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llamabeast January 19th, 2008 07:49 AM

Re: Bug
Maybe you were in magic dominion?

lch January 19th, 2008 08:41 AM

Re: Bug

ano said:
But a unit I'm speaking of had a base MR of 12 and with bless it was raised to 15, but in pop-up hint it was stated "Blessed +4". That is an interface bug, I think

Fighting in magic dominion lowers MR by one, fighting in drain dominion raises by one.

vfb January 19th, 2008 12:41 PM

Re: Bug
Yeah, but then he should see "Drain Scale +1" in the popup.

ano January 19th, 2008 09:23 PM

Re: Bug
Well, it seems to me that you didn't understand what I was talking about) vfb is absolutely right, there is no effect of magic or drain scale, moreover, there's no special effect at all. Astral bless (S9) gives +3 MR exactly as it should, but in the popup it is stated that it gives MR+4 despite the difference between original and total MR is +3. This is just an interface bug, I think, and it is quite easy to reproduce. Just create a test game with any race that has sacreds and S9 bless, move those sacreds into a battle with a prophet, bless them and right-click the MR stat of any sacred.

ano January 19th, 2008 09:32 PM

Another bug
1 Attachment(s)
And this is another bug found by my friend. In the turn file I attached watch the battle at province Nicia. Dryad fights a barbarian horde, loses an arm and retreats. She loses her sword, as expected. After battle her hand is back again due to recuperation, but where is her helmet?

p.s. Map is Kingdom of Karan by Targa. It can be downloaded, for instance, from here http://ulm.illwinter.com/dom2/karan.zip

lch January 19th, 2008 10:25 PM

Re: Another bug

ano said:
And this is another bug found by my friend. In the turn file I attached watch the battle at province Nicia. Dryad fights a barbarian horde, loses an arm and retreats. She loses her sword, as expected. After battle her hand is back again due to recuperation, but where is her helmet?

That's a known bug, too. Because the slots shift, the items become incorrectly assigned to the slots and get discarded. I thought it was already fixed, but it's been reported before.

ano January 20th, 2008 07:16 AM

Re: Another bug
I found the description of this bug in the shortlist, however there it is stated that some bane lord had a two-handed weapon and lost helmet. Dryad had a simple sword, and her shield remained at its place, so type of the weapon seems to be unimportant.

Endoperez January 21st, 2008 09:26 AM

Re: Another bug
MA Ermorian Censor (1655) has mapmove 1!

vfb January 21st, 2008 09:40 AM

Re: Another bug

Endoperez said:
MA Ermorian Censor (1655) has mapmove 1!

He's not (un)dead yet, and he's wearing a plate hauberk. Sounds reasonable to me.

Edi January 21st, 2008 10:02 AM

Re: Another bug
Not really when Arco commanders in full plate have mapmove 2.

vfb January 21st, 2008 10:05 AM

Re: Another bug

Edi said:
Not really when Arco commanders in full plate have mapmove 2.

But ... but ... Arco armor is gilded and shiny!!!

(Sorry, my bad. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif Please ignore my posts about mapmove and armor.)

Edi January 21st, 2008 01:07 PM

Re: Another bug
Don't worry about it. Mapmoves as a general aspect of things has been brought up with the beta group and we shall see what fruit that tree bears.

ano January 21st, 2008 01:10 PM

Re: Another bug
Edi, please take into account the bug with incorrectly hinted MR bonus from S9 bless. It was described above)

Endoperez January 21st, 2008 01:28 PM

Re: Another bug
17th jan
* MR bless bonus was sometimes displayed incorrectly, fixed.

I think that means it's been corrected already.

Aapeli January 21st, 2008 03:30 PM

Re: Bug
I dont know if its a bug but I think its a bit weird.

So heres what happened: My vampire had a black heart and was assasinating an enemy commander. He was in my dominion and was of course immortal, but, it happened so that my vampire had to flee. When he fled and the asassination attempt was over he didnt return to home but was actually dead. Is this quite normal? I mean its just a bit weird.

ano January 21st, 2008 03:53 PM

Re: Another bug

Endoperez said:
17th jan
* MR bless bonus was sometimes displayed incorrectly, fixed.

I think that means it's been corrected already.

Oops, sorry! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Foodstamp January 21st, 2008 04:50 PM

Re: Bug

Aapeli said:
I dont know if its a bug but I think its a bit weird.

So heres what happened: My vampire had a black heart and was assasinating an enemy commander. He was in my dominion and was of course immortal, but, it happened so that my vampire had to flee. When he fled and the asassination attempt was over he didnt return to home but was actually dead. Is this quite normal? I mean its just a bit weird.

I am not sure if this is working as intended, but it is normal. It happens to any immortal including pretenders in their own domain. It is easy to reproduce the bug/feature by targeting immortal SCs with spells like vengeance of the dead. If the SC cannot kill all the enemies before the round limit, they will retreat and become deceased even if they are in their own dominion.

ryo_akashi January 22nd, 2008 03:41 AM

Border Mountains icon
I don't know if this is WAD or not.

Border Mountains has the same icon as Mountains. It helps to differentiate between the two icons so that the user do not have click on the icons to check.

Loren January 27th, 2008 01:06 AM

Re: Bug thread
The bug with monthly casting of multiple site-search spells is still around on Voice of Tiamat.

Ewierl January 28th, 2008 12:19 PM

Maps and Pretender Creation
If you start a new game on a map with no water starts, the water nations' names are greyed out on the nation selection screen, sure.

However, if you then exit that game and go to the "Create pretender god" option from the "Game tools" menu, water nations remain greyed out.

Merely opening a game in an open-water map does not make the problem go away. Starting a new game does, however.

ano January 28th, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation
A new 3.14 Bakemono scout has stealth "+-25". Maybe, it has some sense I don't understand?)

ryo_akashi January 28th, 2008 07:28 PM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation
The Bakemono scout also has leadership 40. Not sure if that is intended or not...

vfb January 28th, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation

ano said:
A new 3.14 Bakemono scout has stealth "+-25". Maybe, it has some sense I don't understand?)


ryo_akashi said:
The Bakemono scout also has leadership 40. Not sure if that is intended or not...

Unit #1963. I think the leadership is thematic, so you can lead around a bunch of stealth Bakemono with a Bakemono leader. It's slightly weird that the scout has Ashigaru armor instead of furs, though ... all the recruitable Bakemono with stealth have furs, not Ashigaru armor.

Juzza January 28th, 2008 08:23 PM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation
I have an issue with dragons.

1. When the blue dragon goes into it's human form, it can be distinguished from the frost father because it loses some abilites, cold power (2) and frost aura, it isn't a major bug but it bugs me.

Amos January 28th, 2008 11:19 PM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation
The new coldpower command doesnt work but gives the unit chill instead.

Taqwus January 29th, 2008 01:57 AM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation

BHV Corrupt/Seduce: It is possible to assign these commands to units who do not possess them. Recruit bunch of scouts, add Succubus/Manyusha Rakshasi/Oreiad/other seducer, group them, move to enemy province. Select whole stack by clicking on the seducer, hit space, select “Seduce” from list and all units will perform seduce action.Supposed to be fixed a while ago. Is it still there? If this was fixed, it was not listed on the progress page, therefore it was never listed as fixed here either. I will assume it to be fixed, if not, people can report it again.

This is still possible. "Xeran failed to seduce Witterich and a battle ensued. In fact Witterich wasn't even remotely interested in the beauty of the Scout."


Reay January 29th, 2008 09:44 AM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation
The new Bakemono Scout for Shinuyama (Unit #1963) has stealth listed as (+-25). I don't know what that represents but I think it is a bug http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Endoperez January 29th, 2008 09:57 AM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation

Reay said:
The new Bakemono Scout for Shinuyama (Unit #1963) has stealth listed as (+-25). I don't know what that represents but I think it is a bug http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Perhaps Stealth is always shown as Stealth +(value), but in this case the value is -25. Is the Bakemono Scout easier to catch with PD or patrollers?

This is just a guess, of course. I'm not sure if it's even possible to set stealth into negative.

ano January 29th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation
It's just a mistake, I think. Btw, Reay, I've said about it a few posts earlier.

Reay January 30th, 2008 12:53 AM

Re: Maps and Pretender Creation
Oops yeah.

I do think there is a few mistakes with this unit however since Shinuyama already has the Bandit as a scout with leadership of 40. Why would you need two of a similar unit?

Also, as vfb said, I think it is a bit strange they have Ashigaru armour and bow considering all units who wear Ashigaru armour have stealth removed.

Loren January 30th, 2008 01:09 PM

Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
I thought it was dead but it's not. It was killed IIRC with 3.08, then came back in 3.10 and I'm looking at it right now in 3.14.

ano January 30th, 2008 08:30 PM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
Twiceborn spell works on demons. Moreover, if they die on friendly dominion, they still have it in effect. This seems to be a very serious bug.

Reay January 31st, 2008 11:58 PM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
The 'y' fix listed in the bug fixes for the current patch only seems to be half working.

Currently you can not see the position of an already existing unit in a province when you select the province and press y. You can only see the position of units moving into that province.

However, you can change the position of an already existing unit in a province after pressing 'y'. The units position just won't show up until you go into the army setup for the same province instead of pressing 'y'.

Olive February 1st, 2008 05:57 AM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
From the bug shortlist thread :


VANISHING SCALES: The infamous and elusive vanishing scales bug from Dom2. Strages Sanctus has managed to create a situation where this issue is 100% reproducible and has included the relevant files. Link. An older report/discussion regarding the Dom2 version is here, but it is obsolete now. UPDATE! CAUSE ISOLATED! The Vanishing Scales bug is caused by a corrupted geotable, which tells the game what provinces are neighbors. A corrupted geotable will cause ghost neighbors, which cause the problem.

I've this in all my new games and it really hurts the first years. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

What's the meaning of "Corrupted geotable" ? Is this the effect of a corrupted install, so I could fix it by editing/removing a file, or reinstalling the game, or do I have to wait a patch ?

Endoperez February 1st, 2008 06:35 AM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg

Olive said:I've this in all my new games and it really hurts the first years. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

What's the meaning of "Corrupted geotable" ? Is this the effect of a corrupted install, so I could fix it by editing/removing a file, or reinstalling the game, or do I have to wait a patch ?

I understand it had to do with the number of neighbours. I don't remember the exact details, but it only appeared if there were more than 6 or 7 neighbours for a given province. This happens because something (geotable?) doesn't work as it should.

vfb February 1st, 2008 08:12 AM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
It happens when there are more than 6 neighbors to your province. I think this bug is fixed in Dom3.14, isn't it?

You can solve the problem by getting positive dominion in either neighbor 1 or 7 of the province with the problem. That's according to neighbor order in the map file.

The corrupt geotable problem occurs when you started a game in Dom3 without exiting the game first. The geotable holds province neighbors, and it will hold ghost neighbors from the previous game. The neighbor list is truncated with a zero, but the scales code ignored that zero terminator.

In short, there's not much you can do if you're still seeing the bug, other than get white candles in your neighbors. That's not an instant fix either, but your scales will eventually return.

Olive February 1st, 2008 08:21 AM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
I'm runnind dom 3.14

Yes, with many neighbours and big scales loss, scales returns, but it takes lot of turns.

Even with 4/5 neighbours it seems to happen, but effects are much less important. I've tested with Bogarus and scales O3 P3 C3 G3 L3 M1, on turn 2 I have O2 PO2 C3 G3 L3 M1.

Edi February 1st, 2008 08:38 AM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
Kaljamaha and I are having a little test game and his Heat 0 MA Ermor is getting all kinds of heat even in midwinter in several provinces.

I haven't seen any anomalous scales yet myself, but I'll be keeping an eye on this.

Endoperez February 1st, 2008 08:41 AM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg

Olive said:
I'm runnind dom 3.14

Yes, with many neighbours and big scales loss, scales returns, but it takes lot of turns.

Even with 4/5 neighbours it seems to happen, but effects are much less important. I've tested with Bogarus and scales O3 P3 C3 G3 L3 M1, on turn 2 I have O2 PO2 C3 G3 L3 M1.

I think the scale-loss bug meant that you lost ALL your positive scales. That is, you'd have C3 on turn 2. I never suffered much from it (probably because I mostly play on smaller maps, which rarely have lots of connections), so I could be wrong, but I distinctly remember that people complained of losing all of their Order, or Magic, or Growth. This could be new form of the old bug, or some other bug, though.



Edi said:
Kaljamaha and I are having a little test game and his Heat 0 MA Ermor is getting all kinds of heat even in midwinter in several provinces.

I haven't seen any anomalous scales yet myself, but I'll be keeping an eye on this.

Could it be that Midwinter is actually considered summer? I think the "midwinter/summer was celebrated in the province" events have been switched around for a long time, offuring on the opposite turn.

Also, MA Abysia has the old DomII dominion effect that spreads Heat even outside his dominion. Could that be the cause?

Zeldor February 1st, 2008 10:22 AM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
Is it normal to have missing scales in dominion strength 8? I have Order 1 [instead of 3], Prof 1 [2], Heat 2 [0, winter, I have even 1 in my capitol, dom str 8, winter there too], Growth 1 [2]. That is MP game on llamaserver, so 1.4 patch applied.

vfb February 1st, 2008 11:45 AM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
Yes, it can take a while for your scales to catch up to your dominion, and if your dom 8 province borders an enemy province with opposite scales, your scales could take a hit.

The scale bug only occurred in provinces with more than 6 neighbors, or in games created without first exiting the app after an old game. If the patch does fix these bugs, then it would still take a while for your scales to get back to normal if you are playing in a game started prior to 3.14.

Edi February 1st, 2008 12:22 PM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
No Abysia in that game, Endo, so that's not a factor. If the seasons are reversed, that would explain things. But not entirely.

Zeldor February 1st, 2008 01:04 PM

Re: Nagot gick fel! No space left on bg
I got a strange bug with battle view. It happens only in that battle, it repeats if I restart Dominions. There were battles in that province previous turns and nothing like that happened:


vfb February 1st, 2008 09:58 PM

Re: Scales

Edi said:
No Abysia in that game, Endo, so that's not a factor. If the seasons are reversed, that would explain things. But not entirely.

Could he be lucky enough to have heat-scale sites in those provinces? They seem to be a bit more common since the 3.10 patch. Or maybe it's just my imagination. (Misfortune generating sites seem more common too! Maybe that's just my misfortune http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif).

Humakty February 2nd, 2008 10:00 AM

Re: Scales
I don't know if it is a bug, but I've seen a Pan casting Legion of Steel on himself, ignoring the 40 centaurs on hold and attack, who got murdered by indep archers...
I thought they had corrected such problems.
Anyway, I'll continue this game, and see if it repeats.

Edi February 4th, 2008 09:26 AM

Re: Scales
Be mighty hard to have heat scale sites in the Ermor home province, vfb. No, it's not sites.

Zeldor, I've had that bug several times. It seems to happen when there is supposed to be the "misty battlefield" effect due to terrain etc. We've seen it half a dozen times in that game already.

vfb February 4th, 2008 11:24 AM

Re: Scales

Edi said:
Be mighty hard to have heat scale sites in the Ermor home province, vfb. No, it's not sites.

Ah, sorry, had no idea his capitol also had heat in it.

PyroStock February 8th, 2008 07:09 PM

EA Minotaur Lord unit#1534
The description for EA Pangaea's minotaur lord (unit#1534) is "armored in plate hauberk and wearing a helmet." However, currently he's only equipped with furs and a battleaxe like a basic minotaur. A minotaur warrior has a leather hauberk. So the description and/or equipment is wrong. Plate hauberk is armor#14. Shouldn't he have at least leather hauberk (armor#10) like the minotaur warrior?

Edi February 8th, 2008 08:05 PM

Re: EA Minotaur Lord unit#1534
Need to check the descriptions file. Could be it doesn't have the :mon1534 tag for description but the :"Minotaur Lord" one instead, which makes things go wrong. For example, that same problem made the EA Abysian Salamander and Dragon descriptions not show and the middle era ones were used instead, but the Great Fixing got rid of that. I'll see about it.

Edi February 9th, 2008 07:57 PM

Re: EA Minotaur Lord unit#1534
Shortlist thread may have all kinds of strangeness during next week since it needs post-patch reorganization. Statfixes and some other things have already been reorganized. More to follow later.

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