![]() |
Re: Bifrons up for grabs
Now that's just mean. ;P As if magic dueling poor Bifrons wasn't mean enough.
Unfortunately I get the feeling you may be opening up some more slots on my roster before I'm done with you. Still, anybody trying to snatch my devils should know I'll be immediately resummoning any that fall so there's a decent chance your blood slaves will be wasted. |
1500 posts
1500 posts. 101 pages. A new milestone? Someone should write a book about this game. Although sadly, poor LA Pangaea would probably only get a mention in the appendix.
Re: 1500 posts
Server of the game down ?
I just get quicked from it and no way to reconnect. Stelteck, LA abysia |
Re: 1500 posts
Service seems restored.
Stelteck, the flamming people. |
Re: 1500 posts
Hmm, even though I got no stale turn message, my orders from last turn didn't seem to get processed. Oh well, I guess it didn't work out so bad anyway.
Re: 1500 posts
A book or a novel about this game seems a good idea. A kind of wiki-based online novel where everyone write his own history.
Re: 1500 posts
Pfaugh! History is written by *the winners*. Whoever wins the game gets to write whatever glaringly self-serving, factually inaccurate history they want.
Re: 1500 posts
There is a history of perpetuality thread, where you can write down your history.
Question about subs for this game
I'd like to make a proposal regarding subs for this game. As we climb towards late game and it looks like things are just getting warmed up I thought we might address the question of how to handle temporary subs for nations in good positions. This came up with LA R'yleh, and it looks like Machaka is having trouble finding a sub. Specifically I'd like to propose that we allow subs who are already in the game. I believe the thinking behind banning one person from playing two nations was to stop somebody from essentially having a double sized empire. However, in the case of a temporary sub, particularly as we hit the late game and alliances are formed I think it makes more sense to allow someone to let their ally (or whoever they choose) play their nation temporarily. Nobody wants nations in strong positions to be forced to stale (particularly if it's your ally!), and I don't really see this giving anyone an advantage as the nations will (presumably) be working in concert anyway.
Re: Question about subs for this game
I didn't think that was possible -- I think the game itself won't let you play more than one side in a hosted MP game. Is this true?
Re: Question about subs for this game
It'll work fine, the issue is if more than one nation is played with the same CD key and *different IPs* on one turn. It works perfectly fine to play more than one nation from a single computer (I've done it in other games).
Re: Question about subs for this game
Ah, learned something new. Thanks.
Re: Question about subs for this game
I do not agree that we should allow 1 person to play 2 nations. Even allies can have different agendas as only 1 nation can ultimately prevail.
And there are different skill levels even among allies. Perhaps I do not fancy having K play more than 1 of the races I am fighting. One K is plenty to deal with, 2 is one too many. And besides when I proposed taking a single turn for la rlyeh-if and only if i could not find a sub(but luckily i did)-it was rapidly shot down by velusion. And that was even after i offered to let gandalf check the turn file to guarantee nothing shady took place. If i recall the popular sentiment-a stale turn or 2 will not kill him. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
Well, a stale turn or two won't kill you, but I was thinking more that it looks like Reay is gonna be out for several weeks and is having trouble finding a sub - a situation that seems likely to be repeated eventually by others given the length this game will likely run. Letting him stale that long is a certain death sentence. I agree it's not ideal to have a sub at all, but given that people will need to be absent, and that finding people to step in for a temporary stint is a bit difficult (and problematical for them to come up to speed on a large nation in late game) it seems like much the lesser of distasteful options to let the player use someone who he thinks will best represent his interests.
Plus, speaking as the guy who suddenly found himself at war with QM I can say your objection about skill level differences in subs is certainly not limited to people playing more than one nation. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Question about subs for this game
Several people who had been killed early on did express interest in subbing other nations a while ago. But it'd seem they're not that interested anymore?
Re: Question about subs for this game
I am the admin of the Epic Heroes Game, and it looks like with school starting and summer over, many people are overextended on games and are looking for subs.
So it may be no easy thing to find a sub. That said, i am going to pause the Epic Heroes Game and look for a sub for a few days. If one cannot be found, the race will be set on Ai, even though it has the most provinces(though it is not winning). That is precisely what needs to happen here as well. In no event should one player be playing 2 nations. Maybe for one turn in a pinch, but no more than that. As I stated when LA Ryleh needed to find a sub, I will support a delay of 48 hours for subs to be found. If none can be, then they just have to be put on AI. So far we have LA Tien Chi and Machaka needing subs. I will ask around. There are several players being eliminated in the Epic Heroes Game that are not playing in the Big game. Maybe they would be willing to take over these races. Anyway Velusion, I vote for 24 hour additional delay to find subs. If none can be found, then set them to AI. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
hehe, that might work out well for me as Machaka and LA TC are at war with each other and I border both. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Question about subs for this game
Re: Question about subs for this game
Players will not ever be able to play two nations in Perp. This would have been something hat needed to be decided before the game started.
I've had bad experiences in other MP computer games were people were either actually "rigging" the game by playing more than one nation or the perception was that it was happening. Whatever the intentions it left a bad taste in many people's mouths and is not something I'm inclinded to ever allow. While it sucks that sometimes players stale or become unavailable, I'm afraid that is how things go. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
I have just found a temporary sub for Machaka who will start playing in a few hosts. He will play for a month and then I will come back to continue. (if I have not been destroyed in the mean time http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif)
LA TC and I are currently having a very entertaining (and deadly http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif) war. Whoever replaces LA TC will be in for an interesting time indeed. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
Do you mind saying who your sub is? I tried to find you and la tc subs, and it may help me find TC a sub if i know who you got.
Re: Question about subs for this game
Yep his name is Burnsaber. He wants to learn more about the Machakan mid-late game so we will see how he goes.
Re: Question about subs for this game
Burnsaber is Machaka in the Chinchilla game that I am also in. I haven't met his forces in game but he seems like a decent chap from his posts.
Re: Question about subs for this game
I have resumed control over LA R'lyeh
Re: Question about subs for this game
Let MA Ctis be the 1st to welcome you back EH. How was camp?
If you follow the boards, you will be surprised to know that you and I are ALLIES! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Though I am quite sure Folket overlooked that small fact in his briefing. But why believe Folket when you have most of the LA Atlantis Alliance swearing we are in bed together? Now be a good ally and send your little brother aid! |
Re: Question about subs for this game
We shall call it the Battle of the Sixteen Ticked-Off Sages.
EA Mictlan thought he could take out MA TC's Rim Mountains Research Corridor. Our sages looked up from their desks and musty tomes. Annoyed by the interruption, they burned minds and called down light from the stars while crossbow bolts drifted like a gentle rain 'pon the newly en-souped brains of the exhausted jaguar warriors. At the end of the day, the sages, intrigued by what they learned, started work on a team-authored article "Lookit his eyes go all buggy!:Mind Burn in Theory and Practice," forthcoming in The Journal of Astral Sciences. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
The world should know that LA Ermor is losing ground on LA R'lyeh - who is casting Undead Mastery with his artifact filled SCs.
So LA R'lyeh's ranks grow stronger with my forces as he gains ground. I also know that LA Atlantis has lost ground to him as well. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
Maybe LA Atlantis Alliance (aka Evil Empire), should focus more of their efforts there then, instead of continuing their attempts to eradicate tiny MA Ctis who has attempted to dwell peacefully in the NW corner. They have also found time to eradicate EA Rlyeh and if scouting is accurate, EA Atlantis. So it is hard to take any cries of a LA Ryleh threat too seriously when i see waves of troops descending on my lands every turn. And MA Oceania at least is capable of travel through the water. Maybe you can talk your allies into sending more of their troops to fight this "Perilous Foe" rather than gobble up nations that are no threat to world balance. At least one of the small nations they attempted to gobble got caught in their throat. After 30 turns of war, countless of their troops dead, gems spent, items lost, and what do they have to show for it? The Lizards of MA Ctis now own MORE land then when the Evil Empire first invaded. And, they have pissed off the Lizards to the point they would not accept peace if offered. So save your breath LA Atlantis Alliance. And defend your lands. The Lizards are coming! |
Re: Question about subs for this game
If i look at the graph, it looks like no one is fighting with rlyeh, as no graphs go really down. Both Oceanias and LA Atlantis are having the biggest real armies (real: no chaff like dreamers, skeletons and maenads) so there should something be possible in the water.
Re: Question about subs for this game
At this stage in the game, just about everything is chaff.
I'm surprised that the blood nations aren't doing well, by now. I would be very, very amused if someone cast Astral Corruption sometime around now. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
I'd just like to put in that while I've enjoyed subbing for EA Van, I've ended up staling a few turns and will in any case shortly have even less time for long term games. So if by next turn another sub hasn't expressed interest I guess I will be turning it over to the AI.
Re: Question about subs for this game
I invite any nation that consider LA ermor a threat to contact me - lets do something before velusian becomes way too powerful. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
Of course he's a *threat*, evilhomer.
But he doesn't have most of the relics and elemental royalty. Come on. Now, if you wanted to deliberately reduce your size, and otherwise offer huge, crass bribes to the second-tier nations, you might have a viable proposal. |
Re: Question about subs for this game
I know you are allied with him so I understand your "view". However, this game won't be won due to some elemental royalties.
Re: Question about subs for this game
Elemental royality is also a pretty limited source, while tartarians are almost as strong and are in unlimitted suply.
Re: Question about subs for this game
So when is the next game like this starting? It sounds pretty insane!
Re: Question about subs for this game
The consensus is that it will be won by diplomacy. I do not know if you've *actually* been threatening people, demanding bribes to refrain from crushing them, and so forth. I'm not going to fault you for playing agressively, I've been known to be somewhat agressive myself, but you've either been too beligerent by far, or you've lost the propoganda war in any case.
Ermor has not - and the only player he's well known for crushing has been Nifelheim, an act widely viewed as a public service. Furthermore, you've been aiding/supplying players who are about to be crushed. This is a good idea in a sense, as it weakens those doing the crushing; I certainly don't fault a player for taking one last stab in the eye of the one who eliminates him. However, by aiding such players you've earned a lot of enemies (including me), and not made any friends. That said, while Knife Bright Insight may *appear* to be indifferent to Ermor's losses against you, that is because he has assigned no less than a dozen Monks who try *really really hard* to be sad. Hopefully, the struggle between R'lyeh and Ermor won't end in mutual slaughter, because then I'd need an absolute *army* of monks to spend all their time being miserable. Who wants that? |
Re: Question about subs for this game
Re: Question about subs for this game
Well I was hoping to leave any notifications to my sub, but since I haven't had any luck finding one yet... LA TC is another nation being attacked by Ermor, just a few thousand undead rolling in, messing up real estate values. I see about 4k at this point, and I'm pretty sure there are another 2-3k right around the corner. At this point it isn't against any "alliance", just Ermor and my ill advised war with Machaka. LA Atlantis has actually been a very good neighbor, friendly and helpful and have not had any contact with Lanka or Man. Any assistance would be helpful, and can be paid for through gems/gold/items/future considerations. Really wish I had the time and interest to do this properly, I've assumed it would happen eventually and had planned a bit. Sure no one wants to sub into a strong nation that will be very interesting shortly? |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Because I'm a nice guy (nicer than LA R'lyeh) I'm going to share the eye of god map image to everyone: I'll keep updating it every 3 or so turns for as long as I got the eye up. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
It won't load.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Oh my God. I guess I never realized how huge this map was until looking at this. This game will take years to play!
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Well I guess someone doesn't want me to share the eye with everyone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif.
I do think its funny that someone spent more gems to cancel my spell then I did to overcast it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif. P.S. you only got to blind some random indy mage btw. hehe |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Wooo.... nice SCs, MA Agartha. Those are gonna be a real pain, all flying around burning down my temples. A real administrative headache to hunt them down, no doubt.
I hereby salute MA Agartha for his excellent choice in attacking me! I look forward to a rousing battle and I congratulate him on his choice of a glorious death at my hands! Huzzah! Although I am not the agressor (for once), I am willing to show good form and make an offer-of-no-scorched earth; each side agrees not to spam the other with hurricanes, plagues (the ones that kill population - kill all the troops you want), no taxing at 200%, no tearing down labs and castles, etc. etc. In fact, I'd be willing to engage in one of those all-gems-to-the-victor agreements that have been requested variously. By sparing our respective civilian populations and infrastructure as well as is possible, we will benefit whichever of us emerges the victor, Let me know this turn, so I don't start shutting down your forts http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I'm quite interested to see what kind of administration you put up - luckily undead do not drown into paperwork.
MA Agartha's hand was pretty much forced by your yesterday's admission "making plots against you, just not yet implementing them", which is as good an invitation to war as those get. But looking forward to a good trashing, I might lose the verbal acrobatics battle but moral loss is only half the battle - let loose the mindless hordes! They care not of morale. I'm willing to make the gentlemen's agreement, as long as it is complete. No killing of civilian population, destruction of infrastructure nor sudden orchestrated gangings. Should you feel you can be proud for crushing MA Agartha, do it with honor, not with backhanded deals! MA Agartha marches to war once again, this time against an opponent on equal footing. And the history is written by the victors. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
For anyone that may be interested. . . EA Pan (free spawn nation with large army and nasty pretender) is in bed with the undead (LA Ermor).
Also of potential interest. . . EA Pan's pretender and 2000 or so troops are holed up behind the castle walls in Venna (prov 508), where they will remain for the next 2+ turns. A few well placed Leprosy or Rain of Toads would soften them up nicely and thereby weaken the unholy alliance. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Don't pangean troops have recuperation?
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
We are cordial (as we would have to be being neighbors for so long) but we aren't allied, don't share plans and I have no idea what he is doing outside of our borders... If people want to spell-devastate EA Pan's lands for fun, that's their business... just don't get the idea you are at all hurting me via EA Pan. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Long term cordial neighbors definitely serve each others interests, even if there is no formal alliance. All I know is that EA Pan is comfortable aggregating the majority of his forces along his northern border, leaving the vast southern border that he shares with the undead unprotected. In the grand scheme of things, he may not be a direct ally (coordinating attacks on a mutual opponent), but he is definitely a facilitator. And by choosing to facilitate Ermor, Pan goes down as Evil in my book. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Although, now that sum1one reminds me that Pan's troops have recuperation, I am not sure remote disease spells will have much effect. I guess, I will have to just wait for them to come out of the castle so that I can kill them off in hand-to-hand. 150 vs. 2000. Gotta love them odds. |
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