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AngleWyrm November 7th, 2006 09:16 AM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out

18. Fixed - Crew were too strong in defense of a ship during ship capture.

Has anyone successfully boarded a ship that has crew? If so, please do tell, because my attempts have not succeeded, and so I don't understand this bullet.

Captain Kwok November 7th, 2006 10:39 AM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out

AngleWyrm said:Has anyone successfully boarded a ship that has crew? If so, please do tell, because my attempts have not succeeded, and so I don't understand this bullet.

I think Aaron thought he fixed in *code* but probably didn't actually try it out to see if it work - which it doesn't and is probably even worse than before.

Spoo November 7th, 2006 11:21 AM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out

AngleWyrm said:
EDIT: I have tried setting "Space Combat Crew Boarding Strength := 0.001" (down from 0.1) and it didn't seem to make a difference. Setting it up to 1 (up from 0.1) made the boarding icon disappear within about ten seconds.

What about setting it to 0?

President_Elect_Shang November 7th, 2006 11:58 AM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out

Spoo said:
What about setting it to 0?

I was wondering this too, but just for bug testing purposes. If it works I would say the problem has more to do with math than broken programming. If boarding still doesn’t work when it’s set to zero then my guess would be the programming is the culprit. Then again I am not a programmer; my experience is limited to the Java I am taking now so I can teach it later.

Zereth November 7th, 2006 11:58 AM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out
The current problem appears to be that crew simply aren't dying unless they lose life support/crew quarters. Apparently the marines are dying in combat, but the crew is invincibile.

So I'd guess setting it to 0 would have the battle rage on, with the crew unable to kill the marines due to being wimpy, while the marines being unable to kill the crew and thus take over due to the fact that the code for that simply doesn't work.

Phoenix-D November 7th, 2006 12:44 PM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out

Spoo said:
What about setting it to 0?

Doesn't help. The crew simply can't be killed no matter how much overkill you've got (I had 50 crew against 500,000 boarding parties- the crew lost..)

Kana November 7th, 2006 03:13 PM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out
Well it sound like it a problem with the crew units. In SE4 it was just boarding attack, and boarding defense. These are in SE5, but there is a new variable, which is the crew, that doesnt seem to be using boarding defense correctly.

Are the crew numbers tracked seperately? Is it done just by the crew quarters, and/or life support?

dmm November 7th, 2006 04:39 PM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out
Although the boarding bug is REALLY annoying, it sounds like a stupid little programming error that will be easy to fix once found. Aaron will be embarrassed at his own stupidity (just like I have been many times). So, short term: AAARGH! but long term: don't sweat it.

dmm November 7th, 2006 04:41 PM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out
OT: Cool, the spellcheck feature saved me from being embarassed by poor spelling. Suggest some of you check it out. (You know who you are!)

Noble713 November 7th, 2006 05:02 PM

Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out

Phoenix-D said:
Emssive armor works.

Hmmm, I don't know what's wrong then. I have infantry weapons that only do 1-2 damage, and vehicle emissive armor that blocks <=3 damage, but the vehicles still take damage... I'll have to run more tests when I get home.

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