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BigJMoney October 8th, 2006 02:09 AM

Re: Manual Typos
On page 77 under Missile Combat there is an inconsistency that is making missile deviation calculation difficult to comprehend. "The amount of deviation is equal to the range multiplied by 1.25 / Precision." Yet, in the example below that, the "divided by Precision" part is left out; it's simply 8 x 1.25 = 10. 10 is a lot different than 10/Precision! (In the example the precision was 10).

The difference is pretty big. For example, a unit with Precision 17 can fire with no deviation up to a range of 10 squares. However, once he hits 11 squares, either the max deviation is 13.75 (13?), or 0.57 (0?). If it's the latter, then technically he can fire with no deviation up to 19 squares away, because it's less than 1.


Fate October 8th, 2006 03:02 PM

Re: Manual Typos
In the tutorial it says that conquering the sea province will increase capitol resources due to the fort, but it says land forts do not take from sea provinces on page 36.

Another minor thing would be an explanation of summonable randoms (or, if they are totally random, a disclaimer stating that in the key), as the only other way to find out is via game files.

Truper October 9th, 2006 03:42 PM

Re: Manual Typos
Spell Index, page 149. Fire Shield is listed as Ench 1 when it is actually Ench 3.

Twan October 10th, 2006 10:15 PM

Re: Manual Typos
Error in the text or in the game :

The manual and the introduction page for Ct'is say that Ct'is (miasma) prefer heat scale +1.

The dominion screen when you create a pretender for Ct'is say they prefer heat scale +2.

hoo October 10th, 2006 10:21 PM

Re: Manual Typos
Page 213: Haruspex says it conducts a Search for "EARTH magic". I believe that's suppose to be for nature.

Same page: Augury spell: Search sites of "Earth Magic", but I believe it's supposed to be fire.

Cut and paste gremlin I suspect.

Page 233:

In the light of Northern Star spell description, there is a small conversation about the actual effects of the spell.

Manual is fantastic.

Taqwus October 12th, 2006 02:44 PM

Re: Manual Typos
Table of Abbreviations mentions FWAESDNBHU. There is no U anymore.

Possible omission, definite vagueness: Gift of Kurgi trait list does not mention Feeblemind (or was this removed? I don't have a good-enough Blood mage to check), and simply says "Dangerous". Granted, vagueness might be apropos here.

Taqwus October 12th, 2006 02:46 PM

Re: Manual Typos
Omission: 'Strength Not Added' is fairly important to know re weapons, ex. Rod of Death.

Endoperez October 15th, 2006 02:08 PM

Re: Manual Typos
Magical hearts don't mention that they cause Chest Wound afflictions

Peter Ebbesen October 15th, 2006 03:10 PM

Re: Manual Typos
Ashen Empire's Soul Gate is neither listed in the Grimoire index, nor the Grimoire itself.

Wraith Senator is listed as having H3 (page 191) - he has H2 in the relase version.

Wraith Consul is listed as having H4 (page 172) - he has H3 in the release version. He is also listed as being a summon generally accessible through death magic - hence his location on page 172, but the Wraith Consul belongs in the Ashen Empire national summons on page ~191.

Cainehill October 16th, 2006 12:31 PM

Re: Manual Typos

Not exactly a typo, but :

Couldn't the manual's spell lists and whatnot have been sorted in _some_ fashion? They're not alphabetical. They're not sorted by school of magic, or by magic level. Sometimes an Alt-3 spell is listed after an Alt-5 spell, all mixed with with Enchantment spells.

Makes it tedious / irritating when you're searching for a spell, and because of random(1) ordering, there's no logical way to quickly find the spells.

Similarly, is there any reason the Table of Contents & Index couldn't have been filled out a little better? ( _Why_ is the Dominions 3 Spell Index on page 143, instead of in the back of the book where the skeletal index is? )

Table of Contents could've/should've had something like :

Summoning Rituals
* Air Summonings
* Astral Summonings
* Blood

As well as having the national summonings mentioned, especially since once again there's zero rhyme or reason in the ordering of the nations : once again it's not alphabetical, nor is Early/Middle/Late age for the same "base" nation always grouped together.

(1) Possibly it's not really random, but if for instance it goes by the spell's ID number, that's essentially random when it comes to the players trying to use the manual as a reference.

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