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Tuidjy October 3rd, 2007 12:11 AM

Re: Teutanion\'s challenge
Actually, both I and Zombie submitted our orders in time. But the battle has
been postponed because some lazy knights lost their squires in a fire storm, and
could not get ready in time. For more detail, await the Summer issue of "Veritas"

Please make it host. The battle will be NEXT turn. That is unless some knights
fail to wake up or something :-)

Reverend Zombie October 3rd, 2007 09:45 AM

Re: Teutanion\'s challenge

Tuidjy said:

Please make it host. The battle will be NEXT turn.

Indeed? Your PM said "early spring." If you meant early fall, I need to change my orders!!!

(I actually prefer sooner than later, but assumed you wanted some extra time to research an uber spell of some sort...)

Tuidjy October 3rd, 2007 11:54 AM

Re: Teutanion\'s challenge
Damn, you're right. I did write "early spring", but I meant "early fall". I did
say "Do you need to delay one turn?". I very much want to be done with this game.
I was ready for last turn, and there is nothing I need to research. I am not
even forging anything much.

Lets have the battle as early as you can. If we can make it one turn later than
originally agreed, I'll be happy.

Reverend Zombie October 3rd, 2007 12:14 PM

Re: Teutanion\'s challenge

Tuidjy said:
Lets have the battle as early as you can. If we can make it one turn later than
originally agreed, I'll be happy.

I'll change my orders this turn, unless it's already hosted. If you haven't uploaded your orders yet, you could hold off till after I change mine, but then will that give you enough time to load yours after I change mine (about 10 p.m. tonight Eastern U.S.)

We could ask the host to extend the timer to avoid any chance of you running out of time to load your orders.

Or simplest will simply be to have battle in (mid-)Fall, rather than Early Fall.

Reverend Zombie October 3rd, 2007 09:06 PM

Re: Teutanion\'s challenge
I have changed my orders so we can have battle this turn.

Tuidjy October 3rd, 2007 09:55 PM

Just to make sure we are on the same page
Lets make sure we are very clear on what is going on. The turn for which we
have both submitted orders is the turn on which we were originally scheduled
to fight. As far as I am aware, a solid chunk of your army is not in position
to participate. You still want me to change my orders to an 'all-out attack',
and we will have the fight without the troops that were in your capital?

I did agree to let you have an additional turn so you can bring them in. I
still have no objection to that. Just let me know. Should I attack now?


I will not be able to take my turn before 11pm Pacific, anyway. If there are no
further posts by then, I will change my orders to attack.

Reverend Zombie October 4th, 2007 09:26 AM

Re: Just to make sure we are on the same page

Tuidjy said:
Lets make sure we are very clear on what is going on. The turn for which we
have both submitted orders is the turn on which we were originally scheduled
to fight. As far as I am aware, a solid chunk of your army is not in position
to participate. You still want me to change my orders to an 'all-out attack',
and we will have the fight without the troops that were in your capital?

I did agree to let you have an additional turn so you can bring them in. I
still have no objection to that. Just let me know. Should I attack now?


I will not be able to take my turn before 11pm Pacific, anyway. If there are no
further posts by then, I will change my orders to attack.

Hrm...this should be interesting. My orders were for all-out attack, with the troops on their way from the capital not participating.

Tuidjy October 4th, 2007 12:18 PM

Re: Just to make sure we are on the same page
> Hrm...this should be interesting.

I, on the other hand, hope the army battle will not be interesting. In the perfect
world, it would be one salvo from my mages and crossbowmen, one charge
from my cavalry and one route from the enemy army. Simple and tidy ;-)

I can hope, can't I?

Reverend Zombie October 4th, 2007 12:54 PM

Re: Just to make sure we are on the same page

Tuidjy said:
> Hrm...this should be interesting.

I, on the other hand, hope the army battle will not be interesting. In the perfect
world, it would be one salvo from my mages and crossbowmen, one charge
from my cavalry and one route from the enemy army. Simple and tidy ;-)

I can hope, can't I?


I was referring more to whether we are both heading to battle at the same time, or whether my troops are jumping the gun.

Nikolai October 4th, 2007 12:54 PM

Re: Just to make sure we are on the same page
Reading between lines, here's a old Commie who does not trust that his army wins the magic battle. Please, make the battle report written in 'Pravda' (Veritas/Truth), not OOC! Too much OCC lately. I want the Priesthood brand of 'no spin'.

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