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Graeme Dice March 9th, 2005 08:38 PM

Re: First data: Abysia

Saber Cherry said:
With undead leadership, you NEED huge amounts for it to be useful, so it is cheap.

Undead leadership also applies to leading demons, which is why it's so valuable.

The_Tauren13 March 9th, 2005 09:04 PM

Re: First data: Abysia
Are you sure priest costs dont already take into account being sacred? I would think 3 magic paths is alot better than 3 priest paths, so if a level 3 priest costs just as much as a level 3 mage, I would hope hes sacred.

Scott Hebert March 9th, 2005 09:14 PM

Re: First data: Abysia

The_Tauren13 said:
Are you sure priest costs dont already take into account being sacred? I would think 3 magic paths is alot better than 3 priest paths, so if a level 3 priest costs just as much as a level 3 mage, I would hope hes sacred.

For myself, I think it does include it. A Holy-3 priest costs 50. 2 in a magic path (which is the equivalent) costs 90 for the first, 60 for the second. Therefore, it is quite inexpensive.

BigDaddy March 9th, 2005 09:19 PM

Re: First data: Abysia
Warlords are more expensive because they are ambidextrous.

Scott Hebert March 9th, 2005 09:23 PM

Re: First data: Abysia

BigDaddy said:
Warlords are more expensive because they are ambidextrous.

Actually, that would push their cost in the wrong direction. Any unit or commander that has 2 or more weapons gets ambidextrous. I cannot see a way to quantify it. Well, I can, but it 'messes up' the math.

Basically, I already have the Warlord costing 15g more than he does. If I add in his ambidextrous ability (at 1.5-2 per point), he'd be about 80g instead of 60g.

The same point could be made about the Slayer.

The_Tauren13 March 9th, 2005 09:47 PM

Re: First data: Abysia
Where are you seeing 50 gold for holy 3? For C'tis its 120, for Caelum its 90 ( yes he has flight and is stealthy, but all Caelum commanders are cheaper then they are worth, including the seraphine ), for Machaka 90, and for Jotunheim its 200!

Seems more like its 50 for holy 2, but like 90 for holy 3,

Scott Hebert March 10th, 2005 01:31 PM

Re: First data: Abysia
From Illwinter's site, Holy-2 is worth 20, Holy-3 is worth 50, and Holy-4 is worth 150. This is what I use.

As for the different costs of different commanders that have Holy-2/3/what-have-you, one of the primary reasons I am going through this analysis is to find out why they are costed differently.

Scott Hebert March 10th, 2005 02:03 PM

More Data: Through Ulm
All right, overnight I have been working through quite a few more of the Commanders. I am done through Ulm (all versions). First, I will list what specials I've encountered, and the costs that seem to approach what fits the observed data.

Heat (including 100% Fire Resistance): 25
Elemental Resistance: 1/10% (100% would be 10)
Survival (any): 5
Amphibious: 10
Sacred (without priest): 20 (guesstimate)
Communion Slave: 20
Mounted: 40 (yeah, go fig)
Cold Blooded: -5
Stealth(0)/Scout: 10
Spy: 20 (incl. Stealth(25-30))
Assassin: 30 (incl. Stealth(5))
Glamour: 15 (probably undercosted)
Recuperation: 5
Forge(25): 10
Drain Immunity: 10
Siege(x): 2x
Defense(x): 2x
Standard(x): .5x
Inquisitor: 10
Summon Wolves: 10
Fortune: 20

All right. I'm going to list commanders by nation/theme, and their 'calculated values', and 'actual values'. Comments will be held until after each nation/theme.

Blood of Humans:

Abysian Commander,43,35
Sanguine Acolyte, 88, 100
*Sanguine Anathemant,218,220

Re: Newt vs. Sanguine Acolyte, they seem like they're about 90g. I think Illwinter decided to give an equal disparity (one goes to 80, the other to 100) to sort of differentiate them.


Atlantian Scout,32,20
Shambler Chief,51,50
Coral Queen,241,230
King of the Deep,287.5,290
*Initiate of the Deep,49,60
*Deep Seer,233,180

The Deep Seer is clearly anomalous. This I do not find to be indicative of an issue with my methods, as the Deep Seer, going from a simplistic 30g+210g (magic) would cost 240g.


Emerald Lord,50,80
Serpent Lord,74,130
Theurg Communicant,47,50
Battle Deacon,47,90
Theurg Acolyte,63,90
Arch Theurg,416.25,380
Hydra Tamer,42,55

The Emerald Lord, Serpent Lord, and Battle Deacon seem to be badly overcosted (which comes as no surprise), while the Theurg and Arch-Theurg are undercosted (again, no real surprise). Something I am noticing is that my method consistently undercosts 1-path mages. Mainly it's because I am trying to 'work out' the 'base 30 cost' that Illwinter lists for commanders.

Pythium Serpent Cult:

Serpent Acolyte,66,80
Serpent Priest,209,190


Lord Warden,85,130
*Daughter of Avalon,128,80
*Mother of Avalon,163,130
*Crone of Avalon,292.5,230

As expected, the Females of Avalon are highly discounted. The Lord Warden is about as bad the other way. As a note, Sacred on commanders really cannot be valued at more than 20 points, because at that point the commander may as well have Holy-2, which gives Sacred for free.

Man Last of the Tuatha:

Sidhe Champion,140,140
Sidhe Lord,277,280

Glamour being 15 points came from these guys, as it made the Sidhe Champion and Sidhe Lord come out right. Somehow, I thought it would be worth more...


Commander of Ulm(any),32,30
Black Lord,79,130
Master Smith,156,140
Siege Engineer,55,50
Priest,29,50 (note: this is the base priest)
*Lord Guardian,47,80

Iron Faith Ulm:

Black Acolyte,28,40
Black Priest,138,140

Black Forest Ulm:

Commander of Ulm,21,40
Ranger Captain,33,45
Illuminated One,61,80
Member of the Second Tier,143,160

That's through Ulm. I'm going out of town this weekend, so I may not be able to update, but I hope to get the rest of the national comanders done by late next week.

If anyone has any questions or comments about the calculated values, ask and I'll go through it for any issues.

BigDaddy March 10th, 2005 04:19 PM

Re: More Data: Through Ulm
There may be some kind of capital only bonus. It seems like the best non-magic guys get a penalty. Emerald Lords, Black Lords, Lord Guardians. I'm not sure why this is, because I would personally like to see more thugs, always more thugs. And then obviously races be various specific bonuses as well (like the daughters of avalon).

Scott Hebert March 10th, 2005 04:31 PM

Re: More Data: Through Ulm
I would agree on the non-magic part. Not so sure with the rest. Even with a 20% reduction in price for capital-only (which is more than most are willing to give, I believe), the Daughter of Avalon is 20g over her actual price.

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