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Swan May 2nd, 2010 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by korenje (Post 743104)
The problem is with magic (dom3). Why can some über strong mage (fire 20 for example) cast some spells at the same level as some very weak mage. There should be a slider where you change strength of some spell and slider for quantity. So basically when you want to cast weak spell, the mage should cast more spells per turn until he runs out of action points.

some spell already gain bonus when a higher level mage cast them, plus the fatigue is reduced FAT*(1/1+extra levels) which means more spells; but i like the quality vs quantity idea
What fire 20 means?

Dom3: The capital should be holy grail for every race? in single player mode shouldn't opponents attack my capital with strong spells to halve population or something? At 6 opponents at impossible level that never happens. Should be fixed in dom4.
The problem is that your opponent is an ai, which means it's more stupid than humans, all the choices this games give you increase this "ai sucks" feeling.
Don't forget that maybe your opponent can't cast those spells, play versus mictlan, they will use rain of toads.

Also in dominions 3 everything leans towards death at the end of the game. Assuming the game is played for infinite time, you should have ability to change capital, move population there etc. Perhaps something more strategic.
No point moving your capitol, it doesn't give any bonus.
Nice idea the population "migration", maybe it would mean micromanagent hell

Also if some death nation can easily create some of their death monsters, there should also be a harder way for other nations to create the same monster by not using death magic. (perhaps magic levels should be limited for other nations).
i don't understand what you are saying, can you repeat?


Originally Posted by Tonno (Post 743197)
Omg guys u are killing me,I have read this 2 days and still I did not red it all...

I have seen a bunch of great ideas...
I would change only few things...
1)Change the battle graphics in 3d mode,some thing like the total war stuff (not to put the unite control mode,just do the graphics)

no, this would make modding more time consuming.
plus i like the retrogaming taste of it.

2)need to make all nations good in something,and bad in something as well
all nations, right now, have good/bad sides.

3)put some new spells and items...
yeah, i would like a
reverse darkness(bright sun that halves undead/demon attributes)
reverse light of the northen star
more holy spells
your god start as a 10 holy

13lackGu4rd May 2nd, 2010 09:04 AM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
Solar Brilliance is sort of a "reverse darkness", well not exactly its reverse but pretty close... also would would be the point of reverse light of the northern star? -1 magic attributes for enemies instead of +1 for allies? cause well, magic debuffs are just not available at all, only way to lower magic is the mute infection, or death on non immortal pretender.

Swan May 2nd, 2010 10:54 AM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
i was talking about a global permanent solar brilliance with the "reverse darkness".
And yes, i would like to have a -1 magic spell

Peter Ebbesen May 2nd, 2010 09:28 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 741699)
The thing is that these "new wishes" do not come as a gift from Santa or something. A coder will have to dive in to the ancient code that "wish" uses (it has been around since Dom:PPP, mind you) and add that new option. And coding time from Illwinter on Dom3 is a rare occurance nowdays, a very rare resource if you allow the simplification.

I just think that if JK really finds the time or intrest to do some coding on dom3*, it would *really* be wasted on adding some excessive wish option that almost no one would use. There are much much more crucial things that could be fixed. Just check the bug list for some of them.

In case you somehow failed to notice it, Burnsaber, this is the wish-list for Dominions 4 (hint: it says so in the title) - a hypothetical game that quite possibly will never exist - not a wish list for changes to Dominions 3 to be added in minor content patches that would be better spent on fixing existing bugs.


Sure, if some "coding fairy" comes along and just happens to fart all the code needed to make a bug free "immortality" wish, yeah, we could add that. But I wouldn't waste precious dom3 "code time" on the matter.
Since neither of us are in control of the development budget or developer time, there is no way that any of us can waste precious dom3 coding time either way. On your general point that any developer time spent on Dom3 would be better spent on other things I do agree, but that is utterly irrelevant to this thread.


It's sort of moot to discuss this though, we both know that there will likely be no big update pathces ahead, just tweaks and fixes.
I refer you again to the bloody title of this thread. This is a thread for wishes for a future game in the series, not a thread for players second-guessing developers on what would be a good use of developer time in Dom3 patches.

vfb May 2nd, 2010 10:09 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
Peter Ebbesen, I suggest you lighten up. People have been banned from these forums for being sombre, you know.

Bananadine May 2nd, 2010 10:24 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
A small idea I just had: For the sake of diversity, some nations could have tendencies promoting or retarding the use of magic in particular paths. For instance, maybe nature mages go insane in R'lyeh, even if it's not LA R'lyeh, whereas other types of mages don't. Or maybe Arga Dis resents astral mages because they sometimes scry the Gilgans' true plans, so that nation automatically sends an assassin after a random astral mage on any turn when it has more than three such mages. Or maybe earth mages have halved upkeep in Agartha, while other mages have 50% extra upkeep. Just playing around here! Still, I think this is a fun idea, and if a highly developed and bug-free version of it doesn't appear in the next patch then I will be very angry.

Trumanator May 3rd, 2010 12:26 AM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
I think that Dom4 should have a more Sombre mood.

Fantomen May 3rd, 2010 12:51 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
And a warhammer expansion campaign

chrispedersen May 3rd, 2010 01:26 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
Guys, *please* stop spamming this sombre business into every forum.

There are those of us who don't know sombre, and don't have an opinion on the matter, and would still like to communicate about dominions

Maerlande May 3rd, 2010 02:19 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
My biggest wish is to have better micro management options in the GUI. For example 30 slots for commander scripts instead of 10. Ways to collect all slaves. Ways to pool gems without accidentally removing the critical 2 pearls on your void summoner. That kind of stuff.

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