![]() |
Re: Bug thread
Not enough information in that to make any definite pronouncements, unfortunately. I've never heard of that problem with anyone else.
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
IA : Bean sidhe (or perhaps any stealthy mage discovered in the patrol phase or any lone mage with level 1 paths and 3 gems) seem to not be weighted correctly. My army with about 400 troops and 40 mages didn't considered a lone bean sidhe discovered in patrol phase too weak to avoid to waste gems. Even after her was soul slayed by one of the first mages, the full round one script was followed by all (= about 25 gems of diverse mass spell).
Re: Bug thread
Weryl, that sounds like you'd have turned your keyboard into French mode (or back). That area has this "awerty" layout instead of qwerty, and it also does some funny stuff with letter 'm'. IIRC.
Re: Bug thread
Ver 3.15 multiplayer. Just received this message:
"message from host: Ulm had an unexplanable increase in weath this turn. This could be caused by cheating" Now since I am hosting AND playing LA Ulm, I am pretty sure I am not cheating myself. My income has not in fact gone up much at all. All I noticed was a random event that discovered increased tax revenues by 20 gold. "An unexpected even has occurred in Garilon. Copper deposits have been found and a new mine is being built. Tax rewvenues have been permanently increased by 20 pounds of gold." |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Variation on a theme...Affliction (missing arm) and item slots:
Warenharis is missing an Arm. No big thing, gave him a single handed weapon and soldiered on. All other slots and items (just his original gear) were in place. Gave him new armor. Evidently he put it on over his original gear. Now wearing Black Steel Full Plate AND a Scale Mail Hauberk. Helmet now gone, however... The encumbrance values stacked, as did the body protection. With this rig he has zero head protection, but 35 body! Head slot still exists, but I have no Helmet to check it with. Will build one this turn just to see if that 'fixes' the issue. Worthy Heroes mod, game FruitBat on llamabeast's server. |
Re: Bug thread
Post the bloody turn file ASAP! We need examples of this, as it rarely happens! And I'd like to have the turn file for the next one as well. Thanks!
Re: Bug thread
Warenharis and the armor are in Province 51. At the start of the turn the Black Steel Full Plate was on an Ulmish commander, same area.
Happy to send where to whomever you want me to. I'll save this .trn file in a separate folder for posterity. |
Re: Bug thread
Send the trn file to info at illwinter dot com. The following one as well. Include a thorough but clear description of what happened, what you did and what resulted from it. That will allow Johan to take a good look at the item slot behavior and the underlying causes. Especially if the problem is interesting from a coding/problem solving point of view, it might get quick attention.
Re: Bug thread
I'll send the current turn now. I did decide against Forging a helmet just yet; my Smiths were otherwise engaged. But can make it a priority next turn.
Did you want to see the next turn to check out the Helmet affects? If so, even when Forged it will take another turn to get to Warenharis since there is no Lab in Prov 51. |
Re: Bug thread
Not sure if this is a bug. Either way need more reports.
During an assainattion attempt AI victim cast gift of flight on the assassin as if it were an attack spell. Assasin pops across the feild and kills him in one round. edit: one more relivant fact, the AI was Caelum and could fly, so the only vaild target on the feild was my assassin. |
Re: Bug thread
Stormcrow, please send the turn when Warenheris has the helmet so the behavior can be observed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Cor, that's certainly unusual behavior. We'll see about it. |
Re: Bug thread
Also even when i do that SHIFT key still doesnt work so i cant use most hotkeys. And no I didnt press Caps Lock http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif |
More unusual behaviour....
A priest attacks a square with no PD and 0-6 undead.
Priest has Case 1: Banish Banish Banish Retreat 2: Banish Banish Banish Retreat 3: Banish Banish Retreat Orders. In all three cases, the priest casts blessing ... and retreats. I can understand the AI decides to cast blessing.. because of range.. or AI reasons. But I can't understand why.. with NO ONE in the region - why it decides to go against orders and retreat early. Ditto the second time.. with ONE undead on the other side of the battle field - without a commander, and with the other sides army already routed.. again the commander decides to retreat early! I don't have the old trn files.. but I have this turns. Also - the uncommanded undead do not undergo mindless dissolution they just route like other units. |
Re: More unusual behaviour....
Might be ghouls. THey are not mindless.
Retreat seems strange. |
Re: More unusual behaviour....
I'm not sure why the priest would retreat. Maybe if he can't find a valid spell to cast he moves on to the next order, which would be the final retreat?
Can you replay the battle with debug on? That might give more info. |
Re: More unusual behaviour....
It has happened again. The first case was with NO undead in the province.
The second - fourth cases was with one ghoul. One case with a soulless. The way it happens is this. 1. I attack. 2. Ermor routes. Ghoul moves back 3. I cast bless. 4. I route. (No idea why) 5. I move back (Second action for me - order is to retreat on 3rd action). 6. Enemy doesn't move 7. I route off the screen.. its -ddd or -ddddd... can I do this multiplay? will try |
Re: More unusual behaviour....
It has happened again. The first case was with NO undead in the province.
The second - fourth cases was with one ghoul. One case with a soulless. The way it happens is this. 1. I attack. 2. Ermor routes. Ghoul moves back 3. I cast bless. 4. I route. (No idea why) 5. I move back (Second action for me - order is to retreat on 3rd action). 6. Enemy doesn't move 7. I route off the screen.. It seems as if whats happening is the priest is ignoring orders and processing the next order in the queue, which is retreat - which I think is the reason for the Ryalleh routes message... its -ddd or -ddddd... can I do this multiplay? Will try.. |
Re: More unusual behaviour....
Re: More unusual behaviour....
Yes. Just start the game from the command line or a shortcut with -ddd and play the battle out.
Re: More unusual behaviour....
If you have retreat as third order your priest might start retreating earlier if he cant cast any spells (due to range etc). If unable to follow one order he switches to the next one. If that is also impossible to perform he will go for the third order (retreat).
global enchantment icon
1 Attachment(s)
Global enchantment Icon appears randomly on one of my PD. I have only noticed this with Ulm but could be going on with other nations.
Here is a pic. attaching turn file and map. http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...ikeneerbug.gif |
Re: global enchantment icon
1 Attachment(s)
Here is the map, called Likeside
Re: global enchantment icon
That looks an awful lot like a curse. A different icon would probably be helpful.
Re: global enchantment icon
What happens if you mouse-over it? Does it say "Global Enchantment"? Or "Cursed"? Maybe the green grass somehow made your brown curse icon look green? Looks weird though.
Re: global enchantment icon
Is that in late game in a large game?
There is a bug with persistent global spells that stay in effect even though the nation that cast them has been defeated. In such cases, the global is of necessity tied to the unique ID of the caster and if the caster is dead, the number may have been temporarily assigned to one of the PD units. |
Re: More unusual behaviour....
its what I thought - but your AI doesn't check to see if the enemy has already routed??????
Re: More unusual behaviour....
In regards to the icon. It does say "global enchantment" and not curse. It is a PD unit, I think and starts the battle with it, so no way it could have been cursed.
Edi: It is fairly large late game. I think you may have it. Started with all MA nations on a map and now down to 5. Its certainly not a game breaking bug, just kind of strange. |
Bracers of protection and earth bless
Bracers of protection are affected by earth bless, and stack. Bug or WAD? http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...714#Post592714
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
The Bless thing seems to be WAD due to the protection being overall instead of either body or head. It may be that it would be non-trivial to code a separate check for the non-specified protection type. Two bracers stacking on the other hand seems like a bug.
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
It's WAD in the sense that we can make a guess how it happens. It doesn't seem like an intended effect. More likely a side effect of the new body/head armor system.
Are there any other non armor/helmet items that give protection? Shields, but they're handled differently. |
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
Gift of Kurgi, but that's a unique artifact anyway. Skull necklace is an armor for some monsters but no item gives it. Some other artifacts also give non-specified protection.
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
The fire helmet gives overall protection.
I think there is a bug with AI taking over enemy AI castles. In a single player game I was playing. The AI had massive armies sieging enemy AI castles for a long time. But it never took over the castles. When I finally got rid of the large sieging AI armies and stormed the castles they were almost empty of enemy troops. |
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
EA Abysia's income is affected by growth/death scale. According to the race description, They should immune to the bonus/penalty like MA abysia.
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
A mage of mine cast shark attack underwater and around 60 sharks showed up and completely decimated the enemy.
I think this was caused because the enemy has gift of health up and thanks to dominion shifts all his units started in battle with a red bar indicating that they had been wounded. |
Re: Bracers of protection and earth bless
Transformation Bug
I was going to post this last week, but I got distracted. (Did not check if this was posted earlier.)
One of the transformation results is very strange (and presumably a bug) ; Hydra Hatchling (#719) (size 3) - With the sprite image of a large (size 6) hydra with two heads missing. Edit: Oh, quick followup question for KO, is transformation affected by any scales like luck? |
random world mapping
It's probably already known, but I've seen at least 2 times the following: an island is generated on random map and has borders drawn. However, it can't be selected as a separate province. Another bug is wrong terrain type (i.e., plain province looking as sea, etc.)
AP affliction bug?
I have a Skratti in werewolf form with an affliction that state AP-4 (among a couple other minuses iirc). However the creature's AP now shows as 2 (with quickness cast it becomes a 5). Is this a bug?
-SSJ |
Re: AP affliction bug?
Re: AP affliction bug?
Sheepishly, SSJ http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif |
Re: AP affliction bug?
Very minor one: The description for the Grave Consort says she can "revive the newly dead". In fact she can also reanimate longdeads.
Re: AP affliction bug?
I think moss body explosions are killing poison immune troops. Is this intended?
I have a save game where I cannot discern any other cause for 100% immune serpent preists to be dieing. |
Re: AP affliction bug?
Re: AP affliction bug?
Re: AP affliction bug?
That is... strange.
Re: AP affliction bug?
Probably the poison tag is missing from the explosion damage type.
So, what I need to add: - Mossbody explosion - Serpent Cataphract and Hierogallus statfixes - EA Abysia Death income issue (possibly MA as well) - Gift of Flight issues |
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