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Taqwus October 25th, 2006 05:59 PM

Re: Bug thread

Kojusoki said:
Im not sure if the following are bugs or not...:
-during siege, my Castle has for example 300 Supply. After a few turns supply goes down to 50 and even lower - does it mean that the soldiers inside are eating out their supply? I thought it is an amount of food which is enough for a particular amount of defenders to hold their position for a long long time... And the dominion, death scale and other doesn't not impact.

That's how it's supposed to work.

Supply = (base supply of fortress / siege turn #) + supply from units or items

Break the siege; use troops that don't need to eat; or use magic items or units that add to supply.

Well, technically, item/unit supply doesn't add to supply; it reduces supply required. Same effect, but it's reported differently.

Tyrian October 25th, 2006 08:39 PM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Problem during calculation of a turn, the game stop when resolving a battle
It seems to be a infinite loop or something like that, the processor is 100% used, but the music have no problem, the game just seems to resolve the turn battle 3 of the first battle for a infinite time. The savegame is in the zip attached.

HoneyBadger October 26th, 2006 01:14 AM

Re: Bug thread
Another funny one: I've created two Polypal Mother pretenders for R'lyeh and both times the pretender, presumably female, has been gifted with male titles, aka 'He' etc and 'Prince of' whatever As a side note along this line, it would be nice if we could choose the sex of pretenders who don't have a set gender, such as great krackens or divine glyphs, and if we also got a message when creating pretenders that specified male or female, as some magic items are gender-affecting.

DeSangre October 26th, 2006 07:31 AM

Re: Bug thread
A weird thing happened to me in my last game.

Basically all or my provinces are now considered "hostile" as far as tooltips are concerned. (e.g. The province contains about 60 hostile units. etc.)

I don't think this is anything more than a display problem, but it's very annoying. I can't remember exactly when that happened. Maybe I just tried to break a siege, and the suddenly I got these strange tooltips. I ended the turn, to see if it was temporary, but it seems like I'm "flagged" hostile for life as far as tooltips are concerned. I thought others would've had this bug, but after reading through the 25 pages, it seems not!

Nerfix October 26th, 2006 04:10 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Son of Heavens has no attack sprite

DominionsFan October 26th, 2006 04:56 PM

New map editor bug
I've just discovered a map editor bug. If you would like to set a province to work as a starting position, the game won't recognize it as a spawn point, if the same province contains fresh water. [IE. "fresh water" flag on & "no start" flag off]

DominionsFan October 27th, 2006 09:41 AM

Re: New map editor bug
Ive found yet another bug.

Encase in ice is a w3 spell, and since some of my jotun skrattis have "spawned" with w3 magic, I've decided to try out this spell....however they cannot cast it! [its greyed out on set battle orders / cast specific spell list]

Nerfix October 27th, 2006 09:53 AM

Re: New map editor bug
It only works on underwater. I think.

DominionsFan October 27th, 2006 09:55 AM

Re: New map editor bug

Nerfix said:
It only works on underwater. I think.

Hehe yeah, imo that must be it. We've just discussed about it on IRC, and we figured it out. "transforms the water surrounding some enemies" ... I should've read the description more carefully. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

Arralen October 27th, 2006 10:02 AM

Re: New map editor bug

DominionsFan said:
I've just discovered a map editor bug. If you would like to set a province to work as a starting position, the game won't recognize it as a spawn point, if the same province contains fresh water. [IE. "fresh water" flag on & "no start" flag off]

Are you sure? I think you hardly can be ... :
The "no start" flag is not meant to be set in ALL province other than those 5 you want the nations to start in, its only there to mark 'special' provinces which should not be used as starting positions when those are randomly distributed.
As soon as you overlook 1 province somewhere, you can't tell if either the "fresh water" province really wasn't considered as starting position, or if it was just the RNG that positioned the nation elsewhere.

If you want to give every nation its own fixed starting position, use:
#specstart <nation nbr> <provincenbr>
Use this command to assign a specific nation to a specific
start location. Nation nbrs can be found in the modding

If you want to specifiy provinces where a nation might start, but want to have them distributed randomly among those provinces, use:
#start <province nbr>
By creating at least one start location for each player,
every player will start at one of these locations.

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