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Jack_Trowell January 26th, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: Ok, here\'s one that\'s ready to go.

Cor said:
I am not yet ready to spend the time to learn how to mod provinces, maybe soon. However I will throw my ideas out and see if anyone wants to do the actual work.

Provinces are like nations. So what about a nation that was like Switzerland in WWII? Every citizen is expected to take up arms against attack. I would use 2000 thralls to represent peasants and after you conqure it the population would be very small, in the hundreds. I could have magic sites that produce gold , gold mine etc.

Hum, too few population with 2000 units would make them starve ... unless we equip some commanders with supply items of course.

Taqwus January 26th, 2007 04:15 PM

Random impulses
It should be noted that I have a weird sense of humor.

New Innsmouth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Required terrains :
Mad Deep One x10
Madman x20
Mad Hybrid x20
Commanders :
Mad Priest x2
Hybrid Cultist x1
Strange House in the Mist
Haunted Village

Rossum's Retreat
Required terrains:
Land (any)
20x Mechanical Men
1x Mechanical Man with a Crown of Command
The Factory
The Abandoned Laboratory

Titan's Doom
Required terrains:
Six Lammashastas (former jailers)
Six Ashen Angels (former jailers)
One Tartarian Titan with the Tartarian Chains, a Pendant of Luck, and a really bad 'tude
Broken Tower
Banefire Braziers
Mount Chaining (!)


Required Terrains:
20x Machaka Hoplites
20x Machaka Archer
20x Machaka Militia
One Colossal Fetish
One Black Sorceror
One Voice of the Lord
The Forgotten City
The Temple of the Raging God

HoneyBadger January 26th, 2007 04:43 PM

Province Reset
Ok, I've gone back and edited the provinces, so hopefully they can be added without too much difficulty.

I wasn't 100% sure about some of the sites I added, so if any don't feel "right", please let me know.

I do want them to be powerful, though, and I've actually increased the danger of some of the sites, significantly. These are intended (since that's the kind of game I like) to be played on very large maps with lots of opponents. I intentionally left the Forge Lord alone, he's mostly there for show, and he's got a Rod of the Phoenix to use for offense/defense.

The rewards are large, but it requires a large, and human, commitment to take them. That's another thing-these are designed to be difficult for a human to take, and they should repel any single AI attack, however large.

That's just the way I roll.

Jack_Trowell January 26th, 2007 05:12 PM

Re: Province Reset
Thanks HoneyBadger and Taqwus, I have copied your provinces infos and will add them soon to the online tool.
(sorry I don't add them immediatly, but I'm currently in a coding phase for my map editor)

Cor January 26th, 2007 05:18 PM

Re: Ok, here\'s one that\'s ready to go.
Name Gaia's Throne
Required terrains : forest large
Units: Kathartic Lions, Bears, wolves, giant spiders, moose etc.
Commanders : druids, Earth mother
Sites: Level 4 Nature

HoneyBadger January 26th, 2007 05:23 PM

Re: Ok, here\'s one that\'s ready to go.
Name: Forest of Avarran
Required Terrain: forest
Commander type: druid armed with bloodthorn x9
Commander type: boar lord armed with axe of sharpness, black steel armour, horned helmet, black steel tower shield, ring of regeneration, amulet of reinvigoration x18.
Unit type: bloodslave x27

Mother Oak

Cor January 26th, 2007 05:30 PM

Re: Ok, here\'s one that\'s ready to go.

Jack_Trowell said:
Hum, too few population with 2000 units would make them starve ... unless we equip some commanders with supply items of course.

Thanks, I did not know indy troops could starve.

NTJedi January 26th, 2007 05:34 PM

Re: Ok, here\'s one that\'s ready to go.

Cor said:

Thanks, I did not know indy troops could starve.

Yes, when creating a map just give one of the commanders the enormous broth and/or the bag of wine... depending on how many units you've placed. Or adding a nature mage if it fits the theme of the province.

Edi January 26th, 2007 05:36 PM

Re: Ok, here\'s one that\'s ready to go.
Warning: Do NOT put lammashtas in a province as garrison. They have special behavior, just like Bogus and company who can target commanders and mages. The lammashta special behavior is to kill EVERYTHING in the province other than lammashtas, so they will start with the nearest and work their way from there. Much like the lobsters that result from Atlantean war lobsters having their riders killed. They'll attack anything and everything (including each other)

Ashen angels also have special behavior, and theirs is annoying: They, like gladiators, will leave after battle. You can't keep them. Couldn't in Dom2 anyway.


Jack_Trowell January 26th, 2007 05:47 PM

Re: Ok, here\'s one that\'s ready to go.

Cor said:
Name Gaia's Throne
Required terrains : forest large
Units: Kathartic Lions, Bears, wolves, giant spiders, moose etc.
Commanders : druids, Earth mother
Sites: Level 4 Nature

Thanks, but I would need the list to be somewhat more precise : what units do you want as commanders/bodyguards/normal, and how much of each .

For the special site(s, you have the list at http://www.dom3minions.com/docs/sites.txt (or you can just note the name of a site you liked when playing the game)

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