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Foodstamp April 11th, 2008 04:23 PM

Re: Global War (full, server up)

Tuidjy April 11th, 2008 05:28 PM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
You can mod the nation's starting sites, can't you? I.e. if you want to give Ulm
an extra 100 resources, you mod the Forges of Ulm.

Rathar April 11th, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
Huh that would be a bit odd if you couldn't somehow as I know you can give specific spells, magic items and units

CUnknown April 11th, 2008 07:11 PM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
Aha, Tuidjy is smart. I will mod the three Neutrals so that their starting site has +50 resources, +30 gold per turn, and +1 astral pearls per turn.

After 50 turns, they would get 50 astral pearls and 1500 gold from this bonus. Not quite the same bonus as they were supposed to get, but it should help them out.

However, the problem being, that anyone who conquers a Neutral will be able to get this bonus.

Any suggestions as to what we should do?

Rathar April 11th, 2008 07:38 PM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
I think this is a good way of trying to achieve your original intent but with resources already at 125% I don't think that boosting them matters much.

I would at least double the gold and gems however.

Thats my 2 cents anyways.

Hoplosternum April 11th, 2008 08:24 PM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
The neutrals have an uphill task in this game. I'd be inclined to be generous to them.

An extra capital is always a nice boost anyway. So making these even nicer won't make them much more of a target than they already are.

Also extra gold income is likely to matter more in the early stages than extra gems and so I'd increase that by more than +30. Something like +100. Once they are up to a dozen provinces it won't be that noticable.

And its still a lot worse than what you wanted to give them. They are meant to be getting off to a flyer not be slightly better off by turn 50!

Maybe even +100 is too mean. As you know the gem incomes of the neutral nations perhaps some extra gems of those they don't have naturally will give them something to trade as an extra boost.

Like Rather says resources are the least important thing.

moderation April 12th, 2008 12:28 AM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
Have the mod settings changed? I uploaded my pretender yesterday, but there is no longer a LA Arcos spot, but only an generic Arcosophale spot which doesn't seem to accept my current pretender created with global.dm + CBM.

CUnknown April 12th, 2008 01:49 AM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
moderation - everyone is loaded up. I'm not sure why people are having trouble seeing their race all of a sudden. The mod settings have not changed.

Well, I have figured out how to set all the good races to specific start sites. Here are the Good starting sites: 25, 71, 122, 85, and 43. I rolled randomly as to which Good race would start on which site. All that is taken care of.

What I have not figured out is how to mod certain sites to let the Neutrals get extra gold and gem incomes. In fact, I'm not sure that is possible to do from the map file. We might have to mod the actual mod we are using, in which case, everyone would have to re-submit their pretenders.

We'd have to decide if it was worth it for the Neutrals to have extra help, to go through the whole upload god thing again.

Does anyone proficient in modding have any suggestions here? It seems impossible to mod sites from my perspective (from the map file, anyway).

moderation April 12th, 2008 01:53 AM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
Hmm, I suppose if I am loaded in it is not a problem. I cannot see my nation, but if the game can start, I suppose it is not a problem. Perhaps it has something to do with the global.dm mod?

Rathar April 12th, 2008 02:02 AM

Re: Global War (full, server up)
Instead of changing sites can you just add new ones?

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