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Soyweiser September 22nd, 2010 10:38 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 758929)
what was the scripted commands?

Attack flyers. Which they did until they whacked about 5/6 of all the flyers. Then they attacked the Caelum mammoths. (the sprite has wings, but they aren't flyers). Sadly the 1/6 they left alive was the only Caelum commander alive.

(I think it happened because under the hood the game selects targets as squads etc, and the single flyer looked less threatening than the 100gp+ trampelers. Sadly I was counting on my "attack large monsters" troops to take out the Mammoths. (A grave miscalculation btw, esp as these troops had the small goblins walking amongst them)).

At least Marignon got a laugh out of it.

Gandalf Parker September 22nd, 2010 10:45 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
You might also have hit the linear lack-of-memory fact of the game.
Once they carry out their script, I think they might fall back into general AI. Once they attack (cavalry, archer, large, etc) if they finish that Im not sure if they search for another of that across the battlefield.

thejeff September 22nd, 2010 11:53 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I think commanders and troops behave differently when it comes to scripting. I know I've seen commanders on "Attack rear", particularly ones with flying, continue to jump to the rearmost units once there is no one within reach, so I think commanders actually pay attention to their orders even after taking out the first squad they target.

I've also seen troops with bows (F9 blessed Pegasi) switch to firing after routing the first squad despite having "attack closest" orders, which makes me think troops revert to default behavior after the first order is done. That was the most blatant example, but I've seen others.

Soyweiser September 23rd, 2010 06:54 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Lovely, the input string for naming commanders is one character longer than the string that is set for commanders. Cutting off your last char.

Hurmio September 26th, 2010 11:07 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I encountered a strange thing in an ongoing MP game. I lost a battle involving my pretender and an enemy tartarian with some chaff. At the end my pretender retreated with noplace to go. But after the battle, i still had the province in question, with my pretender in still alive, although with some afflictions. The enemy lost the tartarian, as was also shown in the battle footage, but he also lost his Tomb King, which did not die in the footage. The surviving chaff retreated to a bordering province. In the footage the enemy (LA C'tis) did not rout or anything.

I was the defender and my pretender had cloud trapezed in just before the invading army came flying in (with the forged flying boats).

Now, is this a bug or is there something i'm not seeing? I did't find anything related from the bug index. Anyone familiar with this? We play on the llamaserver and are considering rollback.

Calahan September 26th, 2010 11:57 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Hurmio (Post 759245)
I encountered a strange thing in an ongoing MP game. I lost a battle involving my pretender and an enemy tartarian with some chaff. At the end my pretender retreated with noplace to go. But after the battle, i still had the province in question, with my pretender in still alive, although with some afflictions. The enemy lost the tartarian, as was also shown in the battle footage, but he also lost his Tomb King, which did not die in the footage. The surviving chaff retreated to a bordering province. In the footage the enemy (LA C'tis) did not rout or anything.

I was the defender and my pretender had cloud trapezed in just before the invading army came flying in (with the forged flying boats).

Now, is this a bug or is there something i'm not seeing? I did't find anything related from the bug index. Anyone familiar with this? We play on the llamaserver and are considering rollback.

This just sounds like a case of the battle report not matching the replay. Which can happen sometimes for no precise reason people can find (although making sure you have the exact same version of the mods the server is using fixes nine out of ten cases).

First thing to always check is if the battle report matches what you see on the map (completely ignore the battle replay). As the battle report is always reported correctly (in theory), and what you see on the map is always correct as well (in theory). So if these match up, then the game is fine, and it's just the replay that is wrong, and that is a well known problem.

So for your example, if the report shows that the Tomb King died, and it is not on the map anywhere (as extra confirmation), then it died, and the problem is the replay not matching the report. Which like I said, is well known.

If that is indeed the problem you have encountered, best advice is to re-download all the mods you are using. As that often fixes the problem (although sometimes it doesn't)

Soyweiser September 26th, 2010 12:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 759250)
(although making sure you have the exact same version of the mods the server is using fixes nine out of ten cases).

The reason for this is of course simple. If your mod gives your troops +50 hp, but the servers mod gives your troops -10 Hp. The local replays are not going to match the servers.

Hurmio September 26th, 2010 12:25 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Thanks for the quick replies!

Battle report is indeed matching the situation on the map. Seems like both i and the player C'tis got the same replay. Thanks for clearing this up.

Soyweiser September 30th, 2010 12:15 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Blood burst, requires B to cast, but uses 2 blood slaves. And a B mage can only use one blood slave. So the spell fails, and the caster casts another spell.

(The whole bug is: that spells can be set to use more gems than the path requirements of the spell. So the mage isn't actually powerful enough to cast the spell).

Soyweiser September 30th, 2010 12:48 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The Illwinter spell can randomly create different attacks. Including an attack by a niefel giant (Not a Jarl) and some winter wolves.

But, the winter wolves are mindless magical beings. So they just stand around and disappear.

A solution would be to just give the Niefel giants magical leadership. So when Illwinter GoR's a giant. The winter wolves don't rout.

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