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mattyburn7 May 29th, 2012 07:13 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
I'm wondering if Jolly Roger got caught up with LL staling and was waiting to hear back. He's been pretty responsive in the other games. If you hear from Jolly Roger let me know and I'll make the switch for Pangaea

mattyburn7 May 30th, 2012 09:30 AM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
I postponed another 48 hours to get the new Pangaea player setup.

revenant2 May 30th, 2012 03:51 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) (recruiting! 11/12)

Originally Posted by Shardphoenix (Post 796464)

Originally Posted by parone (Post 796459)
thats ok shardphoenix. two of them, 10 of us. and we'll have herald lances and maggots

Have you ever played against LA Ermor? I`ve tried once. With LA Pangaea (trampling minotaurs and "dust to dust" spam). I`ve lost, even with financial help from other players..
It`s not about killing undead - it`s about killing ~10000 of them on turn 20. And it only gets worse.

I just hope the last one of us will be Jomon - They, at least, have some nice anti-Ryelh troops underwater.

While we're waiting to sort out our player situation, I thought it would be interesting to count how many units I had at turn 20, and it was 1,137 unead. I had a pretty good start with 26 provinces at this time and was spending all available gold to building temples and forts.

I did lose several hundred troops to Patala and Atlantis on turn 20, so under perfect circumstances I might have had around 1,500, but I don't think I could have improved this very much -- certainly not anywhere near 10K.

By the way, I did some tests last night where I calculated the average troop generation over 100 turns. Here's the data:


Basically, with 10 dominion in a province with no structures built, i.e., fort or temple, LA Ermor will generate about 10 chaff a turn. Put in a temple and fort, and the average is about 23 (with higher quality units).
If I have time, I might rerun the tests with Soul Gate up.

I'm wondering if the 10K total was in the old days of LA Ermor where their dominion didn't kill population as quickly? This gave a lot more money to Ermor who could afford to buy lots of priests, who could then reanimate the recently departed into legions of soulless. However, even then, I don't think anyone could get close to 10K.

revenant2 May 30th, 2012 08:16 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
My OCD kicked in and I felt compelled to count how many units I lost at the hands of Atlantis and Patala on turn 20. We lost 588 undead, or about a third of all my units in 8 separate battles -- only two of which I won (one of which was against an undefended province). That was a bad turn, although worse was to come.

Anyway, I would have had 1725 units in my empire as a best case scenario.

If I had somehow been able to put all undead into a single large horde, Atlantis would have utterly destroyed it with his scary super-soldiers. If you're curious, here is what most of my battles with Atlantis looked like at around that time:


parone May 30th, 2012 08:30 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
dont like your kill ration, rev. how'd you survive?

revenant2 May 30th, 2012 08:58 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Originally Posted by parone (Post 805563)
dont like your kill ration, rev. how'd you survive?

It got a lot worse later on. On turn 23 Atlantis blew through a large defense force 400+ strong in one of my fortresses that was next to my capital, where I only killed a handful of his soldiers before being massacred.


You can read more about it on my AAR at http://devnada.wordpress.com/bsod/, although I'm only on turn 20. However, I should have the next couple of turns up in a few days.

Jolly Roger May 31st, 2012 02:31 AM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

finally I took command for Pangaea as replacement player.

"Preserve the nature and pray to the one and only god !" :angel:angel

Thanks for taking me in.

Cheers, Klaus

Russian_Comrade May 31st, 2012 06:25 AM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
About Ermor's survival - it was quite simple. I went for his capital, got defeated, lost ~30-40% of my army because of skelespam from ~10 death mages, got another ~30% starved and plauged because I miscalculated. My blessed troops are really difficult to replace, BTW. I had no ability to storm his capital again and to continue the war I had to use almost of my mages - and to use large front with only two supply items. And I already used half of my mages or so in the combat, so my research was worse than miserable. Some bad events killed ~60% of population in the capital, so after upkeep I had like 400-500 gold per turn. It was possible to continue the war, but I without some way to gain some gold quickly or without assistance from Midgard _and_ Abysia I had really good chance to became a ruler of wasted land without any ability to recruit. And everybody else was engaged in some type of war.

And Patala just lost. I really do not know what was the reason of this.

mattyburn7 May 31st, 2012 09:27 AM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
Ok. We have a sub for Marignon also. KeithZ is taking over. Thanks Keith!

revenant2 May 31st, 2012 03:43 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Originally Posted by Russian_Comrade (Post 805587)
About Ermor's survival - it was quite simple. I went for his capital, got defeated, lost ~30-40% of my army because of skelespam from ~10 death mages, got another ~30% starved and plauged because I miscalculated. My blessed troops are really difficult to replace, BTW. I had no ability to storm his capital again and to continue the war I had to use almost of my mages - and to use large front with only two supply items. And I already used half of my mages or so in the combat, so my research was worse than miserable. Some bad events killed ~60% of population in the capital, so after upkeep I had like 400-500 gold per turn. It was possible to continue the war, but I without some way to gain some gold quickly or without assistance from Midgard _and_ Abysia I had really good chance to became a ruler of wasted land without any ability to recruit. And everybody else was engaged in some type of war.

And Patala just lost. I really do not know what was the reason of this.

The skellispam helped, but there was a bit more to it. You had 23 protection Ice Guards and Arssartuts with a E9A9N4 bless that made them virtually unstoppable by my chaff -- including summoned skeletons.

The main reason we were able to stop you was because we burned nearly all of our gems to summon a wall of Wailing Ladies that were able to use their AOE soul-slay attack to destroy a good chunk of your melee troops -- especially those uber Ice Guards. Even then, we were only able to kill some of your troops before you cut down my ladies.

The skellispam did help by holding back your forces long enough for the fortress defenses to kill enough of your undead to force a route.

Patala actually did quite well. However, he was sandwiched between Me and R'lyeh and suffered a lot of economic damage that prevented him from mustering a large offensive force. I also focused most of my attention on him since my forces couldn't hurt you.

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