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Captain Kwok November 20th, 2006 03:10 PM

Re: Balance Mod AI Treaties
Oops! I forgot that there was an empire data file addition for each AI in the patch. I've updated in my v0.97 beta copy, but it wasn't in the released v0.97 version for SE:V v1.13!

Oh well I'm at work and can't help you until later. You can fix it yourself though by adding the "Empire Name" field (see a stock [Empire]_Main.txt file for example) to each of your Balance Mod empires.

Raapys November 20th, 2006 03:17 PM

Re: Balance Mod AI Treaties
Neat, thanks.

Captain Kwok November 20th, 2006 09:40 PM

Re: Balance Mod Update!

As promised, I've updated the Balance Mod to v0.98! This fixes the Weapon Platform thing (both for players and the AI) and has the AI using Master Computers on large warships and bases - a bonus for you guys! Next up on the agenda is the AI diplomacy update - which I posted about a few messages ago.

I ran 25 turns in both the beta and retail versions and saw no problems with the update - but let me know if you see otherwise. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Balance Mod page:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
Version 0.98 (20 November 2006)

1. Fixed - Error in Weapon Platform requirements prevented their design
2. Fixed - Error in crew requirement amounts for some ship types
3. Changed - All "Weapons Platform" references should now be "Weapon Platform"
4. Added - Default Override_InvConfiguration_Slots.txt to mod
5. Changed - Shield Regenerator component abilities in response to SE:V v1.17 fix
6. Changed - Increased cost of Mechanoids racial trait to 500 points
7. Fixed - AI was not designing Weapon Platforms
8. Added - AI will now use Master Computers for larger designs if available
9. Added - AI fixes for Alliance politics from SE:V v1.17
10. Updated - AI Empire Scripts
</pre><hr />

Suicide Junkie November 21st, 2006 06:23 AM

Re: Balance Mod Update!
I've noted that the scroll rate in combat is painfully slow.
Increasing it by 4x or 5x would be nice.

Suicide Junkie November 21st, 2006 07:01 AM

Re: Balance Mod Update!
1 Attachment(s)
Something went wrong with this treaty offer...

Supposedly a trade and research pact, but there is no trade or research involved http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

MisterBenn November 21st, 2006 07:35 AM

Re: Balance Mod Update!
I thought the Balance Mod additional AI logic for treaties was not in yet, and planned for 0.99? That seems to be the stock behaviour.

Can't wait to get underway with a new game using 1.17 and 0.98!

Captain Kwok November 21st, 2006 09:04 AM

Re: Balance Mod Update!
Yeah, the new treaty scheme is not implemented yet - so it's still using random treaty names.

Raapys November 21st, 2006 06:36 PM

Re: Balance Mod Update!
Small bug. The Organic Large Freighter can currently be brought up to 21 in movement just by filling it with maximum number of Ion engines.

Other 'issues:

Organic/Crystalline races still research both missile and projectile weapons to level 6, and in a few cases a couple of other weapon types up to level 4. This with the Organic/crystal weapon research well on its way. I.e. wasted research points.

AI is still way too slow developing bigger ship sizes. Seeing them flying around with tons of frigates and a few light cruisers at turn 100++ is depressing, especially when many of them have over 50k research points.

Only one out of 5 AIs in my game is dropping satellites/fighters, and that one has only done it at one warp point and 5-10 mixed satellites/fighters.
There's also a code-related problem with the AI not doing other than dumping his fighters/satellites on one side of the warp point, since the AI doesn't bother with moving his units around in sector view. Aaron obviously need to give the AI some sort of ability to place satellites/fighters in a circle around the warp point.

I've also not seen a single mine in the game yet.

In short, though, the AI's performance is still not progressing very well. Perhaps it's fog of war or some such, but something is keeping them from reaching SE4 AI skill and difficulty level. They're simply nowhere near as aggressive as they should be; most of the AI time, even when they're at war, is just spent retrofitting ships and flying between systems, not destroying and conquering other empires like they should be.

Captain Kwok November 21st, 2006 07:43 PM

Re: Balance Mod Update!
Thanks for the report. Can you be more specific on which AIs you are seeing certain behaviors from?

Santiago November 21st, 2006 11:44 PM

Re: Balance Mod Update!
Regarding Mines. I was going to wait on this report. I'm not at home and no pc with the game on it to check this out further. I believe I finished Construction 2? last night, which showed mines as the next available and no mines are available in the design screen. Sorry for the incomplete report but Rappys mentioned it.

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