Beck |
March 2nd, 2007 05:17 PM |
Re: OT: Cyber Nation
Well sorry about that (I'm the Duchy of Grand Fenwick), but this as everyone says is supposed to be about having fun. I originally joined because it was a bunch of SE'ers forming an alliance. But I've come to see that our playing styles are too divergent for me to have fun while at the same time you're having fun attacking other players. I'm basically not that aggressive when faced with other options (I am afterall a wargamer back before you could play them on a computer so war isn't exactly a foreign subject). I generally play as a builder and spill blood only when necessary. I am and always have been a superb counter-puncher. Alliances are a two way street, while the alliance provides support to its members, its members need to support the alliance, not just with aid/cooperation but by its actions being in conformance with the designs of the alliance. The Blue Turtles are a peaceful alliance and you're not allowed to aggressively attack other players and I'm fine with that, you wouldn't be so I wouldn't expect you to be in such an alliance. There were others who had voiced concerns over the amount of aggressive play. And had the suggestion to form a peaceful co-alliance been followed up, I would have been all for it. When Atrocities left followed by a near collusion the Legion occurred it frightened me enough to seek other options. The climate within CN seems to be shifting ever so slightly against the very sort of behavior WP seems to be built upon. There was a recent example of a small alliance, We are Perth Army dogpiling an unaligned nation on a tech raid. Five alliances lead by I believe ANGIL and ENA came to the defense of the said unaligned nation just on the principle the WEPA was a rogue alliance and basically ZI'd most if not all WEPA. WEPA has made changes to its charter while its in the rebuilding process as a result of the war to be more in line with what other alliances deem as apropriate behavior. If WP would get that same distinction somewhere down the road I would have suffered along with everyone else. Which would be fine if that was my style of play, but it isn't. I was also concerned by the lack of structure to the WP, there is no charter,etc. nothing to guide the behavior of the members save what they has individuals think they can get away with. There is no application process to speak off, you can just simply join. But what if members from SoD wanted to join? I don't see anything that would prevent it and I personally don't need the grief of being branded a Nazi which is what would happen should that come to pass. We're a little too focused on making the big score that we were/are apparently ignoring the waters are full of danger. The documents like the charter etc. are important when dealing with other alliances because the other alliances can see for themselves how you intend to police yourself should there be conflict. And conflicts will eventually occur. WP doesn't have any of that. There is no hierarchy of command, no envoys for dealing with other alliances, no ability to coordinate reactions and support when members get attacked, nothing. Renegade13's near miss with the Legion made me decide I couldn't wait for things to change or the formation of the peaceful co-alliance to occur, I had to move, so that I can have fun. If you can't see that and want to brand me a traitor, fine.