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llamabeast June 19th, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)
Well I think actually there's no point in me waiting for Xietor, I'll just switch the addresses now.

coobe - sorry for any worries the confusion may have caused. jimkehn - thanks for being so helpful.

On with the game!

coobe June 19th, 2008 10:15 AM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)
so sorry for the confusion, was really my fault... but thanks jimkeh for your quick help offer !

Xietor June 19th, 2008 10:48 AM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)
Do you guys never sleep?

Just woke up. There really is nothing here that merits anything more than a pm to me. Heh.

It is coobe's race, and it should be returned to him. But when you post that you are looking for a permanent sub, and one is found, you can assume he will be put in your place without any further ado.

In this case, I am glad things worked out for Coobe, and you never even missed a turn. Your sub was gracious, and understood. So there are no issues.

But just for future notice, when you post for a permanent sub you are, for whatever reason, getting out of the game. We are on a fast schedule right now. So I will generally, when such a sub is found, plug him into the position so he can begin to get acquainted with his race. There is no reason not to.

But all is well that ends well, and we should thank jimkehn for being willing to take over on short notice.

Xietor June 19th, 2008 11:00 AM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)

Sorry your Kingmaker experience was a short one(: And thank you for playing. Sending your gold and gems to la pythium is thematic as he is the older brother to your race, and if he has any honor, he will avenge your defeat.

Zeldor June 19th, 2008 11:05 AM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)
There are 'few' nations between LA and MA Pythium so it will be interesting http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor June 19th, 2008 01:05 PM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)
you could show some gumption and declare war on Niefelheim regardless of distance! Even if it is to just show your righteous anger at your younger brother's slaughter.

Woe be to any race that destroys a civilization of Arcoscephale for war and curses will rain upon thee, and distance will be no shield from thy Ruin.

DrPraetorious June 19th, 2008 01:43 PM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)
Obviously, Zeldor recognizes my Prophet as his rightful Emperor, and would not dare stand against him.

Meglobob June 19th, 2008 02:47 PM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)

Xietor said:Woe be to any race that destroys a civilization of Arcoscephale for war and curses will rain upon thee, and distance will be no shield from thy Ruin.

So you will avenge Ea Arco then?

He is dead or nearly so.

No idea who dunnit but as the song says, 'it wasn't me'.

Lingchih June 19th, 2008 03:11 PM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)

Xietor said:

Sorry your Kingmaker experience was a short one(: And thank you for playing. Sending your gold and gems to la pythium is thematic as he is the older brother to your race, and if he has any honor, he will avenge your defeat.

I don't even know who killed him, or where his old cap is.

Xietor June 19th, 2008 03:12 PM

Re: Oceania sells trinkets :o)
The younger civilization of Arcoscephale has not called upon the older for vengeance. However, the sybils all seeing eyes know who is behind the destruction of the Golden Age. And though they like to call themselves giants, they squash just as easily under an elephant's hoof as any other.

After a communion, the giants will forget that they ever served anyone other than Ruin and merrily hum as they plow our fields:

We can plow a field all day long
cut down trees from dusk to dawn
We serve our master Ruin as we must
working so hard just to get a crust.

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