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Alneyan January 24th, 2005 07:05 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
I received the following message: "Think life isn't worth being lived? Do you believe nothing can make your life even more hell on Faerun? We, of the Jotunheim Corporation, provide you with a most excellent solution to all your problems.

The Illwinter spell shall drop temperature in all your provinces, resulting in even more incompetent spellcasters, whilst increasing the unrest everywhere, hence reducing your income (which was pretty much equal to zero to begin with). Struggling with building a few slingers to actually take enemy forteresses? Don't dream, we are working on making that even more impossible."

I didn't keep the actual flavour text, but the above sums up quite nicely my thoughts when seeing the last few turns. What are you supposed to do when your whole army is made of fewer than ten commanders? (Not one unit left) Let's hope R'lyeh will give me a comfy graveyard below the seas. Oh, and how much would you bet on three mages and one Harbinger against the whole armies of R'lyeh?

Ygorl January 24th, 2005 08:13 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
I told you to spend your slaves elsewhere... But did you listen? No...
I'll make you a deal: you send me some pearls, and I'll dispel it for you. Heck, you could send me some other gems instead, and I'd make up the pearls in consideration. Then you won't have those Rimtursar giants tromping all your pumpkins into mush before you can eat them. Or whatever it is that giants eat whose trompage is making them unhappy...

baboune January 25th, 2005 11:16 AM

Re: Frogsoup!
If I atack Arcoscephale's capitol again, it will be my fifth attempt...
So many defeats...

Alneyan January 25th, 2005 12:57 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
Well, the capitol is defended by two priest statues, and 21 Titans, so you might wish to stay away from my capital. That's just friendly advice really.

Breaking news: the 21 Titans are in fact 21 Slingers posing as Titans, and the amazing recruitment Arcoscephale launched included no less than three (3) Knights. Erh, Triton Knights that is. Wait, those were Triton Guards. With my luck, I just took a R'lyeh province with 8 resources a turn. How am I supposed to build an army at that rate? *Grumbles*

rex_havok January 25th, 2005 03:12 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
i am sorry Soapyfrog for the freudian slip/spelling mistake(must have been lunch time) i wondered why jurri said frog soup and until just now i realizes i did a typo on your name.(my spelling is awful).
BTW i am having login problems on my end (i think my secruity system is disagreeing with dom site since the weeken down time. therefore i hope the messages i have but cannot log on to yet is not critical, when i have time later i will look at fixing the problem.

Turin January 26th, 2005 12:13 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
well thanks for amon hotep jurri.
It´s a pity one of my stupid herses picked it up. Did that air queen die from retreating? Or did she go back to your capital?
I´m curious how ritual of returning works when retreating.

and who would have thought that 1 casting of ghostriders are enough to kill a wraithlord with soulvortex/jade armor and lucky coin.

Nevertheless with 2 dead tartarian titans and one of your wrathful skies casters dead, I guess this round was even worth than the last one.
Great fun to fight against your overwhelming hordes!

btw rex if you want to get some astrals to dispel a certain global which crept up this turn, I´d be happy to offer you good deals

Jurri January 26th, 2005 01:21 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
You're quite welcome Turin! The AQ is fine, of course, in the neighboring province I took. I'm confident there exists a lower limit to sucking this bad, so you just wait!

GR should be quite enough against such a wraithlord, as it takes, what, 15+ turns for the lord to kill all riders, who get more than 20 attacks a turn for at least 10 turns. That should yield around 20 hits in those 10 turns already, which sounds like enough.

I _just_ realized that you've got a fricken drain dominion, dude! No wonder my guys seem more tired than they should. Man, I'm blind. Well, no matter, there's plenty more where those Titans came from!

Alneyan January 26th, 2005 01:31 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
At that rate, Arcoscephale will defeat you Jurri. I have been growing in power very quickly: my actual taskforce is twice as big as it was the turn before. I have gone from a most powerful host of one Harbinger and one Astrologer to the same troops followed by two Triton Guards. At that rate, I will have an Aquatic only army in no more than one hundred turns. Beware!

Of course, I had five mages before, but somehow it was one of the two Water mages that happened to become Diseased. Of course. Well, at least my Harbinger is still alive, and I even have some Dominion left. Amazing how many months you can spend agonising. But don't forget, survival is half the battle soldier!

Jurri January 26th, 2005 02:33 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
I'm very intimidated, dear Alneyan. Could you find it in your heart to forgive a silly old warmonger? Your Titans truly scare me; me having not even half the amount and not even 'real' ones at that. Also, if your army doubles in size every turn, I dare not think of its awesome potential.

So, please o great leader of Arcoscephale with your 21 Titans and ever-doubling army, I implore you, think of the children! Give peace a chance.

Jurri January 28th, 2005 03:17 AM

Re: Frogsoup!
Hey, I lost no Tartarians this turn! W00t! You're getting sloppy, Turambar.

Does the Forge trigger the cheat detection too? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I didn't use the Alchemist Stone last turn.

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