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-   -   Worthy Heroes Mod(Version 1.7b! Hydra bug fixed) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=31818)

Jack_Trowell December 12th, 2006 06:34 AM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
I all from a mod for better heroes, and tried your mod (when it was version 1.4, tried with luck3 arco), and there's some things that annoy me :
(note that I only tried with one nation, maybe other nations , or more recent version, are different)

- Seems like you gave 3 misc slots for *all* heroes ? While I'm for giving more punch to some heroes (mainly figter types), 3 misc slots is something not even humanoid pretenders get, making it, from my point of view, unthematic and out of place.
(Of course non humanoid heeroes can have a special distribution of items slots, but here I'm talking about standard heroes like Daidalos, or the Hierophant, or Pathos)

- Seems like you gave major boost to most heroes, even thoses that were already better mages that their national equivalent.

For exemple (I tried Arco, remenber), the Hierophant is already a useful good mage whith one in each element path as well as being a priest (1 or 2), and having S2 or S3 if I remind correctly

Your version (1.4) has nature magic as well, wich he should not have according to its backstory (he was supposed to have tried to learn all (arco) magic and failed only for healing (ie : nature) magic, never able to restore is 'manhood')
And if i remind correctly, you also gave him a forge bonus (why thematically ? Do you want to give a forge bonus to all mage heroes ?), and maybe an increase in existing path (this, I'm not sure).

Added with the 3 misc slots, I fell more like I'm cheating that using a mod.

For fighter heroes (the monster in the maze, and Pathos the son of titants), exept for the 3 misc slots they seemed fine.

Maybe arco heroes are not a good exemple of the general changes that you made and I should try with other nations (and more recent version) ?

Turin December 12th, 2006 07:30 AM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
Thanks for the feedback Jack.

Regarding Orokestes: I added the nature magic in 1.4 as a means to combat his old age problem(#older mod commands werenīt working back then), but it is pretty unthematic and I will remove it in the next version.

I gave him the forgebonus, so that he actually plays an improtant role in the game.
Without it he is just another mystic, who got all his randoms in pretty useless lvl 1 paths and an additional air. That doesnīt really add much to the nation.
With the forge bonus, you might actually think about empowering him to craft better artifact and he becomes an interesting unit.
The thematic reason is that he simply learned much of magic and picked up some tricks in item forging on the way.

Basegame almost all hero mages from dom2 are national mages with just one extra random and sometimes national mages are even better than them.
The dom3 heroes added by Ilwinter change this and are powerhouses magicwise(examples: Tjatse, Kirke, Malphas, Zilammu), so I feel that the old dom2 mage heroes should be
significantly better/different to their dom2 counterparts as well.

Regarding the misc slots: They are mostly a benefit to the fighter heroes, so you can equip them better, which brings them closer to the firbolg/banelord level I am aiming for. Itīs usually not necessary/costeffective to trick out mage heroes, so the slots could be dropped for them.
I feel that the two misc slot limitation is pretty arbitrary, since those are trinkets like rings/amulets, feathers etc.
You should be able to carry more than two of those and it serves as an identifier for which units are heroes and which arenīt.

Wauthan December 12th, 2006 11:57 AM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
Thanks for the update Turin. Glad you keep up the good effort.

When I run your mod together with my own silly heores mod I now average one new hero every seven turns. Guess heroes crawl out of the woodwork when gods walk the lands. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

I've altered your heroes a bit though, to mesh better with my parade of disgruntled menhirs, teleporting militiamen and other freaks of fantasy. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Jack_Trowell December 12th, 2006 01:31 PM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4

Turin said:
Thanks for the feedback Jack.

Regarding Orokestes: I added the nature magic in 1.4 as a means to combat his old age problem(#older mod commands werenīt working back then), but it is pretty unthematic and I will remove it in the next version.



I gave him the forgebonus, so that he actually plays an improtant role in the game.

He was already strictly superior to a standard mystic, and is a priest. Seemed like already good for me (however it's true that if he come with old age, he lose much then)


Without it he is just another mystic, who got all his randoms in pretty useless lvl 1 paths and an additional air.

Doesn't he came with +S3 too ?

And having already *all* randoms *and* one more path *and* priest levels should be enought I think.


That doesnīt really add much to the nation.
With the forge bonus, you might actually think about empowering him to craft better artifact and he becomes an interesting unit.

With all elements, he is already useful :

- he's a really good recipient for a ring of wizardry
- with some empowerment and/or path boosting items, he can forge an elemental staff, and gain another level in *all* elemental paths

I already made him a mini-rainbow mage, useful for site-searching (akashic record is good, but 25 astral gems could be better used later in game), and yes, forging magic items.

Note also that with only one empowerment to air, you can cast auspex, opening a potential source of air magic that is not natural for arco.


The thematic reason is that he simply learned much of magic and picked up some tricks in item forging on the way.

A mage with a total of 8/9 rank in all magic combined (including holy) seems already to me someone with a lots of magic.

But i can live with it if it's something that specific to him and maybe a few other heroes, and not a discount on forge bonus for all mage heroes. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif


Basegame almost all hero mages from dom2 are national mages with just one extra random and sometimes national mages are even better than them.

I agree fully that a hero should at least be a perfect version of its base model (like a mage that would have all path of its nation) or have at least a small boost (highter path, or access to a path of magic not usually available for its nation)


The dom3 heroes added by Ilwinter change this and are powerhouses magicwise(examples: Tjatse, Kirke, Malphas, Zilammu), so I feel that the old dom2 mage heroes should be
significantly better/different to their dom2 counterparts as well.

I will have to compare. Maybe my first impression of your mod has been partially incorrect because for me the hierophant is already a useful hero (but not overpowered, and there's the misc slots part).

I will look to what you've done to others heroes and try to give more feedback


Regarding the misc slots: They are mostly a benefit to the fighter heroes, so you can equip them better, which brings them closer to the firbolg/banelord level I am aiming for. Itīs usually not necessary/costeffective to trick out mage heroes, so the slots could be dropped for them.
I feel that the two misc slot limitation is pretty arbitrary, since those are trinkets like rings/amulets, feathers etc.
You should be able to carry more than two of those and it serves as an identifier for which units are heroes and which arenīt.

Yes 2 misc slots for humanoids is arbitrary, I agree, but it's part of the whole vanilla game.

For a hero mod, I look more to something like Zne conceptual balance for dom2 : changing thinks but trying to keep the vanilla flavor.

If humanoid heroes start having 3 misc slots, then why not pretenders or some commanders or summons ?

I'd like for the fighter heroes to be more useful, but I think there's better way to do it

Some suggestions :

- some bonus additionnal attack (i think the mod flag is #bonus no ?). Could be a special martial arts attack (such as the secondary attack of the kappas, or even a kick attack), a paralyse/stun attack (may be a net, a pstunning fist, etc ...), or something else, depending on the hero concept

- Maybe more magic items as initial equipment (I know that you don't get all bonuses from magic items added like that)

- better combat values (attack, defence, HP, etc ...) and or special abilities (berserk is always easy to give or increase to most fighters, stealth , and maybe spying/increase unrest, assassin).

- maybe a rank of two of magic for some heroes (to cast some basic combat buffs on themeslves)

- for great leaders, a "summon allies" would be thematic :
if the hero was able to summon one unit per turn (think elite sacred unit usually), it wouldn't be overpowered, but it would be something that would make the hero really usefull (one more sacred unit per turn, and it would allow you to recruit ponctually some sacred capitol-only unit far from the capitol during a campain)

when a hero is supposed to be the leader of an elite force, this would be ther perfect ability.

A variant would be a charimatic hero that would draw to him low level units (the summon ability would summon several units, but they wouldn't be sacred or powerful ones)

Exemples :

- the antlered shaman hero from EA Ulm, supposed to have trained more steel warriors that any other shamans, could be able to summon one /turn (note that if you do that, you can't use him to research or forge items)

- A general hero (maybe multiple) could recruit basic units (lots of cannon fodder like militia, or some (2~3) medium or heavy infantry) from its nation

Of course this should not be used for all warriors type heroes, but there are several that could use this ability.

Ygorl December 13th, 2006 05:01 AM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
Looks very nice!
It would be great to see late Atlantis get some more love... The assassins you've made look quite nice, but the tupilak rider is pretty worthless. It wouldn't really be thematic to make him buffer, but since he rides a tupilak maybe he should get huge mapmove? That would make him waaaay better... (he'd also need flying, maybe stealth? Maybe also let the tupilak fight?)
Hey, I like these ideas... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Maybe they could also get the Caelian who taught them how to iceforge?

HoneyBadger December 13th, 2006 05:40 AM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
Since Jurri mentioned the Polypal Mother, and her lack of individual usefulness, possibly consider that she spawn a third type of Aboleth-aside from standard and gibodai. A couple of extra hero-mothers could similarly spawn the third kind, which could perhaps open up another strategy for Aboleth-kind. Maybe the ones that the Mother spawns are sacred-opening up bless-strategy for Aboleths. Maybe a hero type spawns amphibious spawn while another hero type spawns that have a small amount of poison damage (like 1 point of weak poison) and then explode like a much-reduced-in-power-Medallion-of-Vengeance-except-poison-instead-of-fire effect (say area effect weakest poison). I could see lots of hero-mother possibilities here that could really open Aboleth up, and since they're each the result of a unique hero, they can be more fun without having to totally take a bow to balancing.

Also, I'm sorry to see Sedna didn't make the cut, was she just too powerful?

Turin December 13th, 2006 05:59 PM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
regarding orokestes: heīs actually a pretty bad example for the way I modded mages, because he is a relict from dom2. In dom2 mystics had astral 2 and 3 in elemental paths, with one elemental path combined and a maximum of 3 in a single path.
Now they are badly nerfed with an average of only 3,5 magic paths and a maximum of 2.
So right now the unmodded orokestes wouldnīt need any more buffs to be vastly superior to a mystic, but even modded he isnīt a particularly powerful mage, so Iīd rather leave him in his modded state.
Compared to tjatse an a3w3d3h2 niefel jarl that can shapechange into an eagle with a4, or kirke with w2s2n4d4, heal troops and glamour, he really is a weakling.

Regarding the misc slots: I still feel that they fit on heroes, after all heroes are usually the ones that deck themselves out with magic items in traditional rpgs and it gives you more freedom to design your hero, so I think the change generally adds to the enjoyment.
I should remove it on a couple of the new multiheroes though, where versions exist with the standard amount of slots.
Sadly a summon allies ability is currently not moddable, it would make for tons of interesting heroes.

Good point regarding the rider. I will probably make him into an assassin with mapmove 4 and all possible survivals. Flying seems to be a bit much of a stretch.
Caelian hero is another good point.

As i said above summon allies sadly isnīt possible at the moment. Sedna didnīt make the cut, because itīs not possible to mod names at the moment and I want unique heroes to generally have a unique name, unless they are themselves fairly generic like the commander of the living pillars.

Stryke11 December 14th, 2006 04:31 PM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
Ygorl said: "Maybe they could also get the Caelian who taught them how to iceforge?"

That would RULE.

Maybe in a later patch there will be more freedom as to what's moddable.

Jack_Trowell December 14th, 2006 04:57 PM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
If I remind correctly LA atlantis backstory, they were not taught the secret of ice-crafting, they stole it by "interrogating" captured Caelians, but I might have misunderstood

Ygorl December 15th, 2006 07:29 PM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
I suggested flight since the tupilak can transform into a raven. If it's a normal-sized raven, of course, it would be a little ridiculous; a tupilak-sized raven, though...
It would look pretty funny in battle to see a bear with a rider fly, also.

And yup, you're right, Jack. Coerced from Caelian captives it was... I still like the hero idea, though - maybe there's a way to work it in. How about something like the following (I put brackets in where I didn't know the numbers):

#newmonster [whatever]
#name "Angra the Broken Seraph"
#copystats [caelian seraph]
#copysprite [caelian seraph]
#gcost 1
#mor 8
#mr 13
#magicskill [air] 3
#forgebonus 25
#[the extra misc slot that you've been giving to heroes]
#descr "When his settlement party was captured and interrogated by Atlanteans, the flighty and weak-willed Angra was the first to break down. He revealed the secrets of ice forging, and now sullenly serves his new masters."

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