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Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Edi says it is a red flagged bug. And is on a short list to be fixed. And that KO has confirmed it is a bug.
Given these statements, I consider their future use to be exploits. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Ahhh I see it on the list.
I'm not sure how this can be enforced though... I mean how can you be sure when someone ment to use this or if the unit just routed naturally? And what if you intended the enchantment to only last a few turns? You don't have any way to control it. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
well when the guy with forbidden light casts ritual of returning on the 1st turn, or the mages that retreat the turn after casting wrathful skies-it is fairly obvious.
Trust me, I know when I see it. You can also have gandalf look at their turn files if the issue is raised and they try and deny it. Hopefully most players are honest and will not lie about their battle set ups. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
To answer Evilhomer. To spam horror and then retreat is fair game since summons are supposed to exist till slain.
But if I remember correctly the horror harmonica autocasts wailing winds in battle. I think as long as you do not sscript to abuse wailing winds after retreating I do not think there is a problem. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
*shudders at the thought of trying to enforce this*
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
So basically is the mist of deception + battle field damage expoit allowed in this game or not ? To me this tactic sounds very lame and I don't think it should be allowed.
Edit: I'm not against the retreat tactic at all (just in combo with mists of deception). |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
It just sort of pisses me off that I've had the "solar brilliance" + retreat used on me so many times, and then all of a sudden now that I can really use it for astral tempest/flamestorm it's brought up.
Whatever though, I'm about to go AI. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I bring it up now because I just became aware of it when i read edi's statement on the mists of deception thread.
It has been used on me the entire game as well. So it is not something that impacts you alone. Had I known it was a major bug earlier in the game, I certainly would have raised the issue earlier as it would have saved me from countless losses. You can still use the exact same tactic-you just need to sacrifice a single mage to achieve the result. What is so bad about that? |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
For clarification:
The Mists of Deception/retreat problem will be considered an exploit. Don't script your caster of Mists of Deception to ever retreat or you risk being put on AI. As far as this applying to all other battle enchantments we'll just take it on a case by case basis. I'll say that as long as you leave your caster in in the battle for 5 rounds it is OK to retreat after that point. If there is a pattern of someone obviously casting battle field wild enchantments on the first turn then immediately running away then I'll address that when the time comes. As long as you respect the compromise 5-round rule (excepting MoD) you shouldn't have to worry about it. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Sounds quite reasonable
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I'm certain EA Oceania has 70-100+ clams at this point (or at least he should) and I'm betting you have at least 60? Probably more (if history and your posts on clamming threads are to be taken under consideration). Honestly it wasn't until pretty recently that I found indy mages capable of forge gem producing items. I *should* have empowered a couple casters up much earlier. Also that Undead Mastery super-army you have is quite a tough nut to crack. I have a feeling I'm going to have to spend much more resources in taking it down than you expended in putting it up. It certainly isn't unkillable, but it is as close to that as possible (for me) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Besides the big gem hit from losing my capital I loose the functionality of a number of important spells like ritual of returning. Finally, the diplomatic situation is the biggest problem. Taking it offensively to you or EA Oceania is a non-starter for most land nations. Maybe if all of the land nations focused on you we could slowly beat you back but that sort of coordination is unrealistic and even if it were possible the other large water nation (EA Oceania) would simply benefit making their nation much, much stronger in the length of time it took us to beat down the other. All that said, It isn't hopeless I know. Just bleak http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif I'll stick it out for awhile... we'll see. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
And so passes the last vestiges of the once great empire of LA Man. Lizard warriors have overrun his last castle, and the standard of MA Ctis now flies over his empire.
Rejecting MA Ctis generous offer of peace, LA Man pursued an unjust war, siding with evil. Now the Lizards have raised their standard over his last castle. LA Man's defeat is complete, and history will not reflect kindly on his ruined civilization. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I'm subbing for Lingchih in this game. All diplomacy to Lingchih - *LA Pangaea* should be directed to me. I use the forums, and sometimes e-mail. Don't expect much wheeling and dealing, I'm just a temporary sub, but if you want to surrender your empire to LA Pangea out of fear of it's awesome new sub, feel free to.
Oh, and Dr. Praetorious don't mind the capital targeting unrest spells. They're completely not my idea 0:) Jazzepi |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Hey! That's MY future property you're about to destroy!
...although some outside interference might be welcome, just to balance the mystery nation that's been casting the Evo9 army destroying fire spell on my troops and supplying Man with stuff like Unquenched Sword. In other news, Midgård was recently liberated. It has been resieged by the previous occupants, although it would seem Man is just passing by as they seem to be unable to even scratch the wall after some extremely murdering winter they had to weather. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
MA Pangaea does get credit. But the annals duly noted you aided the Lizards AFTER they had dealt crushing blows to LA Atlantis, MA Oceania, and LA Man. More credit by Croaker(MA Ctis historian)would be given had you aided the Lizards before it crushed LA Atlantis. MA Oceania, and LA Man's invading armies.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Is this the second turn Lanka has missed? If so I'll have him set to AI.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I belive several people in the past offered to take over lanka. Now that trollman is gone they should be allowed to enter the game. I prefer if we don't set large powerful nation into AI:s so easily.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
If someone has a vested interest in making sure Lanka is played I invite them to create a "looking for replacement" thread. Otherwise I'm putting him on AI before the next host.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I asked this privately, but where can the players view staling data? I think all players have an interest in who stales each turn, not just the game admin.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
As far as stales beyond the last turn I can only reference the turn history since the game was last reset by looking on the sever manually. There is no way for users to see the stale history beyond the last turn.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
is there a record of how many stales? Or just the most recent turn stales?
I would also like at least a 12 hour notification if a player is going to gi AI. Obviously the AI is not going to honor NAP's and it dramatically changes how one plays vis a vis that race. For instance I saw LA Atlantis on AI took several MA Oceania provinces its 1st turn on ai. Did MA Oceania have any notice of this change in leadership? Since they were allies the entire game I doubt their mutual borders were guarded. |
Re: Perpetuality - Sub for Lanka
I can take over Lanka temporarily until a perm sub is found. I don't know anything on that side of the map, so would be playing as a neutral growth nation initially unless provoked. All past alliances and grudges would need to be renewed although I would hope that those with existing NAPs would at least give moderate acclimation time before jumping in. If there has been some opportunistic poaching so be it, further such activity will be considered provocation. If there is no major outcry I will request the pw from Coobe, letting him know I would take over due to the stales. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Only the most recent stales. Technically I could go through all the backups and document all the stales, but I'm not. I always give people notice on the thread before nations get placed on AI (I did for LA Atlantis). |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Ok thanks Velusion.
LLamabeast has his site set up so it automatically lists the stales of every player. It may or may not be an easy thing to implement, so you may want to chat with him if interested. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Actually the game puts out a tiny file called stats (not sure why its called that) which does nothing except list the nations and say if they did their turn, staled, or are computer.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I am going to act as if Lanka is going on AI for my next turn. If a sub is found let me know. The once great LA Atlantis Alliance has crumbled. I do not see Lanka's position as remotely as good as when K left. They have lost a capital, another castle, their pretender, their alliance, and numerous provinces. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I belive jutitrea offered to take over lanka.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Yes and got the password last night. Will be looking over the position today and submitting a turn. |
MA Ctis is a small nation on the nw corner of the world. Beset by enemies, and clinging to survival by a thread.
We do have a decent gold income, however. Our military advisers have informed us that our very survival depends on getting the chalice for 4-5 turns max. If the nation presently holding the chalice would be willing to rent it-for gold or gems-please contact MA Ctis and we will happily make it worth your while. |
Re: Chalice
I expected to lose that battle - but I had hoped to cause some casualties. It is now clear that I never stood a chance against MA Agartha - he has me beat in army strength, in army composition, in magic diversity. I'm outclassed in essentially every field. If anyone else wishes to attack him - I doubt this will be enough to save my alliance, but you could weaken him, which would be a good idea because he is viciously strong. |
Re: Chalice
I agree with DrPraetorious,
I cant damage MA Agartha either, even with hordes of bane fire casters, nicely equipped tomb kings, etc. Once he'll conquer MA Man and LA Ctis, he'll rule almost all of the Northeast island. |
Re: Chalice
The issue of importance is me borrowing the Chalice! Who owns what on the Eastern Continent does not really concern the 90 percent of the remaining players that occupy the Western Continent.
MA Agartha is hardly a power. Fear the Umbrals? |
Re: Chalice
Re: Chalice
I'm leaving on a holliday tomorrow morning, Meglobob has kindly agreed to sub for me till I'm back (which should be the end of the month) Any diplomacy and or trade proposals with EA Oceania should be directed to him in this time.
Enjoy the game during my abscence. |
Re: Chalice
feebleminded tartarains?
yes. Why else would M Ctis need a chalice? And how else can poor MA Ctis survive in a hostile world? Lizards? |
Re: Chalice
"I'm leaving on a holiday tomorrow morning, Meglobob has kindly agreed to sub for me till I'm back (which should be the end of the month) Any diplomacy and or trade proposals with EA Oceania should be directed to him in this time."
Melobob contact me if you have a Chalice! You too hadrian. Who is holding out on me? I save the World from LA Atlantis and I can't even rent the Chalice for a few turns? |
Re: Chalice
Maybe this has been asked before but could you guys post a screenshot of what the map looks like now?
Re: Chalice
None knows - it's a computer that has the eyes of god at the moment.
Re: Chalice
Ha ha it may be a funny AI that win the game ^^
Stelteck of abysia. |
Re: Chalice
If LA Ryleh, LA Ermor, and EA Oceania all posted screen shots of their lands, you would see most of the world!
Re: Chalice
Wow. It seems MA Agartha has managed to strike some decent fear and awe to its current opponents. But on the other hand, nothing says "your mages are dead" like three Earthquakes on the opening round. Anyway, despite the pessimistic views of my adversaries, the war's hardly over. My nation of relatively harmless cave people isn't the sleeping giant anyone should worry about, although I liked the "viciously strong" part. I take that as a compliment, thanks. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif And really, massed banefire is nasty. Lodvathu has degreed massed banefire an abomination, strict insult upon anything righteous. Eeeevil banefire, requiring expensive special counter methods. :/ |
Re: Chalice
Re: Chalice
Also the AI cant build SCs, tends to wear itself off on strongpoints, and brings alwais far to less leaders with its armies (--> with earth attacks, mindhunts etc you can easily stop an advancing AI). As an adition to this, the AIs armies are just random. The winnings of Atlantis are just from the fact, that it got set to AI very quickly and then backstabbed all his neighbours at once. I think from the next turn on Atlantis will begin to loose 8 provinces per turn to MA Oceania, EA Oceania, EA Pangea and MA Pangea. |
Having a strong nation set to AI really changes game balance. I belive as Hadrian that it will be crushed in the near future.
Re: Atlantis
Arcane Nexus has been completely modded out of the game. The AI couldn't cast it even if it wanted to.
Re: Atlantis
Game crashes as soon as I upload my turn - anyone else having these difficulties ?
edit: never mind, worked on the 4th atempt. |
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