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bananafish October 20th, 2006 01:17 PM

illearth vs king of earth elementals
not sure if this is a bug... or where it really belongs... but-

The King of Earth Elementals don't start their Old Age until 2000 years old... but Illearth starts his Old Age and the ripe young age of 100...

Big difference, considering that Illearth used to be one of the King of Earth Elementals, but was corrupted... logic doesn't follow that his Old Age should be signficantly different than his uncorrupted brethrens.

NTJedi October 20th, 2006 01:22 PM

Summon great eagle spell
The summon great eagle spell has a description saying these birds are sacred yet when examining the birds they do not have the sacred status.

ologm October 20th, 2006 03:01 PM

Re: illearth vs king of earth elementals
1 Attachment(s)
Dominions 3 goes poof, if i click end turn in attached game

Graeme Dice October 20th, 2006 05:10 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Moving a commander into a break siege battle at a castle when that commander is going to be attacked by a lesser horror in the next turn can cause the game to crash during battle processing with a "unit2com inconsistency" error.

Graeme Dice October 20th, 2006 05:15 PM

Re: Bug thread
Edit: Removed double post.

Ozymandias October 20th, 2006 08:44 PM

Re: Bug thread
Glamorous province defence units aren't getting their free mirror image at the start of battle. Tested with both Vanheim and Helheim in the early era. D'oh, I see that the Glamourous PD was fixed on October 7th.

Middle era Abyssian Lava Warriors also have their encumbrance and precision switched.

AMF October 21st, 2006 02:54 AM

Re: Bug thread
I have more of a noobie request than a bug: when in battle, the spellcasters and their spells scroll by ("Colonel Mustard cast Mustard gas") on only the left side of the screen. COuld it be set so that this information scrolls by on the right and the left (left side for the attackers mages, right for the defenders)? For a noob, it's hard to keep track yet of who is casting who, but if I knew which side they were one it would help a lot.

Cainehill October 21st, 2006 07:13 AM

Re: Bug thread
Great idea, AMF - right/left, or at least a different color text would help a lot.

onomastikon October 21st, 2006 09:10 AM

Re: Bug thread

The black screen is a bug, then. Feel free to report your OS, graphic card and details of the bug in the bug thread.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] BUG: (At least in the demo), when I click "view battle", the screen will first go black for about 7 seconds before switching to the fade-in of the battlefield from the province.
Also, when I hit "e" in a hotseat-type game with more than one human player, the game will freeze up for about 7 seconds before letting me view screen with the nation I want to play.
This is on my laptop which has no problems with dom2, a WinXP Home edition (latest updates), 1.86Ghz Pentium M, 1gig RAM, 124MB Radeon Mobility X700, drivers all good.

Does anyone else have this issue or only me? Is the full game different from the demo in this respect?


thejeff October 21st, 2006 09:44 AM

Re: Bug thread
I also get the blackscreen before the battle fade-in begins. Only last a few seconds though. Noticeable, but less than 7 seconds.
Full game under Linux.

Haven't tried the hotseat problem.

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