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-   -   The Star Trek Mod - v1.9.7.5 (Oct 07) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=21042)

Aiken November 12th, 2004 10:48 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Haven't had a chance to check all the files, but mod looks pretty solid. Just one small spelling error popped up:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Name := Replicator I
Ability 2 Type := Modified Maintenance Cost
Ability 2 Descr := Reduces cost by 5%. (should be "Reduces maintenance cost by 5%")</pre><hr />

And one more thing: 8472 flux pods are considired to be more advanced than ram scoops (they override any over supply comp then Latest only is on), but their supply generation ability is lower that ram scoop's one (100 vs 160 at max level). Probably make them equal?
However I might be wrong in my initial assumtion (flux pods are better than ram scoops), and then it's all right.

Atrocities November 12th, 2004 11:04 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Now all we have to do is wait for Suicide Junkie to update the component and events packs of the image mod.

Fyron November 13th, 2004 12:50 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:
Now all we have to do is wait for Suicide Junkie to update the component and events packs of the image mod.

Which is now done.

Atrocities November 13th, 2004 07:20 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Indeed it is. Well if there are no objections, you can now download the STM from Star Trek Version Download Link

Be sure to update to the latest Versions of the Component and Events packs. SJ Image Mod Site

Ragnarok-X November 13th, 2004 08:49 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
This is great. Thanks a bunch for all your hard work, Atrocities http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Thanks go to the testers as well !

Atrocities November 13th, 2004 11:32 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

Atrocities said:
<font color="red">UPDATE </font>


The latest Version of the Star Trek Mod can now be downloaded. Please report any bugs or questions to AtrocitiesATgmailDOTcom. Thank you and enjoy.

Star Trek Version Download Link

Be sure to update to the latest Versions of the Component and Events packs. SJ Image Mod Site

I would like to get input on what things need addressing for a final update for the Star Trek Mod.

As it stands now, the only suggestions I have are to work on the Romulan AI, adjust the cost of some facilities and components for races like the Breen, 8472 and a few others.

Any suggestions that have to deal with the Ai and or minor tweaks or bugs would be appreciated.


Ragnarok-X November 13th, 2004 02:33 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Woah, im downloading since roughly 3 hours for the mod and the updates images :| heck i HATE using dial up :|
Fortunally i know this will be worth it (time and money-wise)

mottlee November 13th, 2004 02:39 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Mod 190, having trouble, in set up locks up when I get to Tholian Emp, Create game locks at the final 90% of placement, I do not have this with the BETA of the other STM's any Ideas????

Ragnarok-X November 13th, 2004 03:34 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Mod works for me, i just started it and made a new game, no error, neither when creating a galaxy nor when loading it.

Ragnarok-X November 13th, 2004 04:27 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
So, here is my first "bug" report, or balance report, whatever you prefer !

Dominion Cloning Facility: Way to strong, giving 10/20/40 million people PER TURN to each planet is...much. I suggest 2/4/6m per turn.

8472 Bio Reclamation Complex: Way to strong, Research cost per level only 10k (x lvl), but it increases organic production by 5/10/20/30/40, i suggest making it 5/10/15/20/25, due to the very low technology cost.

Population Growth Facility: I think it need to be beefed up, increase the pop bonus reproduction to 2/4/5. If it only gives 1/2/3, then its not worth building (given an average starting repro of lets say 10%)

Pirate Intellegence Center: WAY to strong. Costs only 1/3 of a normal intel center, while giving 600% as much intel !! Beef it seriously down, maybe 800/1000/1200 intel per level, and thats already quite much.

Pirate research Center: Same as Pirate intel center. Cant think of a reason why pirates should have better research than normal races anyway. I suggest removing it completly, or if it is needed (due to the traits/facilites thingy) make it same as a standart reseach center.

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