3....thanks for reaching out to me!

revenant2 May 21st, 2013 08:27 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Hey GoodKnight,

I forgot that this is a newbie game :) I'm a sub and don't have very much skin in the game -- and my position is near hopless anyway, so I'm happy to go into detail about what happened (usually I play my cards close to my chest).

Last turn I got hit with a barrage of remote attack spells, most of which were absorbed by my Frost and Astral dome. I always make it a priority to have domes in my critical provinces, so I brought these online ASAP. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough nature paths to put up a nature dome, although that was because our former leadership didn't seem to focus on getting deep level magic paths. Anyway, I digress. Almost all of the remote attacks (I think there were around 10 of them) were nullified with a return barrage of frost attacks to the attacker.

I'm assuming this was you, although it doesn't look like I killed any of the mages (hopefully a few of them got afflictions), so whomever cast them was fairly tough and had a lot of HP or was immune to cold. At the end of the barrage I had 80+ unrest, so some of them (it looks like two) made it through, but since I was already patrolling and am not relying on convention troops the impact was minimal.

You obviously did a lot of damage to me with Fire Storm in our earlier battle. I had a feeling it was coming, but I didn't have very good counters so I took a good beating, although my other army was much more successful :) However, it was worth the risk and now I have an army heading straight to your heartland (along with that small raiding force). You'll defeat it of course, but hopefully, it will throw you off balance a bit.

In my capitol, I'm summoning units like crazy, and I suspect that you don't have enough men to breech the walls. When you lay siege to me, I'm going to send small forces out to make you drain your fire gems, so make sure to keep some spare. I'll use the time while I'm holed up to try to get some more counters to your fire spells and summon fire resistant troops, although it's probably too little too late. If I had taken over a few turns earlier, I'd probably be able to give you more of a fight.

GoodKnight May 22nd, 2013 10:55 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 820156)
Hey GoodKnight,

I forgot that this is a newbie game :) I'm a sub and don't have very much skin in the game -- and my position is near hopless anyway, so I'm happy to go into detail about what happened (usually I play my cards close to my chest).

Last turn I got hit with a barrage of remote attack spells, most of which were absorbed by my Frost and Astral dome. I always make it a priority to have domes in my critical provinces, so I brought these online ASAP. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough nature paths to put up a nature dome, although that was because our former leadership didn't seem to focus on getting deep level magic paths. Anyway, I digress. Almost all of the remote attacks (I think there were around 10 of them) were nullified with a return barrage of frost attacks to the attacker.

I'm assuming this was you, although it doesn't look like I killed any of the mages (hopefully a few of them got afflictions), so whomever cast them was fairly tough and had a lot of HP or was immune to cold. At the end of the barrage I had 80+ unrest, so some of them (it looks like two) made it through, but since I was already patrolling and am not relying on convention troops the impact was minimal.

You obviously did a lot of damage to me with Fire Storm in our earlier battle. I had a feeling it was coming, but I didn't have very good counters so I took a good beating, although my other army was much more successful :) However, it was worth the risk and now I have an army heading straight to your heartland (along with that small raiding force). You'll defeat it of course, but hopefully, it will throw you off balance a bit.

In my capitol, I'm summoning units like crazy, and I suspect that you don't have enough men to breech the walls. When you lay siege to me, I'm going to send small forces out to make you drain your fire gems, so make sure to keep some spare. I'll use the time while I'm holed up to try to get some more counters to your fire spells and summon fire resistant troops, although it's probably too little too late. If I had taken over a few turns earlier, I'd probably be able to give you more of a fight.

lol that is interesting.. it actually says if you killed my mages or not?

The nature doom would be a bad idea no?
(If I use fire spell it burns down? )

I also used some luck to block the incoming spells (I anticipated something like that :D )

lol that battle man :D So much **** going on :D
How is it that some of your magi were not affected by fire storm?
(They weren't FR or something)

Also there is no need to spell your cards out completely :D
was just wondering about the effect of the remote attack.
Since it is 60 unrest and I figured 50% success I had used 4 casters. 2 went through so I assumed you were shut down.
Alas the patrolling army didn't think about that.

Thanks for the info man!
I now know that for the spell to have 100% sure effect I need it to hit at least 3 times. (so 6 caster :( )

How bad was the effect on your income? Should be pretty bad since it's like your only major province..

Also I was surprised by the victory :D

revenant2 May 23rd, 2013 02:13 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by GoodKnight (Post 820164)
lol that is interesting.. it actually says if you killed my mages or not?



Originally Posted by GoodKnight (Post 820164)
The nature doom would be a bad idea no?
(If I use fire spell it burns down? )

There's a chance of that, but it depends on the type of spell you use.


Originally Posted by GoodKnight (Post 820164)
lol that battle man :D So much **** going on :D
How is it that some of your magi were not affected by fire storm?
(They weren't FR or something)

Fire Storm effects 50% of the units per turn, so some of them might have been lucky. We also used Fire Fend to give some protection and two of my mages had rings of fire, which made them immune.

I screwed up some of their orders and I should have forged more rings before looking for trouble, but luckily I didn't put all my eggs in one basket :)


Originally Posted by GoodKnight (Post 820164)
How bad was the effect on your income? Should be pretty bad since it's like your only major province..

You definitely impacted my income, but income isn't as important in the later stages of the game. You're probably doing more damage to yourself spamming raging hearts through my domes then causing any real damage to me. Conventional armies at this stage of the game aren't very effective anyway. Save your gems. You're going to need them :)

GoodKnight May 23rd, 2013 05:31 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 820174)

Originally Posted by GoodKnight (Post 820164)
lol that is interesting.. it actually says if you killed my mages or not?



Originally Posted by GoodKnight (Post 820164)
The nature doom would be a bad idea no?
(If I use fire spell it burns down? )

There's a chance of that, but it depends on the type of spell you use.


Originally Posted by GoodKnight (Post 820164)
lol that battle man :D So much **** going on :D
How is it that some of your magi were not affected by fire storm?
(They weren't FR or something)

Fire Storm effects 50% of the units per turn, so some of them might have been lucky. We also used Fire Fend to give some protection and two of my mages had rings of fire, which made them immune.

I screwed up some of their orders and I should have forged more rings before looking for trouble, but luckily I didn't put all my eggs in one basket :)


Originally Posted by GoodKnight (Post 820164)
How bad was the effect on your income? Should be pretty bad since it's like your only major province..

You definitely impacted my income, but income isn't as important in the later stages of the game. You're probably doing more damage to yourself spamming raging hearts through my domes then causing any real damage to me. Conventional armies at this stage of the game aren't very effective anyway. Save your gems. You're going to need them :)

The idea was actually really to cause unrest above 100 and shut u down.. We will see how the rest of the turns go :)

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