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vfb April 17th, 2008 09:04 AM

Re: Bug thread
You can use F1 and try to give each commander doing something weird a proper order ... like if you see a mage on preach, you can change the order right in the F1 list, to research. If it doesn't change, you know he's flipped out that month. The list doesn't reset when you give the order either, so unless you need to tell him to move somewhere, you can pretty much just scroll through the F1 list once.

But I agree it'd be nicer if they just reverted to defend when they stopped being crazy (red) insane.

And it would be nice if it was possible to rename the insane prophets, since they aren't truly prophets in that they don't spread dominion other than by preaching. I really want to rename them all hhh or h3.

Kristoffer O April 17th, 2008 12:21 PM

Re: Bug thread
They do spread dominion to my knowledge.

vfb April 17th, 2008 12:45 PM

Re: Bug thread
The Dominion/Temple screen in a game I'm in (with a dom10 god) shows:

Conversion Rates
God 30
Prophet 10
Home Province 10
Temples 140

I've got at least 5 prophets now. Shouldn't it show "Prophet 50" if they are all spreading dominion?

Kristoffer O April 17th, 2008 12:48 PM

Re: Bug thread
The conversion screen will probably just add your dominion rating if you have a prophet, since it was designed when you could only have one prophet. There is probably some kind of tag somewhere that says 'nation has got a prophet'. This tag is used to make sure no more prophets are made, and possibly that the conversion rate is shown.

Kristoffer O April 17th, 2008 12:50 PM

Re: Bug thread
They are truly prophets. Just check their stats, priest lvl, perma-bless etc. If your regular priest dies you cant make a new one, since you still have insane ones.

Kristoffer O April 17th, 2008 12:54 PM

Re: Bug thread
BTW, you don't want to rename them hhh, or h3 for that matter. If you do, we might remove the renaming feature from the game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

From now on you will rename all your prophets, 'most holy one', holiest of holies', 'holy one', 'most high one' etc. Else you will be banned from all games and all forums with any connection to dominions.

In other words: shame on you!

Loren April 17th, 2008 01:34 PM

Re: Bug thread

Edi said:
Loren, no, I have not heard additional reports on that one either. Nor have I had time to look at the games you posted.

In SP it's a game-killer. If there's nothing you can do to avoid triggering the fortress battle that's it, you have to abandon the game.

Edi April 17th, 2008 02:13 PM

Re: Bug thread
Large game, late game, isn't it?

NTJedi April 17th, 2008 04:23 PM

Re: Bug thread

Loren said:
Am I the only one running into the battlefield overload bug? I've posted multiple games that will crash due to it. It was killed some time ago but it came back.

This might be a problem with a specific battlefield and is not a problem with all battlefields. I have noticed some of the newly added battlefields which didn't exist within Dominions_2 display battlefield magic effects differently... such as astral shield. I never mentioned this earlier because more major issues still exist.

vfb April 17th, 2008 07:25 PM

Re: Bug thread

Kristoffer O said:
They are truly prophets. Just check their stats, priest lvl, perma-bless etc. If your regular priest dies you cant make a new one, since you still have insane ones.

Yes, they look like prophets and smell like prophets. But I still think they are not really prophets. If they are real prophets, my dominion problems are even worse than I thought they were! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif

I had an SP game with LA Rlyeh about a year ago, and I seem to remember my real prophet dying, and I was able to make a new real prophet 6 months later even though I had insane prophets. (I think!) I'll see if I can find some time to test this, because I've been wrong many times before!


Kristoffer O said:
BTW, you don't want to rename them hhh, or h3 for that matter. If you do, we might remove the renaming feature from the game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

From now on you will rename all your prophets, 'most holy one', holiest of holies', 'holy one', 'most high one' etc. Else you will be banned from all games and all forums with any connection to dominions.

In other words: shame on you!


Don't you know, 'hhh' is just an abbreviation for 'Hallowed Holy Herald'? Or was it 'Holy High Harold'? I can never get it straight.

Argitoth April 18th, 2008 03:47 AM

Re: Bug thread
Poison Golem (50 Morale) routed and died.
Poison golem routed even with 50 morale and with friendly provinces, he died. There was no "poison golem died in enemy territory" message either.

Poison golem was equipped with those sandals of teleportation and a spirit helm. He was teleporting everwhere and casting lighting bolt. This battle was VS a water queen, btw, so it was 1v1. Poison golem was Niefelheim and Water Queen was mictlan. During the battle, "Niefelheim routed" did appear. After that, the poison golem was still teleporting around. However, the poison golem disappeared from the battle and the battle was over after a few more battle rounds. Poison golem died.

I did this test a few times now. The queen was usually the one who routed. However, I can't recall if that depended on if the queen was attacking or defending a province.

Doing another test, didn't just disappear. It actually DID die in the battle after the "Niefelheim routed" message appeared. It didn't die because of the water queen, it just died.

Argitoth April 18th, 2008 03:49 AM

Re: Bug thread
Skull Standard is not functioning
I equipped skull standards on 5 commanders. I gave battle orders (panic)(panic)(panic)(panic)(panic)Cast Spells. During the battle, all they did was attacked. This was a battle vs a single water queen. No commanders casted panic and there was no indication of panic being casted at all.

Argitoth April 18th, 2008 04:18 AM

Re: Bug thread
Medusa shield kills stone units.
Medusa shield is killing Enlivened Gargoyles and Envlivened statues. This is confirmed by the fact that 999 damage appears above their heads. Doing tests, it seems that naturally blind units (fire elementals for example) are the only units not affected by Medusa shield. However, units that become blind from afflictions will be effected by the medusa shield.

Doing more tests, I created a battle with Iron Dragon, Crusher, Enlivened Gargoyle, Golem, Enlivened Statue, and a few other constructs. Some died from the medusa shield, others got killed by the queen.

Zeldor April 18th, 2008 04:21 AM

Re: Bug thread

Mindless units stop to exist when turn limit comes. They cannot rout, but they should keep on fighting, not just disappear.

Sombre April 18th, 2008 04:31 AM

Re: Bug thread
Skull standard worked for me yesterday with two normal armies fighting each other. It's possible it just won't cast against a water queen for whatever reason.

Argitoth April 18th, 2008 04:37 AM

Re: Bug thread
Sombre, you are probably right. But I think it's a bug that panic doesn't work on the water queen.

Endoperez April 18th, 2008 06:31 AM

Re: Bug thread

Argitoth said:
Sombre, you are probably right. But I think it's a bug that panic doesn't work on the water queen.

Was she berserk? If not, are you sure they were in range for casting Panic?

Nice find about the innate blind units being immune to Aegis.

vfb April 18th, 2008 06:43 AM

Re: Bug thread

Endoperez said:

Argitoth said:
Sombre, you are probably right. But I think it's a bug that panic doesn't work on the water queen.

Was she berserk? If not, are you sure they were in range for casting Panic?

Nice find about the innate blind units being immune to Aegis.

They aren't immune. I tested it with both Blindfighters and Fire Elementals, and they all got petrified eventually. I have no idea what Argitoth did differently in his test.

Endoperez April 18th, 2008 06:58 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
BUG: Wishing for non-unique items removes one instance of that item from somewhere.
Forge an enchanted sword. Wish for "enchanted sword". One existing enchanted sword will disappear. Easy to test with my test mod:

#modname "test"

#selectspell "Wish"
#fatiguecost 100
#researchlevel 0
#pathlevel 0 1

vfb April 18th, 2008 07:03 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
One Enchanted Sword will disappear from each nation, actually.

Argitoth April 18th, 2008 01:08 PM

Re: Bug thread

Endoperez said:Was she berserk? If not, are you sure they were in range for casting Panic?

Queen was not berserk, no ability to go berserk, no spells for berserk at the time. They all died in melee with the water queen. They were DEFINITELY in range.


vfb said:They aren't immune. I tested it with both Blindfighters and Fire Elementals, and they all got petrified eventually. I have no idea what Argitoth did differently in his test.

Eventually? So it took a really long time? Well maybe my battles just weren't long enough.

Loren April 18th, 2008 07:33 PM

Re: Bug thread
I'm looking at a battle. Someone cast a battlefield enchantment, I'm looking at the description of it:

Natuaral Rain
No description available.

Bananadine April 18th, 2008 07:48 PM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Bug: Curse of Stones fizzles.

This happened to me twice during the game Uakari that's running now. I've tried to cast the spell three times. One time, it worked fine and helped me win. The other two times were failures: The casting attempt would darken the screen for a short time, but no star icon would appear for the spell, and the enemies would not become extra-fatigued (as far as I could tell).

The second time this happened, it appeared that the Curse of Stones casting happened during the same battle round as another spell-casting; this is similar to behavior I reported a few weeks ago (concerning a failure to cast Call Horror).

I'll attach a .trn file. The game uses the Tomb Kings, Arga Dis, and Skaven mods.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 10:13 AM

Re: Bug thread

Did you get any comment about mindless commanders [Golem] vanishing when turn limit comes in battle? I don't believe it is WAD.

I have lost golem with heroic toughness, equipped with sickle, lucky coin, stashine skullcap, robe of invulnerability, boots of quicckness, amulet of resilience and antimagic together with 30 death gems from sickle... just because there were few troops left that he did not manage to kill withing 50 turns.

Edi April 20th, 2008 10:54 AM

Re: Bug thread
Yeah, I saw that. I've also discussed it with someone else earlier, but whether or not it's WAD is not something I an answer. I need KO or JK to clarify that.

So far the point about mindless units not retreating from battle but going poof makes sense, because commanders behave a bit differently than normal units and there are no mindless commanders except golems. Golems also state they never retreat in the description.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 11:17 AM

Re: Bug thread
I can agree with troops, but commander is commander. He shouldn't be killed just because he was too slow in killing. And there is absolutely no description on him that gives any hints that something like that may happen.

OH, there is also another thing:
I have sent Horror on province X where there was one wraith lord, horror lost.
After that in normal battles stage I attacked province Y, which is 3 province away [plans, mountains] from X and I have met the same wraith lord.
That 2 provinces between X and Y have been conquered by me in magic battles stage. How could he move there?

Endoperez April 20th, 2008 11:51 AM

Re: Bug thread

Zeldor said:
That 2 provinces between X and Y have been conquered by me in magic battles stage. How could he move there?

Movement was set and checked when the movement was still possible. The fact that you conquered the in-between provinces "before it could move" doesn't have any mechanical effect.

Edi April 20th, 2008 12:57 PM

Re: Bug thread
Zeldor, you are ignoring game mechanics.

1) Mindless units do not retreat from battle. If left without leadership, they die.
2) Combat ends after 75 turns with attackers dying if left on battlefield
3) Golems will never retreat from battle (as per description AND per mindlessness, because he has 50 morale and leads himself)

1+2+3 = attacking Golem dies automatically when turn 75 autorout death is reached. According to the game mechanics, this is WAD. Whether there should be some exceptions built to take this into account is another question entirely, but this is NOT an automatic bug!

As for the wraithlord, was that the same wraithlord or another wraithlord with the same equipment? And were there alternate routes from A to B?

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 01:00 PM

Re: Bug thread

Attacking Golem dies on turn 50, not 75. When normal troops would start to retreat due to turn limit, Golem vanishes, instead of fighting till turn 75.

And second situation:
There were alternate routes, but 1st would be 2 water provinces and 2nd would be 4 provinces away, not 3. And yeah, the same, unless he can have the same name and carry the same artifact http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Edi April 20th, 2008 01:06 PM

Re: Bug thread
Hmm, then it looks like the turn 50 autorout kills all mindless units on the battlefield. It still falls under the mechanics, just earlier. It still needs clarification from IW.

Endo is probably right about the movement.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 01:10 PM

Re: Bug thread
Yep, it probably checks only target province, not those on the way. I guess it is just a minor bug/flaw that would require way too much work to be fixed.

And wrrr... that is just ridiculous to lose SC like that. Really important SC :/

vfb April 20th, 2008 06:44 PM

Re: Bug thread
It not necessarily a bug. The army group receives orders at the beginning of the month to travel from A to B, through C.

On the first of the month they leave province A. On the 8th day, they pass through province C. On the 14th day, a magic battle occurs in province C. On the 15th day, the army group arrives in province B.

lch April 20th, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: Bug thread

Loren said:
I'm looking at a battle. Someone cast a battlefield enchantment, I'm looking at the description of it:

Natuaral Rain
No description available.

It probably is the same as the Rain spell, but coming from the weather as a random element. But yes, it should come with a copy of the Rain description if you click on it.

Saulot April 20th, 2008 08:39 PM

Re: Bug thread
Yes weather exists in Dom. Sometimes it will rain or snow in a battle all on it's own. Effects exactly as the rain spell.

Loren April 20th, 2008 10:12 PM

Re: Bug thread

lch said:

Loren said:
I'm looking at a battle. Someone cast a battlefield enchantment, I'm looking at the description of it:

Natuaral Rain
No description available.

It probably is the same as the Rain spell, but coming from the weather as a random element. But yes, it should come with a copy of the Rain description if you click on it.

I think it was a casting, not a random event.

Look at the spelling of what I posted. That was exactly copied from the screen, I did *NOT* make a typo.

Edi April 21st, 2008 03:06 AM

Re: Bug thread

Edi said:
Hmm, then it looks like the turn 50 autorout kills all mindless units on the battlefield. It still falls under the mechanics, just earlier. It still needs clarification from IW.

Endo is probably right about the movement.

Now that I rechecked the shortlist, the golem issue has been there for some months, but it's in the BHV section.

Dedas April 21st, 2008 03:35 AM

Re: Bug thread
Legions of Steel is clearly not working as intended yet it is still "fixed" on the bug list. It favors units with little armor instead of boosting the ones with much. This is pretty annoying when playing MA Ulm. I would love to have it fixed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Argitoth April 21st, 2008 03:42 AM

Re: Bug thread

Argitoth said:
Skull Standard is not functioning
I equipped skull standards on 5 commanders. I gave battle orders (panic)(panic)(panic)(panic)(panic)Cast Spells. During the battle, all they did was attacked. This was a battle vs a single water queen. No commanders casted panic and there was no indication of panic being casted at all.

Update on this: I tried to get the same commanders to cast Maggots. They all just attacked. The unit I've been using is Mounted Commander, independent unit. Yes, they were empowered with nature to cast Maggots. It seems the bug lies in Mounted Commander independent units.

Edi April 21st, 2008 03:43 AM

Re: Bug thread
I'll reopen that one but it won't make it to the imminent patch, has to be the next one after that.

Dedas April 21st, 2008 03:54 AM

Re: Bug thread
Thank you so much Edi. Much appreciated.

vfb April 21st, 2008 04:10 AM

Re: Bug thread
Imminent patch?! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

Can't wait to see what happens to the tartarians! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Edi April 21st, 2008 06:38 AM

Re: Bug thread

Argitoth said:

Argitoth said:
Skull Standard is not functioning
I equipped skull standards on 5 commanders. I gave battle orders (panic)(panic)(panic)(panic)(panic)Cast Spells. During the battle, all they did was attacked. This was a battle vs a single water queen. No commanders casted panic and there was no indication of panic being casted at all.

Update on this: I tried to get the same commanders to cast Maggots. They all just attacked. The unit I've been using is Mounted Commander, independent unit. Yes, they were empowered with nature to cast Maggots. It seems the bug lies in Mounted Commander independent units.

Read the bloody spell description. It says maggots works against either Demons or Undead (don't remember which), so since you scripted them to cast something that was completely ineffective and they probably found nothing else that they could do with magic, they attacked. There is no bug that I know of with independent Mounted Commanders of any stripe.

Know thy tools before reporting something as a bug!

Edi April 21st, 2008 07:11 AM

Re: Bug thread

Dedas said:
Thank you so much Edi. Much appreciated.

I've reopened it in the spell section as a potential new issue, with reasoning included, but it is basically just a RFC for evaluation purposes and not a real bug.

Argitoth April 21st, 2008 11:36 AM

Re: Bug thread

Edi said:It says maggots works against either Demons or Undead (don't remember which)...

Edi, it only works on undead, and yes, I do know that. You don't need the manual to know this, it tells you in the spell description.

I really hope comments like Edi's doesn't cause my bug reports to be ignored.

thejeff April 21st, 2008 11:38 AM

Re: Bug thread
Re: Empowered Mounted Commanders

I'd have to say I'm really surprised they couldn't find anything else to do and so attacked. Don't spell casters with no spells to cast default to stay behind troops?
And they should be able to cast something. Barkskin at least.

Assuming you were attacking undead, the original post was about a water queen and the second was not clear, it's likely they weren't in range for Maggots. It's only a range of 20, makes it tricky to use.

Edi April 21st, 2008 12:19 PM

Re: Bug thread

Argitoth said:

Edi said:It says maggots works against either Demons or Undead (don't remember which)...

Edi, it only works on undead, and yes, I do know that. You don't need the manual to know this, it tells you in the spell description.

I really hope comments like Edi's doesn't cause my bug reports to be ignored.

I'm going to ignore any incoherent or useless reports. Your first post talks about a water queen. Since you imply your other parameters are the same this time except for empowerment, it is not my problem. If there is indeed some obscure bug there, then report the bug as per the outline in the shortlist. That means including a detailed, accurate description. Vague mumbling that leaves me guessing and requiring telepathy or a crystal ball to find out what you really meant doesn't cut it. It's a waste of time to spend any effort on a vague report.

So, what's the setup? Your forces, enemy forces, distance between them, scripts on your commanders, what battlefield enchantments are in play etc etc and then what goes wrong. That may give me enough information to form some useful conclusions.

Kristoffer O April 21st, 2008 12:28 PM

Re: Bug thread

Argitoth said:

Argitoth said:
Skull Standard is not functioning
I equipped skull standards on 5 commanders. I gave battle orders (panic)(panic)(panic)(panic)(panic)Cast Spells. During the battle, all they did was attacked. This was a battle vs a single water queen. No commanders casted panic and there was no indication of panic being casted at all.

Update on this: I tried to get the same commanders to cast Maggots. They all just attacked. The unit I've been using is Mounted Commander, independent unit. Yes, they were empowered with nature to cast Maggots. It seems the bug lies in Mounted Commander independent units.

??? Bug in Mounted commander ???
If the mounted commander is empowered or uses an item it is the spell or the item or the spell casting AI that is bugged. Not the commander. He is just a bunch of stats of which move is one and morale another.

If you try to cast panic on an unbreakable unit I would be surprised if the AI didn't override your orders. If there are no other options or targets in range the caster will advance one turn. If your AP is high enough your commander will get close to your target and get whacked.

Argitoth April 21st, 2008 01:10 PM

Re: Bug thread
Welp... bah... musta been just my luck to try to do two things that the AI refuses to do under certain circumstances. I think the reason the commanders never casted maggots is because they had to get close to the undead and then got whacked and the rest routed.

Why can't Morale 30 units be routed?

Kristoffer O April 21st, 2008 01:34 PM

Re: Bug thread
They can be, but it is unlikely. 30 is sort of a marker meaning unbreakable, just like 50 menas unbreakable and mindless, and 99 means unbreakable and unroutable and berserking.

I suspect 30 is perceived by the targeting AI as unbreakable.

Argitoth April 21st, 2008 01:47 PM

Re: Bug thread
WELP, that settles it. No AI bug, no mounted commander bug.

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