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sushiboat June 23rd, 2005 04:28 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Turn 28

The province tally is: Machaka 28, Ermor 28, Pangaea 19, Marignon 19, Jotunheim 14, Man 13, Arcosephale 13, and Pythium 6. Marignon has a new fort. Pythium's income has declined in the last few turns and is now in 7th place. Gem income increased for Pangaea and Marignon and declined for Pythium. Pangaea is now tied with Arco for third place in research. Ermor rehired both Dagan and Victor's Villains.

Shmonk June 25th, 2005 12:57 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Now the game is starting to get real interesting. The holy troops of Marignon are moving around the various provinces, making sure the populace is devoted to the one true god Fortu.

And finally a few site searching spells worked. Praise Fortu!

I can't wait for the the next turn.... (taps his foot, looking at his watch). http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

sushiboat June 25th, 2005 01:48 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
For those of you who don't check your mail often, Tauren sent a status report. He plans to run turns at 22:00 GMT (6 PM Eastern). He is missing turns from Arcosephale, Jotunheim, and Machaka.

Shmonk June 25th, 2005 09:10 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Well it's past 2200 GMT. Are we still waiting for somebody? Is Ironhawk playing for Machaka, or did it go AI?

Just curious...

The_Tauren13 June 25th, 2005 09:47 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Alneyan found a replacement, but seems to have forgotten to give him his password, and I cant get through to him. I guess Ill go ahead and run the turn anyways.

Agrajag June 26th, 2005 02:07 AM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Bleh, I have a test today (have to go in like 10 minutes), so I completely forgot about last turn, sorry for the stale turn, to anyone who cares or was bothered.
I'll be back in action as of today, once I get back home.


RibbonBlue said:
Jotunheim attacked me, I defeated him then took one of his provinces and a province next to his capital. I am backing away for now.

Good, then I'll back away too meanwhile.

sushiboat June 26th, 2005 09:52 AM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Turn 29

The province tally is: Ermor 30, Machaka 28, Pangaea 17, Marignon 17, Jotunheim 14, Man 14, Arcosephale 13, and Pythium 8. Machaka has a new fort and is now the category leader with a total of four forts. Gem income rose for Pythium and fell for Marignon. Pangaea is now in third place in research. Pangaea and Pythium had substantial losses in army size. Obscuro, the Armored Fist of God, and the Mighty Pak-ur are open for bidding.

Molog June 26th, 2005 10:46 AM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Turn 29

Pythium broke my siege of his capital http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif. Stupid militia only got in the way. He also tried to conquer my retreat provinces, but I expected that http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

I learned some lessons from the battle.

Mighty Pak-Ur is pretty sucky.

Ironhawk June 27th, 2005 12:12 AM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Yeah Pak-Ur is pretty lame. He'd be a half-decent SC if you could equip him, but he's a mercenary so...

sushiboat June 27th, 2005 02:35 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Can a successful Charm spell give you a mercenary commander employed by the enemy? Will that charmed commander be yours permanently, without bidding?

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