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SciencePro December 6th, 2009 05:31 PM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
'fhalma Kuritza hupadgh mnahn' grah'n

h'gnaiih orr'e mnahn' wgah'n shogg syha'h



Zeldor December 6th, 2009 06:00 PM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!

Why so much anger and hatred? Everyone is playing that game to enjoy himself. Why would you expect anyone to help you with attitude like that? It's multiplayer. You deal with live people. They have emotions. They do mistakes. And they are easy to be offended. And too much bad emotions and rushed words are a sign that game maybe should be ended.

You gained from weak players near you [Pan for example?], you gained a lot from last rollback [which was totally unnecessary, it seems]. And you can in same moment accuse me of attacking my neighbours when they were weak? You could have assimilated C'tis, instead of supporting weak neutral state. You'd have border with me. You could have killed weak Caelum played by new player to get border with me. You could have aided MArignon with gems and gold to help his war effort. You did nothing, until recently.

But now it's too late. You are left alone, smaller and poorer. You can annihilate my useless armies one by one - I won't even notice. I can meanwhile wait and strike when I see fit. You had your chance to stop me and you missed it. If you want to continue fighting for 20,30 or 50 turns, sure, we can do that. But stop blaming other people for your mistakes. Really.

SciencePro December 6th, 2009 07:04 PM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
Anger and Hatred only make the beast stronger.

Don't poke the beast.

Or, go ahead, he won't mind! Rar!

Kuritza December 7th, 2009 12:20 AM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
1) I expected people help me when I had a different attitude. And I expected people to help THEMSELVES, against you. Read the thread and realize I am speaking the truth.
2) Yes, I gained from weak player near me. But I am not LA Ermor, I couldnt grow as fast as you did. And my neighbours didnt stale as much as yours. Still, I came a rather close second, which is quite good imho, isnt it.
3) I didnt help Ctis, I couldnt care about him less. I attacked Caelum to get a border with you. Alas, I was really reluctant to attack him before that because he was my ally against Pan before, and I promised I wont attack anyone who is about to attack you - which he did. Just like Quitty, btw. When I realized that he is is simply lying and is, in fact, your ally, I attacked him. It was too late.
4) Support Marignon with gems? Sorry, you know he was rather underplayed. Wouldnt help.
5) As you see, I didnt have the chance to stop you. Of course you would like to think that its your immense skill that made you so strong, and my lack thereof that left me alone and weak. But oh please, be honest with yourself for once.
6) Yes you can send your armies and dont care that I annihilate them. You are LA ERMOR, goddamnit. LA ERMOR that all the damn noobs ignored until it came to this. Such a weak nation, right Zeldor? Just an average, weak nation. It only has more that twice the victories than any other nation, despite being banned regularily, because its often played by pro players, of course. And I dont even think this game will teach anyone, anything.
7) Why so much hate? Because I am tired of this. I am tired of idiots who play this game only to support the strongest nation. This is not fun, mind you, to fight the leader, fight an uphill battle, only to be backstabbed by some moron who doesnt want to win and thus doesnt care about game balance. And I am tired of being unable to do anything about it.
This crap happened to me too often. And dont you point at my attitude: this is the first time I allowed myself to respond that way in this community, because I simply dont care anymore. I dont see how I can continue playing anyway. You said that people play this game for fun - but its simply NOT FUN to play with backstabbing idiots who support the leader. Not fun to plan, think and develop your nation for half a year for such a dumb end. And even less fun when everyone starts crying 'lets stop the game', which is what caused the 'drama' in the first place, not your imminent victory.

Quitti December 7th, 2009 02:35 AM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
Well, to avoid another useless flamefest where you don't actually even respond to my questions, I'll just say that you think very differently than I do. I urge you to test out this overpowered LA Ermor you speak of, it's quite fun.

Kuritza December 7th, 2009 03:40 AM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
I would, but if I pick LA Ermor now, I'm sure these who are aware of this thread will try to prove I'm wrong and attack me, whilst my point is that Ermor is so overpowered when NOT attacked by everybody.

Otherwise, its pointless to argue that Ermor is NOT overpowered since we have statistics. LA Ermor is dominating the top nations list for LA, more than outdated HoF might indicate. Perhaps I will take LA Ermor under a different name after a few months, just to prove my point. I ran some test games in single mode and realised that LA Ermor is simply overwhelming - when not ganked and played properly, of course.

By the way, feel free to ask questions via PM. Afaik, I answered all your questions - perhaps you just didnt take it as answers.

Quitti December 7th, 2009 04:29 AM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
No one has disputed the fact that Ermor is a very good nation when no-one attacks it. The exactly same thing could be said about any other nation - if no one wages war against you and you can grow freely, you will win the game. Simple as that. The thing that makes Ermor scary is that there's very little profit in attacking it - no income from the lands is a loss, waging war is not simply useful until the late game when income plays a way smaller role. And still you are arguing that Ermor has x wins in HoF and so on, when the game has been made very much more harder against Ermor since most of those victories as far as I know (10x the poploss it used to be).

About the questions part - I wrote a wall of text few pages ago, to which you answered to, hmm, 2 lines of text? 3? Still, it does not make much sense to argue about it, so please, let's leave it be.

Kuritza December 7th, 2009 05:10 AM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
Ermor is much stronger than any other nation when allowed to attack and consume neighbours one by one. If you dont understand the reasons for it, I am very sorry but I wont explain obvious things.

Check new victories in the thread - you will still find new LA Ermor victories, more than for any other LA nation. And no, its not just 'very little profit in attacking' that makes Ermor strong.
Getting rid of Ermor who will kill you if you do nothing about him is a reward enough for these who actually try to win the game by the way. When you just want to 'have some fun' moving troops around until the game is declared over, then there's no point in attacking Ermor, true.
As for your wall of text - I answered it, believe it or not. I can explain my answers in detail if you repeat your questions in PM, but I doubt that you are interested. You already know your truth, right? :)

SciencePro December 7th, 2009 07:56 AM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
FYI I am tired of reading Kuritza's insults so he is on my ignore list. Dude, if you have something you really need to tell me please relay it through someone else or use an in-game message. Anyone, in the unlikely event he says something actually important or relevant (like if he really quits instead of just threatening to quit 10000x times) please let me know.


Burnsaber December 7th, 2009 08:40 AM

Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
Yeah, I'm not in the game, put like any self-respecting IrC-dweller, I know of this thread and I've been following it. I've managed to keep myself from responding but the last two pages was just too much. I'm an outsider so I really don't have as much info as you guys on how the game ran, so I'm just writing based on what I've read on the thread.

Kuritza, you need to realise that not everyone plays like you do. I've seen similar tirades as yours in board game sessions (I'm a member of a local game club with weekly sessions), where a new player makes a sub-optimal move, screwing some experienced players plans -> drama. As shocking it might seem, some people aren't playing to win, but to have fun while playing. You can't get pissed at other people when they refuse to play like you want them to play (note emphasis).

Also note that a coordinated alliance against Ermor really isn't that bright move in all cases. All players who are fighting ermor are "losing" -> They are paying resources without getting much in return. This in turn is a advantage to those nation who are not in the front lines. Looks like the potential alliance members you were trying to rally up just thought that the allaince would be a losing move, probably because it would be benefit their neighbours more than them. "Why wouldn't you ally up so that I can win" really isn't that compelling argument. Or perhaps the players just didn't think that fighting Ermor would be as much fun as some other target. You are playing with humans, not machines out for the optimal gameplay stragedy.

Also, blaming the ruination of a game on "staling newbs" isn't really constructive. Dominions 3 is complex game, not just in mechanics but in diplomacy too. They will make mistakes and play in a suboptimal way. Newbies need to be encouraged and given friendly advice, not insulted.

If you have a problem with LA Ermor, may I suggest that you won't in future join in games which allow it? If you have problem with a player "rolling over newbs" perhaps try create a non-newb game? What I'm getting at is that this drama should end, for all sides to stop pointless complaining and instead try to learn something from the scenario.

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