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st.patrik August 29th, 2006 12:55 AM

Re: Silent Seas AAR
1 Attachment(s)
Turn 9
Disaster! The cowardly Caelians attacked my supply lines. Abhiviraja was travelling north with a small group of Bandar when a Caelian army attacked in force. Worst of all, the great hero Abhiviraja, after seeing so many of his brother apes fall, rushed into the fray and died a heroic death. Even his sacrifice was not enough to stem the tide though, and the province was lost. The foul Caelians used mercenaries to disguise their true motives, but nonetheless it is a Caelian flag that flies over Mazovia tonight.

But it will not end this way. Devasura will lead a force to cut off their supply line, and meet any reinforcements they should try to send. Divya the Guru will take a contingent of Yavanas and attack the current province these pathetic mercenaries are squatting in, and finally Boreda, my newly recruited Yakshini, will bring a group of Yavana to the province Caelum is most likely to attack next, in hopes of giving him an unpleasant surprise.

I need to bolster research - I'll get nowhere at this rate. I call on another Yogi, in addition to the regular set of Yavanas. Now if T'ien Ch'i can just stay quiet, and I can get my troops in position, maybe I can put some serious pressure on Caelum and win some fertile and rich provinces.


Yakshinis are gifted in Water Magic, and a little Nature, and in this case, some Earth. More importantly right now, they are priests. Here's Boreda, wearing scandalously little. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...32-Boreda9.jpg

Nerfix August 29th, 2006 03:12 AM

Re: Silent Seas AAR
Nice little empire you go there!

Hmm, the early Caelum flag looks....unusual. A sun? Aren't they cold-lovers in the start? Tell me something about them.

st.patrik August 29th, 2006 10:14 AM

Re: Silent Seas AAR
turn 10
Everything went according to plan except for 2 small things: The mercenaries instead of attacking my weakest province (like I figured they would) attacked my capitol! Thankfully my provincial defence was enough to send them packing. My Markatas rushed towards the cowardly mercenary Ichtyids, after which they died (quite quickly) sacrificing themselves for the greater good. The happy by-product of this is that it is a lot quieter around the palace, and hopefully that means the yogis can figure out how to use some of these magical gems to call for reinforcements from other planes.

The second hiccup is that the Caelians attacked the province from which I launched the attack with another force, which (since I left the province all but empty) quickly overran my defences. I am sending Boreda the scantily clad Yakshini, and Divya the Guru up there to solve the problem, while Devasura hangs out defending the frontline province he's in. Next turn I will recruit a Yaksha and hopefully then I will have three fairly powerful raiding groups, which combined could storm the Caelian city.

Chabila's replacement, Balakrit, is heading south and investigating independant provinces near T'ien Ch'i. Hopefully he will provide some useful information, like that Vanheim and T'ien Ch'i are at war.

Nerfix August 29th, 2006 10:49 AM

Re: Silent Seas AAR
For some reason I missed turn 9.

I believe that Boreda is the first lvl 1 priest I have seen so far. Interesting.

Best of luck against Caelum, but say, could you tell me what the Early Era (this is it right?) Caelum is like?

quantum_mechani August 29th, 2006 01:50 PM

Re: Silent Seas AAR

Nerfix said:
I believe that Boreda is the first lvl 1 priest I have seen so far. Interesting.

Level 1 priests in dom3 are basically the same as lvl 2 ones in dom2, there was really no reason for the levels to start at two other than confuse new players. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

st.patrik August 29th, 2006 02:31 PM

Re: Silent Seas AAR

Nerfix said:
could you tell me what the Early Era (this is it right?) Caelum is like?

Early Era Caelum is before the time that the clans split apart, and instead of being ruled by the cold-resistant kind of Caelians is ruled by the Eagle Kings, one of which you'll see in an upcoming post.

st.patrik August 29th, 2006 02:33 PM

Re: Silent Seas AAR
1 Attachment(s)
turn 11
Things are looking good. My Yogis finally unearthed some arcane lore of value (although limited value) in their research, and my armies managed to defeat the Caelians in the province they attacked. The Caelians did not offer a counter-attack.

This month I will consolidate my position, and perhaps assault the Caelum home province next month. I am sending Divya the Guru home from the front lines. He really isn't up to the exertion of combat. The funny thing is that he's 52 years old, which is getting on for a monkey, yet Boreda, who he's with at the moment, is 266 years old, yet looks like half his age. Devasura is 559 years old!


On the way home Divya will check a couple of provinces for magic sites that might be hidden to the untrained eye. The best thing would be a site that would provide some astral pearls, which are the required sacrifice to entice more of the Yakshas to join the war in this corporeal world.

T'ien Ch'i once again has a few too many men for comfort on the border. I will send a Yogi down there with a few troops just in case.

st.patrik August 29th, 2006 02:38 PM

Re: Silent Seas AAR
1 Attachment(s)
turn 12
One year has passed since I first became dimly aware of the world which in the future I will rule. A lot has happened since then: both of those who first stepped forward to serve me are dead - Chabila, murdered by orientals in the deep south, and Abhiviraja, killed by a band of vicious mercenaries hired by Caelum. Their blood will be repaid in like kind a thousand fold.

Yet their sacrifice has not been in vain: now my kingdom extends well beyond its initial bounds, and the cowardly Caelians are hiding in their supposedly impregnable mountain-top city. My frustration is primarily that I have not yet broken free to enter the fight personally. This month those sad pretenders who had been too lazy to do anything so far finally entered the world. Unfortunately those of us who have to overcome obstacles to break into the world are still imprisoned, held tantalizingly in view, yet unable to touch.

Militarily this month was quiet. The Caelians stayed home to lick their wounds; T'ien Ch'i wisely thought better of attacking. My military build-up continues, this time with the addition of Anuprabha, a Yaksha gifted even more than is normal with skill in Earth magic. He will lead a group of Yavanas up to the front line who will hopefully be enough to contain the miserable Caelians in their pathetic little coop. But I think he probably needs to wait another turn first, to wait for a few more troops.

Boreda is not just a pretty face - she found two magic sites while holding the front line! Actually I guess it's probably one really big magic site, since they both proclaim to be The Endless Forest. The important thing is that they give me some astral and nature gems.

I think the time has come to attack Caelum's home province. Devasura and Boreda will lead in their armies in, a process that is made easier by the ability to see what forces are moving into a province, even if they are coming from different locations (see screenshot below). They will co-ordinate their attack and hopefully beat the Caelian defence without too much trouble. If the can siege the city the Caelians will be on a defensive footing, which is exactly where I want them. I may even be able to persuade the local population to renounce their false god and turn to me willingly.


silhouette August 29th, 2006 02:39 PM

Re: Silent Seas AAR
Thanks for posting your AAR here; it's a great way to preview.

Shall we start a Typo/Grammar thread already? In Yakshini, I assume that both those which left and stayed are plural, so "... the most powerful of them HAVE left this world...", and also "... the few that still LINGER on..."


st.patrik August 29th, 2006 02:41 PM

Re: Silent Seas AAR

silhouette said:
Thanks for posting your AAR here; it's a great way to preview.

Shall we start a Typo/Grammar thread already? In Yakshini, I assume that both those which left and stayed are plural, so "... the most powerful of them HAVE left this world...", and also "... the few that still LINGER on..."


Actually this error has already been caught, though it may or may not have made it into the gold code.

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