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EarthRaver August 14th, 2007 01:31 PM

Re: Message from Vanheim

AreWeInsaneYet said:

tibbs said:
Runner: "Sire, I bring you a message from Vanheim."

Takeda Shingen: "They must realize the only end to this war is their destruction. I give them credit. I surely thought they would have cowed before us by now. Bring it to me immediately!"

The messenger reverently walks to the base of the throne and hands Lord Takeda an ornate envelope sealed with the imperial crest of Vanheim. Takeda carefully opens it and reads it by torchlight.


A taunt, indeed.

Considering how bad situation I was in(ganged by 4 nations) and for how long durations I spent my valuable time and troops raiding on Yomi's land, a brilliant emperor should already sitting and laughing on the throne of ex-vans.

But you are not such a wise king, you low betrayer, instead you drive those poor girls onto my capitol and let them die for nothing. Should you see the hilarious battle where three hundreds warriors killed by merely twenty bravery, you would realize what I mean for "nothing".

When the rain of arrows blocked the light of sun,
when the land shivered under the march of your army,
when the blood sheltered land of my capitol,
there they smiled,
twenty barechests saved the country.
You definitely love the Persian way to die, don't you.

I hope you realize now that one day the war might ended by someone in my destruction, but it's not now, and it won't be you.

Would you mind to escort me in the way to hell, my friend?

Cool u really did defeat 300 soldiers with 20 troops? Do you have a replay? can u show me? how to view a replay?

Baalz August 14th, 2007 02:18 PM

Re: Message from Vanheim
I don't think it's possible to share a replay (without sharing the whole turn and password), but its not terribly hard for elite, dual blessed (just guessing) troops to defeat an arbitrary amount of chaff. Assuming F/W blessed vans (again, guessing) it's not a stretch for them to each kill 1-3 cheap units a round...and with that ratio of troops most of the vans will be able to engage while a good portion of the chaff will be in the back rows waiting for their turn. Figure some of the chaff may have been ineffective archers, and probably not too great moral (you don't have to kill anywhere near all 300). So if most of the Vans are able to average a couple kills per round, it'd only take 3-4 rounds to kill close to half the 300. Throw in maybe a thunderstrike or two and the chaff will be routing before you know it. Now, that's kinda a best case scenario, and I doubt that it was complete chaff they were up against, but with that super high defense the Vans can usually keep whacking significantly longer than 3 rounds. Even if their kill rate was one third of that against heavy infantry (less than one kill per turn apiece...and this is quickened 2 flaming attacks) they're not dropping from fatigue yet after 10 rounds, and a defense value more than 12 above the attackers attack value combined with glamour means they almost never get hit. Not a pretty site...depending on your perspective. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

tibbs August 14th, 2007 03:38 PM

Re: Message from Vanheim
Well, it wasn't the enemy troops that caused the problem because my dual wielding maidens don't have too much trouble hitting his glamoured units but it was the 9 or 10 mages casting bladewind on my lightly armored units that did them in.

Sandman August 15th, 2007 04:24 AM

Re: Message from Vanheim
Sorry my turn is taking so long, I'll get it done by this afternoon.

EarthRaver August 15th, 2007 10:13 AM

Re: Message from Vanheim
what time is this game running on? time of which country?

Velusion August 15th, 2007 12:27 PM

Re: Message from Vanheim
The server is on CST (Dallas) but it's a 48 hour quickhost... (it hosts every 48 hours or when everyone's turn is in - whichever is quicker).

Lingchih August 17th, 2007 02:37 AM

Re: Message from Atlantis
Arrgh. R'lyeh, you frustrate me at every turn. Azathoth had expected to die gloriously this turn, but you move your troops out. How am I expected to die in a glorious battle if you keep moving your armies away?

Ahh? Perhaps your mindless minions fear to fight the unstoppable Azathoth? If that is the case, I forgive you.

EarthRaver August 17th, 2007 03:54 AM

Re: Message from Atlantis
Im putting Tir on AI.

Velusion August 21st, 2007 10:42 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Well it looks like the time of Yomi is at an end. Niefelheim has given me notice on my NAP and with the losses I've incurred against Abysia I'm no match for him.

I'm looking to trade away the Air and Astral (130 of each) I have for Fire and Death gems 1:1.

It would appear the treacherous NAP-breaking Abysians are on the downward spiral - so I can at least feel good about helping to drive them into the ground this game. I'll probably stomp on their struggling Abysian corpse a bit more before the giants roll in just for fun.

Lingchih August 23rd, 2007 02:24 AM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Aww, sorry to see you go Yomi. Niefelheim's a brute, as always.

Atlantis is still fighting. Trying to take back my capitol now. Hell, with my Dominion, almost everybody in the sea worships me, even R'lyeh. I'm guessing I can continue this guerilla war indefintely, unless R'lyeh stops dicking around with my old southern provinces and actually comes up north to fight me.

-Just joking Jazzepi. Good game. I can't just bow out with this huge army and my dominion still intact though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

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