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Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Added new unit issues into the shortlist.
Description trivialities
Unit 1016, 'Commander of Ulm', for Late Era Ulm -- description says "The commanders of Ulm are clad in thick armor made from the Blacksteel of Ulm...", forging of which has been forgotten (and the commander has an ordinary Plate Cuirass, not Blacksteel).
Unit 739, Black Acolyte, should probably have a slightly different description from Black Priests; they don't yet know any magic, nor do they yet get an inquisitor bonus. |
Re: Description trivialities
Hadn't paid attention to the 1016 description. Thanks for reporting that.
The Black Acolyte is a known issue that I have discussed privately with Kristoffer when the Great Fixing was done prior to patch 3.10. It is very much a legacy of the conjoining of both Iron Faith and Black Forest themes from Dom2. It is among a number of issues that will be changed in the future if he gets around to doing that. If and when that happens, LA Ulm will have some thematic changes which will fix this. You can see the same legacy issues in Ashen Empire Ermor mage descriptions when you compare EA, MA and LA Ermor. This is also a result of basically parallel histories forced into the same timeline and then divided into eras. These are issues that Kristoffer will solve in his own good time. |
Re: Description trivialities
That post by Taqwus actually made me work on the Ulms today.
I'm home today. I believe someone in the building is sneaking around with a bane venom charm. I figured I could as well do something about Ulm. I'm quite satisfied with developments. |
Re: Description trivialities
Love and kisses from an Ulm fan.
Re: Description trivialities
Re: Description trivialities
* Black Halberds. * Iron Darts. So spaketh the Progress Page, and the Progress Page hath spoken! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif |
Re: Description trivialities
...and Iron Blizzard? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
Re: Description trivialities
Any MA or LA Ulm help would be great!
Not-killing a pretender
His pretender was called back to my province. On the first turn of battle he changed from dragon to human form. On the second turn he routed. He died on the retreat. I did *NOT* get the message about killing his pretender. This same battle has happened a few more times. If I kill him on the battlefield I get the message, if he retreats and dies I don't. (He's lost all his magic by now, I've got dominion 10 in the province and he's has this never healing wound affliction for quite a while--in theory he should have 0 hp but he always has a few.)
Re: Not-killing a pretender
Not sure if this was supposed to be intentional: I had a few sauromancers die in a battle as LA C'tis while another commander was holding the Ankh. They became soulless with all the old mage paths, but now they can use the reanimate command.
I'm assuming the game just gives any undead commander with priest paths the reanimate command for LA C'tis. It's not game breaking or anything, but I figured I'd point it out. |
Undead priests
The game gives any undead or demon commander with priest paths the reanimate command, by design. This applies to all nations.
You can summon a Black Servant and make him your prophet, for early access to undead troops. He will have the 'Reanimate' command available, instead of 'Preach'. |
Re: Not-killing a pretender
Re: Not-killing a pretender
Re: Not-killing a pretender
Re: Not-killing a pretender
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] If a weapon has multiple attacks, and the unit using the weapon has been blessed via Fire 9, the weapon deals damage only once. :bug
Thus, if your Jotun Herse goes against a fire-immune unit with his Sword of Swiftness, he will only deal 9+str damage once, instead of twice. |
Re: Not-killing a pretender
I mentioned a very serious bug somewhere above, but it seems that it was left untouched. You can cast twiceborn on a demon (not sure about undeads) and it not only works perfectly (despite it shouldn't), but the demon returns in his original shape (tested with Raksharajas add Hannyas) and still has twiceborn in effect. Thus you buy an immortal for 10 death gems.
Re: Not-killing a pretender
Re: Not-killing a pretender
When the Vaette on the wolf dies the wolf you get always has old age. |
Re: Not-killing a pretender
That's an age discrepancy issue. The vaetti starts with age 22/50 and wolf has something like 3/12 or 15/30 at best. So when the Vaetti becoems a wolf, its old age lowers, but the actual age of the unit stays the same as the vaetti had because it's tied to the unique id number of that particular unit and not the monster type.
I suppose it would be fixed by having the Dominions world wolves be extra long-lived and having them be something like 3/30 or 3/50 and Vaetti age staying the same. |
Re: Not-killing a pretender
Shortlist reorganized and updated to reflect changelog. New entries based on this thread not added yet, but coming next week.
Re: Not-killing a pretender
If machakan spider rider gets poisoned and dies, remaining poison will still affect spider who is poison immune.
Re: Not-killing a pretender
I don't remember seeing this in here, but.
If nation A is being sieged by B in a province with a fort, nation C's scouts (etc) can be set to 'Defend' in said province with either hotkey command or by canceling some previous order. Usually, if you set your sneaking commander to 'Defend', it attacks the province it is in. But if the province is a sieged castle, then it won't. However, should B storm the fort and win, nation C's defending scouts end up sieging the fort with B's stormers inside. Same happens if sieged gets a barbarian/knight attack in the province, because it would appear indies default to 'Defend', and don't appear until the siege is resolved. I'd think the logical behaviour would be that the third-party 'Defenders' would attack the sieging force, instead of defaulting to some sort of sneaky defence. |
Re: Not-killing a pretender
Atul, that seems to be a special case of the how third party units (whether indies or other nations) are handled in sieges and is already listed. There is a whole slew of siege related behavior and movement bugs in the shortlist.
Re: Not-killing a pretender
Assassination battle reports
I've had it a couple of times that I can't see the results of an (Earth Attack) assassination attempt. The casting is successful, there's a battle, but I can't see the battle. Clicking on the crossed swords icon doesn't switch to battle mode. Any ideas why this is? Or is this a bug?
Re: Assassination battle reports
Doesn't it need a scout in that province for battle report?
Re: Assassination battle reports
I don't think so. And anyway, I can see other assassination reports from the same province, just some I can't see. Or do the assassinations have to be successful without scouts?
Re: Assassination battle reports
Slaves are stored as a signed 16-bit integer.
(SP game, Large map, one AI left who actually holds most of the map. I'm up against the commander limit and there's not much to do with the slaves so they have been building up.) |
Re: Assassination battle reports
Ideally the best solution would be providing a game setting where the commander limit and unit limit could be increased as desired thus more powerful computers don't have to suffer these limitations. Considering computers are constantly becoming more and more powerful these limitations should be scalable. * Even a moddable commander limit and unit limit would be nice, allowing the game to be scalable with todays faster computers. |
Re: Assassination battle reports
Re: Assassination battle reports
Re: Assassination battle reports
Is there any way to make a mod item? I'm thinking of a superclam with 10x the cost that makes 10 pearls/turn. |
Re: Assassination battle reports
Just a typo:
Random event: Heavy snowfalls has blocked important mountain roads. |
Re: Assassination battle reports
Most event typos are known. Since they are in different files than the unit descriptions, they were not affected by the Great Fixing. Though I wish I could have gotten my hands on them. That was one of them...
Re: Assassination battle reports
It says in the mod manual that nametypes are available up to 159 now, but in fact if you use any nametype 151+ the game will crash when you use or click on a unit that has that nametype.
So 150 is ok, but afaik 151, 152, 153 etc all the way up don't work. |
Re: Assassination battle reports
Re: Assassination battle reports
The bakemono(monster number 1963) scout lists its stealth value as +-25.
Re: Assassination battle reports
Tartarian chains (item number 98). Description says (last sentence): "Anyone wjo wields these chains...". Should be "Anyone WHO wields these chains..."
Re: Assassination battle reports
Noted. Thanks.
ologm, that's already fixed for next patch. |
Syncinfo bug
What about this bug, Edi. Do you know if anyone is looking into it?
"The most annoying bug in the game is the so-called "syncinfo" bug, where playing a tcp-ip network game, when you try to connect to the server, you just get a "Waiting for info" screen. You have to start the game in windowed mode, and then keep launching more windows until you finally get one that gets past the bug. I hate it, and I wish someone would fix it." |
Re: Syncinfo bug
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] If Gift of Reason is cast twice on the same province on the same turn, and both spells target the same type of unit, only one of the units is made commander. I think GoR targets the lowest ID of a spesific type it finds when the command is issued, instead of checking for it when the spell is resolved.
The above causes all kinds of weird things. As an example, a unit that is teleporting somewhere via Astral Travel can move there first, and then become a commander, if GoR is completed after Astral Travel. It'd be nice if there were error messages for GoR (e.g. no units of the spesified type could be found in the province). |
Re: Syncinfo bug
Endo, noted. I noticed the same thing about trying to GoR more than one unit of the same type, doesn't work. I'll add that. GoR seems to need the kind of checks you talk about and an incrementing counter like the site search spells do. |
Re: Syncinfo bug
Re: Syncinfo bug
I just GORed two gargoyles in the same turn. But for some reason they showed up a separate choices in the list of unit types. I didn't understand that.
Re: Syncinfo bug
Damn, so they do. It can get pretty damned confusing fast.
Re: Syncinfo bug
Oh yes, you obviously need to select different groups in the GoR screen. Not the same unit twice, even if there are more than one of that type in that group.
Re: Syncinfo bug
No, what he means is that all the units appear separately in the GoR list, so picking up the right ones from it can be difficult and can lead to confusion. Needs a bit more testing, that one does.
Re: Syncinfo bug
No, multiple units in groups don't appear twice. Otherwise you'd have thousands of units in there. But I don't know the real mechanics behind the GoR list, this would really require some testing.
Re: Syncinfo bug
Too late in the night, so maybe my memory is shot. Could be I'm remembering the time of Dominions - PPP when every single unit did show up separately in the list and it was long as all hell.
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