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Blofeld February 3rd, 2004 01:53 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Harbingers ignore scripted orders. Pity that, instead of casting orb lightings or bLasting undead with their horn as scripted they usually cast far less effective spells.


Karacan February 3rd, 2004 05:18 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Something I haven't seen reported before:

Due to spelldescription, Call Of The Wild is limited to target forest provinces only. However, you can cast it on any non-underwater province, no matter if it got the Forest attribute or not. (Come to think of it, I haven't yet tried to cast it at an underwaterprovince...)

Arryn February 3rd, 2004 10:48 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
When you bid on a mercenary unit already in your employ, the game automatically doubles the value of your bid. However, it subtracts the doubled value immediately from your cash on hand, rather than the correct 1x value. (Bidding 100 gold is doubled to 200 and 200 is subtracted.)

Arryn February 3rd, 2004 10:53 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by Blofeld:
Harbingers ignore scripted orders. Pity that, instead of casting orb lightings or bLasting undead with their horn as scripted they usually cast far less effective spells.
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">As Graeme alluded to, you need to be careful where you place the angel. The horn is ranged 23, and orb is only range 15. I have seen my own harbingers use the horn, so I know it's not a scripting bug.

Graeme Dice February 4th, 2004 02:06 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by Blofeld:
Harbingers ignore scripted orders. Pity that, instead of casting orb lightings or bLasting undead with their horn as scripted they usually cast far less effective spells.
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">How far away from the nearest targets did you put them? Orb lightning is extremely short ranged.

Taqwus February 4th, 2004 06:55 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Strangeness: I've seen the AI use Hama Dryads on the attack. Odd, given that they're strat move 0, non-stealthy IIRC.
Strangeness: Sometimes a 90-hp Pretender in massively hostile dominion and never-healing wound (- totaling -90hp) starts battle at 200+ hp.
Spell AI: I don't think I've ever seen an earth mage cast Summon Earthpower without having been scripted to do so. Strikes me as odd, since it doesn't cost gems, and gives +4 reinvig as well as +1 earth.

Ed Kolis February 5th, 2004 04:52 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Never healing wounds seem to deduct from the base HP, not the HP after dominion, etc. are taken into account, so a 10-HP prophet whose HP are boosted to 30 by a +10 dominion loses a measly 2 HP, bringing him down to 28, which isn't significantly different from 30... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/tongue.gif

If there is a battle between 2 other nations and you're privy to seeing it, you don't get a report on the forces' composition, but you DO get a full replay? That doesn't make any sense... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

The nations show up in a different order in the "send message" screen than elsewhere in the game, which makes them harder to find there.

The Raw Hide Shield shows up as Leather Shield in the armor list when you equip it; similar things happen to various other items (Horror Helmet becomes "Magic Helmet", Feathered Cloaks of the Mictlan Eagle Warriors show up as Furs, etc.)

Arryn February 5th, 2004 08:56 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
There is a subtle bug in the process for determining monthly ritual casting. The check on the next turn as to whether the caster has sufficient gems available is made prior to the new month's accrual of gem income. Example:

Host the game. Spells are cast at the end of month since gem cost subtraction is immediate and you had enough gems when you gave the orders. So far so good. Assume you end the month with zero nature gems. If you have a gem income of +1 nature and you had set a caster to cast Awaken Vine Ogre monthly, you should have enough gems to cast it again on this following month. However, the check to see if the caster has enough gems apparently happens right after the game advances the Calendar to the next month, but before gem income has been done. Thus the pool for nature gems is still zero. Caster's monthly ritual order is then reset to no-cast since the game (erroneously) believes that there are insufficient gems to cast it. Gem income is then done and now the pool contains 1 nature gem and the player is left to re-issue the command.

Very annoying.

Norfleet February 5th, 2004 09:06 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by Taqwus:
Strangeness: I've seen the AI use Hama Dryads on the attack. Odd, given that they're strat move 0, non-stealthy IIRC.
Strangeness: Sometimes a 90-hp Pretender in massively hostile dominion and never-healing wound (- totaling -90hp) starts battle at 200+ hp.

<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">He might be teleporting them with a spell. The Pretender's HP, I believe, is based on where he starts, not where he moves to, so if he starts out in friendly Dominion, he'll have his hitpoints still. Also, a unit that's affected by Gift of Health will retain its boosted hitpoints even when it leaves friendly dominion, and either loses them very slowly, or keeps them until they're actually lost in battle.

Jasper February 5th, 2004 09:33 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
#armor 100 crashes Dominions
#armor "Bronze Cuirass" doesn't give anything

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