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-   -   Dominions II Bug Thread (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=16593)

diamondspider January 30th, 2004 08:33 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by PvK:
Did the enemy have some units which were immune to poison? Maybe the AI if the tries to target enemies, and the first choice is poison immune, they decide to attack them anyway, with their non-poison weapons... oops.

Just a theory.


<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Nah, they were fighting indies and such. Normal Heavy Infantry and then some of Jotunheim units.

After using a unit for 100s of battles you sort of get a feel for how they work. Since it happened over several battles vs. different creatures in different formations (including behind and in front) and the enemies were normal I'm sure it is a glitch.

I'm a professional programmer also and think I can tell a bug.

The ONLY possible explanation would be if a unit can run out of ammo for 6 or 7 turns straight. Something that I've never seen in this game under any circumstances.

The bug is obviously something that happens rarely and the fact that I still haven't been told where to email these files disappoints me.

If that happened to me in a long PBEM game that had been going on for weeks, it would be nearly infinately frustrating. Believe me, those units die fast when they pull their daggers and rush heavy infantry or giants http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

The file I have shows the following:

1) slinger unit rushes giants when given 3 chances to fire at them. This had happened the previous 5 turns also.

2) And the PROOF that they were set properly to fire is that in the tower battle that follows they fire at the giants.

3) However! Oddly enough, the tower that is firing at the giants has missiles that also leave the "black cloud" of poison without them being poisonous. This is probably another bug unless towers get poison looking missles for some strange reason when playing Miasma.

[ January 30, 2004, 07:16: Message edited by: diamondspider ]

Johan K January 30th, 2004 12:56 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
There have been many bugs fixed for the upcoming patch, especially for the windows Version. So I prefer if you mail the files to us after the patch and if the bug still remains.

johan osterman January 30th, 2004 04:19 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by diamondspider:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Originally posted by Johan K:
There have been many bugs fixed for the upcoming patch, especially for the windows Version. So I prefer if you mail the files to us after the patch and if the bug still remains.

<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Thanks! I'll keep the file in case you ever want to see a tower shooting poison sling stones http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

Looking forward to the next patch...
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">They are supposed to shoot poison sling stones. I believe it's in the manual.

diamondspider January 30th, 2004 04:28 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by johan osterman:
They are supposed to shoot poison sling stones. I believe it's in the manual.
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Thanks, I hadn't seen them do that before. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

I guess it I only found one glitch. Not bad for a game so complex, must say!

[ January 30, 2004, 14:31: Message edited by: diamondspider ]

LordArioch January 30th, 2004 11:49 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
I've been having some buggy problems with the modding tools. Specifically, when trying to clear units to edit them, sometimes items remain, and when I tried to clear all the units from abysia and replace them with new recruitable units the Lava Warrior, Warlock Apprentice, Warlock, and Demonbred all remained. Also, trying to give my new abysia a commander leading an army, and a scout at the start of a game, just resulted in a scout leading an army and no commander to be seen.

I can send the appropriate mod files if you want to see for yourself.

diamondspider January 31st, 2004 02:57 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by Johan K:
There have been many bugs fixed for the upcoming patch, especially for the windows Version. So I prefer if you mail the files to us after the patch and if the bug still remains.
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Thanks! I'll keep the file in case you ever want to see a tower shooting poison sling stones http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

Looking forward to the next patch...

Johan K January 31st, 2004 12:28 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
To add the scout you must use the #addscout command. There can only be one commander and one scout. Also the #clear command doesn't work yet, but it will do in the next patch.

LordArioch January 31st, 2004 07:10 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Oh, I used #startscout instead of #addscout, so maybe that was it. And as long as #clear gets patched to work I'm happy. It was still better to get the early, somewhat limited mod tools than wait longer for the complete thing.

Ragnarok-X February 1st, 2004 12:50 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
clicked end turn at turn 156, my nation was pangaea, normal theme. the game just crashed to windows, the only SERIOUS bug so far imho.

here is the log

----- DOMINIONS ---------

dbglevel 1 pc_endian
-- InitGLStuff --
domdata_path = .
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr54132816 dstadr54324752 tgalen191909
tga2rgba32 alphamode 1 tgatype 3210 tgaadr54132816 dstadr38243128 tgalen2679
tga2rgba32 alphamode 2 tgatype 10 tgaadr54132816 dstadr38243128 tgalen172
tga2rgba32 alphamode 2 tgatype 3210 tgaadr54133008 dstadr54190032 tgalen57002
Reaver file Version 1030
Reaver highestrmod 37 (filemods 38)
Reaver highestrtex 23 (filertex 24)
Create Texture 0, w512 h756 data61472808 alpha0
Create Texture 1, w255 h173 data54666752 alpha0
Create Texture 2, w128 h756 data63045712 alpha0
Create Texture 3, w219 h366 data54843232 alpha0
Create Texture 4, w256 h256 data63432808 alpha0
Create Texture 5, w256 h256 data63694976 alpha0
Create Texture 6, w219 h122 data63957144 alpha0
Create Texture 7, w128 h128 data64064040 alpha0
Create Texture 8, w64 h256 data64129600 alpha1
Create Texture 9, w64 h256 data64195160 alpha1
Create Texture 10, w128 h256 data64260720 alpha1
Create Texture 11, w128 h256 data64391816 alpha1
Create Texture 12, w128 h128 data64522912 alpha1
Create Texture 13, w128 h128 data64588472 alpha1
Create Texture 14, w128 h128 data64654032 alpha1
Create Texture 15, w128 h128 data64719592 alpha0
Create Texture 16, w128 h128 data64785152 alpha0
Create Texture 17, w128 h256 data64850712 alpha1
Create Texture 18, w64 h128 data64981808 alpha1
Create Texture 19, w128 h256 data65142864 alpha1
Create Texture 20, w256 h128 data65273960 alpha1
Create Texture 21, w756 h512 data69337128 alpha0
Create Texture 22, w256 h256 data65405056 alpha0
Create Texture 23, w64 h256 data65014600 alpha1
Optimizing Model 0, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 1, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 2, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 3, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 4, 0 textures
Trimrmod5 left 1 right 2 top 8
Trimrmod5 left 1 right 2 top 8
Optimizing Model 5, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 6, 2 textures
Optimizing Model 7, 3 textures
Optimizing Model 8, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 9, 2 textures
Optimizing Model 10, 2 textures
Trimrmod11 left 22 right 14 top 40
Trimrmod11 left 22 right 14 top 40
Optimizing Model 11, 1 textures
Trimrmod12 left 7 right 9 top 19
Trimrmod12 left 7 right 9 top 19
Optimizing Model 12, 1 textures
Trimrmod13 left 2 right 1 top 4
Trimrmod13 left 2 right 1 top 4
Optimizing Model 13, 1 textures
Trimrmod14 left 17 right 16 top 0
Trimrmod14 left 17 right 16 top 0
Optimizing Model 14, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 15, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 16, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 17, 2 textures
Optimizing Model 18, 3 textures
Optimizing Model 19, 4 textures
Optimizing Model 20, 3 textures
Optimizing Model 21, 4 textures
Optimizing Model 22, 4 textures
Optimizing Model 23, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 24, 2 textures
Optimizing Model 25, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 26, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 27, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 28, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 29, 1 textures
Trimrmod30 left 29 right 26 top 49
Trimrmod30 left 29 right 26 top 49
Optimizing Model 30, 1 textures
Trimrmod31 left 12 right 11 top 45
Trimrmod31 left 12 right 11 top 45
Optimizing Model 31, 1 textures
Trimrmod32 left 38 right 26 top 75
Trimrmod32 left 38 right 26 top 75
Optimizing Model 32, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 33, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 34, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 35, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 36, 1 textures
Optimizing Model 37, 3 textures
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr65670176 dstadr65867360 tgalen197164
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr70909992 dstadr71565352 tgalen612515
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr70909992 dstadr71499816 tgalen568152
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr70909992 dstadr71565352 tgalen610297
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr70909992 dstadr71499816 tgalen585294
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr65670176 dstadr70909992 tgalen484684
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr70909992 dstadr71630888 tgalen659601
-- sound_init --
GUISoundEffects: program compiled without gui sound
SetGraphicsQuality 16
-- general_init --
-- start --
Loading battle map ./campfire.d3m
ver 100 x -1 z -1 l -1
EnableGameInfoMods -1
playturn: autohost 0 readypl 1 humanpl 1
ppt: gameturn 156 turn 156
got turn info for player 10
get turn data for player 10 global_mappic returgaia.tga fileVersion 205
lands 60 kingdoms 26 units 2232 coms 29 [eof]
player 10 has 0 vcrs
get 2h data for player 10
LoadBigMap returgaia.tga ()
loading map ./maps/returgaia.tga
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr107085864 dstadr111411240 tgalen4275414
w1200 h1200
CMT: done
getcompnbr l 156
got nbr 31313
EnableGameInfoMods -1
ViewMessages player 10 game 'l'
tga2rgba32 alphamode 0 tgatype 10 tgaadr107085864 dstadr107937832 tgalen787813
ustatbox unr1262 sel0
ustatbox unr5504 sel0
ustatbox unr5509 sel0
EnableGameInfoMods -1
playturn: autohost 0 readypl 1 humanpl 1
Loading battle map ./campfire.d3m
ver 100 x -1 z -1 l -1
EnableGameInfoMods -1
get 2h data for player 10
AI 2 b-25 r0 r0
Bartholomeus cast spl Baleful Star (good 61 vis 7)
Decimus cast spl Sea King's Court (good 204 vis 45)
Iglarus cast spl Call of the Winds (good 38 vis 5)
Quirinus cast spl Summon Spring Hawks (good 177 vis 20)
Marcus (str401) attacking Fenica (str78) (good 65)
AI 2 might decide to get some mercs
AI 7 b-25 r0 r0
AI 7 might decide to get some mercs
AI 12 b-25 r0 r0
cnr 24 got onehand Frost Brand
Gerus cast spl Black Servant (good 45 vis 3)
AI 12 might decide to get some mercs
com2(Bartholomeus) is casting spell 248(Baleful Star) (a2=7, a3=25)
Labspell: Bartholomeus casts Baleful Star
com19(Decimus) is casting spell 344(Sea King's Court) (a2=45, a3=0)
Labspell: Decimus casts Sea King's Court
Labspell: Decimus casts 15 Sea Trolls
com42(Quirinus) is casting spell 314(Summon Spring Hawks) (a2=20, a3=0)
Labspell: Quirinus casts Summon Spring Hawks
random event 15
random event 88
random event 88
random event 87
random event 94
random event 27
random event 17
random event 16
random event 22
random event 11
random event 36
2 vs 7 in lnr 41 (castlemode 0) Laststand_att0 Laststand_def0
initbattle lnr41 (rand=780)(check=33680133)
rand after setup (host battle) 96
dobatl: highestunit 3591 highestcom 12
calcoverkill player 7
calcoverkill 83 vs 401
calcoverkill player 2
calcoverkill 401 vs 83
SetGraphicsQuality 16
Loading battle map ./plains.d3m
ver 100 x 258 z 379 l -1
setupsquads end (rand=670)(check=33603173)
Get an order for 1525 Spire Horn Warrior, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 1525)
Get an order for 3587 Caelian Light Infantry, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3587)
com Aurvasara cast spell (favspell Nothing) (mayusegems 1)
best Blessing this far, 45 14 (37 pnts)
best Blessing this far, 47 16 (40 pnts)
best spell so far Blessing (score43)
castspell: cnr0 spl603 (Blessing) vis0 x47 y16 spldmg1
Get an order for 144 Barbarian, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 144)
Get an order for 3444 Alae Legionnaire, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3444)
Closest enemy (for unr 3444)
Get an order for 3371 Emerald Guard, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3371)
----- turn 1 (rand 806)(check 101944998)
com Aurvasara cast spell (favspell Nothing) (mayusegems 1)
com Aurvasara cast spell (favspell Nothing) (mayusegems 1)
----- turn 2 (rand 345)(check 101525154)
- Battle Aftermath (rand=308)(check=101561217) -
Remove all temp units
25 vs 2 in lnr 13 (castlemode 0) Laststand_att0 Laststand_def0
initbattle lnr13 (rand=302)(check=672215)
rand after setup (host battle) 408
dobatl: highestunit 4004 highestcom 63
creating default spellbook for player 25
calcoverkill player 2
calcoverkill 799 vs 144
Overkill for player 2 (799 vs 144)
calcoverkill player 25
calcoverkill 144 vs 799
SetGraphicsQuality 16
Loading battle map ./plains.d3m
ver 100 x 258 z 379 l -1
setupsquads end (rand=887)(check=3500516)
Get an order for 3883 Militia, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3883)
Get an order for 3953 Slinger, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Get an order for 3989 Velite, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
Get an order for 3857 Barbarian, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3857)
----- turn 1 (rand 270)(check 223844)
----- turn 2 (rand 825)(check 4004655)
----- turn 3 (rand 782)(check 9313718)
----- turn 4 (rand 437)(check 33553841)
Get an order for 3953 Slinger, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Get an order for 3989 Velite, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
----- turn 5 (rand 6)(check 9997302)
Get an order for 3953 Slinger, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Get an order for 3989 Velite, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
----- turn 6 (rand 489)(check 7362543)
Get an order for 3953 Slinger, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Get an order for 3989 Velite, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
----- turn 7 (rand 704)(check 7344113)
Get an order for 3953 Slinger, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Closest enemy (for unr 3953)
Get an order for 3989 Velite, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
Closest enemy (for unr 3989)
- Battle Aftermath (rand=683)(check=2235324) -
Remove all temp units
2 vs 12 in lnr 50 (castlemode 1) Laststand_att0 Laststand_def1
initbattle lnr50 (rand=771)(check=64411993)
rand after setup (host battle) 312
dobatl: highestunit 6475 highestcom 174
calcoverkill player 12
calcoverkill player 2
Rearmost enemy (for unr 2673)
Rearmost enemy (for unr 2752)
SetGraphicsQuality 15
Loading battle map ./citadel.d3m
ver 100 x 249 z 378 l -1
setupsquads end (rand=255)(check=68128810)
Get an order for 245 Mandragora, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 245)
Get an order for 2314 Clayman, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 2314)
Get an order for 3382 Jotun Hurler, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 3382)
Closest enemy (for unr 3382)
com Eitre cast spell (favspell Nothing) (mayusegems 1)
best spell so far Breath of Winter (score520)
castspell: cnr24 spl402 (Breath of Winter) vis0 x46 y17 spldmg12288
addunitfx: unr3342 fx201 fxattr100
addunitfx: unr3342 fx201 fxattr100
com Gerus cast spell (favspell Nothing) (mayusegems 1)
best spell so far Air Shield (score398)
best Horror Mark this far, 14 6 (2 pnts)
best Horror Mark this far, 15 6 (12 pnts)
best Horror Mark this far, 14 7 (13 pnts)
best Horror Mark this far, 14 12 (21 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 14 6 (18 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 15 6 (24 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 16 6 (25 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 17 6 (26 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 15 7 (32 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 16 7 (34 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 17 7 (35 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 18 7 (37 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 19 7 (39 pnts)
best Frighten this far, 18 8 (42 pnts)
best Curse this far, 14 6 (1 pnts)
best Curse this far, 15 6 (11 pnts)
best Curse this far, 16 6 (12 pnts)
best Curse this far, 15 8 (14 pnts)
best Curse this far, 14 12 (19 pnts)
best Flight this far, 45 10 (6 pnts)
best spell so far Raise Skeletons (score654)
best Regeneration this far, 42 2 (18 pnts)
best Regeneration this far, 41 3 (127 pnts)
best Regeneration this far, 46 17 (140 pnts)
best spell so far Antimagic (score32390)
castspell: cnr128 spl425 (Antimagic) vis3 x46 y15 spldmg67108864
addms: out of spr

cant help you anymore, i didnt did anything special (other than setting 9 commanders on research in one province)

Targa February 1st, 2004 01:39 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by Ragnarok-X:
...player 10 has 0 vcrs
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Probably needs a DVD player anyways... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif


AI 2 might decide to get some mercs
AI 7 might decide to get some mercs

<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">That made me chuckle. Shows how cool this game coding is. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon6.gif

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