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-   -   Mod: Dominions 3000 v0.81 - lots of new indies, new map (using the brand new map commands) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39996)

rdonj January 1st, 2009 06:55 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
You have #maxage 75 and #maxage 1000, I'm not sure it will like that.

It probably has the unkillability of a low grade SC and sufficient killing power to make an sc happy in vanilla terms. In Dom3k terms it's probably a moderate level SC. Just get it a little more MR and resistance and you'd be pretty hard-pressed to kill it. Probably it would take multiple fire immune thugs or mass mr-negates spells to bring it down.

Aezeal January 1st, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
yeah I saw maxage 75 and then older 200... I read over the latter maxage of 1000... jsut remove the maxage 75 line (since it's redundant) but it was probably what you wanted

Darkwind January 1st, 2009 07:46 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Didn't notice the extra maxage. While I'm at it, I'll remove the costs too, it's a hero so it'll never be recruited. Oh! And the morale should be 15, not 12.

Good to know that the "great warrior among great warriors" isn't too fatally flawed. While I'm at it I think I'll spin up the Revenant for you guys too.


#newmonster 2236
#name "Firstblood Revenant"
#descr "The Firstbloods were the first generation of Pirians, magically powerful, physically strong, and long-lived. The Revenant was once a great mage among the Pirians, known throughout the civilization for its skill. But it fell to darker ways and, when it died, preserved itself out of fear of death, becoming a pariah in the process. Now, it has risen from its deep slumber, cursed by its own magic to never die, and will serve the returning God of the Bright Stars to regain its lost honor. Its sickly green flames can scare even the bravest man."
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#size 4
#hp 20
#prot 10
#str 13
#enc 0
#att 13
#def 11
#prec 16
#mr 17
#mor 30
#fireres 100
#coldres 25
#poisonres 100
#shockres 25
#maxage 2000
#older 750
#firepower 2
#darkpower 1
#fireshield 10
#heat 7
#magicskill 0 4
#magicskill 5 3
#custommagic 20480 100
#custommagic 4224 100
#weapon "Banefireball"
#weapon "Touch of Death"

I should probably start messing around with the item slots soon.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 08:00 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
He looks pretty nasty. Not quite as unkillable out of the box as the trueblood hero, but he could easily be made into a painful thug/sc.

Loren January 1st, 2009 08:24 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

Originally Posted by Aezeal (Post 663151)
in dom 3K there is no water :D well there could be but there just isn't.. there is space and several landtypes.. using water next to that would make it a bit complicated (even MORE units needed, or amphibious indies (that would then also be able to go into space)

You can't get off your world without water breathing. Maybe space isn't the same thing (I didn't note any difference but I wasn't really looking for one, either) but there are no routes from land to space anyway, you have to go through your own seas and that takes water breathing.

Given how few provinces you will own at this point you simply don't have the gems to make very many items.

I just beat the AI at regular and it wasn't easy. I'm not even going to try the impossible AI's I beat the computer with a normal map.

Darkwind January 1st, 2009 08:27 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
I can't edit the post anymore, but for the record, the custommagics mean 100% DB and 100% DF chances. The immortal wasn't originally planned, it struck me in a fit of inspiration. The weapons:


#newweapon 669
#name "Touch of Death"
#att 4
#def 2
#dmg 0
#sound 18
#len 0
#secondaryeffectalways 255
#secondaryeffect 64

#newweapon 670
#name "Banefireball"
#aoe 3
#range 65
#ammo 50
#dmg 10
#sound 16
#secondaryeffect 64
#flyspr 133 4

For the record, the #secondaryeffect 64 is Decay on hit, 255 is small area fear. the 5 3 magicskill means 3 Death magic--for a total 25% chance of 3D, 50% 4D, 25% 5D. Nice little bell curve of sorts.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 08:56 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 663275)
You can't get off your world without water breathing. Maybe space isn't the same thing (I didn't note any difference but I wasn't really looking for one, either) but there are no routes from land to space anyway, you have to go through your own seas and that takes water breathing.

Given how few provinces you will own at this point you simply don't have the gems to make very many items.

I just beat the AI at regular and it wasn't easy. I'm not even going to try the impossible AI's I beat the computer with a normal map.

Loren I just started up a game with the dragons and I seem to have no problem leaving my planet on turn 1. I don't get what you mean there are no routes from land to space, with what seas? You're using the solar system map, right? There are no water provinces on the map at all. And all land provinces connect directly to at least one space province. You should not need water breathing to get anywhere.

Also, that banefireball looks evil.

Aezeal January 2nd, 2009 06:31 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
there have been a few hours where the solar system map was down.. maybe he's using that other map (which is down now). The solar system map is attached to the first post.

You should just use the dom 3 K mod btw, the dragons are in there and not use the dragons mod next to it (doubt it would make much difference but might)

Aezeal January 2nd, 2009 01:28 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
once I have time I know which nations I want to get in this universe.

Machaka severly fits in.. I've already got spiders in the galaxy and refugees could have hidden on such a planet and are reemerging now.
Spiders, Spidershaped ships which are also "walkers" on land in 2 -3 sizes.
The sorcs could remain the same, ancient traditions haven't changed. The assassins could remain nearly the same too. troopers would have to change though.. naked black pplz won't fit anymore (except the sorcs who as I said will keep their traditional outfits. Need to think of something
I'll put the spiderqueens and other spiders I have as indies in there as recruits and summons. I'll keep some form of spiderrider but not sure what to do with them in space. guess cheap ones could just have a spaceform without spider and maybe the sacreds could keep blackhunters with some sort of spacesuit to fly around it.. and the black hunters would be less overpriced.


I think I'll do those first.. I like that idea

2nd idea is some sort of van/pixie nation... vans themselves nearly extinct only as commander and sacreds..well that isn't anything new... no human troops they had to flee into space due to ulmish dislike of non-humans (or something) they now have not exceptionally bright lesser pixies and whatnot as troopers small sized (all size 1 except the vans) with some abilities (all somewhat specialized troops) and vastmoving. Miniature space fighters for the pixies and only a few commandships (probably only as summons) for the few vans (who otherwise have a regular sized fighter or a spacesuit (need to decide what I like best.. highly agile and trained vans with glamour might better be suited than in a ship I'd say to make best of their abilities.)
I've seen a cartoon movie once where there where like these high human like (van) leaders and small lesser creatures (ow somewhat like the war of the flowers book od Tad williams too).. I think it might be that way in irish or english folk tales etc but either way this is how it will be.

This nation would be more work and atm I feel more like working on a Machaka (but maybe I'll change my mind before I start) both nations will probably resemble Jomon most of all existing nations I'd say, troops with special abilities etc.

Loren January 2nd, 2009 03:30 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 663281)

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 663275)
You can't get off your world without water breathing. Maybe space isn't the same thing (I didn't note any difference but I wasn't really looking for one, either) but there are no routes from land to space anyway, you have to go through your own seas and that takes water breathing.

Given how few provinces you will own at this point you simply don't have the gems to make very many items.

I just beat the AI at regular and it wasn't easy. I'm not even going to try the impossible AI's I beat the computer with a normal map.

Loren I just started up a game with the dragons and I seem to have no problem leaving my planet on turn 1. I don't get what you mean there are no routes from land to space, with what seas? You're using the solar system map, right? There are no water provinces on the map at all. And all land provinces connect directly to at least one space province. You should not need water breathing to get anywhere.

Also, that banefireball looks evil.

I've got the game I just won up now. There's a magma dragon that showed up on the last turn sitting in my capital and I'm trying to move him. I can reach the other 6 land provinces within the circle. He can't enter any of the 4 provinces around the central one that are of type sea. The only connections to the rest of the map are via these provinces and then out into the ones of type deep sea.

You obviously are treating them as space but when you select them you get the little icon for water and something that can't breathe water won't enter them, nor can a flier fly over them--they behave just like water.

Thus you need water-breathing items to get anywhere unless you use the ice-plated dragons and there's no hope of having enough gems to send any decent force out with items.

Some bugs on that map, also:

#69 & #70 aren't connected.

#69 & #62 aren't connected.

Likewise #62 and #54, #54 & #42, #42 & #38, #33 & #36, #33 & #39, #39 & #48, #48 & #67, #39 & #67. Most of these comprise a vertical line--perhaps the edge of the map??

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