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Olive October 5th, 2012 02:56 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
OK. Thanks guys. :)

Garud November 3rd, 2012 02:12 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I found a bug with "Secondly Effect with twice or more times attack weapons".
Secondly effect are replaced 2nd or later attack.
(This bug also happen all many times attack weapon with F9 or D9 bless.)

11832 striking with weapon Rat Tail. att28 def20 //Rat Tail 1st attack
hitloc Debug Sensei strikes Militia wl5 diff-4 -> 4
hitunit 11832 7952 dmg9 spec0 ba4
hitloc Debug Sensei strikes Militia wl0 diff0 -> 4 //Secondary Effect
hitunit 11832 7952 dmg10 spec128 ba4
11832 striking with weapon Greater Fear. att28 def24 //2nd attack. but... why?
hitloc Debug Sensei strikes Militia wl0 diff0 -> 2
hitunit 11832 7954 dmg10 spec128 ba2

15159 striking with weapon Rat Tail. att28 def32 //Rat Tail 1st attack. Missed.
15159 striking with weapon Greater Fear. att26 def22 //But same thing happens.
hitloc Debug Sensei strikes Heavy Infantry wl0 diff0 -> 1
hitunit 15159 4476 dmg10 spec128 ba1

9575 striking with weapon Sword of Swiftness. att30 def22 //1st attack
hitloc Devata strikes Heavy Cavalry wl2 diff-1 -> 2
hitunit 9575 2936 dmg9 spec1 ba2
damage 2 on Heavy Cavalry, spec0x1 ba2
hitloc Devata strikes Heavy Cavalry wl6 diff-5 -> 2 //Bless bonus
hitunit 9575 2936 dmg6 spec96 ba2
damage 4 on Heavy Cavalry, spec0x60 ba2
9575 striking with weapon bless fire. att25 def24 //2nd attack. Bless bonus only.
hitloc Devata strikes Heavy Cavalry wl6 diff-5 -> 2
hitunit 9575 2936 dmg6 spec96 ba2
damage 4 on Heavy Cavalry, spec0x60 ba2

Samhain December 7th, 2012 10:52 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Samhain
The magic site that allows the recruiting of Nemedian units; Warriors, Champions, and Sorceresses; is misspelled. It should be Rath Chimbraith, not Rath Chimbalth.

This is a repost. But, it appears not to have been fixed in the 3.28 patch.

brxbrx December 8th, 2012 04:23 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I think your expectations of a two man developer team consisting of middle aged Swedes with day jobs working on a game that was released over six years ago are a little high.

Christ, most studios would have abandoned support by now.

Samhain December 8th, 2012 10:12 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Never underestimate a perfectionist in the midst of their "mid-life" stage.

And, I'm actually being deliberately cheeky with making a bugrep based on the mispelling of an extremely obscure reference from Irish prehistory/mythology. I was just waiting for someone to call me out on it.

Gandalf Parker December 8th, 2012 10:21 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Actually a reference like that I would not be at all surprised if Kristoffer responded even now. After all, that hits directly to his bread-and-butter. Literally. It applies to his day job.

Admiral_Aorta December 9th, 2012 12:54 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Samhain (Post 815152)

Originally Posted by Samhain
The magic site that allows the recruiting of Nemedian units; Warriors, Champions, and Sorceresses; is misspelled. It should be Rath Chimbraith, not Rath Chimbalth.

This is a repost. But, it appears not to have been fixed in the 3.28 patch.

I don't suppose that's one of those names that has multiple spellings in english, with no single spelling necessarily being the right one? There's certainly other names from old languages that are like that.

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