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Boron June 24th, 2005 07:23 AM

Re: Ulm\'s Continued Insults to Arco\'s Sovereignty
The once great realm of Mictlan is no more. The evil nature freaks have destroyed us. All our western possesions are lost.
In our last battle at our citadel we lost almost our whole army while we didn't inflict any noticeable casualities upon the hideous agressors. The days of Mictlan are counted [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img]

jeffr June 24th, 2005 08:34 AM

Re: Ulm\'s Continued Insults to Arco\'s Sovereignty
Partial Lies, Partial Lies, I say !!!!

While the forces of Good managed to carry the field at a rather insignificant western rockpile, the bloodsuckers inflicted massive damage to the liberating forces !!!

The fire 9 / water 9 blessed jaguar warrior (that turns into a jaguar or something similar when killed, and keeps it's bless) proved to be very strong. I thought I had the advantage, and did manage to carry the day, but the filthy bastards wiped out most(80%) of the sacred portion of my army (i.e. the good part).

But the survivors will perservere and strive to spread nature and wine amongst the blood slaves and liberate them from their oppressors http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

PashaDawg June 24th, 2005 08:42 AM

Mictlan / Pangaea
I want some independent media coverage from the region.

jeffr June 24th, 2005 10:25 AM

Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
It is as I say, but I'm sure that Ulm and Ryleh have scouts in the region. If they choose to share their knowledge, it would be most welcome http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

CUnknown June 24th, 2005 12:55 PM

Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Centaurs Blitz Pranda!

The biggest battle the world has ever seen! Centaurs everywhere!! Oh, the humanity!

Jagaurs were everywhere, too. But now they're dead. Centaurs are dead too, but not as many! Massive, massive casulties on both sides. The centaurs are clearly the winners, although I agree the white centaurs took over 50% losses, easy.

Jurri June 24th, 2005 03:46 PM

Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
A special report of 30 seconds, the investigative programme of the fish people:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img]
The horror! Never has this humble fish laid ocular appendages on such a view as was Pranda after the carnage: hundreds of half-jaguar, half-man abominations littering the ground for miles around the Dark Citadel, in unnatural poses and with faces contoured in pain and terror. Forest critters had come upon them to feast on the gruesome remains of the once mighty army of the Crimson Empire; there a rabbit, nibbling on a calf, here a family of mice eagerly devouring the ruptured spleen of a high priest. The more sentient ones, centaurs and the like, were hanging choice carcasses from the branches of the nearby trees (that were in full bloom despite the winter), undoubtedly draining them in order to later preserve them as rations for their long trek through the barren Desert of C'tis and around the Sea of Silence.

Upon witnessing such a sight this modest fish could but wonder what is it that drives the once-peaceful forest folk to such behaviour. Everywhere their dominion touches men die in the hands of once docile forest beings, and blood has replaced wine as the beverage of choice in the fêtes of Pangaea. Is it possible that all this is but a powerplay by Ratte's rivals in the underworld? That another Lord of Hell has ascended to our plane of existence and is in fact aiming to overthrow Ratte as the epitome of evil by guiding innocent satyrs and centaurs to gruesome acts of violence. How does the cowardly Aku, supposedly peer to these powerful beings (yeah, I know it's hard to believe considering the weak posture and the spineless fluttering about), enter the equation? (This small fish would express as his view that in no way, and that in fact Aku isn't even a true Moloch but a bastard begotten with a salamander by some lowly devil.)

...ooh, look, a quarter!
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img]
(Yes, our reporter is a gold-fish, so sue us...)

PashaDawg June 24th, 2005 05:23 PM

Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Excellent. Thank you. Arco National News can't seem to afford to send reporters to that region of the world.

I will have those reports swiftly forwarded to the Arco Council of Philosophers for their review. His Luminescence would be interested to read them, too, but he is busy laying siege to an Ulm Castle.

Boron June 26th, 2005 08:11 AM

Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Mictlan is still fighting. Though faith is small and fading our brave people still fight the evil pangenean agressors with great valor. May the Rohirrim arrive in time to save us http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

jeffr June 26th, 2005 10:20 AM

Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Hordes from Hell everywhere! Pangean provinces fall to the agressor like dominoes. Mictlan has aligned with the Devil, not the Rohimrin http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

jeffr June 26th, 2005 10:29 AM

Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
And those few provinces I managed to raid and hold for a bit are all crap. No gems and no income. Dis C'tis have miasma or something? No wonder Mictlan doesn't bother to take them back.

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