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Re: Bandar Log just about toast
i would be thankful when id get todays turn until 19:00 CET (5h from now) or else the next turn will come tomorrow around 11:00 CET.
Re: Bandar Log just about toast
Sent my turn 1 min. ago
Arcane Nexus has to be dispelled
With Arcane Nexus active we request all free nations of faerun not to use other magic than astral or blood. This nexus will draw a part of every hard earned gem used for any other magic than astral or blood.
We would support any dispel try or would take donations to try it for ourselfs. This global is game breaking and should be dispelled as fast as possible. This is a sort of 'gem stealing' is like utterdark or astral corruption an aggressive act to every other nation. |
Re: Arcane Nexus has to be dispelled
The following is a proclamation issued by the nation of Ulm in late spring of the sixth year of the ascension wars, and distributed by fast courier to all capitals of the world. Also, but obviously slower, heralds headed out from the great city with orders to read the proclamation in every town hall, lord’s manor, or village square in the world.
Years and years ago, in the days of our forefathers, we, who are now the people of Ulm, lived and worked the mines of the old Ermorian Empire. In those days Ermor was still a proud, civilised nation, honouring the ancient traditions, and bringing peace and justice to the peoples of the world. However, at one point this began to change. We lived too far to the fringes of the empire to notice the first signs, and for the same reason, we are unaware of it’s causes, but slowly, ever so slowly, the once great minds of the philosophers, the teachers, the artists, the politicians… the very people of Ermor began to darken. Whispers began to be heard in our faraway province of dark arts being practiced in the capital. Of honourable dead being dug out of their graves and put to work once more. Of rulers secretly dealing with dark necromancers to enhance their personal power. Of people mysteriously disappearing and never being seen again, their fate unknown, but surely too horrible to contemplate…. Our forefathers heard these whispers, and saw the changes in the ways of high society, and wanted no part of it, so we picked up our tools and our armours, our children and our loved ones, and left, to build our own nation, strong and proud, away from the dark influence of Ermor. Generations passed, and though the tales of old Ermor’s corruption were still being told around our fires at night, the intervening distance meant we had no sight of how things were developing there. Meanwhile Ulm grew into the nation we had envisaged. Strong enough to withstand the hardships of the world. Brave men in heavy armours protecting our lands, and allowing the common folk to go around their daily life in peace and prosperity. Then, the old Pantokrator died, and wars shook the lands. Ulm’s armies were strong and determined, and our nation withstood the ravages of the age, and defeated its enemies, a nation of evil goblinoids destroyed beneath our armoured might, a mysterious race of fish-people eradicated, and two different tribes of uncivilised human savages being brought into our empire to learn the value of discipline and civilisation. Meanwhile on our borders we met other humans, with their own civilisations, as old and honourable as Ermor had been. Peaceful relationships were established by them, and we watched them subjugate their own enemies, a water-dwelling race of people supposedly coming from the stars, and a savage nation of monkey-people. Talking monkeys… of all things imaginable, surely this must be one of the strangest… In this time, merely a few years ago we came once more into contact with our old masters of Ermor. Unaware of how far the corruption had tainted them, and with our nation exhausted from the constant wars, we approached them peacefully, hoping to find the honourable nation of old had returned. Imagine our joy, when it appeared to be so, our envoys being treated cordially, our talks being conducted in a civilised manner and, in the end, peace was agreed to. Soon however we began to see the signs of our mistake. Scouts exploring the nations Ermor had conquered began to see risen corpses walking alongside the human legions, merchants travelling to Ermor’s cities told disturbing tales of the debauchery of the rich and wealthy. The old arts of theatre and poetry – while still holding to the ancient form – had acquired a new and dark theme, obsessed with death and the afterlife. Surely this was not the Ermor of old, this was a mockery! A thin outer layer of civilisation remained, but it covered pure and utter darkness. Seeing the threat to all the human nations of this world we felt the desire to act, to stand against this unfathomable menace. But alas! Our word had been given, and Ulm’s word is as strong and hard as the iron of their forges. Two years of peace had been agreed to with the vile Ermorians, and two years of peace they’d have. As last and final proof of their corruption – as if more were needed – Ermor itself has now decided to betray the peace. Surely their minds, corrupted by the darkness they had lived in for generations, could no longer fathom the concept of honour, of being true to one’s word, and, wanting to destroy us, a nation and a people who would never, could never, accept to live in a world dominated by the undead decided to strike the first blow, hoping to catch us unprepared. THEY WILL SOON REALISE THEIR MISTAKE!!! Ulm’s armies are always prepared! Our people is always prepared! We will never bow to the vile and treacherous death-cult of Ermor! If it is war they want, it is war they’ll get! Ulm’s armies have been toughened and hardened by years of warfare against evil opposition, and are now ready to take on the biggest threat yet. Quite possible the biggest threat this world has ever seen. Ermor’s power is huge, but Ulm stands ready! We hereby invite all honourable people to join us in this ultimate struggle. Surely this world will be a better place to live in once Ermor has been eradicated. To our old friends of the middle kingdom we say: Join us in this hour of need. Not just our need, but the need of the world. To the ancient kingdom of philosophers and astrologers to our west we extend a hand in friendship. We have seen you fight the wild monkey people and do not doubt you abhor what Ermor has become. A nation who once was heavily influenced by your philosophies and your beliefs. The proud knights and archers of the forests of Avalon, who learned so much from the ancient Tuatha, the mysterious men who ventured into the caves to learn from their huge inhabitants we would welcome at our side. Teach us what they taught you, and we’ll teach you much of our own. Even to the strange and almost extinct bird-people on their mountaintops and to the halfmen dwelling in the deepest woods we extend this invitation: Join us. Join the righteous war against Ermor. Join us in the eternal struggle to make this world a world we want to live in, not one we’re afraid to die in – because death will not allow us any rest. To the noble in his manor house, to the merchant in his city house or sleeping under the bed of his wagon. To the farmer working his fields, and the craftsman crafting his goods. To the soldier sleeping in a muddy ditch, the servant polishing his masters boots, the filthy beggars in the city streets, and the perfumed ladies at a court ball. To all of you and more I promise: Ulm will do everything in it’s power to make sure that – when your time has come – your life will be remembered by those you leave behind, your body treated with the honour and respect it deserves, instead of used and discarded as a poorly made tool. Any help any of you can give this cause will be gratefully received. In the name of Ulm, its ruling council, its people and its hope for the future, Ulfrida, Lady of the Rock, The Fortifier, The Unforgiving Queen. |
Re: Arcane Nexus has to be dispelled
I think I got carried away a bit... It probably has something to do with being a roleplayer. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
And to think I could have used the time to write this to actually make sure all my mages and commanders have the right commands to actually fight this war... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
The Great War
So its finally beginning, the war between Ulm and Ermor who was lingering around a long time has now become fact.
We of Man are neutral in this conflict, but we are watching closely and if one of the warring parties should violate our borders we will swiftly strike back. We are very interested in who will win the Clash of Gigants, Ermors Tartarians or Ulms Elemental Royality. btw. The people of Man are very interested in Battle Reports so plz write some in the forum. |
Re: The Great War
And I do like to write them, but it isn't allways easy to find the time and/or the energy to do so.
If it hadn't been a weekend you probably wouldn't have the privilage to read my beautifully written and inspiring Declaration of Defiance http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Bandar Log just about toast
Bandar Log declares territories to be open!!!
To all nations of the world:
From this time forward consider all territories of Bandar Log to be free and open to transit of your armies. Note however, that due to the current state of our lands, this proclamation may not reach all provincial commanders or expeditionary forces currently in the field, so localized clashes may occur. Provided that you parole all Bandar Log military personnel captured after any such battle, we have no quarrel with you. |
Re: The Great War
Luckily I'm big and strong and can stand a little blood loss http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif I'm also wondering how people would feel about a 3-day timer. I'm not sure I'll need it myself, but I do have a busy work period comming up just now that all hell broke loose, so I might have to run quite a bit. |
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